blob: 551bfb32d941c81f20d74bced6f6107a22bbd488 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.CompressionSettings;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.utils.ABitmap;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.utils.LinearAlgebraUtils;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.Builtin;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.KahanFunction;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.KahanPlus;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.cp.KahanObject;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.matrix.operators.BinaryOperator;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.matrix.operators.ScalarOperator;
/** A group of columns compressed with a single run-length encoded bitmap. */
public class ColGroupRLE extends ColGroupOffset {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7450232907594748177L;
protected ColGroupRLE() {
* Main constructor. Constructs and stores the necessary bitmaps.
* @param colIndices indices (within the block) of the columns included in this column
* @param numRows total number of rows in the parent block
* @param ubm Uncompressed bitmap representation of the block
* @param cs The Compression settings used for compression
protected ColGroupRLE(int[] colIndices, int numRows, ABitmap ubm, CompressionSettings cs) {
super(colIndices, numRows, ubm, cs);
// compress the bitmaps
final int numVals = ubm.getNumValues();
char[][] lbitmaps = new char[numVals][];
int totalLen = 0;
for(int k = 0; k < numVals; k++) {
lbitmaps[k] = genRLEBitmap(ubm.getOffsetsList(k).extractValues(), ubm.getNumOffsets(k));
totalLen += lbitmaps[k].length;
// compact bitmaps to linearized representation
createCompressedBitmaps(numVals, totalLen, lbitmaps);
// LOG.error(this);
protected ColGroupRLE(int[] colIndices, int numRows, boolean zeros, ADictionary dict, char[] bitmaps,
int[] bitmapOffs) {
super(colIndices, numRows, zeros, dict);
_data = bitmaps;
_ptr = bitmapOffs;
public CompressionType getCompType() {
return CompressionType.RLE;
protected ColGroupType getColGroupType() {
return ColGroupType.RLE;
public void decompressToBlock(MatrixBlock target, int rl, int ru, int offT, double[] values) {
final int blksz = CompressionSettings.BITMAP_BLOCK_SZ;
final int numCols = getNumCols();
final int numVals = getNumValues();
// position and start offset arrays
int[] astart = new int[numVals];
int[] apos = skipScan(numVals, rl, astart);
// cache conscious append via horizontal scans
for(int bi = rl; bi < ru; bi += blksz) {
int bimax = Math.min(bi + blksz, ru);
for(int k = 0, off = 0; k < numVals; k++, off += numCols) {
int boff = _ptr[k];
int blen = len(k);
int bix = apos[k];
int start = astart[k];
for(; bix < blen & start < bimax; bix += 2) {
start += _data[boff + bix];
int len = _data[boff + bix + 1];
for(int i = Math.max(rl, start) - (rl - offT); i < Math.min(start + len, ru) - (rl - offT); i++)
for(int j = 0; j < numCols; j++) {
if(values[off + j] != 0) {
double v = target.quickGetValue(i, _colIndexes[j]);
target.quickSetValue(i, _colIndexes[j], values[off + j] + v);
start += len;
apos[k] = bix;
astart[k] = start;
public void decompressToBlock(MatrixBlock target, int[] colixTargets) {
if(getNumValues() > 1) {
final int blksz = CompressionSettings.BITMAP_BLOCK_SZ;
final int numCols = getNumCols();
final int numVals = getNumValues();
final double[] values = getValues();
// position and start offset arrays
int[] apos = new int[numVals];
int[] astart = new int[numVals];
int[] cix = new int[numCols];
// prepare target col indexes
for(int j = 0; j < numCols; j++)
cix[j] = colixTargets[_colIndexes[j]];
// cache conscious append via horizontal scans
