blob: 87ddfea3d4d1751819cf7b708907f1316af3c210 [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.sysds.runtime.codegen;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.DMLRuntimeException;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.cp.ScalarObject;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.DataConverter;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.UtilFunctions;
public abstract class SpoofOperator implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3834006998853573319L;
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(SpoofOperator.class.getName());
protected static final long PAR_NUMCELL_THRESHOLD = 1024*1024; //Min 1M elements
protected static final long PAR_MINFLOP_THRESHOLD = 2L*1024*1024; //MIN 2 MFLOP
public abstract MatrixBlock execute(ArrayList<MatrixBlock> inputs, ArrayList<ScalarObject> scalars, MatrixBlock out);
public MatrixBlock execute(ArrayList<MatrixBlock> inputs, ArrayList<ScalarObject> scalars, MatrixBlock out, int k) {
//default implementation serial execution
return execute(inputs, scalars, out);
public abstract String getSpoofType();
public ScalarObject execute(ArrayList<MatrixBlock> inputs, ArrayList<ScalarObject> scalars) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Invalid invocation in base class.");
public ScalarObject execute(ArrayList<MatrixBlock> inputs, ArrayList<ScalarObject> scalars, int k) {
//default implementation serial execution
return execute(inputs, scalars);
protected SideInput[] prepInputMatrices(ArrayList<MatrixBlock> inputs) {
return prepInputMatrices(inputs, 1, inputs.size()-1, false, false);
protected SideInput[] prepInputMatrices(ArrayList<MatrixBlock> inputs, boolean denseOnly) {
return prepInputMatrices(inputs, 1, inputs.size()-1, denseOnly, false);
protected SideInput[] prepInputMatrices(ArrayList<MatrixBlock> inputs, int offset, boolean denseOnly) {
return prepInputMatrices(inputs, offset, inputs.size()-offset, denseOnly, false);
protected SideInput[] prepInputMatrices(ArrayList<MatrixBlock> inputs, boolean denseOnly, boolean tB1) {
return prepInputMatrices(inputs, 1, inputs.size()-1, denseOnly, tB1);
protected SideInput[] prepInputMatrices(ArrayList<MatrixBlock> inputs, int offset, int len, boolean denseOnly, boolean tB1)
SideInput[] b = new SideInput[len];
for(int i=offset; i<offset+len; i++) {
//transpose if necessary
int clen = inputs.get(i).getNumColumns();
MatrixBlock in = (tB1 && i==1 ) ? LibMatrixReorg.transpose(inputs.get(i),
new MatrixBlock(clen, inputs.get(i).getNumRows(), false)) : inputs.get(i);
//create side input
if( denseOnly && (in.isInSparseFormat() || !in.isAllocated()) ) {
//convert empty or sparse to dense temporary block (note: we don't do
//this in place because this block might be used by multiple threads)
if( in.getNumColumns()==1 && in.isEmptyBlock(false) ) //dense empty
b[i-offset] = new SideInput(null, null, clen);
else {
b[i-offset] = new SideInput(DataConverter.convertToDenseBlock(in, false), null, clen);
LOG.warn(getClass().getName()+": Converted "+in.getNumRows()+"x"+in.getNumColumns()+
", nnz="+in.getNonZeros()+" sideways input matrix from sparse to dense.");
else if( in.isInSparseFormat() || !in.isAllocated() ) {
b[i-offset] = new SideInput(null, in, clen);
else {
b[i-offset] = new SideInput(in.getDenseBlock(), null, clen);
return b;
protected static SideInput[] createSparseSideInputs(SideInput[] input) {
return createSparseSideInputs(input, false);
protected static SideInput[] createSparseSideInputs(SideInput[] input, boolean row) {
//determine if there are sparse side inputs
boolean containsSparse = false;
for( int i=0; i<input.length; i++ ) {
SideInput tmp = input[i];
containsSparse |= (tmp.mdat != null && tmp.clen > 1);
if( !containsSparse )
return input;
SideInput[] ret = new SideInput[input.length];
for( int i=0; i<input.length; i++ ) {
SideInput tmp = input[i];
ret[i] = (tmp.mdat != null && tmp.clen > 1) ?
