blob: a74162f03d4d99b731c92121e45db9d166028fa7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.spark;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.DataType;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.ValueType;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.DMLRuntimeException;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.caching.MatrixObject.UpdateType;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.context.ExecutionContext;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.context.SparkExecutionContext;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.DiagIndex;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.RevIndex;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.SortIndex;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.SwapIndex;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.InstructionUtils;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.cp.CPOperand;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.spark.functions.FilterDiagMatrixBlocksFunction;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.spark.functions.IsBlockInList;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.spark.functions.IsBlockInRange;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.spark.functions.ReorgMapFunction;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.spark.utils.RDDAggregateUtils;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.spark.utils.RDDSortUtils;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.spark.utils.SparkUtils;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.matrix.operators.Operator;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.matrix.operators.ReorgOperator;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.meta.DataCharacteristics;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.DataConverter;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.IndexRange;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.UtilFunctions;
import scala.Tuple2;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
public class ReorgSPInstruction extends UnarySPInstruction {
// sort-specific attributes (to enable variable attributes)
private CPOperand _col = null;
private CPOperand _desc = null;
private CPOperand _ixret = null;
private boolean _bSortIndInMem = false;
private ReorgSPInstruction(Operator op, CPOperand in, CPOperand out, String opcode, String istr) {
super(SPType.Reorg, op, in, out, opcode, istr);
private ReorgSPInstruction(Operator op, CPOperand in, CPOperand col, CPOperand desc, CPOperand ixret, CPOperand out,
String opcode, boolean bSortIndInMem, String istr) {
this(op, in, out, opcode, istr);
_col = col;
_desc = desc;
_ixret = ixret;
_bSortIndInMem = bSortIndInMem;
public static ReorgSPInstruction parseInstruction ( String str ) {
CPOperand in = new CPOperand("", ValueType.UNKNOWN, DataType.UNKNOWN);
CPOperand out = new CPOperand("", ValueType.UNKNOWN, DataType.UNKNOWN);
String opcode = InstructionUtils.getOpCode(str);
if ( opcode.equalsIgnoreCase("r'") ) {
parseUnaryInstruction(str, in, out); //max 2 operands
return new ReorgSPInstruction(new ReorgOperator(SwapIndex.getSwapIndexFnObject()), in, out, opcode, str);
else if ( opcode.equalsIgnoreCase("rev") ) {
parseUnaryInstruction(str, in, out); //max 2 operands
return new ReorgSPInstruction(new ReorgOperator(RevIndex.getRevIndexFnObject()), in, out, opcode, str);
else if ( opcode.equalsIgnoreCase("rdiag") ) {
parseUnaryInstruction(str, in, out); //max 2 operands
return new ReorgSPInstruction(new ReorgOperator(DiagIndex.getDiagIndexFnObject()), in, out, opcode, str);
else if ( opcode.equalsIgnoreCase("rsort") ) {
String[] parts = InstructionUtils.getInstructionPartsWithValueType(str);
InstructionUtils.checkNumFields(parts, 5, 6);
CPOperand col = new CPOperand(parts[2]);
CPOperand desc = new CPOperand(parts[3]);
CPOperand ixret = new CPOperand(parts[4]);
boolean bSortIndInMem = false;
if(parts.length > 5)
bSortIndInMem = Boolean.parseBoolean(parts[6]);
return new ReorgSPInstruction(new ReorgOperator(new SortIndex(1,false,false)),
in, col, desc, ixret, out, opcode, bSortIndInMem, str);
else {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unknown opcode while parsing a ReorgInstruction: " + str);
