blob: 37199fa2219b237a5192be30b1bb199395381fb9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.SortUtils;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.UtilFunctions;
* SparseBlock implementation that realizes a traditional 'coordinate matrix'
* representation, where the entire sparse block is stored as triples in three arrays:
* row indexes, column indexes, and values, where row indexes and colunm indexes are
* sorted in order to allow binary search. This format is very memory efficient for
* ultra-sparse matrices, allows fast incremental construction but has performance
* drawbacks for row-major access through our sparse block abstraction since there
* is no constant-time random access to individual rows. Similar to CSR, the nnz
* is limited to Integer.MAX_VALUE.
* In contrast to COO matrix formats with three arrays, we use 1+#dims arrays
* to represent the values and indexes of all dimensions.
public class SparseBlockCOO extends SparseBlock
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7223478015917668745L;
private int _rlen = -1;
private int[] _rindexes = null; //row index array (size: >=nnz)
private int[] _cindexes = null; //column index array (size: >=nnz)
private double[] _values = null; //value array (size: >=nnz)
private int _size = 0; //actual number of nnz
public SparseBlockCOO(int rlen) {
this(rlen, INIT_CAPACITY);
public SparseBlockCOO(int rlen, int capacity) {
_rlen = rlen;
_rindexes = new int[capacity];
_cindexes = new int[capacity];
_values = new double[capacity];
_size = 0;
* Copy constructor sparse block abstraction.
* @param sblock sparse block to copy
public SparseBlockCOO(SparseBlock sblock)
long size = sblock.size();
if( size > Integer.MAX_VALUE )
throw new RuntimeException("SparseBlockCOO supports nnz<=Integer.MAX_VALUE but got "+size);
//special case SparseBlockCSR
if( sblock instanceof SparseBlockCOO ) {
SparseBlockCOO ocoo = (SparseBlockCOO)sblock;
_rlen = ocoo._rlen;
_rindexes = Arrays.copyOf(ocoo._rindexes, ocoo._size);
_cindexes = Arrays.copyOf(ocoo._cindexes, ocoo._size);
_values = Arrays.copyOf(ocoo._values, ocoo._size);
_size = ocoo._size;
//general case SparseBlock
else {
_rlen = sblock.numRows();
_rindexes = new int[(int)size];
_cindexes = new int[(int)size];
_values = new double[(int)size];
_size = (int)size;
for( int i=0, pos=0; i<_rlen; i++ ) {
if( !sblock.isEmpty(i) ) {
int apos = sblock.pos(i);
int alen = sblock.size(i);
int[] aix = sblock.indexes(i);
double[] avals = sblock.values(i);
for( int j=apos; j<apos+alen; j++ ) {
_rindexes[pos] = i;
_cindexes[pos] = aix[j];
_values[pos] = avals[j];
* Copy constructor old sparse row representation.
* @param rows array of sparse rows
* @param nnz number of non-zeros
public SparseBlockCOO(SparseRow[] rows, int nnz)
_rlen = rows.length;
_rindexes = new int[nnz];
_cindexes = new int[nnz];
_values = new double[nnz];
_size = nnz;
for( int i=0, pos=0; i<_rlen; i++ ) {
int alen = rows[i].size();
int[] aix = rows[i].indexes();
double[] avals = rows[i].values();
for( int j=0; j<alen; j++ ) {
_rindexes[pos] = i;
_cindexes[pos] = aix[j];
_values[pos] = avals[j];
* Get the estimated in-memory size of the sparse block in COO
* with the given dimensions w/o accounting for overallocation.
