blob: deba22f33a818a7220978e362cc7c859f87c5b6e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.sysds.runtime.transform.encode;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.apache.wink.json4j.JSONArray;
import org.apache.wink.json4j.JSONException;
import org.apache.wink.json4j.JSONObject;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.CM;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.Mean;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.cp.CM_COV_Object;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.cp.KahanObject;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.matrix.operators.CMOperator.AggregateOperationTypes;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.transform.TfUtils;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.transform.TfUtils.TfMethod;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.transform.meta.TfMetaUtils;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.UtilFunctions;
public class EncoderMVImpute extends Encoder
private static final long serialVersionUID = 9057868620144662194L;
private MVMethod[] _mvMethodList = null;
private MVMethod[] _mvscMethodList = null; // scaling methods for attributes that are imputed and also scaled
private BitSet _isMVScaled = null;
private CM _varFn = CM.getCMFnObject(AggregateOperationTypes.VARIANCE); // function object that understands variance computation
// objects required to compute mean and variance of all non-missing entries
private Mean _meanFn = Mean.getMeanFnObject(); // function object that understands mean computation
private KahanObject[] _meanList = null; // column-level means, computed so far
private long[] _countList = null; // #of non-missing values
private CM_COV_Object[] _varList = null; // column-level variances, computed so far (for scaling)
private int[] _scnomvList = null; // List of attributes that are scaled but not imputed
private MVMethod[] _scnomvMethodList = null; // scaling methods: 0 for invalid; 1 for mean-subtraction; 2 for z-scoring
private KahanObject[] _scnomvMeanList = null; // column-level means, for attributes scaled but not imputed
private long[] _scnomvCountList = null; // #of non-missing values, for attributes scaled but not imputed
private CM_COV_Object[] _scnomvVarList = null; // column-level variances, computed so far
private String[] _replacementList = null; // replacements: for global_mean, mean; and for global_mode, recode id of mode category
private String[] _NAstrings = null;
private List<Integer> _rcList = null;
private HashMap<Integer,HashMap<String,Long>> _hist = null;
public String[] getReplacements() { return _replacementList; }
public KahanObject[] getMeans() { return _meanList; }
public CM_COV_Object[] getVars() { return _varList; }
public KahanObject[] getMeans_scnomv() { return _scnomvMeanList; }
public CM_COV_Object[] getVars_scnomv() { return _scnomvVarList; }
public EncoderMVImpute(JSONObject parsedSpec, String[] colnames, int clen)
throws JSONException
super(null, clen);
//handle column list
int[] collist = TfMetaUtils.parseJsonObjectIDList(parsedSpec, colnames, TfMethod.IMPUTE.toString());
//handle method list
//create reuse histograms
_hist = new HashMap<>();
public EncoderMVImpute(JSONObject parsedSpec, String[] colnames, String[] NAstrings, int clen)
throws JSONException
super(null, clen);
boolean isMV = parsedSpec.containsKey(TfMethod.IMPUTE.toString());
boolean isSC = parsedSpec.containsKey(TfMethod.SCALE.toString());
_NAstrings = NAstrings;
if(!isMV) {
// MV Impute is not applicable
_colList = null;
_mvMethodList = null;
_meanList = null;
_countList = null;
_replacementList = null;
else {
JSONObject mvobj = (JSONObject) parsedSpec.get(TfMethod.IMPUTE.toString());
