blob: 2c064fce14f318e763c606dfacc897e8ad3f4847 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.fed;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.MutablePair;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.DMLRuntimeException;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.caching.MatrixObject;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.context.ExecutionContext;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.federated.FederatedData;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.federated.FederatedRange;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.federated.FederatedRequest;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.federated.FederatedResponse;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.Multiply;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.Plus;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.InstructionUtils;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.cp.CPOperand;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.matrix.operators.AggregateBinaryOperator;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.matrix.operators.Operator;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.CommonThreadPool;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
public class AggregateBinaryFEDInstruction extends BinaryFEDInstruction {
public AggregateBinaryFEDInstruction(Operator op, CPOperand in1,
CPOperand in2, CPOperand out, String opcode, String istr) {
super(FEDType.AggregateBinary, op, in1, in2, out, opcode, istr);
public static AggregateBinaryFEDInstruction parseInstruction(String str) {
String[] parts = InstructionUtils.getInstructionPartsWithValueType(str);
String opcode = parts[0];
if(!opcode.equalsIgnoreCase("ba+*")) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("AggregateBinaryInstruction.parseInstruction():: Unknown opcode " + opcode);
InstructionUtils.checkNumFields(parts, 4);
CPOperand in1 = new CPOperand(parts[1]);
CPOperand in2 = new CPOperand(parts[2]);
CPOperand out = new CPOperand(parts[3]);
int k = Integer.parseInt(parts[4]);
return new AggregateBinaryFEDInstruction(
InstructionUtils.getMatMultOperator(k), in1, in2, out, opcode, str);
public void processInstruction(ExecutionContext ec) {
//get inputs
MatrixObject mo1 = ec.getMatrixObject(input1.getName());
MatrixObject mo2 = ec.getMatrixObject(input2.getName());
MatrixObject out = ec.getMatrixObject(output.getName());
// compute matrix-vector multiplication
AggregateBinaryOperator ab_op = (AggregateBinaryOperator) _optr;
if (mo1.isFederated() && mo2.getNumColumns() == 1) {// MV
MatrixBlock vector = mo2.acquireRead();
federatedAggregateBinaryMV(mo1, vector, out, ab_op, true);
else if (mo2.isFederated() && mo1.getNumRows() == 1) {// VM
MatrixBlock vector = mo1.acquireRead();
federatedAggregateBinaryMV(mo2, vector, out, ab_op, false);
else // MM
federatedAggregateBinary(mo1, mo2, out);
* Performs a federated binary aggregation (currently only MV and VM is supported).
* @param mo1 the first matrix object
* @param mo2 the other matrix object
* @param out output matrix object
private static void federatedAggregateBinary(MatrixObject mo1, MatrixObject mo2, MatrixObject out) {
boolean distributeCols = false;
// if distributeCols = true we distribute cols of mo2 and do a MV multiplications, otherwise we
// distribute rows of mo1 and do VM multiplications
if (mo1.isFederated() && mo2.isFederated()) {
// both are federated -> distribute smaller matrix
// TODO do more in depth checks like: how many federated workers, how big is the actual data we send and so on
// maybe once we track number of non zeros we could use that to get a better estimation of how much data
// will be requested?
distributeCols = mo2.getNumColumns() * mo2.getNumRows() < mo1.getNumColumns() * mo1.getNumRows();
else if (mo2.isFederated() && !mo1.isFederated()) {
// Distribute mo1 which is not federated
distributeCols = true;
// TODO performance if both matrices are federated
Map<FederatedRange, FederatedData> mapping = distributeCols ? mo1.getFedMapping() : mo2.getFedMapping();
MatrixBlock matrixBlock = distributeCols ? mo2.acquireRead() : mo1.acquireRead();
ExecutorService pool = CommonThreadPool.get(mapping.size());
ArrayList<Pair<FederatedRange, MatrixBlock>> results = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<FederatedMMTask> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map.Entry<FederatedRange, FederatedData> fedMap : mapping.entrySet()) {
// this resultPair will contain both position of partial result and the partial result itself of the operations
MutablePair<FederatedRange, MatrixBlock> resultPair = new MutablePair<>();
// they all get references to the real block, the task slices out the needed part and does the
// multiplication, therefore they can share the object since we use it immutably
tasks.add(new FederatedMMTask(fedMap.getKey(), fedMap.getValue(), resultPair, matrixBlock, distributeCols));
CommonThreadPool.invokeAndShutdown(pool, tasks);
// combine results
if (mo1.getNumRows() > Integer.MAX_VALUE || mo2.getNumColumns() > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Federated matrix is too large for federated distribution");
out.acquireModify(combinePartialMMResults(results, (int) mo1.getNumRows(), (int) mo2.getNumColumns()));
private static MatrixBlock combinePartialMMResults(ArrayList<Pair<FederatedRange, MatrixBlock>> results,
int rows, int cols) {
// TODO support large blocks with > int size
MatrixBlock resultBlock = new MatrixBlock(rows, cols, false);
for (Pair<FederatedRange, MatrixBlock> partialResult : results) {
FederatedRange range = partialResult.getLeft();
MatrixBlock partialBlock = partialResult.getRight();
int[] dimsLower = range.getBeginDimsInt();
int[] dimsUpper = range.getEndDimsInt();
resultBlock.copy(dimsLower[0], dimsUpper[0] - 1, dimsLower[1], dimsUpper[1] - 1, partialBlock, false);
return resultBlock;
* Performs a federated binary aggregation on a Matrix and Vector.