* @param nrows number of rows
* @param ncols number of columns
* @param sparsity sparsity ratio
* @return memory estimate
public static long estimateMemory(long nrows, long ncols, double sparsity) {
double lnnz = Math.max(INIT_CAPACITY, Math.ceil(sparsity*nrows*ncols));
//32B overhead per array, int/int/double arr in nnz
double size = 16 + 8; //object + 2 int fields
size += 24 + lnnz * 4d; //rindexes array (row indexes)
size += 24 + lnnz * 4d; //cindexes array (column indexes)
size += 24 + lnnz * 8d; //values array (non-zero values)
//robustness for long overflows
return (long) Math.min(size, Long.MAX_VALUE);
//SparseBlock implementation
public void allocate(int r) {
//do nothing everything preallocated
public void allocate(int r, int nnz) {
//do nothing everything preallocated
public void allocate(int r, int ennz, int maxnnz) {
//do nothing everything preallocated
public void compact(int r) {
//do nothing everything preallocated
public int numRows() {
return _rlen;
public boolean isThreadSafe() {
return false;
public boolean isContiguous() {
return true;
public boolean isAllocated(int r) {
return true;
public boolean checkValidity(int rlen, int clen, long nnz, boolean strict) {
//1. correct meta data
if(rlen < 0 || clen < 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid block dimensions: "+rlen+" "+clen);
//2. correct array lengths
if(_size != nnz && _cindexes.length < nnz && _rindexes.length < nnz && _values.length < nnz) {
throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect array lengths.");
//3.1. sort order of row indices
for( int i=1; i<=nnz; i++ ) {
if(_rindexes[i] < _rindexes[i-1])
throw new RuntimeException("Wrong sorted order of row indices");
//3.2. sorted values wrt to col indexes wrt to a given row index
for( int i=0; i<rlen; i++ ) {
int apos = pos(i);
int alen = size(i);
for(int k=apos+i; k<apos+alen; k++)
if( _cindexes[k+1] >= _cindexes[k] )
throw new RuntimeException("Wrong sparse row ordering: "
+ k + " "+_cindexes[k-1]+" "+_cindexes[k]);
for( int k=apos; k<apos+alen; k++ )
if(_values[k] == 0)
throw new RuntimeException("Wrong sparse row: zero at "
+ k + " at col index " + _cindexes[k]);
//4. non-existing zero values
for( int i=0; i<_size; i++ ) {
if( _values[i] == 0)
throw new RuntimeException("The values array should not contain zeros."
+ " The " + i + "th value is "+_values[i]);
//5. a capacity that is no larger than nnz times the resize factor
int capacity = _values.length;
if( capacity > nnz*RESIZE_FACTOR1 ) {
throw new RuntimeException("Capacity is larger than the nnz times a resize factor."
+ " Current size: "+capacity+ ", while Expected size:"+nnz*RESIZE_FACTOR1);
return true;
public void reset() {
_size = 0;
public void reset(int ennz, int maxnnz) {
_size = 0;
public void reset(int r, int ennz, int maxnnz) {
int pos = pos(r);
int len = size(r);
if( len > 0 ) {
//overlapping array copy (shift rhs values left)
System.arraycopy(_rindexes, pos+len, _rindexes, pos, _size-(pos+len));
System.arraycopy(_cindexes, pos+len, _cindexes, pos, _size-(pos+len));
System.arraycopy(_values, pos+len, _values, pos, _size-(pos+len));
_size -= len;
public long size() {
return _size;
public int size(int r) {
int pos = pos(r);
if( pos>=_size || _rindexes[pos]!=r )
return 0;
//count number of equal row indexes
double rix0 = _rindexes[pos];
int cnt = 0;
while( pos<_size && rix0 == _rindexes[pos++] )
cnt ++;
return cnt;
public long size(int rl, int ru) {
return pos(ru) - pos(rl);
public long size(int rl, int ru, int cl, int cu) {
long nnz = 0;
for(int i=rl; i<ru; i++)
if( !isEmpty(i) ) {
int start = internPosFIndexGTE(i, cl);
int end = internPosFIndexGTE(i, cu);
nnz += (start!=-1) ? (end-start) : 0;
return nnz;
public boolean isEmpty(int r) {
int pos = pos(r);
return (pos>=_size||_rindexes[pos]!=r);
public int[] indexes(int r) {
return _cindexes;
public double[] values(int r) {
return _values;
public int pos(int r) {
//find row index partition
int index = Arrays.binarySearch(_rindexes, 0, _size, r);
if( index < 0 )
return Math.abs(index+1);
//scan to begin of row index partition
while( index>0 && _rindexes[index-1]==r )
return index;
public boolean set(int r, int c, double v) {
int pos = pos(r);
int len = size(r);
//search for existing col index
int index = Arrays.binarySearch(_cindexes, pos, pos+len, c);
if( index >= 0 ) {
//delete/overwrite existing value (on value delete, we shift
//left for (1) correct nnz maintenance, and (2) smaller size)
