blob: 6d60293d456fb7912b75099254ccd80711db88bb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.SortUtils;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.UtilFunctions;
public final class SparseRowVector extends SparseRow implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2971077474424464992L;
//initial capacity of any created sparse row
//WARNING: be aware that this affects the core memory estimates (incl. implicit assumptions)!
public static final int initialCapacity = 4;
private int estimatedNzs = initialCapacity;
private int maxNzs = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private int size = 0;
private double[] values = null;
private int[] indexes = null;
public SparseRowVector() {
public SparseRowVector(int capacity) {
estimatedNzs = capacity;
values = new double[capacity];
indexes = new int[capacity];
public SparseRowVector(int estnnz, int maxnnz) {
if( estnnz > initialCapacity )
estimatedNzs = estnnz;
maxNzs = maxnnz;
int capacity = ((estnnz<initialCapacity && estnnz>0) ?
estnnz : initialCapacity);
values = new double[capacity];
indexes = new int[capacity];
public SparseRowVector(SparseRow that) {
size = that.size();
int cap = Math.max(initialCapacity, that.size());
//allocate arrays and copy new values
values = Arrays.copyOf(that.values(), cap);
indexes = Arrays.copyOf(that.indexes(), cap);
public int size() {
return size;
public void setSize(int newsize) {
size = newsize;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return (size == 0);
public double[] values() {
return values;
public int[] indexes() {
return indexes;
public void setValues(double[] d) {
values = d;
public void setIndexes(int[] i) {
indexes = i;
public int capacity() {
return values.length;
public void copy(SparseRow that)
//note: no recap (if required) + copy, in order to prevent unnecessary copy of old values
//in case we have to reallocate the arrays
int thatSize = that.size();
if( values.length < thatSize ) {
//reallocate arrays and copy new values
values = Arrays.copyOf(that.values(), thatSize);
indexes = Arrays.copyOf(that.indexes(), thatSize);
else {
//copy new values
System.arraycopy(that.values(), 0, values, 0, thatSize);
System.arraycopy(that.indexes(), 0, indexes, 0, thatSize);
size = thatSize;
public void reset(int estnns, int maxnns) {
estimatedNzs = estnns;
maxNzs = maxnns;
size = 0;
private void recap(int newCap) {
if( newCap<=values.length )
//reallocate arrays and copy old values
values = Arrays.copyOf(values, newCap);
indexes = Arrays.copyOf(indexes, newCap);
* Heuristic for resizing:
* doubling before capacity reaches estimated nonzeros, then 1.1x after that for default behavior: always 1.1x
* (both with exponential size increase for log N steps of reallocation and shifting)
* @return new capacity for resizing
private int newCapacity() {
final double currLen = values.length;
//scale length exponentially based on estimated number of non-zeros
final int nextLen = (int)Math.ceil(currLen * ((currLen < estimatedNzs) ?
SparseBlock.RESIZE_FACTOR1 : SparseBlock.RESIZE_FACTOR2));
//cap at max number of non-zeros with robustness of initial zero
return Math.max(2, Math.min(maxNzs, nextLen));
public boolean set(int col, double v) {
//search for existing col index
int index = Arrays.binarySearch(indexes, 0, size, col);
if( index >= 0 ) {
//delete/overwrite existing value (on value delete, we shift
//left for (1) correct nnz maintenance, and (2) smaller size)
if( v == 0 ) {
return true; // nnz--
else {
values[index] = v;
return false;
//early abort on zero (if no overwrite)
if( v==0.0 )
return false;
//insert new index-value pair
index = Math.abs( index+1 );
if( size==values.length )
resizeAndInsert(index, col, v);
shiftRightAndInsert(index, col, v);
return true; // nnz++
public boolean add(int col, double v) {
//early abort on zero (if no overwrite)
if( v==0.0 ) return false;
//search for existing col index
int index = Arrays.binarySearch(indexes, 0, size, col);
if( index >= 0 ) {
//add to existing values
values[index] += v;
return false;
//insert new index-value pair
index = Math.abs( index+1 );
if( size==values.length )
resizeAndInsert(index, col, v);
shiftRightAndInsert(index, col, v);
return true; // nnz++
public void append(int col, double v) {
//early abort on zero
if( v==0.0 )
//resize if required
if( size==values.length )
//append value at end
values[size] = v;
indexes[size] = col;
public double get(int col) {
//search for existing col index
int index = Arrays.binarySearch(indexes, 0, size, col);