JSONArray mvattrs = (JSONArray) mvobj.get(TfUtils.JSON_ATTRS);
JSONArray mvmthds = (JSONArray) mvobj.get(TfUtils.JSON_MTHD);
int mvLength = mvattrs.size();
_colList = new int[mvLength];
_mvMethodList = new MVMethod[mvLength];
_meanList = new KahanObject[mvLength];
_countList = new long[mvLength];
_varList = new CM_COV_Object[mvLength];
_isMVScaled = new BitSet(_colList.length);
for(int i=0; i < _colList.length; i++) {
_colList[i] = UtilFunctions.toInt(mvattrs.get(i));
_mvMethodList[i] = MVMethod.values()[UtilFunctions.toInt(mvmthds.get(i))];
_meanList[i] = new KahanObject(0, 0);
_replacementList = new String[mvLength]; // contains replacements for all columns (scale and categorical)
JSONArray constants = (JSONArray)mvobj.get(TfUtils.JSON_CONSTS);
for(int i=0; i < constants.size(); i++) {
if ( constants.get(i) == null )
_replacementList[i] = "NaN";
_replacementList[i] = constants.get(i).toString();
// Handle scaled attributes
if ( !isSC )
// scaling is not applicable
_scnomvCountList = null;
_scnomvMeanList = null;
_scnomvVarList = null;
if ( _colList != null )
_mvscMethodList = new MVMethod[_colList.length];
JSONObject scobj = (JSONObject) parsedSpec.get(TfMethod.SCALE.toString());
JSONArray scattrs = (JSONArray) scobj.get(TfUtils.JSON_ATTRS);
JSONArray scmthds = (JSONArray) scobj.get(TfUtils.JSON_MTHD);
int scLength = scattrs.size();
int[] _allscaled = new int[scLength];
int scnomv = 0, colID;
byte mthd;
for(int i=0; i < scLength; i++)
colID = UtilFunctions.toInt(scattrs.get(i));
mthd = (byte) UtilFunctions.toInt(scmthds.get(i));
_allscaled[i] = colID;
// check if the attribute is also MV imputed
int mvidx = isApplicable(colID);
if(mvidx != -1)
_mvscMethodList[mvidx] = MVMethod.values()[mthd];
_varList[mvidx] = new CM_COV_Object();
scnomv++; // count of scaled but not imputed
if(scnomv > 0)
_scnomvList = new int[scnomv];
_scnomvMethodList = new MVMethod[scnomv];
_scnomvMeanList = new KahanObject[scnomv];
_scnomvCountList = new long[scnomv];
_scnomvVarList = new CM_COV_Object[scnomv];
for(int i=0, idx=0; i < scLength; i++)
colID = UtilFunctions.toInt(scattrs.get(i));
mthd = (byte)UtilFunctions.toInt(scmthds.get(i));
if(isApplicable(colID) == -1)
{ // scaled but not imputed
_scnomvList[idx] = colID;
_scnomvMethodList[idx] = MVMethod.values()[mthd];
_scnomvMeanList[idx] = new KahanObject(0, 0);
_scnomvVarList[idx] = new CM_COV_Object();
private void parseMethodsAndReplacments(JSONObject parsedSpec) throws JSONException {
JSONArray mvspec = (JSONArray) parsedSpec.get(TfMethod.IMPUTE.toString());
_mvMethodList = new MVMethod[mvspec.size()];
_replacementList = new String[mvspec.size()];
_meanList = new KahanObject[mvspec.size()];
_countList = new long[mvspec.size()];
for(int i=0; i < mvspec.size(); i++) {
JSONObject mvobj = (JSONObject)mvspec.get(i);
_mvMethodList[i] = MVMethod.valueOf(mvobj.get("method").toString().toUpperCase());
if( _mvMethodList[i] == MVMethod.CONSTANT ) {
_replacementList[i] = mvobj.getString("value").toString();
_meanList[i] = new KahanObject(0, 0);
public void prepare(String[] words) throws IOException {
try {
String w = null;
if(_colList != null)
for(int i=0; i <_colList.length; i++) {
int colID = _colList[i];
w = UtilFunctions.unquote(words[colID-1].trim());
try {
if(!TfUtils.isNA(_NAstrings, w)) {
boolean computeMean = (_mvMethodList[i] == MVMethod.GLOBAL_MEAN || _isMVScaled.get(i) );
if(computeMean) {
// global_mean
double d = UtilFunctions.parseToDouble(w, UtilFunctions.defaultNaString);
_meanFn.execute2(_meanList[i], d, _countList[i]);
if (_isMVScaled.get(i) && _mvscMethodList[i] == MVMethod.GLOBAL_MODE)
_varFn.execute(_varList[i], d);
else {
// global_mode or constant
// Nothing to do here. Mode is computed using recode maps.