if( v == 0 ) {
return true; // nnz--
else {
_values[index] = v;
return false;
//early abort on zero (if no overwrite)
if( v==0 ) return false;
//insert new index-value pair
index = Math.abs( index+1 );
if( _size==_values.length )
resizeAndInsert(index, r, c, v);
shiftRightAndInsert(index, r, c, v);
return true; // nnz++
public void set(int r, SparseRow row, boolean deep) {
int pos = pos(r);
int alen = row.size();
int[] aix = row.indexes();
double[] avals = row.values();
//delete existing values in range if necessary
deleteIndexRange(r, aix[0], aix[alen-1]+1);
//prepare free space (allocate and shift)
int lsize = _size+alen;
if( _values.length < lsize )
shiftRightByN(pos, alen);
Arrays.fill(_rindexes, pos, pos+alen, r);
System.arraycopy(aix, 0, _cindexes, pos, alen);
System.arraycopy(avals, 0, _values, pos, alen);
public boolean add(int r, int c, double v) {
return set(r, c, get(r, c) + v);
public void append(int r, int c, double v) {
//early abort on zero
if( v==0 ) return;
if( _size==_values.length )
insert(_size, r, c, v);
public void setIndexRange(int r, int cl, int cu, double[] v, int vix, int vlen) {
//delete existing values in range if necessary
deleteIndexRange(r, cl, cu);
//determine input nnz
int lnnz = UtilFunctions.computeNnz(v, vix, vlen);
//prepare free space (allocate and shift)
int lsize = _size+lnnz;
if( _values.length < lsize )
int index = internPosFIndexGT(r, cl);
shiftRightByN((index>0)?index:pos(r+1), lnnz);
//insert values
for( int i=vix; i<vix+vlen; i++ )
if( v[i] != 0 ) {
_rindexes[ index ] = r;
_cindexes[ index ] = cl+i-vix;
_values[ index ] = v[i];
public void setIndexRange(int r, int cl, int cu, double[] v, int[] vix, int vpos, int vlen) {
//delete existing values in range if necessary
deleteIndexRange(r, cl, cu);
//prepare free space (allocate and shift)
int lsize = _size+vlen;
if( _values.length < lsize )
int index = internPosFIndexGT(r, cl);
shiftRightByN((index>0)?index:pos(r+1), vlen);
//insert values
for( int i=vpos; i<vpos+vlen; i++ ) {
_rindexes[ index ] = r;
_cindexes[ index ] = cl+vix[i];
_values[ index ] = v[i];
public void deleteIndexRange(int r, int cl, int cu) {
int start = internPosFIndexGTE(r,cl);
if( start < 0 ) //nothing to delete
int len = size(r);
int end = internPosFIndexGTE(r, cu);
if( end < 0 ) //delete all remaining
end = start+len;
//overlapping array copy (shift rhs values left)
System.arraycopy(_rindexes, end, _rindexes, start, _size-end);
System.arraycopy(_cindexes, end, _cindexes, start, _size-end);
System.arraycopy(_values, end, _values, start, _size-end);
_size -= (end-start);
public void sort() {
//sort all three indexes by _rindexes
SortUtils.sortByIndex(0, _size, _rindexes, _cindexes, _values);
//sort _cindexes/_values by _cindexes per row partition
int index = 0;
while( index < _size ) {
int r = _rindexes[index];
int len = 0;
while( index < _size && r == _rindexes[index] ) {
len ++;
index ++;
SortUtils.sortByIndex(index-len, index, _cindexes, _values);
public void sort(int r) {
int pos = pos(r);
int len = size(r);
if( len<=100 || !SortUtils.isSorted(pos, pos+len, _cindexes) )
SortUtils.sortByIndex(pos, pos+len, _cindexes, _values);
public double get(int r, int c) {
int pos = pos(r);
int len = size(r);
//search for existing col index in [pos,pos+len)
int index = Arrays.binarySearch(_cindexes, pos, pos+len, c);
return (index >= 0) ? _values[index] : 0;
public SparseRow get(int r) {
int pos = pos(r);
int len = size(r);
SparseRowVector row = new SparseRowVector(len);
System.arraycopy(_cindexes, pos, row.indexes(), 0, len);
System.arraycopy(_values, pos, row.values(), 0, len);
return row;
public int posFIndexLTE(int r, int c) {
int index = internPosFIndexLTE(r, c);
return (index>=0) ? index-pos(r) : index;
private int internPosFIndexLTE(int r, int c) {
int pos = pos(r);
int len = size(r);
//search for existing col index in [pos,pos+len)
int index = Arrays.binarySearch(_cindexes, pos, pos+len, c);
if( index >= 0 )
return (index < pos+len) ? index : -1;
//search lt col index (see binary search)
index = Math.abs( index+1 );
return (index-1 >= pos) ? index-1 : -1;
public int posFIndexGTE(int r, int c) {
int index = internPosFIndexGTE(r, c);
return (index>=0) ? index-pos(r) : index;
private int internPosFIndexGTE(int r, int c) {
int pos = pos(r);
int len = size(r);
//search for existing col index
int index = Arrays.binarySearch(_cindexes, pos, pos+len, c);
if( index >= 0 )
return (index < pos+len) ? index : -1;
