blob: aa61b57b9d23adad4505d9ce246181413cbfcbf8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.sysds.test.functions.mlcontext;
import static org.apache.sysds.api.mlcontext.ScriptFactory.dml;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset;
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row;
import org.apache.spark.sql.RowFactory;
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession;
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataType;
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataTypes;
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructField;
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.apache.sysds.api.mlcontext.FrameFormat;
import org.apache.sysds.api.mlcontext.FrameMetadata;
import org.apache.sysds.api.mlcontext.Matrix;
import org.apache.sysds.api.mlcontext.Script;
import org.apache.sysds.conf.ConfigurationManager;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.ValueType;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.spark.utils.RDDConverterUtils;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.meta.MatrixCharacteristics;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.DataConverter;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.UtilFunctions;
import org.apache.sysds.test.TestConfiguration;
import org.apache.sysds.test.TestUtils;
public class DataFrameVectorScriptTest extends MLContextTestBase
private final static String TEST_DIR = "functions/mlcontext/";
private final static String TEST_NAME = "DataFrameConversion";
private final static String TEST_CLASS_DIR = TEST_DIR + DataFrameVectorScriptTest.class.getSimpleName() + "/";
//schema restriction: single vector included
private final static ValueType[] schemaStrings = new ValueType[]{ValueType.UNKNOWN, ValueType.STRING, ValueType.STRING, ValueType.STRING};
private final static ValueType[] schemaDoubles = new ValueType[]{ValueType.FP64, ValueType.FP64, ValueType.UNKNOWN, ValueType.FP64};
private final static ValueType[] schemaMixed1 = new ValueType[]{ValueType.UNKNOWN, ValueType.INT64, ValueType.STRING, ValueType.FP64, ValueType.INT64};
private final static ValueType[] schemaMixed2 = new ValueType[]{ValueType.STRING, ValueType.UNKNOWN, ValueType.FP64};
private final static int rows1 = 2245;
private final static int colsVector = 7;
private final static double sparsity1 = 0.9;
private final static double sparsity2 = 0.1;
private final static double eps=0.0000000001;
public void setUp() {
addTestConfiguration(TEST_NAME, new TestConfiguration(TEST_CLASS_DIR, TEST_NAME, new String[] {"A", "B"}));
public void testVectorStringsConversionIDDenseUnknown() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaStrings, true, false, true);
public void testVectorDoublesConversionIDDenseUnknown() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaDoubles, true, false, true);
public void testVectorMixed1ConversionIDDenseUnknown() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaMixed1, true, false, true);
public void testVectorMixed2ConversionIDDenseUnknown() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaMixed2, true, false, true);
public void testVectorStringsConversionIDDense() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaStrings, true, false, false);
public void testVectorDoublesConversionIDDense() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaDoubles, true, false, false);
public void testVectorMixed1ConversionIDDense() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaMixed1, true, false, false);
public void testVectorMixed2ConversionIDDense() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaMixed2, true, false, false);
public void testVectorStringsConversionIDSparseUnknown() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaStrings, true, true, true);
public void testVectorDoublesConversionIDSparseUnknown() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaDoubles, true, true, true);
public void testVectorMixed1ConversionIDSparseUnknown() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaMixed1, true, true, true);
public void testVectorMixed2ConversionIDSparseUnknown() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaMixed2, true, true, true);
public void testVectorStringsConversionIDSparse() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaStrings, true, true, false);
public void testVectorDoublesConversionIDSparse() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaDoubles, true, true, false);
public void testVectorMixed1ConversionIDSparse() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaMixed1, true, true, false);
public void testVectorMixed2ConversionIDSparse() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaMixed2, true, true, false);
public void testVectorStringsConversionDenseUnknown() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaStrings, false, false, true);
public void testVectorDoublesConversionDenseUnknown() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaDoubles, false, false, true);