for(int bi = 0; bi < _numRows; bi += blksz) {
int bimax = Math.min(bi + blksz, _numRows);
for(int k = 0, off = 0; k < numVals; k++, off += numCols) {
int boff = _ptr[k];
int blen = len(k);
int bix = apos[k];
if(bix >= blen)
int start = astart[k];
for(; bix < blen & start < bimax; bix += 2) {
start += _data[boff + bix];
int len = _data[boff + bix + 1];
for(int i = start; i < start + len; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < numCols; j++)
if(values[off + j] != 0) {
double v = target.quickGetValue(i, _colIndexes[j]);
target.setValue(i, _colIndexes[j], values[off + j] + v);
start += len;
apos[k] = bix;
astart[k] = start;
else {
// call generic decompression with decoder
super.decompressToBlock(target, colixTargets);
public void decompressToBlock(MatrixBlock target, int colpos) {
final int blksz = 128 * 1024;
final int numCols = getNumCols();
final int numVals = getNumValues();
double[] c = target.getDenseBlockValues();
final double[] values = getValues();
// position and start offset arrays
int[] astart = new int[numVals];
int[] apos = allocIVector(numVals, true);
// cache conscious append via horizontal scans
int nnz = 0;
for(int bi = 0; bi < _numRows; bi += blksz) {
int bimax = Math.min(bi + blksz, _numRows);
// Arrays.fill(c, bi, bimax, 0);
for(int k = 0, off = 0; k < numVals; k++, off += numCols) {
int boff = _ptr[k];
int blen = len(k);
int bix = apos[k];
if(bix >= blen)
int start = astart[k];
for(; bix < blen & start < bimax; bix += 2) {
start += _data[boff + bix];
int len = _data[boff + bix + 1];
for(int i = start; i < start + len; i++)
c[i] += values[off + colpos];
nnz += len;
start += len;
apos[k] = bix;
astart[k] = start;
public int[] getCounts(int[] counts) {
final int numVals = getNumValues();
int sum = 0;
for(int k = 0; k < numVals; k++) {
int boff = _ptr[k];
int blen = len(k);
int curRunEnd = 0;
int count = 0;
for(int bix = 0; bix < blen; bix += 2) {
int curRunStartOff = curRunEnd + _data[boff + bix];
curRunEnd = curRunStartOff + _data[boff + bix + 1];
count += curRunEnd - curRunStartOff;
sum += count;
counts[k] = count;
if(_zeros) {
counts[counts.length - 1] = _numRows * _colIndexes.length - sum;
return counts;
public int[] getCounts(int rl, int ru, int[] counts) {
final int numVals = getNumValues();
int sum = 0;
for(int k = 0; k < numVals; k++) {
int boff = _ptr[k];
int blen = len(k);
Pair<Integer, Integer> tmp = skipScanVal(k, rl);
int bix = tmp.getKey();
int curRunStartOff = tmp.getValue();
int curRunEnd = tmp.getValue();
int count = 0;
for(; bix < blen && curRunEnd < ru; bix += 2) {
curRunStartOff = curRunEnd + _data[boff + bix];
curRunEnd = curRunStartOff + _data[boff + bix + 1];
count += Math.min(curRunEnd, ru) - curRunStartOff;
sum += count;
counts[k] = count;
if(_zeros) {
counts[counts.length - 1] = (ru - rl) * _colIndexes.length - sum;
return counts;
public void rightMultByVector(double[] b, double[] c, int rl, int ru, double[] dictVals) {
final int numVals = getNumValues();
if(numVals >= 1 && _numRows > CompressionSettings.BITMAP_BLOCK_SZ) {
// L3 cache alignment, see comment rightMultByVector OLE column group
// core difference of RLE to OLE is that runs are not segment alignment,
// which requires care of handling runs crossing cache-buckets
final int blksz = CompressionSettings.BITMAP_BLOCK_SZ * 2;
// step 1: prepare position and value arrays
// current pos / values per RLE list
// step 2: cache conscious matrix-vector via horizontal scans
for(int bi = rl; bi < ru; bi += blksz) {
int[] astart = new int[numVals];
int[] apos = skipScan(numVals, rl, astart);
double[] aval = preaggValues(numVals, b, dictVals);
int bimax = Math.min(bi + blksz, ru);
// horizontal segment scan, incl pos maintenance
for(int k = 0; k < numVals; k++) {