//search gt col index (see binary search)
index = Math.abs( index+1 );
return (index < pos+len) ? index : -1;
public int posFIndexGT(int r, int c) {
int index = internPosFIndexGT(r, c);
return (index>=0) ? index-pos(r) : index;
private int internPosFIndexGT(int r, int c) {
int pos = pos(r);
int len = size(r);
//search for existing col index
int index = Arrays.binarySearch(_cindexes, pos, pos+len, c);
if( index >= 0 )
return (index+1 < pos+len) ? index+1 : -1;
//search gt col index (see binary search)
index = Math.abs( index+1 );
return (index < pos+len) ? index : -1;
public Iterator<IJV> getIterator() {
return new SparseBlockCOOIterator(0, _size);
public Iterator<IJV> getIterator(int ru) {
return new SparseBlockCOOIterator(0, pos(ru));
public Iterator<IJV> getIterator(int rl, int ru) {
return new SparseBlockCOOIterator(pos(rl), pos(ru));
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("SparseBlockCOO: rlen=");
sb.append(", nnz=");
for( int i=0; i<_size; i++ ) {
return sb.toString();
// private helper methods
private void resize() {
//compute new size
double tmpCap = Math.ceil(_values.length * RESIZE_FACTOR1);
int newCap = (int)Math.min(tmpCap, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
private void resize(int capacity) {
//reallocate arrays and copy old values
_rindexes = Arrays.copyOf(_rindexes, capacity);
_cindexes = Arrays.copyOf(_cindexes, capacity);
_values = Arrays.copyOf(_values, capacity);
private void resizeAndInsert(int ix, int r, int c, double v) {
//compute new size
double tmpCap = Math.ceil(_values.length * RESIZE_FACTOR1);
int newCap = (int)Math.min(tmpCap, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
int[] oldrindexes = _rindexes;
int[] oldcindexes = _cindexes;
double[] oldvalues = _values;
_rindexes = new int[newCap];
_cindexes = new int[newCap];
_values = new double[newCap];
//copy lhs values to new array
System.arraycopy(oldrindexes, 0, _rindexes, 0, ix);
System.arraycopy(oldcindexes, 0, _cindexes, 0, ix);
System.arraycopy(oldvalues, 0, _values, 0, ix);
//copy rhs values to new array
System.arraycopy(oldrindexes, ix, _rindexes, ix+1, _size-ix);
System.arraycopy(oldcindexes, ix, _cindexes, ix+1, _size-ix);
System.arraycopy(oldvalues, ix, _values, ix+1, _size-ix);
//insert new value
insert(ix, r, c, v);
private void shiftRightAndInsert(int ix, int r, int c, double v) {
//overlapping array copy (shift rhs values right by 1)
System.arraycopy(_rindexes, ix, _rindexes, ix+1, _size-ix);
System.arraycopy(_cindexes, ix, _cindexes, ix+1, _size-ix);
System.arraycopy(_values, ix, _values, ix+1, _size-ix);
//insert new value
insert(ix, r, c, v);
private void shiftLeftAndDelete(int ix)
//overlapping array copy (shift rhs values left by 1)
System.arraycopy(_rindexes, ix+1, _rindexes, ix, _size-ix-1);
System.arraycopy(_cindexes, ix+1, _cindexes, ix, _size-ix-1);
System.arraycopy(_values, ix+1, _values, ix, _size-ix-1);
private void shiftRightByN(int ix, int n) {
//overlapping array copy (shift rhs values right by 1)
System.arraycopy(_rindexes, ix, _rindexes, ix+n, _size-ix);
System.arraycopy(_cindexes, ix, _cindexes, ix+n, _size-ix);
System.arraycopy(_values, ix, _values, ix+n, _size-ix);
_size += n;
private void insert(int ix, int r, int c, double v) {
_rindexes[ix] = r;
_cindexes[ix] = c;
_values[ix] = v;
* Custom sparse block COO iterator implemented against the
* SparseBlockCOO data structure in order to avoid unnecessary
* binary search for row locations and lengths.
private class SparseBlockCOOIterator implements Iterator<IJV>
private int _pos = 0; //current nnz position
private int _len = 0; //upper nnz position (exclusive)
private IJV retijv = new IJV(); //reuse output tuple
protected SparseBlockCOOIterator(int posrl, int posru) {
_pos = posrl;
_len = posru;
public boolean hasNext() {
return _pos<_len;
public IJV next( ) {
retijv.set(_rindexes[_pos], _cindexes[_pos], _values[_pos++]);
return retijv;
public void remove() {
throw new RuntimeException("SparseBlockCOOIterator is unsupported!");
* Get raw access to underlying array of row indices
* For use in GPU code
* @return array of row indices
public int[] rowIndexes() {
return _rindexes;
* Get raw access to underlying array of column indices
* For use in GPU code
* @return array of column indices
public int[] indexes() {
return _cindexes;
* Get raw access to underlying array of values
* For use in GPU code
* @return array of values
public double[] values() {
return _values;