blob: 16638d2ee49bf13b5a6eefaf968ab886ce7d73d0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.DoubleSummaryStatistics;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.DMLCompressionException;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.DMLRuntimeException;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.DMLScriptException;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.UncompressedBitmap;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.Builtin;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.Builtin.BuiltinCode;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.KahanPlus;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.KahanPlusSq;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.Multiply;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.ReduceAll;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.ReduceCol;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.ReduceRow;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.matrix.operators.AggregateUnaryOperator;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.matrix.operators.ScalarOperator;
public class ColGroupQuan extends ColGroup {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -9157476271360522008L;
protected double _scale;
protected byte[] _values;
protected ColGroupQuan() {
protected ColGroupQuan(int[] colIndexes, int numRows, UncompressedBitmap ubm) {
super(colIndexes, numRows);
_values = new byte[ubm.getNumColumns() * numRows];
double[] valuesFullPrecision = ubm.getValues();
DoubleSummaryStatistics stat =;
double max = Math.abs(Math.max(stat.getMax(), Math.abs(stat.getMin())));
throw new DMLCompressionException("Invalid ColGroupQuan, can't quantize Infinite value.");
} else if (max == 0){
_scale = 1;
LOG.error("ColGroup! column with only 0 values good excuse to make new ColGroup");
} else{
_scale = max / (double) (Byte.MAX_VALUE);
for (int i = 0; i < valuesFullPrecision.length; i++) {
int[] runs = ubm.getOffsetsList(i).extractValues();
double curV = valuesFullPrecision[i];
double scaledVal = curV / _scale;
if(Double.isNaN(scaledVal) || Double.isInfinite(scaledVal)){
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Something went wrong in scaling values");
byte scaledValQuan = (byte) (scaledVal);
for (int j = 0; j < ubm.getOffsetsList(i).size(); j++) {
_values[runs[j]] = scaledValQuan;
public boolean getIfCountsType(){
return false;
private ColGroupQuan(int[] colIndexes, double scale, byte[] values) {
super(colIndexes, values.length / colIndexes.length);
this._scale = scale;
this._values = values;
public CompressionType getCompType() {
return CompressionType.QUAN;
protected ColGroupType getColGroupType() {
return ColGroupType.QUAN8S;
public void decompressToBlock(MatrixBlock target, int rl, int ru) {
if (_values == null || _values.length == 0) {
for (int row = rl; row < ru; row++) {
for (int colIx = 0; colIx < _colIndexes.length; colIx++) {
int col = _colIndexes[colIx];
byte qVal = _values[row * colIx + row];
double val = qVal * _scale;
target.quickSetValue(row, col, val);
public void decompressToBlock(MatrixBlock target, int[] colIndexTargets) {
if (_values == null || _values.length == 0) {
for (int row = 0; row < _numRows; row++) {
for (int colIx = 0; colIx < _colIndexes.length; colIx++) {
int col = _colIndexes[colIx];
double val = _values[row * colIx + row] * _scale;
target.quickSetValue(row, col, val);
public void decompressToBlock(MatrixBlock target, int colpos) {
if (_values == null || _values.length == 0)
* target.getDenseBlockValues() because this decompress is used for
* TransposeSelfMatrixMult meaning that the result is allocated directly into
* the result row or col matrix with the same code !
