blob: 4426bc0b565d73dce15603935799fef2f8de79ff [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.gpu;
import org.apache.sysds.api.DMLScript;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.caching.MatrixObject;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.context.ExecutionContext;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.GPUInstructionParser;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.Instruction;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.cp.CPInstruction;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.gpu.context.GPUContext;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.matrix.operators.Operator;
import org.apache.sysds.utils.Statistics;
public abstract class GPUInstruction extends Instruction {
// Memory/conversions
public final static String MISC_TIMER_HOST_TO_DEVICE = "H2D"; // time spent in bringing data to gpu (from host)
public final static String MISC_TIMER_DEVICE_TO_HOST = "D2H"; // time spent in bringing data from gpu (to host)
public final static String MISC_TIMER_DEVICE_TO_DEVICE = "D2D"; // time spent in copying data from one region on the device to another
public final static String MISC_TIMER_SPARSE_TO_DENSE = "s2d"; // time spent in converting data from sparse to dense
public final static String MISC_TIMER_DENSE_TO_SPARSE = "d2s"; // time spent in converting data from dense to sparse
public final static String MISC_TIMER_ROW_TO_COLUMN_MAJOR = "r2c"; // time spent in converting data from row major to column major
public final static String MISC_TIMER_COLUMN_TO_ROW_MAJOR = "c2r"; // time spent in converting data from column major to row major
public final static String MISC_TIMER_OBJECT_CLONE = "clone";// time spent in cloning (deep copying) a GPUObject instance
public final static String MISC_TIMER_CUDA_SYNC = "sync"; // time spent in device sync
public final static String MISC_TIMER_CUDA_FREE = "f"; // time spent in calling cudaFree
public final static String MISC_TIMER_ALLOCATE = "a"; // time spent to allocate memory on gpu
public final static String MISC_TIMER_EVICT = "evict"; // time spent in eviction on gpu
public final static String MISC_TIMER_ALLOCATE_DENSE_OUTPUT = "ad"; // time spent to allocate dense output (recorded differently than MISC_TIMER_ALLOCATE)
public final static String MISC_TIMER_ALLOCATE_SPARSE_OUTPUT = "as"; // time spent to allocate sparse output (recorded differently than MISC_TIMER_ALLOCATE)
public final static String MISC_TIMER_SET_ZERO = "az"; // time spent to allocate
public final static String MISC_TIMER_REUSE = "r"; // time spent in reusing already allocated memory on GPU (mainly for the count)
// Matmult instructions
public final static String MISC_TIMER_SPARSE_ALLOCATE_LIB = "Msao"; // time spend in allocating for sparse matrix output
public final static String MISC_TIMER_DENSE_DOT_LIB = "Mddot"; // time spent in dot product of 2 dense vectors
public final static String MISC_TIMER_DENSE_VECTOR_DENSE_MATRIX_LIB = "Mdvdm"; // time spent in matrix mult of dense vector and dense matrix
public final static String MISC_TIMER_DENSE_MATRIX_DENSE_VECTOR_LIB = "Mdmdv"; // time spent in matrix mult of dense matrix and dense vector
public final static String MISC_TIMER_DENSE_MATRIX_DENSE_MATRIX_LIB = "Mdmdm"; // time spent in matrix mult of dense matrices
public final static String MISC_TIMER_SPARSE_MATRIX_DENSE_VECTOR_LIB = "Msmdv"; // time spent in matrix mult of sparse matrix and dense vector
public final static String MISC_TIMER_SPARSE_MATRIX_SPARSE_MATRIX_LIB = "Msmsm"; // time spent in matrix mult of sparse matrices
public final static String MISC_TIMER_SPARSE_MATRIX_DENSE_MATRIX_LIB = "Msmdm"; // time spent in matrix mult of sparse matrices
public final static String MISC_TIMER_SYRK_LIB = "Msyrk"; // time spent in symmetric rank-k update
// Other BLAS instructions
public final static String MISC_TIMER_DAXPY_LIB = "daxpy"; // time spent in daxpy
public final static String MISC_TIMER_QR_BUFFER = "qr_buffer";// time spent in calculating buffer needed to perform QR
public final static String MISC_TIMER_QR = "qr"; // time spent in doing QR
public final static String MISC_TIMER_ORMQR = "ormqr"; // time spent in ormqr