return (index >= 0) ? values[index] : 0;
public int searchIndexesFirstLTE(int col) {
if( size == 0 ) return -1;
//search for existing col index
int index = Arrays.binarySearch(indexes, 0, size, col);
if( index >= 0 )
return (index < size) ? index : -1;
//search lt col index (see binary search)
index = Math.abs( index+1 );
return (index-1 < size) ? index-1 : -1;
public int searchIndexesFirstGTE(int col) {
if( size == 0 ) return -1;
//search for existing col index
int index = Arrays.binarySearch(indexes, 0, size, col);
if( index >= 0 )
return (index < size) ? index : -1;
//search gt col index (see binary search)
index = Math.abs( index+1 );
return (index < size) ? index : -1;
public int searchIndexesFirstGT(int col) {
if( size == 0 ) return -1;
//search for existing col index
int index = Arrays.binarySearch(indexes, 0, size, col);
if( index >= 0 )
return (index+1 < size) ? index+1 : -1;
//search gt col index (see binary search)
index = Math.abs( index+1 );
return (index < size) ? index : -1;
public void deleteIndexRange(int lowerCol, int upperCol)
int start = searchIndexesFirstGTE(lowerCol);
if( start < 0 ) //nothing to delete
int end = searchIndexesFirstGT(upperCol);
if( end < 0 ) //delete all remaining
end = size;
//overlapping array copy (shift rhs values left)
System.arraycopy(values, end, values, start, size-end);
System.arraycopy(indexes, end, indexes, start, size-end);
size -= (end-start);
public void setIndexRange(int cl, int cu, double[] v, int vix, int vlen) {
//handle special cases
int start = searchIndexesFirstGTE(cl);
if( start < 0 ) { //nothing to delete/shift
for( int i=vix; i<vix+vlen; i++ )
append(cl+i-vix, v[i]);
int end = searchIndexesFirstGT(cu);
if( end < 0 ) { //delete all remaining
size = start;
for( int i=vix; i<vix+vlen; i++ )
append(cl+i-vix, v[i]);
//determine input nnz
int lnnz = UtilFunctions.computeNnz(v, vix, vlen);
//prepare free space (allocate and shift)
int lsize = size+lnnz-(end-start);
if( values.length < lsize )
shiftRightByN(end, lnnz-(end-start));
//insert values
for( int i=vix, pos=start; i<vix+vlen; i++ )
if( v[i] != 0 ) {
values[ pos ] = v[i];
indexes[ pos ] = cl+i-vix;
public void setIndexRange(int cl, int cu, double[] v, int[] vix, int vpos, int vlen) {
//handle special cases
int start = searchIndexesFirstGTE(cl);
if( start < 0 ) { //nothing to delete/shift
for( int i=vpos; i<vpos+vlen; i++ )
append(cl+vix[i], v[i]);
int end = searchIndexesFirstGT(cu);
if( end < 0 ) { //delete all remaining
size = start;
for( int i=vpos; i<vpos+vlen; i++ )
append(cl+vix[i], v[i]);
//prepare free space (allocate and shift)
int lsize = size+vlen-(end-start);
if( values.length < lsize )
shiftRightByN(end, vlen-(end-start));
//insert values
for( int i=vpos, pos=start; i<vpos+vlen; i++ ) {
values[ pos ] = v[i];
indexes[ pos ] = cl+vix[i];
private void resizeAndInsert(int index, int col, double v) {
//allocate new arrays
int newCap = newCapacity();
double[] oldvalues = values;
int[] oldindexes = indexes;
values = new double[newCap];
indexes = new int[newCap];
//copy lhs values to new array
System.arraycopy(oldvalues, 0, values, 0, index);
System.arraycopy(oldindexes, 0, indexes, 0, index);
//insert new value
indexes[index] = col;
values[index] = v;
//copy rhs values to new array
System.arraycopy(oldvalues, index, values, index+1, size-index);
System.arraycopy(oldindexes, index, indexes, index+1, size-index);
private void shiftRightAndInsert(int index, int col, double v) {
//overlapping array copy (shift rhs values right by 1)
System.arraycopy(values, index, values, index+1, size-index);
System.arraycopy(indexes, index, indexes, index+1, size-index);
//insert new value
values[index] = v;
indexes[index] = col;
private void shiftRightByN(int index, int n) {
//overlapping array copy (shift rhs values right by 1)
System.arraycopy(values, index, values, index+n, size-index);
System.arraycopy(indexes, index, indexes, index+n, size-index);
size += n;
private void shiftLeftAndDelete(int index) {
//overlapping array copy (shift rhs values left by 1)
System.arraycopy(values, index+1, values, index, size-index-1);
System.arraycopy(indexes, index+1, indexes, index, size-index-1);
public void sort() {
if( size<=100 || !SortUtils.isSorted(0, size, indexes) )
SortUtils.sortByIndex(0, size, indexes, values);
public void compact() {
int nnz = 0;
for( int i=0; i<size; i++ )
if( values[i] != 0 ){
values[nnz] = values[i];
indexes[nnz] = indexes[i];
size = nnz; //adjust row size