public void processInstruction(ExecutionContext ec) {
SparkExecutionContext sec = (SparkExecutionContext)ec;
String opcode = getOpcode();
//get input rdd handle
JavaPairRDD<MatrixIndexes,MatrixBlock> in1 = sec.getBinaryMatrixBlockRDDHandleForVariable( input1.getName() );
JavaPairRDD<MatrixIndexes,MatrixBlock> out = null;
DataCharacteristics mcIn = sec.getDataCharacteristics(input1.getName());
if( opcode.equalsIgnoreCase("r'") ) //TRANSPOSE
//execute transpose reorg operation
out = in1.mapToPair(new ReorgMapFunction(opcode));
else if( opcode.equalsIgnoreCase("rev") ) //REVERSE
//execute reverse reorg operation
out = in1.flatMapToPair(new RDDRevFunction(mcIn));
if( mcIn.getRows() % mcIn.getBlocksize() != 0 )
out = RDDAggregateUtils.mergeByKey(out, false);
else if ( opcode.equalsIgnoreCase("rdiag") ) // DIAG
if(mcIn.getCols() == 1) { // diagV2M
out = in1.flatMapToPair(new RDDDiagV2MFunction(mcIn));
else { // diagM2V
//execute diagM2V operation
out = in1.filter(new FilterDiagMatrixBlocksFunction())
.mapToPair(new ReorgMapFunction(opcode));
else if ( opcode.equalsIgnoreCase("rsort") ) //ORDER
// Sort by column 'col' in ascending/descending order and return either index/value
//get parameters
long[] cols = _col.getDataType().isMatrix() ? DataConverter.convertToLongVector(ec.getMatrixInput(_col.getName())) :
new long[]{ec.getScalarInput(_col).getLongValue()};
boolean desc = ec.getScalarInput(_desc).getBooleanValue();
boolean ixret = ec.getScalarInput(_ixret).getBooleanValue();
boolean singleCol = (mcIn.getCols() == 1);
out = in1;
if( cols.length > mcIn.getBlocksize() )
LOG.warn("Unsupported sort with number of order-by columns large than blocksize: "+cols.length);
if( singleCol || cols.length==1 ) {
// extract column (if necessary) and sort
if( !singleCol )
out = out.filter(new IsBlockInRange(1, mcIn.getRows(), cols[0], cols[0], mcIn))
.mapValues(new ExtractColumn(UtilFunctions.computeCellInBlock(cols[0], mcIn.getBlocksize())));
//actual index/data sort operation
if( ixret ) //sort indexes
out = RDDSortUtils.sortIndexesByVal(out, !desc, mcIn.getRows(), mcIn.getBlocksize());
else if( singleCol && !desc) //sort single-column matrix
out = RDDSortUtils.sortByVal(out, mcIn.getRows(), mcIn.getBlocksize());
else if( !_bSortIndInMem ) //sort multi-column matrix w/ rewrite
out = RDDSortUtils.sortDataByVal(out, in1, !desc, mcIn.getRows(), mcIn.getCols(), mcIn.getBlocksize());
else //sort multi-column matrix
out = RDDSortUtils.sortDataByValMemSort(out, in1, !desc, mcIn.getRows(), mcIn.getCols(), mcIn.getBlocksize(), sec, (ReorgOperator) _optr);
else { //general case: multi-column sort
// extract columns (if necessary)
if( cols.length < mcIn.getCols() )
out = out.filter(new IsBlockInList(cols, mcIn))
.mapToPair(new ExtractColumns(cols, mcIn));
// append extracted columns (if necessary)
if( mcIn.getCols() > mcIn.getBlocksize() )
out = RDDAggregateUtils.mergeByKey(out);
//actual index/data sort operation
if( ixret ) //sort indexes
out = RDDSortUtils.sortIndexesByVals(out, !desc, mcIn.getRows(), cols.length, mcIn.getBlocksize());
else if( cols.length==mcIn.getCols() && !desc) //sort single-column matrix
out = RDDSortUtils.sortByVals(out, mcIn.getRows(), cols.length, mcIn.getBlocksize());
else //sort multi-column matrix
out = RDDSortUtils.sortDataByVals(out, in1, !desc, mcIn.getRows(),
mcIn.getCols(), cols.length, mcIn.getBlocksize());
else {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Error: Incorrect opcode in ReorgSPInstruction:" + opcode);
//store output rdd handle
if( opcode.equalsIgnoreCase("rsort") && _col.getDataType().isMatrix() )
sec.setRDDHandleForVariable(output.getName(), out);
sec.addLineageRDD(output.getName(), input1.getName());
private void updateReorgDataCharacteristics(SparkExecutionContext sec) {
DataCharacteristics mc1 = sec.getDataCharacteristics(input1.getName());
DataCharacteristics mcOut = sec.getDataCharacteristics(output.getName());
//infer initially unknown dimensions from inputs
if( !mcOut.dimsKnown() )
if( !mc1.dimsKnown() )
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unable to compute output matrix characteristics from input.");
if ( getOpcode().equalsIgnoreCase("r'") )