// double[] c = target.getDenseBlockValues();
// for (int row = 0; row < _numRows; row++) {
// c[row] = (double)_values[row * colpos + row] * _scale;
// }
// target.setNonZeros(_numRows);
double[] c = target.getDenseBlockValues();
int nnz = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < _numRows; row++) {
double val = _values[row * colpos + row];
if (val != 0) {
c[row] = val * _scale;
public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < _colIndexes.length; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < _values.length; i++)
public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {
_numRows = in.readInt();
int numCols = in.readInt();
_colIndexes = new int[numCols];
for (int i = 0; i < _colIndexes.length; i++)
_colIndexes[i] = in.readInt();
_values = new byte[_numRows * numCols];
for (int i = 0; i < _values.length; i++)
_values[i] = in.readByte();
_scale = in.readDouble();
public long getExactSizeOnDisk() {
long ret = 8; // header
ret += 4 * _colIndexes.length;
ret += _values.length;
return ret;
public double get(int r, int c) {
int colIx = Arrays.binarySearch(_colIndexes, c);
return _values[r * colIx + r] * _scale;
public void rightMultByVector(MatrixBlock vector, MatrixBlock result, int rl, int ru) {
double[] b = ColGroupConverter.getDenseVector(vector);
double[] c = result.getDenseBlockValues();
// prepare reduced rhs w/ relevant values
double[] sb = new double[_colIndexes.length];
for (int j = 0; j < _colIndexes.length; j++) {
sb[j] = b[_colIndexes[j]];
for (int row = rl; row < ru; row++) {
for (int colIx = 0; colIx < _colIndexes.length; colIx++) {
c[row] += (_values[row * colIx + row] * _scale) * sb[colIx];
public void leftMultByRowVector(MatrixBlock vector, MatrixBlock result) {
double[] a = ColGroupConverter.getDenseVector(vector);
double[] c = result.getDenseBlockValues();
for (int row = 0; row < _numRows; row++) {
double val = _values[row] * _scale;
for (int col = 0; col < _colIndexes.length; col++) {
double value = val * a[row * col + row];
c[_colIndexes[col]] += value;
public void leftMultByRowVector(ColGroupDDC vector, MatrixBlock result) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
public ColGroup scalarOperation(ScalarOperator op) {
if (op.fn instanceof Multiply) {
return new ColGroupQuan(_colIndexes, op.executeScalar(_scale), _values);
double[] temp = new double[_values.length];
double max = op.executeScalar((double)_values[0] * _scale);
temp[0] = max;
for (int i = 1; i < _values.length; i++) {
temp[i] = op.executeScalar((double)_values[i] * _scale);
double absTemp = Math.abs(temp[i]);
if (absTemp > max) {
max = absTemp;
byte[] newValues = new byte[_values.length];
double newScale = max / (double) (Byte.MAX_VALUE);
for (int i = 0; i < _values.length; i++) {
newValues[i] = (byte) ((double)temp[i] / newScale);
return new ColGroupQuan(_colIndexes, newScale, newValues);
public void unaryAggregateOperations(AggregateUnaryOperator op, MatrixBlock result) {
unaryAggregateOperations(op, result, 0, getNumRows());
public void unaryAggregateOperations(AggregateUnaryOperator op, MatrixBlock result, int rl, int ru) {
if (op.aggOp.increOp.fn instanceof KahanPlus) {
// Not using KahnObject because we already lost some of that precision anyway in
// quantization.
if (op.indexFn instanceof ReduceAll)
else if (op.indexFn instanceof ReduceCol)
computeRowSums(result, rl, ru);
else if (op.indexFn instanceof ReduceRow)
} else if (op.aggOp.increOp.fn instanceof KahanPlusSq) {
if (op.indexFn instanceof ReduceAll)
else if (op.indexFn instanceof ReduceCol)
computeRowSumsSq(result, rl, ru);
else if (op.indexFn instanceof ReduceRow)
} else if (op.aggOp.increOp.fn instanceof Builtin
&& (((Builtin) op.aggOp.increOp.fn).getBuiltinCode() == BuiltinCode.MAX
|| ((Builtin) op.aggOp.increOp.fn).getBuiltinCode() == BuiltinCode.MIN)) {
Builtin builtin = (Builtin) op.aggOp.increOp.fn;
// min and max (reduceall/reducerow over tuples only)
if (op.indexFn instanceof ReduceAll)
computeMxx(result, builtin, _zeros);
else if (op.indexFn instanceof ReduceCol)
computeRowMxx(result, builtin, rl, ru);
else if (op.indexFn instanceof ReduceRow)
computeColMxx(result, builtin, _zeros);
} else {
throw new DMLScriptException("Unknown UnaryAggregate operator on CompressedMatrixBlock");
protected void computeSum(MatrixBlock result) {
// TODO Potential speedup use vector instructions/group in batches of 32
long sum = 0L;
for (int i = 0; i < _values.length; i++) {
sum += (long) _values[i];
result.quickSetValue(0, 0, result.getValue(0, 0) + (double) sum * _scale);
protected void computeSumSq(MatrixBlock result) {
double sumsq = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _values.length; i++) {
double v = _values[i] * _scale;
sumsq += v*v;
result.quickSetValue(0, 0, result.getValue(0, 0) + sumsq);