int boff = _ptr[k];
int blen = len(k);
double val = aval[k];
int bix = apos[k];
int start = astart[k];
// compute partial results, not aligned
while(bix < blen & bix < bimax) {
int lstart = _data[boff + bix];
int llen = _data[boff + bix + 1];
int len = Math.min(start + lstart + llen, bimax) - Math.max(bi, start + lstart);
if(len > 0) {
LinearAlgebraUtils.vectAdd(val, c, Math.max(bi, start + lstart), len);
start += lstart + llen;
bix += 2;
apos[k] = bix;
astart[k] = start;
else {
for(int k = 0; k < numVals; k++) {
int boff = _ptr[k];
int blen = len(k);
double val = sumValues(k, b, dictVals);
int bix = 0;
int start = 0;
// scan to beginning offset if necessary
if(rl > 0) { // rl aligned with blksz
while(bix < blen) {
int lstart = _data[boff + bix]; // start
int llen = _data[boff + bix + 1]; // len
if(start + lstart + llen >= rl)
start += lstart + llen;
bix += 2;
// compute partial results, not aligned
while(bix < blen) {
int lstart = _data[boff + bix];
int llen = _data[boff + bix + 1];
Math.max(rl, start + lstart),
Math.min(start + lstart + llen, ru) - Math.max(rl, start + lstart));
if(start + lstart + llen >= ru)
start += lstart + llen;
bix += 2;
public void rightMultByMatrix(double[] preAggregatedB, double[] c, int thatNrColumns, int rl, int ru, int cl,
int cu) {
final int nrVals = getNumValues();
for(int k = 0; k < nrVals; k++) {
int boff = _ptr[k];
int blen = len(k);
int bix = 0;
int start = 0;
// scan to beginning offset if necessary
if(rl > 0) { // rl aligned with blksz
while(bix < blen) {
int lstart = _data[boff + bix]; // start
int llen = _data[boff + bix + 1]; // len
if(start + lstart + llen >= rl)
start += lstart + llen;
bix += 2;
// compute partial results, not aligned
while(bix < blen) {
int lstart = _data[boff + bix];
int llen = _data[boff + bix + 1];
Math.max(rl, start + lstart),
Math.min(start + lstart + llen, ru),
k * (cu - cl));
if(start + lstart + llen >= ru)
start += lstart + llen;
bix += 2;
public void rightMultBySparseMatrix(SparseRow[] rows, double[] c, int numVals, double[] dictVals, int nrColumns,
int rl, int ru) {
if(rows.length > 1) {
throw new NotImplementedException("Not Implemented CoCoded right Sparse Multiply");
for(int k = 0; k < numVals; k++) {
int boff = _ptr[k];
int blen = len(k);
for(int i = 0; i < rows[0].size(); i++) {
int column = rows[0].indexes()[i];
double val = sumValuesSparse(k, rows, dictVals, i);
int bix = 0;
int start = 0 + column * _numRows;
// scan to beginning offset if necessary
if(rl > 0) { // rl aligned with blksz
while(bix < blen) {
int lstart = _data[boff + bix]; // start
int llen = _data[boff + bix + 1]; // len
if(start + lstart + llen >= rl + column * _numRows)
start += lstart + llen;
bix += 2;
// compute partial results, not aligned
while(bix < blen) {
int lstart = _data[boff + bix];
int llen = _data[boff + bix + 1];
Math.max(rl + column * _numRows, start + lstart),
Math.min(start + lstart + llen, ru + column * _numRows) -
Math.max(rl + column * _numRows, start + lstart));
if(start + lstart + llen >= ru + column * _numRows)
start += lstart + llen;
bix += 2;
public void leftMultByRowVector(double[] a, double[] c, int numVals) {
numVals = (numVals == -1) ? getNumValues() : numVals;
final double[] values = getValues();
leftMultByRowVector(a, c, numVals, values);
public void leftMultByRowVector(double[] a, double[] c, int numVals, double[] values) {
final int numCols = getNumCols();
if(numVals >= 1 && _numRows > CompressionSettings.BITMAP_BLOCK_SZ) {
final int blksz = 2 * CompressionSettings.BITMAP_BLOCK_SZ;
// step 1: prepare position and value arrays
// current pos per OLs / output values
int[] astart = new int[numVals];
int[] apos = allocIVector(numVals, true);