mcOut.set(mc1.getCols(), mc1.getRows(), mc1.getBlocksize(), mc1.getBlocksize());
else if ( getOpcode().equalsIgnoreCase("rdiag") )
mcOut.set(mc1.getRows(), (mc1.getCols()>1)?1:mc1.getRows(), mc1.getBlocksize(), mc1.getBlocksize());
else if ( getOpcode().equalsIgnoreCase("rsort") ) {
boolean ixret = sec.getScalarInput(_ixret).getBooleanValue();
mcOut.set(mc1.getRows(), ixret?1:mc1.getCols(), mc1.getBlocksize(), mc1.getBlocksize());
//infer initially unknown nnz from input
if( !mcOut.nnzKnown() && mc1.nnzKnown() ){
boolean sortIx = getOpcode().equalsIgnoreCase("rsort") && sec.getScalarInput(_ixret.getName(), _ixret.getValueType(), _ixret.isLiteral()).getBooleanValue();
if( sortIx )
else //default (r', rdiag, rsort data)
private static class RDDDiagV2MFunction implements PairFlatMapFunction<Tuple2<MatrixIndexes, MatrixBlock>, MatrixIndexes, MatrixBlock>
private static final long serialVersionUID = 31065772250744103L;
private ReorgOperator _reorgOp = null;
private DataCharacteristics _mcIn = null;
public RDDDiagV2MFunction(DataCharacteristics mcIn) {
_reorgOp = new ReorgOperator(DiagIndex.getDiagIndexFnObject());
_mcIn = mcIn;
public Iterator<Tuple2<MatrixIndexes, MatrixBlock>> call( Tuple2<MatrixIndexes, MatrixBlock> arg0 ) {
ArrayList<Tuple2<MatrixIndexes, MatrixBlock>> ret = new ArrayList<>();
MatrixIndexes ixIn = arg0._1();
MatrixBlock blkIn = arg0._2();
//compute output indexes and reorg data
long rix = ixIn.getRowIndex();
MatrixIndexes ixOut = new MatrixIndexes(rix, rix);
MatrixBlock blkOut = blkIn.reorgOperations(_reorgOp, new MatrixBlock(), -1, -1, -1);
ret.add(new Tuple2<>(ixOut,blkOut));
// insert newly created empty blocks for entire row
int numBlocks = (int) Math.ceil((double)_mcIn.getRows()/_mcIn.getBlocksize());
for(int i = 1; i <= numBlocks; i++) {
if(i != ixOut.getColumnIndex()) {
int lrlen = UtilFunctions.computeBlockSize(_mcIn.getRows(), rix, _mcIn.getBlocksize());
int lclen = UtilFunctions.computeBlockSize(_mcIn.getRows(), i, _mcIn.getBlocksize());
MatrixBlock emptyBlk = new MatrixBlock(lrlen, lclen, true);
ret.add(new Tuple2<>(new MatrixIndexes(rix, i), emptyBlk));
return ret.iterator();
private static class RDDRevFunction implements PairFlatMapFunction<Tuple2<MatrixIndexes, MatrixBlock>, MatrixIndexes, MatrixBlock>
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1183373828539843938L;
private DataCharacteristics _mcIn = null;
public RDDRevFunction(DataCharacteristics mcIn) {
_mcIn = mcIn;
public Iterator<Tuple2<MatrixIndexes, MatrixBlock>> call( Tuple2<MatrixIndexes, MatrixBlock> arg0 ) {
//construct input
IndexedMatrixValue in = SparkUtils.toIndexedMatrixBlock(arg0);
//execute reverse operation
ArrayList<IndexedMatrixValue> out = new ArrayList<>();
LibMatrixReorg.rev(in, _mcIn.getRows(), _mcIn.getBlocksize(), out);
//construct output
return SparkUtils.fromIndexedMatrixBlock(out).iterator();
private static class ExtractColumn implements Function<MatrixBlock, MatrixBlock>
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1472164797288449559L;
private int _col;
public ExtractColumn(int col) {
_col = col;
public MatrixBlock call(MatrixBlock arg0)
throws Exception
return arg0.slice(0, arg0.getNumRows()-1, _col, _col, new MatrixBlock());
private static class ExtractColumns implements PairFunction<Tuple2<MatrixIndexes, MatrixBlock>,MatrixIndexes,MatrixBlock>
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2902729186431711506L;
private final long[] _cols;
private final int _blen;
public ExtractColumns(long[] cols, DataCharacteristics mc) {
_cols = cols;
_blen = mc.getBlocksize();
public Tuple2<MatrixIndexes, MatrixBlock> call(Tuple2<MatrixIndexes, MatrixBlock> arg0) {
MatrixIndexes ix = arg0._1();
MatrixBlock in = arg0._2();
MatrixBlock out = new MatrixBlock(in.getNumRows(), _cols.length, true);
for(int i=0; i<_cols.length; i++)
if( UtilFunctions.isInBlockRange(ix, _blen, new IndexRange(1, Long.MAX_VALUE, _cols[i], _cols[i])) ) {
int index = UtilFunctions.computeCellInBlock(_cols[i], _blen);
out.leftIndexingOperations(in.slice(0, in.getNumRows()-1, index, index, new MatrixBlock()),
0, in.getNumRows()-1, i, i, out, UpdateType.INPLACE);
return new Tuple2<>(new MatrixIndexes(ix.getRowIndex(), 1), out);