protected void computeRowSums(MatrixBlock result, int rl, int ru) {
if (_colIndexes.length < 256) {
short[] rowSums = new short[ru - rl];
for (int row = rl; row < ru; row++) {
for (int colIx = 0; colIx < _colIndexes.length; colIx++) {
rowSums[row - rl] += _values[row * colIx + row];
for (int row = rl; row < ru; row++) {
result.quickSetValue(row, 0, result.getValue(row, 0) + (double) rowSums[row - rl] * _scale);
} else {
throw new NotImplementedException("Not Implemented number of columns in ColGroupQuan row sum");
protected void computeRowSumsSq(MatrixBlock result, int rl, int ru) {
if (_colIndexes.length < 256) {
float[] rowSumSq = new float[ru - rl];
for (int row = rl; row < ru; row++) {
for (int colIx = 0; colIx < _colIndexes.length; colIx++) {
double v = (double) _values[row * colIx + row] * _scale;
rowSumSq[row - rl] += v*v;
for (int row = rl; row < ru; row++) {
result.quickSetValue(row, 0, result.getValue(row, 0) + rowSumSq[row - rl]);
} else {
throw new NotImplementedException("Not Implemented number of columns in ColGroupQuan row sum");
protected void computeColSums(MatrixBlock result) {
if (_numRows < 256) {
short[] colSums = new short[_colIndexes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < _values.length; i++) {
colSums[i / _numRows] += _values[i];
for (int col = 0; col < _colIndexes.length; col++) {
result.quickSetValue(0, _colIndexes[col], colSums[col] * _scale);
} else if (_numRows < 16777216) { // (Int max + 1) / (short max + 1)
int[] colSums = new int[_colIndexes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < _values.length; i++) {
colSums[i / _numRows] += _values[i];
for (int col = 0; col < _colIndexes.length; col++) {
result.quickSetValue(0, _colIndexes[col], colSums[col] * _scale);
} else {
double[] colSums = new double[_colIndexes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < _values.length; i++) {
colSums[i / _numRows] += _values[i];
for (int col = 0; col < _colIndexes.length; col++) {
result.quickSetValue(0, _colIndexes[col], colSums[col] * _scale);
protected void computeColSumsSq(MatrixBlock result) {
double[] sumsq = new double[_colIndexes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < _values.length; i++) {
double v = _values[i] * _scale;
sumsq[i / _numRows] += v*v;
for (int col = 0; col < _colIndexes.length; col++) {
result.quickSetValue(0, _colIndexes[col], sumsq[col]);
protected void computeRowMxx(MatrixBlock result, Builtin builtin, int rl, int ru) {
double[] c = result.getDenseBlockValues();
for (int row = rl; row < ru; row++) {
for (int colIx = 0; colIx < _colIndexes.length; colIx++) {
double v = ((double)_values[row * colIx + row]) * _scale;
// System.out.println(v);
c[row] = builtin.execute(c[row], v);
protected void computeMxx(MatrixBlock result, Builtin builtin, boolean zeros) {
double res = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _values.length; i++) {
res = builtin.execute(res, _values[i] * _scale);
result.quickSetValue(0, 0, res);
protected void computeColMxx(MatrixBlock result, Builtin builtin, boolean zeros) {
double[] colRes = new double[_colIndexes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < _values.length; i++) {
colRes[i / _numRows] = builtin.execute(colRes[i / _numRows], _values[i] * _scale);
for (int col = 0; col < _colIndexes.length; col++) {
result.quickSetValue(0, _colIndexes[col], colRes[col]);
public Iterator<IJV> getIterator(int rl, int ru, boolean inclZeros, boolean rowMajor) {
return new QuanValueIterator();
private class QuanValueIterator implements Iterator<IJV> {
public boolean hasNext() {
throw new NotImplementedException("Not Implemented");
public IJV next() {
throw new NotImplementedException("Not Implemented");
public ColGroupRowIterator getRowIterator(int rl, int ru) {
return new QuanRowIterator();
private class QuanRowIterator extends ColGroupRowIterator {
public void next(double[] buff, int rowIx, int segIx, boolean last) {
throw new NotImplementedException("Not Implemented");
public void countNonZerosPerRow(int[] rnnz, int rl, int ru) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
for (int row = rl; row < ru; row++) {
int lnnz = 0;
for (int colIx = 0; colIx < _colIndexes.length; colIx++) {
lnnz += (_values[row * colIx + row] != 0) ? 1 : 0;
rnnz[row - rl] += lnnz;
public MatrixBlock getValuesAsBlock() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
MatrixBlock target = new MatrixBlock(_numRows, _colIndexes.length, 0.0);
decompressToBlock(target, _colIndexes);
return target;
public int[] getCounts() {
throw new DMLCompressionException(
"Invalid function call, the counts in Uncompressed Col Group is always 1 for each value");
public int[] getCounts(boolean includeZero) {
throw new DMLCompressionException(
"Invalid function call, the counts in Uncompressed Col Group is always 1 for each value");