double[] cvals = allocDVector(numVals, true);
// step 2: cache conscious matrix-vector via horizontal scans
for(int ai = 0; ai < _numRows; ai += blksz) {
int aimax = Math.min(ai + blksz, _numRows);
// horizontal scan, incl pos maintenance
for(int k = 0; k < numVals; k++) {
int boff = _ptr[k];
int blen = len(k);
int bix = apos[k];
int start = astart[k];
// compute partial results, not aligned
while(bix < blen & start < aimax) {
start += _data[boff + bix];
int len = _data[boff + bix + 1];
cvals[k] += LinearAlgebraUtils.vectSum(a, start, len);
start += len;
bix += 2;
apos[k] = bix;
astart[k] = start;
// step 3: scale partial results by values and write to global output
for(int k = 0, valOff = 0; k < numVals; k++, valOff += numCols)
for(int j = 0; j < numCols; j++)
c[_colIndexes[j]] += cvals[k] * values[valOff + j];
else {
// iterate over all values and their bitmaps
for(int k = 0, valOff = 0; k < numVals; k++, valOff += numCols) {
int boff = _ptr[k];
int blen = len(k);
double vsum = 0;
int curRunEnd = 0;
for(int bix = 0; bix < blen; bix += 2) {
int curRunStartOff = curRunEnd + _data[boff + bix];
int curRunLen = _data[boff + bix + 1];
vsum += LinearAlgebraUtils.vectSum(a, curRunStartOff, curRunLen);
curRunEnd = curRunStartOff + curRunLen;
// scale partial results by values and write results
for(int j = 0; j < numCols; j++)
c[_colIndexes[j]] += vsum * values[valOff + j];
public void leftMultByMatrix(final double[] a, final double[] c, final double[] values, final int numRows,
final int numCols, int rl, final int ru, final int vOff) {
final int numVals = getNumValues();
if(numVals >= 1 && _numRows > CompressionSettings.BITMAP_BLOCK_SZ) {
final int blksz = 2 * CompressionSettings.BITMAP_BLOCK_SZ;
// step 1: prepare position and value arrays
int[] astart = new int[numVals];
for(int i = rl, off = vOff * _numRows; i < ru; i++, off += _numRows) {
// System.arraycopy(a, (a.length / numRows) * i, aRow, 0, a.length / numRows);
// current pos per OLs / output values
int[] apos = allocIVector(numVals, true);
double[] cvals = allocDVector(numVals, true);
// step 2: cache conscious matrix-vector via horizontal scans
for(int ai = 0; ai < _numRows; ai += blksz) {
int aimax = Math.min(ai + blksz, _numRows);
// horizontal scan, incl pos maintenance
for(int k = 0; k < numVals; k++) {
int boff = _ptr[k];
int blen = len(k);
int bix = apos[k];
int start = astart[k];
// compute partial results, not aligned
while(bix < blen & start < aimax) {
start += _data[boff + bix];
int len = _data[boff + bix + 1];
cvals[k] += LinearAlgebraUtils.vectSum(a, start + off, len);
start += len;
bix += 2;
apos[k] = bix;
astart[k] = start;
int offC = i * numCols;
// step 3: scale partial results by values and write to global output
int valOff = 0;
for(int k = 0; k < numVals; k++) {
for(int j = 0; j < _colIndexes.length; j++) {
int colIx = _colIndexes[j] + offC;
c[colIx] += cvals[k] * values[valOff++];
astart[k] = 0;
else {
// iterate over all values and their bitmaps
for(int i = rl, off = vOff * _numRows; i < ru; i++, off += _numRows) {
int offC = i * numCols;
int valOff = 0;
for(int k = 0; k < numVals; k++) {
int boff = _ptr[k];
int blen = len(k);
double vsum = 0;
int curRunEnd = 0;
for(int bix = 0; bix < blen; bix += 2) {
int curRunStartOff = curRunEnd + _data[boff + bix];
int curRunLen = _data[boff + bix + 1];
vsum += LinearAlgebraUtils.vectSum(a, curRunStartOff + off, curRunLen);
curRunEnd = curRunStartOff + curRunLen;
for(int j = 0; j < _colIndexes.length; j++) {
int colIx = _colIndexes[j] + offC;
// scale partial results by values and write results
c[colIx] += vsum * values[valOff++];
public void leftMultBySparseMatrix(int spNrVals, int[] indexes, double[] sparseV, double[] c, int numVals,