} catch (NumberFormatException e)
throw new RuntimeException("Encountered \"" + w + "\" in column ID \"" + colID + "\", when expecting a numeric value. Consider adding \"" + w + "\" to na.strings, along with an appropriate imputation method.");
// Compute mean and variance for attributes that are scaled but not imputed
if(_scnomvList != null)
for(int i=0; i < _scnomvList.length; i++)
int colID = _scnomvList[i];
w = UtilFunctions.unquote(words[colID-1].trim());
double d = UtilFunctions.parseToDouble(w, UtilFunctions.defaultNaString);
_scnomvCountList[i]++; // not required, this is always equal to total #records processed
_meanFn.execute2(_scnomvMeanList[i], d, _scnomvCountList[i]);
if(_scnomvMethodList[i] == MVMethod.GLOBAL_MODE)
_varFn.execute(_scnomvVarList[i], d);
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new IOException(e);
public MVMethod getMethod(int colID) {
int idx = isApplicable(colID);
if(idx == -1)
return MVMethod.INVALID;
return _mvMethodList[idx];
public long getNonMVCount(int colID) {
int idx = isApplicable(colID);
return (idx == -1) ? 0 : _countList[idx];
public String getReplacement(int colID) {
int idx = isApplicable(colID);
return (idx == -1) ? null : _replacementList[idx];
public MatrixBlock encode(FrameBlock in, MatrixBlock out) {
return apply(in, out);
public void build(FrameBlock in) {
try {
for( int j=0; j<_colList.length; j++ ) {
int colID = _colList[j];
if( _mvMethodList[j] == MVMethod.GLOBAL_MEAN ) {
//compute global column mean (scale)
long off = _countList[j];
for( int i=0; i<in.getNumRows(); i++ )
_meanFn.execute2(_meanList[j], UtilFunctions.objectToDouble(
in.getSchema()[colID-1], in.get(i, colID-1)), off+i+1);
_replacementList[j] = String.valueOf(_meanList[j]._sum);
_countList[j] += in.getNumRows();
else if( _mvMethodList[j] == MVMethod.GLOBAL_MODE ) {
//compute global column mode (categorical), i.e., most frequent category
HashMap<String,Long> hist = _hist.containsKey(colID) ?
_hist.get(colID) : new HashMap<>();
for( int i=0; i<in.getNumRows(); i++ ) {
String key = String.valueOf(in.get(i, colID-1));
if( key != null && !key.isEmpty() ) {
Long val = hist.get(key);
hist.put(key, (val!=null) ? val+1 : 1);
_hist.put(colID, hist);
long max = Long.MIN_VALUE;
for( Entry<String, Long> e : hist.entrySet() )
if( e.getValue() > max ) {
_replacementList[j] = e.getKey();
max = e.getValue();
catch(Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
public MatrixBlock apply(FrameBlock in, MatrixBlock out) {
for(int i=0; i<in.getNumRows(); i++) {
for(int j=0; j<_colList.length; j++) {
int colID = _colList[j];
if( Double.isNaN(out.quickGetValue(i, colID-1)) )
out.quickSetValue(i, colID-1, Double.parseDouble(_replacementList[j]));
return out;
public FrameBlock getMetaData(FrameBlock out) {
for( int j=0; j<_colList.length; j++ ) {
return out;
public void initMetaData(FrameBlock meta) {
//init replacement lists, replace recoded values to
//apply mv imputation potentially after recoding
for( int j=0; j<_colList.length; j++ ) {
int colID = _colList[j];
String mvVal = UtilFunctions.unquote(meta.getColumnMetadata(colID-1).getMvValue());
if( _rcList.contains(colID) ) {
Long mvVal2 = meta.getRecodeMap(colID-1).get(mvVal);
if( mvVal2 == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Missing recode value for impute value '"+mvVal+"' (colID="+colID+").");
_replacementList[j] = mvVal2.toString();
else {
_replacementList[j] = mvVal;
public void initRecodeIDList(List<Integer> rcList) {
_rcList = rcList;
* Exposes the internal histogram after build.
* @param colID column ID
* @return histogram (map of string keys and long values)
public HashMap<String,Long> getHistogram( int colID ) {
return _hist.get(colID);