public void testVectorMixed1ConversionDenseUnknown() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaMixed1, false, false, true);
public void testVectorMixed2ConversionDenseUnknown() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaMixed2, false, false, true);
public void testVectorStringsConversionDense() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaStrings, false, false, false);
public void testVectorDoublesConversionDense() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaDoubles, false, false, false);
public void testVectorMixed1ConversionDense() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaMixed1, false, false, false);
public void testVectorMixed2ConversionDense() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaMixed2, false, false, false);
public void testVectorStringsConversionSparseUnknown() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaStrings, false, true, true);
public void testVectorDoublesConversionSparseUnknown() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaDoubles, false, true, true);
public void testVectorMixed1ConversionSparseUnknown() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaMixed1, false, true, true);
public void testVectorMixed2ConversionSparseUnknown() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaMixed2, false, true, true);
public void testVectorStringsConversionSparse() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaStrings, false, true, false);
public void testVectorDoublesConversionSparse() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaDoubles, false, true, false);
public void testVectorMixed1ConversionSparse() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaMixed1, false, true, false);
public void testVectorMixed2ConversionSparse() {
testDataFrameScriptInput(schemaMixed2, false, true, false);
private void testDataFrameScriptInput(ValueType[] schema, boolean containsID, boolean dense, boolean unknownDims) {
//TODO fix inconsistency ml context vs jmlc register Xf
//generate input data and setup metadata
int cols = schema.length + colsVector - 1;
double sparsity = dense ? sparsity1 : sparsity2;
double[][] A = TestUtils.round(getRandomMatrix(rows1, cols, -10, 1000, sparsity, 2373));
MatrixBlock mbA = DataConverter.convertToMatrixBlock(A);
int blksz = ConfigurationManager.getBlocksize();
MatrixCharacteristics mc1 = new MatrixCharacteristics(rows1, cols, blksz, mbA.getNonZeros());
MatrixCharacteristics mc2 = unknownDims ? new MatrixCharacteristics() : new MatrixCharacteristics(mc1);
//create input data frame
Dataset<Row> df = createDataFrame(spark, mbA, containsID, schema);
// Create full frame metadata, and empty frame metadata
FrameMetadata meta = new FrameMetadata(containsID ? FrameFormat.DF_WITH_INDEX :
FrameFormat.DF, mc2.getRows(), mc2.getCols());
FrameMetadata metaEmpty = new FrameMetadata();
//run scripts and obtain result
Script script1 = dml(
"Xm = as.matrix(Xf);")
.in("Xf", df, meta).out("Xm");
Script script2 = dml(
"Xm = as.matrix(Xf);")
.in("Xf", df, metaEmpty).out("Xm"); // empty metadata
Matrix Xm1 = ml.execute(script1).getMatrix("Xm");
Matrix Xm2 = ml.execute(script2).getMatrix("Xm");
double[][] B1 = Xm1.to2DDoubleArray();
double[][] B2 = Xm2.to2DDoubleArray();
TestUtils.compareMatrices(A, B1, rows1, cols, eps);
TestUtils.compareMatrices(A, B2, rows1, cols, eps);
catch( Exception ex ) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
private static Dataset<Row> createDataFrame(SparkSession sparkSession, MatrixBlock mb, boolean containsID, ValueType[] schema) {
//create in-memory list of rows
List<Row> list = new ArrayList<>();
int off = (containsID ? 1 : 0);
int clen = mb.getNumColumns() + off - colsVector + 1;
for( int i=0; i<mb.getNumRows(); i++ ) {
Object[] row = new Object[clen];
if( containsID )
row[0] = (double)i+1;
for( int j=0, j2=0; j<mb.getNumColumns(); j++, j2++ ) {
if( schema[j2] != ValueType.UNKNOWN ) {
row[j2+off] = UtilFunctions
.doubleToObject(schema[j2], mb.quickGetValue(i, j));
else {
double[] tmp = DataConverter.convertToDoubleVector(
mb.slice(i, i, j, j+colsVector-1, new MatrixBlock()), false);
row[j2+off] = new DenseVector(tmp);
j += colsVector-1;
//create data frame schema
List<StructField> fields = new ArrayList<>();
if( containsID )
DataTypes.DoubleType, true));
for( int j=0; j<schema.length; j++ ) {
DataType dt = null;
switch(schema[j]) {
case STRING: dt = DataTypes.StringType; break;
case FP64: dt = DataTypes.DoubleType; break;
case INT64: dt = DataTypes.LongType; break;
case UNKNOWN: dt = new VectorUDT(); break;
default: throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported value type.");
fields.add(DataTypes.createStructField("C"+(j+1), dt, true));
StructType dfSchema = DataTypes.createStructType(fields);
//create rdd and data frame
JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(sparkSession.sparkContext());
JavaRDD<Row> rowRDD = sc.parallelize(list);
return sparkSession.createDataFrame(rowRDD, dfSchema);