double[] values, int numRows, int numCols, int row, double[] MaterializedRow) {
for(int k = 0, valOff = 0; k < numVals; k++, valOff += _colIndexes.length) {
int boff = _ptr[k];
int blen = len(k);
double vsum = 0;
int pointerIndexes = 0;
int curRunEnd = 0;
for(int bix = 0; bix < blen; bix += 2) {
int curRunStartOff = curRunEnd + _data[boff + bix];
int curRunLen = _data[boff + bix + 1];
curRunEnd = curRunStartOff + curRunLen;
while(pointerIndexes < spNrVals && indexes[pointerIndexes] < curRunStartOff) {
while(pointerIndexes != spNrVals && indexes[pointerIndexes] >= curRunStartOff &&
indexes[pointerIndexes] < curRunEnd) {
vsum += sparseV[pointerIndexes];
if(pointerIndexes == spNrVals) {
for(int j = 0; j < _colIndexes.length; j++) {
int Voff = _colIndexes[j] + row * numCols;
c[Voff] += vsum * values[valOff + j];
public ColGroup scalarOperation(ScalarOperator op) {
double val0 = op.executeScalar(0);
// fast path: sparse-safe operations
// Note that bitmaps don't change and are shallow-copied
if(op.sparseSafe || val0 == 0 || !_zeros) {
return new ColGroupRLE(_colIndexes, _numRows, _zeros, applyScalarOp(op), _data, _ptr);
// slow path: sparse-unsafe operations (potentially create new bitmap)
// note: for efficiency, we currently don't drop values that become 0
boolean[] lind = computeZeroIndicatorVector();
int[] loff = computeOffsets(lind);
if(loff.length == 0) { // empty offset list: go back to fast path
return new ColGroupRLE(_colIndexes, _numRows, false, applyScalarOp(op), _data, _ptr);
ADictionary rvalues = applyScalarOp(op, val0, getNumCols());
char[] lbitmap = genRLEBitmap(loff, loff.length);
char[] rbitmaps = Arrays.copyOf(_data, _data.length + lbitmap.length);
System.arraycopy(lbitmap, 0, rbitmaps, _data.length, lbitmap.length);
int[] rbitmapOffs = Arrays.copyOf(_ptr, _ptr.length + 1);
rbitmapOffs[rbitmapOffs.length - 1] = rbitmaps.length;
return new ColGroupRLE(_colIndexes, _numRows, false, rvalues, rbitmaps, rbitmapOffs);
public ColGroup binaryRowOp(BinaryOperator op, double[] v, boolean sparseSafe) {
sparseSafe = sparseSafe || !_zeros;
// fast path: sparse-safe operations
// Note that bitmaps don't change and are shallow-copied
if(sparseSafe) {
return new ColGroupRLE(_colIndexes, _numRows, _zeros, applyBinaryRowOp(op.fn, v, sparseSafe), _data, _ptr);
// slow path: sparse-unsafe operations (potentially create new bitmap)
// note: for efficiency, we currently don't drop values that become 0
boolean[] lind = computeZeroIndicatorVector();
int[] loff = computeOffsets(lind);
if(loff.length == 0) { // empty offset list: go back to fast path
return new ColGroupRLE(_colIndexes, _numRows, false, applyBinaryRowOp(op.fn, v, true), _data, _ptr);
ADictionary rvalues = applyBinaryRowOp(op.fn, v, sparseSafe);
char[] lbitmap = genRLEBitmap(loff, loff.length);
char[] rbitmaps = Arrays.copyOf(_data, _data.length + lbitmap.length);
System.arraycopy(lbitmap, 0, rbitmaps, _data.length, lbitmap.length);
int[] rbitmapOffs = Arrays.copyOf(_ptr, _ptr.length + 1);
rbitmapOffs[rbitmapOffs.length - 1] = rbitmaps.length;
return new ColGroupRLE(_colIndexes, _numRows, false, rvalues, rbitmaps, rbitmapOffs);
protected final void computeSum(double[] c, KahanFunction kplus) {
c[0] += _dict.sum(getCounts(), _colIndexes.length, kplus);
protected final void computeRowSums(double[] c, KahanFunction kplus, int rl, int ru, boolean mean) {
KahanObject kbuff = new KahanObject(0, 0);
KahanPlus kplus2 = KahanPlus.getKahanPlusFnObject();
final int numVals = getNumValues();
if(numVals > 1 && _numRows > CompressionSettings.BITMAP_BLOCK_SZ) {
final int blksz = CompressionSettings.BITMAP_BLOCK_SZ;
// step 1: prepare position and value arrays
// current pos / values per RLE list
int[] astart = new int[numVals];