* @param fedMo the federated matrix object
* @param vector the vector
* @param output the output matrix object
* @param op the operation
* @param matrixVectorOp true if matrix vector operation, false if vector matrix op
public static void federatedAggregateBinaryMV(MatrixObject fedMo, MatrixBlock vector, MatrixObject output,
AggregateBinaryOperator op, boolean matrixVectorOp) {
if (!(op.binaryFn instanceof Multiply && op.aggOp.increOp.fn instanceof Plus))
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Only matrix-vector is supported for federated binary aggregation");
// fixed implementation only for mv, vm multiply and plus
// TODO move this to a Lib class?
// create output matrix
MatrixBlock resultBlock;
// if we change the order of parameters, so VM instead of MV, the output has different dimensions
if (!matrixVectorOp) {
resultBlock = new MatrixBlock(1, (int) fedMo.getNumColumns(), false);
else {
resultBlock = new MatrixBlock((int) fedMo.getNumRows(), 1, false);
List<Pair<FederatedRange, Future<FederatedResponse>>> idResponsePairs = new ArrayList<>();
// TODO parallel for loop (like on lines 125-136)
for (Map.Entry<FederatedRange, FederatedData> entry : fedMo.getFedMapping().entrySet()) {
FederatedRange range = entry.getKey();
FederatedData fedData = entry.getValue();
Future<FederatedResponse> future = executeMVMultiply(range, fedData, vector, matrixVectorOp);
idResponsePairs.add(new ImmutablePair<>(range, future));
try {
for (Pair<FederatedRange, Future<FederatedResponse>> idResponsePair : idResponsePairs) {
FederatedRange range = idResponsePair.getLeft();
FederatedResponse federatedResponse = idResponsePair.getRight().get();
combinePartialMVResults(range, federatedResponse, resultBlock, matrixVectorOp);
catch (Exception e) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Federated binary aggregation failed", e);
long nnz = resultBlock.recomputeNonZeros();
private static void combinePartialMVResults(FederatedRange range,
FederatedResponse federatedResponse, MatrixBlock resultBlock, boolean matrixVectorOp)
try {
int[] beginDims = range.getBeginDimsInt();
MatrixBlock mb = (MatrixBlock) federatedResponse.getData()[0];
// TODO performance optimizations
// TODO Improve Vector Matrix multiplication accuracy: An idea would be to make use of kahan plus here,
// this should improve accuracy a bit, although we still lose out on the small error lost on the worker
// without having to return twice the amount of data (value + sum error)
// Add worker response to resultBlock
for (int r = 0; r < mb.getNumRows(); r++)
for (int c = 0; c < mb.getNumColumns(); c++) {
int resultRow = r + (!matrixVectorOp ? 0 : beginDims[0]);
int resultColumn = c + (!matrixVectorOp ? beginDims[1] : 0);
resultBlock.quickSetValue(resultRow, resultColumn,
resultBlock.quickGetValue(resultRow, resultColumn) + mb.quickGetValue(r, c));
} catch (Exception e){
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Combine partial results from federated matrix failed.", e);
private static Future<FederatedResponse> executeMVMultiply(FederatedRange range,
FederatedData fedData, MatrixBlock vector, boolean matrixVectorOp)
if (!fedData.isInitialized()) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Not all FederatedData was initialized for federated matrix");
int[] beginDimsInt = range.getBeginDimsInt();
int[] endDimsInt = range.getEndDimsInt();
// params for federated request
List<Object> params = new ArrayList<>();
// we broadcast the needed part of the small vector
MatrixBlock vectorSlice;
if (!matrixVectorOp) {
// if we the size already is ok, we do not have to copy a slice
int length = endDimsInt[0] - beginDimsInt[0];
if (vector.getNumColumns() == length) {
vectorSlice = vector;
else {
vectorSlice = new MatrixBlock(1, length, false);
vector.slice(0, 0, beginDimsInt[0], endDimsInt[0] - 1, vectorSlice);
else {
int length = endDimsInt[1] - beginDimsInt[1];
if (vector.getNumRows() == length) {
vectorSlice = vector;
else {
vectorSlice = new MatrixBlock(length, 1, false);
vector.slice(beginDimsInt[1], endDimsInt[1] - 1, 0, 0, vectorSlice);
params.add(matrixVectorOp); // if is matrix vector multiplication true, otherwise false
return fedData.executeFederatedOperation(
new FederatedRequest(FederatedRequest.FedMethod.MATVECMULT, params), true);
private static class FederatedMMTask implements Callable<Void> {
private FederatedRange _range;
private FederatedData _data;
private MutablePair<FederatedRange, MatrixBlock> _result;
private MatrixBlock _otherMatrix;
private boolean _distributeCols;
public FederatedMMTask(FederatedRange range, FederatedData fedData,
MutablePair<FederatedRange, MatrixBlock> result, MatrixBlock otherMatrix, boolean distributeCols)
_range = range;
_data = fedData;
_result = result;
_otherMatrix = otherMatrix;
_distributeCols = distributeCols;
public Void call() throws Exception {
if (_distributeCols)
return null;
* Distribute the non or smaller federated block as row vectors to the federated worker and do row number of
* times a vector-matrix multiplication. Non or smaller federated block is left operand.