public final static String MISC_TIMER_TRSM = "trsm"; // time spent in cublas Dtrsm
// Transpose
public final static String MISC_TIMER_SPARSE_DGEAM_LIB = "sdgeaml"; // time spent in sparse transpose (and other ops of type a*op(A) + b*op(B))
public final static String MISC_TIMER_DENSE_DGEAM_LIB = "ddgeaml"; // time spent in dense transpose (and other ops of type a*op(A) + b*op(B))
public final static String MISC_TIMER_TRANSPOSE_LIB = "dtl"; // time spent on dense transpose, this includes allocation of output
// Custom kernels
public final static String MISC_TIMER_MATRIX_MATRIX_CELLWISE_OP_KERNEL = "mmck"; // time spent in matrix-matrix cellwise operations
public final static String MISC_TIMER_COMPARE_AND_SET_KERNEL = "cask"; // time spent in compareAndSet kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_EXP_KERNEL = "expk"; // time spent in the exp kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_SQRT_KERNEL = "sqrtk"; // time spent in the sqrt kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_ROUND_KERNEL = "roundk"; // time spent in the round kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_ABS_KERNEL = "absk"; // time spent in the abs kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_LOG_KERNEL = "logk"; // time spent in the log kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_FLOOR_KERNEL = "floork"; // time spent in the floor kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_CEIL_KERNEL = "ceilk"; // time spent in the ceil kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_SIN_KERNEL = "sink"; // time spent in the sin kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_COS_KERNEL = "cosk"; // time spent in the cos kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_TAN_KERNEL = "tank"; // time spent in the tan kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_SINH_KERNEL = "sinhk"; // time spent in the sinh kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_COSH_KERNEL = "coshk"; // time spent in the cosh kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_TANH_KERNEL = "tanhk"; // time spent in the tanh kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_ASIN_KERNEL = "asink"; // time spent in the asin kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_ACOS_KERNEL = "acosk"; // time spent in the acos kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_ATAN_KERNEL = "atank"; // time spent in the atan kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_SIGN_KERNEL = "signk"; // time spent in the sign kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_SIGMOID_KERNEL = "sigmk"; // time spent in the sigmoid kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_CBIND_KERNEL = "cbindk"; // time spent in the cbind kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_RBIND_KERNEL = "rbindk"; // time spent in the rbind kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_DAXPY_MV_KERNEL = "daxpymv";// time spent in the daxpy_matrix_vector kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_UPPER_TO_LOWER_TRIANGLE_KERNEL = "u2lk"; // time spent in the copy_u2l_dense kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_FILL_KERNEL = "fillk"; // time spent in the "fill" kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_MATRIX_SCALAR_OP_KERNEL = "msk"; // time spent in the matrix scalar kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_REDUCE_ALL_KERNEL = "rallk"; // time spent in reduce all kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_REDUCE_ROW_KERNEL = "rrowk"; // time spent in reduce row kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_REDUCE_COL_KERNEL = "rcolk"; // time spent in reduce column kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_RIX_DENSE_OP = "drix"; // time spent in the right indexing dense kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_RIX_SPARSE_DENSE_OP_ROWWISE = "sdrixr"; // time spent in the right indexing sparse dense kernel (row-wise parallelism)
public final static String MISC_TIMER_RIX_SPARSE_DENSE_OP_NNZ = "sdrixn"; // time spent in the right indexing sparse dense kernel (nnz parallelism)
// Deep learning operators
public final static String MISC_TIMER_ACTIVATION_FORWARD_LIB = "nnaf"; // time spent in cudnnActivationForward
