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import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.DMLRuntimeException;
* This class contains the different implementation of im2col operation
public class LibMatrixDNNIm2Col
public static void im2col(MatrixBlock in, MatrixBlock out, int r, DnnParameters params, boolean trans) {
im2col(in, out, r, params.C, params.R, params.S, params.H, params.W, params.P, params.Q,
params.stride_h, params.stride_w, params.pad_h, params.pad_w, trans);
public static void im2col(MatrixBlock in, MatrixBlock out, int r, int C, int R, int S, int H, int W, int P, int Q,
int stride_h, int stride_w, int pad_h, int pad_w, boolean trans) {
boolean stride1Pad0 = stride_h == 1
&& stride_w == 1 && pad_h == 0 && pad_w == 0;
//dense and sparse operation dispatch
if( !in.sparse && stride1Pad0 && !trans )
out.getDenseBlockValues(), r*C*H*W, C, R, S, H, W, P, Q);
else if( !in.sparse )
im2colDense(in.getDenseBlockValues(), out.getDenseBlockValues(),
r, C, R, S, H, W, P, Q, stride_h, stride_w, pad_h, pad_w, trans);
im2colSparse(in, out, r, C, R, S, H, W, P, Q,
stride_h, stride_w, pad_h, pad_w, trans);
public static void im2colDenseStride1Pad0(double[] in, double[] out, int ai, int C, int R, int S, int H, int W, int P, int Q) {
int CRS = C * R * S;
for (int c = 0; c < CRS; ++c) {
int wOffset = c % S;
int hOffset = (c / S) % R;
int cInput = c / R / S;
for (int h = 0; h < P; ++h) {
int hPadded = h + hOffset;
int outOffset = (c * P + h) * Q;
int inputOffset = ai + (cInput * H + hPadded) * W;
System.arraycopy(in, inputOffset + wOffset, out, outOffset, Q);
int w = Q - 1;
int wPadded = w + wOffset;
boolean assign = (hPadded < H && wPadded < W);
out[outOffset + w] = assign ? in[inputOffset + wPadded] : 0;
public static void im2colDense(double[] in, double[] out, int r, int C, int R, int S, int H, int W, int P, int Q,
int stride_h, int stride_w, int pad_h, int pad_w, boolean trans) {
Arrays.fill(out, 0); //reset for selective copy
int CHW = C * H * W;
int CRS = C * R * S;
int nOffset = r * CHW;
for (int c = 0; c < CRS; ++c) {
int wOffset = c % S;
int hOffset = (c / S) % R;
int cInput = c / R / S;
for (int h = 0; h < P; ++h) {
int outOffset = trans ? c+(h*Q*CRS) : (c*P+h)*Q;
int hPadded = h * stride_h - pad_h + hOffset;
int inputOffset = nOffset + (cInput * H + hPadded) * W;
if (hPadded < 0 || hPadded >= H ) continue;
for (int w = 0; w < Q; ++w) {
int wPadded = w * stride_w - pad_w + wOffset;
if( wPadded >= 0 && wPadded < W )
out[outOffset + (trans?w*CRS:w)]
= in[inputOffset + wPadded];
public static void im2colSparse(MatrixBlock in, MatrixBlock out, int r, int C, int R, int S, int H, int W, int P, int Q,
int stride_h, int stride_w, int pad_h, int pad_w, boolean trans) {
SparseBlock sblock = in.sparseBlock;
if( sblock.isEmpty(r) )
int apos = sblock.pos(r);
int alen = sblock.size(r);
int[] aix = sblock.indexes(r);
double[] avals = sblock.values(r);
boolean simple = (stride_h==1 && stride_w==1
&& pad_h==0 && pad_w==0 && W == S && Q == 1);
int RS = R * S;
// Iterate over the sparse block
CellIndex3 ix = new CellIndex3();