int[] apos = skipScan(numVals, rl, astart);
double[] aval = _dict.sumAllRowsToDouble(kplus, kbuff, _colIndexes.length);
// step 2: cache conscious matrix-vector via horizontal scans
for(int bi = rl; bi < ru; bi += blksz) {
int bimax = Math.min(bi + blksz, ru);
// horizontal segment scan, incl pos maintenance
for(int k = 0; k < numVals; k++) {
int boff = _ptr[k];
int blen = len(k);
double val = aval[k];
int bix = apos[k];
int start = astart[k];
// compute partial results, not aligned
while(bix < blen) {
int lstart = _data[boff + bix];
int llen = _data[boff + bix + 1];
int from = Math.max(bi, start + lstart);
int to = Math.min(start + lstart + llen, bimax);
for(int rix = from; rix < to; rix++) {
setandExecute(c, kbuff, kplus2, val, rix * (2 + (mean ? 1 : 0)));
if(start + lstart + llen >= bimax)
start += lstart + llen;
bix += 2;
apos[k] = bix;
astart[k] = start;
else {
for(int k = 0; k < numVals; k++) {
int boff = _ptr[k];
int blen = len(k);
double val = _dict.sumRow(k, kplus, kbuff, _colIndexes.length);
if(val != 0.0) {
Pair<Integer, Integer> tmp = skipScanVal(k, rl);
int bix = tmp.getKey();
int curRunStartOff = tmp.getValue();
int curRunEnd = tmp.getValue();
for(; bix < blen && curRunEnd < ru; bix += 2) {
curRunStartOff = curRunEnd + _data[boff + bix];
curRunEnd = curRunStartOff + _data[boff + bix + 1];
for(int rix = curRunStartOff; rix < curRunEnd && rix < ru; rix++) {
setandExecute(c, kbuff, kplus2, val, rix * (2 + (mean ? 1 : 0)));
protected final void computeColSums(double[] c, KahanFunction kplus) {
_dict.colSum(c, getCounts(), _colIndexes, kplus);
protected final void computeRowMxx(double[] c, Builtin builtin, int rl, int ru) {
// NOTE: zeros handled once for all column groups outside
final int numVals = getNumValues();
// double[] c = result.getDenseBlockValues();
final double[] values = getValues();
for(int k = 0; k < numVals; k++) {
int boff = _ptr[k];
int blen = len(k);
double val = mxxValues(k, builtin, values);
Pair<Integer, Integer> tmp = skipScanVal(k, rl);
int bix = tmp.getKey();
int curRunStartOff = tmp.getValue();
int curRunEnd = tmp.getValue();
for(; bix < blen && curRunEnd < ru; bix += 2) {
curRunStartOff = curRunEnd + _data[boff + bix];
curRunEnd = curRunStartOff + _data[boff + bix + 1];
for(int rix = curRunStartOff; rix < curRunEnd && rix < ru; rix++)
c[rix] = builtin.execute(c[rix], val);
public boolean[] computeZeroIndicatorVector() {
boolean[] ret = new boolean[_numRows];
final int numVals = getNumValues();
// initialize everything with zero
Arrays.fill(ret, true);
for(int k = 0; k < numVals; k++) {
int boff = _ptr[k];
int blen = len(k);
int curRunStartOff = 0;
int curRunEnd = 0;
for(int bix = 0; bix < blen; bix += 2) {
curRunStartOff = curRunEnd + _data[boff + bix];
curRunEnd = curRunStartOff + _data[boff + bix + 1];
Arrays.fill(ret, curRunStartOff, curRunEnd, false);
return ret;
public void countNonZerosPerRow(int[] rnnz, int rl, int ru) {
final int numVals = getNumValues();
final int numCols = getNumCols();
// current pos / values per RLE list
int[] astart = new int[numVals];
int[] apos = skipScan(numVals, rl, astart);
for(int k = 0; k < numVals; k++) {
int boff = _ptr[k];
int blen = len(k);
int bix = apos[k];
int curRunStartOff = 0;
int curRunEnd = 0;
for(; bix < blen && curRunStartOff < ru; bix += 2) {
curRunStartOff = curRunEnd + _data[boff + bix];
curRunEnd = curRunStartOff + _data[boff + bix + 1];
for(int i = Math.max(curRunStartOff, rl); i < Math.min(curRunEnd, ru); i++)
rnnz[i - rl] += numCols;
// internal helper functions
* Scans to given row_lower position by scanning run length fields. Returns array of positions for all values and
* modifies given array of start positions for all values too.