(row ? new SideInputSparseRow(tmp) :
new SideInputSparseCell(tmp)) : tmp;
return ret;
public static DenseBlock[] getDenseMatrices(SideInput[] inputs) {
DenseBlock[] ret = new DenseBlock[inputs.length];
for( int i=0; i<inputs.length; i++ )
ret[i] = inputs[i].ddat;
return ret;
protected static double[] prepInputScalars(ArrayList<ScalarObject> scalarObjects) {
double[] scalars = new double[scalarObjects.size()];
for(int i=0; i < scalarObjects.size(); i++)
scalars[i] = scalarObjects.get(i).getDoubleValue();
return scalars;
public static long getTotalInputNnz(ArrayList<MatrixBlock> inputs) {
return -> in.getNonZeros()).sum();
public static long getTotalInputSize(ArrayList<MatrixBlock> inputs) {
in -> (long)in.getNumRows() * in.getNumColumns()).sum();
//abstraction for safely accessing sideways matrices without the need
//to allocate empty matrices as dense, see prepInputMatrices
protected static double getValue(double[] data, double index) {
int iindex = UtilFunctions.toInt(index);
return getValue(data, iindex);
protected static double getValue(double[] data, int index) {
return (data!=null) ? data[index] : 0;
protected static double getValue(double[] data, int n, double rowIndex, double colIndex) {
int irowIndex = UtilFunctions.toInt(rowIndex);
int icolIndex = UtilFunctions.toInt(colIndex);
return getValue(data, n, irowIndex, icolIndex);
protected static double getValue(double[] data, int n, int rowIndex, int colIndex) {
return (data!=null) ? data[rowIndex*n+colIndex] : 0;
protected static double getValue(double[] avals, int[] aix, int ai, int alen, double colIndex) {
int icolIndex = UtilFunctions.toInt(colIndex);
return getValue(avals, aix, ai, alen, icolIndex);
protected static double getValue(double[] avals, int[] aix, int ai, int alen, int colIndex) {
int pos = Arrays.binarySearch(aix, ai, ai+alen, colIndex);
return (pos >= 0) ? avals[pos] : 0;
protected static double getValue(SideInput data, double rowIndex) {
int irowIndex = UtilFunctions.toInt(rowIndex);
return getValue(data, irowIndex);
protected static double getValue(SideInput data, int rowIndex) {
//note: wrapper sideinput guaranteed to exist
return (data.ddat!=null) ? data.ddat.valuesAt(0)[rowIndex] :
(data.mdat!=null) ? data.mdat.quickGetValue(rowIndex, 0) : 0;
protected static double getValue(SideInput data, int n, double rowIndex, double colIndex) {
int irowIndex = UtilFunctions.toInt(rowIndex);
int icolIndex = UtilFunctions.toInt(colIndex);
return getValue(data, n, irowIndex, icolIndex);
protected static double getValue(SideInput data, int n, int rowIndex, int colIndex) {
//note: wrapper sideinput guaranteed to exist
return (data.ddat!=null) ? data.ddat.get(rowIndex, colIndex) :
(data instanceof SideInputSparseCell) ?
((SideInputSparseCell)data).next(rowIndex, colIndex) :
(data.mdat!=null) ? data.mdat.quickGetValue(rowIndex, colIndex) : 0;
protected static double[] getVector(SideInput data, int n, double rowIndex, double colIndex) {
int irowIndex = UtilFunctions.toInt(rowIndex);
int icolIndex = UtilFunctions.toInt(colIndex);
return getVector(data, n, irowIndex, icolIndex);
protected static double[] getVector(SideInput data, int n, int rowIndex, int colIndex) {
double[] c = LibSpoofPrimitives.allocVector(colIndex+1, false);
System.arraycopy(data.values(rowIndex), data.pos(rowIndex), c, 0, colIndex+1);
return c;
public static class SideInput {
public final DenseBlock ddat;
public final MatrixBlock mdat;
public final int clen;
public SideInput(DenseBlock ddata, MatrixBlock mdata, int clength) {
ddat = ddata;
mdat = mdata;
clen = clength;
public int pos(int r) {
return (ddat!=null) ? ddat.pos(r) : r * clen;
public double[] values(int r) {
return (ddat!=null) ? ddat.values(r) : null;
public double getValue(int r, int c) {
return SpoofOperator.getValue(this, clen, r, c);
public void reset() {}
public static class SideInputSparseRow extends SideInput {
private final double[] values;
private int currRowIndex = -1;
public SideInputSparseRow(SideInput in) {
super(in.ddat, in.mdat, in.clen);
values = new double[in.clen];
public int pos(int r) {
return 0;
public double[] values(int r) {
if( r > currRowIndex )
return values;
private void nextRow(int r) {
currRowIndex = r;
SparseBlock sblock = mdat.getSparseBlock();
if( sblock == null ) return;
Arrays.fill(values, 0);
if( !sblock.isEmpty(r) ) {
int apos = sblock.pos(r);
int alen = sblock.size(r);
int[] aix = sblock.indexes(r);
double[] avals = sblock.values(r);
for(int k=apos; k<apos+alen; k++)
values[aix[k]] = avals[k];
public static class SideInputSparseCell extends SideInput {
private int currRowIndex = -1;
private int currColPos = 0;
private int currLen = 0;
private int[] indexes;
private double[] values;
public SideInputSparseCell(SideInput in) {
super(in.ddat, in.mdat, in.clen);
public double next(int rowIndex, int colIndex) {
SparseBlock sblock = mdat.getSparseBlock();
if( sblock == null || sblock.isEmpty(rowIndex) )
return 0;
//move to next row if necessary
if( rowIndex > currRowIndex ) {
currRowIndex = rowIndex;
currColPos = sblock.pos(currRowIndex);
currLen = sblock.size(currRowIndex) + currColPos;
indexes = sblock.indexes(currRowIndex);
values = sblock.values(currRowIndex);
//move to next colpos if necessary
while( currColPos < currLen && indexes[currColPos]<colIndex )
currColPos ++;
//return current value or zero
return (currColPos < currLen && indexes[currColPos]==colIndex) ?
values[currColPos] : 0;
public void reset() {
currColPos = 0;