for(int j=apos; j<apos+alen; j++) {
// Note: the input is of shape [N, CHW]
int chw = aix[j];
// Get individual zero-based c,h,w indexes from zero-based 'chw'
ix = LibMatrixDNNHelper.computeTensorIndexes(chw, H, W, ix);
if( simple )
appendInputValueToIm2colOutputSimple(out, ix.ix1, ix.ix2, ix.ix3,
avals[j], R, S, RS, P, trans);
appendInputValueToIm2colOutput(out, ix.ix1, ix.ix2, ix.ix3, avals[j],
R, S, RS, P, Q, stride_h, stride_w, pad_h, pad_w, trans);
* Appends the value corresponding to the given [, cInput, hInput, wInput] to the appropriate im2col location of the output
* @param output output matrix block
* @param c input channel index (zero-based)
* @param h input height index (zero-based)
* @param w input width index (zero-based)
* @param value input value
* @param R filter height
* @param S filter width
* @param RS R*S
* @param P output height
* @param Q output width
* @param stride_h stride height
* @param stride_w stride width
* @param pad_h pad height
* @param pad_w pad width
* @param trans transposed output
private static void appendInputValueToIm2colOutput(MatrixBlock output, int c, int h, int w, double value,
int R, int S, int RS, int P, int Q, int stride_h, int stride_w, int pad_h, int pad_w, boolean trans)
// For the given h,w index, insert avals[j] into respective r,s,p,q locations
// Constraints: for(int r = 0; r < R; r++) { if(0 <= p && p < P && (hInput - r + pad_h) % stride_h == 0) { ... } }
// Constraint 1: p >= 0 and p = (hInput - r + pad_h) / stride_h
// Therefore, r <= hInput + pad_h
// Constraint 2: p < P and p = (hInput - r + pad_h) / stride_h
// Therefore, hInput + pad_h - P*stride_h < r
// Math.max(0, hInput + pad_h - P*stride_h + 1) <= r <= Math.min(R-1, hInput + pad_h)
int rMin = Math.max(0, h + pad_h - P*stride_h + 1);
int rMax = Math.min(R-1, h + pad_h);
int sMin = Math.max(0, w + pad_w - Q*stride_w + 1);
int sMax = Math.min(S-1, w + pad_w);
// Constraint 3: (hInput - r + pad_h) % stride_h == 0
rMin += Math.min((h-rMin+pad_h) % stride_h, rMax-rMin+1);
sMin += Math.min((w-sMin+pad_w) % stride_w, sMax-sMin+1);
for( int r=rMin, ix=c*RS+rMin*S; r<=rMax; r+=stride_h, ix+=stride_h*S ) {
// Only append value if h == hInput, where h = (r - pad_h) + p*stride_h and 0 <= p < P
// Therefore, p = (hInput - r + pad_h) / stride_h. Use the same logic for q.
final int pQ = (h - r + pad_h) / stride_h * Q;
for(int s=sMin, ws=w-sMin+pad_w; s<=sMax; s+=stride_w, ws-=stride_w) {
int q = ws / stride_w; // chw -> [crs, pq]
output.appendValue(trans ? pQ+q : ix+s,
trans ? ix+s : pQ+q, value);
private static void appendInputValueToIm2colOutputSimple(MatrixBlock output, int c, int h, int w,
double value, int R, int S, int RS, int P, boolean trans) {
int rMin = Math.max(0, h - P + 1);
int rMax = Math.min(R-1, h);
int cix = c*RS+w+rMin*S;
for(int p=h-rMin; p >= h-rMax; p--, cix+=S)
output.appendValue(trans?p:cix, trans?cix:p, value);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Since col2im always operates on intermediate generated as part of matmult, it is not clear which operator to select apriori.