* @param numVals number of values
* @param rl lower row position
* @param astart start positions
* @return array of positions for all values
private int[] skipScan(int numVals, int rl, int[] astart) {
int[] apos = allocIVector(numVals, rl == 0);
if(rl > 0) { // rl aligned with blksz
for(int k = 0; k < numVals; k++) {
int boff = _ptr[k];
int blen = len(k);
int bix = 0;
int start = 0;
while(bix < blen) {
int lstart = _data[boff + bix]; // start
int llen = _data[boff + bix + 1]; // len
if(start + lstart + llen >= rl)
start += lstart + llen;
bix += 2;
apos[k] = bix;
astart[k] = start;
return apos;
private Pair<Integer, Integer> skipScanVal(int k, int rl) {
int apos = 0;
int astart = 0;
if(rl > 0) { // rl aligned with blksz
int boff = _ptr[k];
int blen = len(k);
int bix = 0;
int start = 0;
while(bix < blen) {
int lstart = _data[boff + bix]; // start
int llen = _data[boff + bix + 1]; // len
if(start + lstart + llen >= rl)
start += lstart + llen;
bix += 2;
apos = bix;
astart = start;
return new Pair<>(apos, astart);
public Iterator<Integer> getIterator(int k) {
return new RLEValueIterator(k, 0, _numRows);
public Iterator<Integer> getIterator(int k, int rl, int ru) {
return new RLEValueIterator(k, rl, ru);
public ColGroupRowIterator getRowIterator(int rl, int ru) {
return new RLERowIterator(rl, ru);
private class RLEValueIterator implements Iterator<Integer> {
private final int _ru;
private final int _boff;
private final int _blen;
private int _bix;
private int _start;
private int _rpos;
public RLEValueIterator(int k, int rl, int ru) {
_ru = ru;
_boff = _ptr[k];
_blen = len(k);
_bix = 0;
_start = 0; // init first run
_rpos = _data[_boff + _bix];
while(_rpos < rl)
public boolean hasNext() {
return(_rpos < _ru);
public Integer next() {
throw new RuntimeException("No more RLE entries.");
int ret = _rpos;
return ret;
private void nextRowOffset() {
// get current run information
int lstart = _data[_boff + _bix]; // start
int llen = _data[_boff + _bix + 1]; // len
// advance to next run if necessary
if(_rpos - _start - lstart + 1 >= llen) {
_start += lstart + llen;
_bix += 2;
_rpos = (_bix >= _blen) ? _ru : _start + _data[_boff + _bix];
// increment row index within run
else {
private class RLERowIterator extends ColGroupRowIterator {
// iterator state
private final int[] _astart;
private final int[] _apos;
private final int[] _vcodes;
public RLERowIterator(int rl, int ru) {
_astart = new int[getNumValues()];
_apos = skipScan(getNumValues(), rl, _astart);
_vcodes = new int[Math.min(CompressionSettings.BITMAP_BLOCK_SZ, ru - rl)];
Arrays.fill(_vcodes, -1); // initial reset
public void next(double[] buff, int rowIx, int segIx, boolean last) {
final int clen = getNumCols();
final int vcode = _vcodes[segIx];
if(vcode >= 0) {
// copy entire value tuple if necessary
final double[] values = getValues();
for(int j = 0, off = vcode * clen; j < clen; j++)
buff[_colIndexes[j]] = values[off + j];
// reset vcode to avoid scan on next segment
_vcodes[segIx] = -1;
if(segIx + 1 == CompressionSettings.BITMAP_BLOCK_SZ && !last)
getNextSegment(rowIx + 1);
private void getNextSegment(int rowIx) {
// materialize value codes for entire segment in a