* @throws InterruptedException if .get() on federated response future fails -> interrupted
* @throws ExecutionException if .get() on federated response future fails -> execution failed
private void executeRowWiseVMMultiplications() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
MatrixBlock result;
// TODO support large matrices with long indexes
int[] beginDims = _range.getBeginDimsInt();
int[] endDims = _range.getEndDimsInt();
// we take all rows but only the columns between the rows of the federated block of the other block (left
// hand side of the calculation).
int rowsBeginOtherBlock = 0;
int colsBeginOtherBlock = beginDims[0];
int rowsEndOtherBlock = _otherMatrix.getNumRows();
int colsEndOtherBlock = endDims[0];
// Size of partial result block for vm is rows of otherBlock * cols of federatedData
result = new MatrixBlock(rowsEndOtherBlock - rowsBeginOtherBlock, endDims[1] - beginDims[1], false);
// Set range of output in result block, rows are the number of rows of the other block, while columns
// are the number of columns of our federated data
_result.setLeft(new FederatedRange(new long[] {rowsBeginOtherBlock, beginDims[1]},
new long[] {rowsEndOtherBlock, endDims[1]}));
// vector which we will distribute otherBlock.rows number of times
MatrixBlock vec = new MatrixBlock(1, colsEndOtherBlock - colsBeginOtherBlock, false);
for (int r = rowsBeginOtherBlock; r < rowsEndOtherBlock; r++) {
// slice row vector out of other matrix which we will send to federated worker
_otherMatrix.slice(r, r, colsBeginOtherBlock, colsEndOtherBlock - 1, vec);
// TODO experiment if sending multiple requests at the same time to the same worker increases
// performance (remove get and do multithreaded?)
FederatedResponse response = executeMVMultiply(_range, _data, vec, _distributeCols).get();
result.copy(r, r, 0, endDims[1] - beginDims[1] - 1, (MatrixBlock) response.getData()[0], true);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException(
"Federated Matrix-Matrix Multiplication failed: ", e);
* Distribute the non or smaller federated block as col vectors to the federated worker and do column number of
* times a matrix-vector multiplication. Non or smaller federated block is right operand.
* @throws InterruptedException if .get() on federated response future fails -> interrupted
* @throws ExecutionException if .get() on federated response future fails -> execution failed
private void executeColWiseMVMultiplication()
throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
MatrixBlock result;
// TODO support large matrices with long indexes
int[] beginDims = _range.getBeginDimsInt();
int[] endDims = _range.getEndDimsInt();
// we take all columns but only the rows between the columns of the federated block of the other block (right
// hand side of the calculation).
int rowsBeginOtherBlock = beginDims[1];
int colsBeginOtherBlock = 0;
int rowsEndOtherBlock = endDims[1];
int colsEndOtherBlock = _otherMatrix.getNumColumns();
// Size of partial result block for mv is rows of federated block * cols of other block
result = new MatrixBlock(endDims[0] - beginDims[0], colsEndOtherBlock - colsBeginOtherBlock, false);
// Set range of output in result block, rows are the number of rows of the federated data, while columns
// are the number of columns of the other block
_result.setLeft(new FederatedRange(new long[] {beginDims[0], colsBeginOtherBlock},
new long[] {endDims[0], colsEndOtherBlock}));
// vector which we will distribute otherBlock.cols number of times
MatrixBlock vec = new MatrixBlock(rowsEndOtherBlock - rowsBeginOtherBlock, 1, false);
for (int c = colsBeginOtherBlock; c < colsEndOtherBlock; c++) {
// slice column vector out of other matrix which we will send to federated worker
_otherMatrix.slice(rowsBeginOtherBlock, rowsEndOtherBlock - 1, c, c, vec);
// TODO experiment if sending multiple requests at the same time to the same worker increases
// performance
FederatedResponse response = executeMVMultiply(_range, _data, vec, _distributeCols).get();
try {
result.copy(0, endDims[0] - beginDims[0] - 1, c, c, (MatrixBlock) response.getData()[0], true);
} catch (Exception e){
throw new DMLRuntimeException(
"Federated Matrix-Matrix Multiplication failed: ", e);