// Therefore, it is provided as utility function rather than an operator (like im2col or rotate180)
//Converts input: PQ X CRS matrix and writes to 1 X CHW
public static void col2imOverSingleImage(int outputN, MatrixBlock input, DnnParameters params) {
if(input.rlen != params.P*params.Q || input.clen != params.C*params.R*params.S) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect input dimensions");
double [] outputArray = null;
if (!params.output.isInSparseFormat())
outputArray = params.output.getDenseBlockValues();
else {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Only dense output is implemented");
if(!input.isInSparseFormat()) {
double [] inputArray = input.getDenseBlockValues();
col2IMDenseInput(0, outputN, inputArray, outputArray, params);
else {
if(!input.isEmptyBlock()) {
int outOffset = outputN*params.C*params.H*params.W;
int HW = params.H*params.W;
CellIndex3 ix = new CellIndex3();
SparseBlock sblock = input.sparseBlock;
for(int i = 0; i < input.getNumRows(); i++) {
if( sblock.isEmpty(i) ) continue;
ix = LibMatrixDNNHelper.computeTensorIndexes(i, params.P, params.Q, ix);
int tmpP = ix.ix2*params.stride_h - params.pad_h;
int tmpQ = ix.ix3*params.stride_w - params.pad_w;
if(ix.ix1 != 0)
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect tensor indexes: "+ ix + ", " + params.P + " " + params.Q);
int apos = sblock.pos(i);
int alen = sblock.size(i);
int[] aix = sblock.indexes(i);
double[] avals = sblock.values(i);
for(int j = apos; j < apos+alen; j++) {
ix = LibMatrixDNNHelper.computeTensorIndexes(aix[j], params.R, params.S, ix);
int h = tmpP + ix.ix2;
int w = tmpQ + ix.ix3;
if(h >= 0 && h < params.H && w >= 0 && w < params.W) {
int outIndex = outOffset + ix.ix1*HW + h*params.W + w;
outputArray[outIndex] += avals[j];
// Converts input: PQ X CRS matrix and writes to 1 X CHW if inputN == 0
// Or converts input: NPQ X CRS matrix and writes to N X CHW
private static void col2IMDenseInput(int inputN, int outputN, double [] inputArray, double [] outputArray, DnnParameters params) {
final int outputNOffset = outputN*params.C*params.H*params.W;
final int HW = params.H*params.W;
final int inputNPQ = inputN*params.P*params.Q;
final int CRS = params.C*params.R*params.S;
final int RS = params.R*params.S;
for (int p = 0; p < params.P; p++) {
// h = p*params.stride_h + r - params.pad_h
// = r + hOffset
// Based on restrictions: h >= 0 and r >= 0 and h < params.H and r < params.R, we get
// max(0, - hOffset) <= r < min(params.R, params.H - hOffset)
final int hOffset = p*params.stride_h - params.pad_h;
final int rStart = Math.max(0, - hOffset);
final int rEnd = Math.min(params.R, params.H - hOffset);
for (int q = 0; q < params.Q; q++) {
// Using the same logic as above on following:
// w = q*params.stride_w + s - params.pad_w
final int wOffset = q*params.stride_w - params.pad_w;
final int sStart = Math.max(0, - wOffset);
final int sEnd = Math.min(params.S, params.W - wOffset);
final int tempOffset = (inputNPQ + p*params.Q + q)*CRS;
for (int c = 0; c < params.C; c++) {
final int outOffset = outputNOffset + c*HW;
final int inputOffset = tempOffset + c*RS;
for (int r = rStart; r < rEnd; r++) {
for (int s = sStart; s < sEnd; s++) {
int inputIndex = inputOffset + r*params.S + s;
int outIndex = outOffset + (hOffset + r)*params.W + wOffset + s;
outputArray[outIndex] += inputArray[inputIndex];
public static void preallocateSparseOutput(MatrixBlock in, MatrixBlock out) {
if( !in.sparse )
//preallocate sparse-rows (larger than average sparsity to account for skew)
int estnnz = (int)Math.ceil(4*in.getSparsity()*out.clen);
for(int r = 0; r < out.rlen; r++)
out.getSparseBlock().allocate(r, Math.max(Math.min(estnnz, out.clen),16));