// single pass over all values (store value code by pos)
final int numVals = getNumValues();
final int blksz = CompressionSettings.BITMAP_BLOCK_SZ;
for(int k = 0; k < numVals; k++) {
int boff = _ptr[k];
int blen = len(k);
int bix = _apos[k];
int start = _astart[k];
int end = (rowIx / blksz + 1) * blksz;
while(bix < blen && start < end) {
int lstart = _data[boff + bix];
int llen = _data[boff + bix + 1];
// set codes of entire run, with awareness of unaligned runs/segments
Math.min(Math.max(rowIx, start + lstart), end) - rowIx,
Math.min(start + lstart + llen, end) - rowIx,
if(start + lstart + llen >= end)
start += lstart + llen;
bix += 2;
_apos[k] = bix;
_astart[k] = start;
* Encodes the bitmap as a series of run lengths and offsets.
* Note that this method should not be called if the len is 0.
* @param offsets uncompressed offset list
* @param len logical length of the given offset list
* @return compressed version of said bitmap
public static char[] genRLEBitmap(int[] offsets, int len) {
// Use an ArrayList for correctness at the expense of temp space
List<Character> buf = new ArrayList<>();
// 1 + (position of last 1 in the previous run of 1's)
// We add 1 because runs may be of length zero.
int lastRunEnd = 0;
// Offset between the end of the previous run of 1's and the first 1 in
// the current run. Initialized below.
int curRunOff;
// Length of the most recent run of 1's
int curRunLen = 0;
// Current encoding is as follows:
// Negative entry: abs(Entry) encodes the offset to the next lone 1 bit.
// Positive entry: Entry encodes offset to next run of 1's. The next
// entry in the bitmap holds a run length.
// Special-case the first run to simplify the loop below.
int firstOff = offsets[0];
// The first run may start more than a short's worth of bits in
while(firstOff > Character.MAX_VALUE) {
buf.add((char) 0);
firstOff -= Character.MAX_VALUE;
lastRunEnd += Character.MAX_VALUE;
// Create the first run with an initial size of 1
curRunOff = firstOff;
curRunLen = 1;
// Process the remaining offsets
for(int i = 1; i < len; i++) {
int absOffset = offsets[i];
// 1 + (last position in run)
int curRunEnd = lastRunEnd + curRunOff + curRunLen;
if(absOffset > curRunEnd || curRunLen >= Character.MAX_VALUE) {
// End of a run, either because we hit a run of 0's or because the
// number of 1's won't fit in 16 bits. Add run to bitmap and start a new one.
buf.add((char) curRunOff);
buf.add((char) curRunLen);
lastRunEnd = curRunEnd;
curRunOff = absOffset - lastRunEnd;
while(curRunOff > Character.MAX_VALUE) {
// SPECIAL CASE: Offset to next run doesn't fit into 16 bits.
// Add zero-length runs until the offset is small enough.
buf.add((char) 0);
lastRunEnd += Character.MAX_VALUE;
curRunOff -= Character.MAX_VALUE;
curRunLen = 1;
else {
// Middle of a run
// Edge case, if the last run overlaps the character length bound.
if(curRunOff + curRunLen > Character.MAX_VALUE) {
buf.add((char) 0);
curRunOff -= Character.MAX_VALUE;
// Add the final Run.
buf.add((char) curRunOff);
buf.add((char) curRunLen);
// Convert wasteful ArrayList to packed array.
char[] ret = new char[buf.size()];
for(int i = 0; i < buf.size(); i++)
ret[i] = buf.get(i);
return ret;