public final static String MISC_TIMER_CONVOLUTION_FORWARD_LIB = "nncf"; // time spent in cudnnConvolutionForward
public final static String MISC_TIMER_CONVOLUTION_BACKWARD_FILTER_LIB ="nncbf"; // time spent in cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter
public final static String MISC_TIMER_CONVOLUTION_BACKWARD_DATA_LIB = "nncbd"; // time spent in cudnnConvolutionBackwardData
public final static String MISC_TIMER_MAXPOOLING_FORWARD_LIB = "nnmf"; // time spent in cudnnPoolingForward
public final static String MISC_TIMER_MAXPOOLING_BACKWARD_LIB = "nnmb"; // time spent in cudnnPoolingBackward
public final static String MISC_TIMER_BIAS_ADD_LIB = "nnba"; // time spent in bias_add, bias_multiply cuda kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_RELU_BACKWARD_KERNEL= "nnrbk"; // time spent in relu_backward cuda kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_RELU_KERNEL = "nnrk"; // time spent in the relu kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_CUDNN_INIT = "nni"; // time spent in initializations for cudnn call
public final static String MISC_TIMER_CUDNN_CLEANUP = "nnc"; // time spent in cleanup for cudnn call
public final static String MISC_TIMER_DENSE_IM2COL_KERNEL= "nndim2c"; // time spent in dense im2col cuda kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_SPARSE_IM2COL_KERNEL= "nnsim2c"; // time spent in sparse im2col cuda kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_DENSE_REORG_KNPQ_KERNEL= "nndrknpq"; // time spent in dense reorg_knpq cuda kernel
// cumulative operators
public final static String MISC_TIMER_CUMULATIVE_SCAN_KERNEL = "cumk"; // time spent in cumulative scan cuda kernel
public final static String MISC_TIMER_CUMULATIVE_SUMPROD_KERNEL = "cumSumProdk"; // time spent in cumulative sum-product cuda kernel
protected GPUINSTRUCTION_TYPE _gputype;
protected Operator _optr;
protected boolean _requiresLabelUpdate = false;
private GPUInstruction(String opcode, String istr) {
instString = istr;
// prepare opcode and update requirement for repeated usage
instOpcode = opcode;
_requiresLabelUpdate = super.requiresLabelUpdate();
protected GPUInstruction(Operator op, String opcode, String istr) {
this(opcode, istr);
_optr = op;
public IType getType() {
return IType.GPU;
public GPUINSTRUCTION_TYPE getGPUInstructionType() {
return _gputype;
public boolean requiresLabelUpdate() {
return _requiresLabelUpdate;
public String getGraphString() {
return getOpcode();
public Instruction preprocessInstruction(ExecutionContext ec) {
//default preprocess behavior (e.g., debug state)
Instruction tmp = super.preprocessInstruction(ec);
//instruction patching
if( tmp.requiresLabelUpdate() ) { //update labels only if required
//note: no exchange of updated instruction as labels might change in the general case
String updInst = CPInstruction.updateLabels(tmp.toString(), ec.getVariables());
tmp = GPUInstructionParser.parseSingleInstruction(updInst);
return tmp;
public abstract void processInstruction(ExecutionContext ec);
public void postprocessInstruction(ExecutionContext ec) {
if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
for(GPUContext gpuCtx : ec.getGPUContexts())
if(gpuCtx != null)
* Helper method to get the input block (allocated on the GPU)
* Also records performance information into {@link Statistics}
* @param ec active {@link ExecutionContext}
* @param name name of input matrix (that the {@link ExecutionContext} is aware of)
* @return the matrix object
protected MatrixObject getMatrixInputForGPUInstruction(ExecutionContext ec, String name) {
return ec.getMatrixInputForGPUInstruction(name, getExtendedOpcode());
* Helper method to get the output block (allocated on the GPU)
* Also records performance information into {@link Statistics}
* @param ec active {@link ExecutionContext}
* @param name name of input matrix (that the {@link ExecutionContext} is aware of)
* @param numRows number of rows of matrix object
* @param numCols number of columns of matrix object
* @return the matrix object
protected MatrixObject getDenseMatrixOutputForGPUInstruction(ExecutionContext ec, String name, long numRows, long numCols) {
return ec.getDenseMatrixOutputForGPUInstruction(name, numRows, numCols).getKey();