blob: 64a5d2e87783ceb6373055b65e5d988b22a21a71 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.sysds.api.mlcontext;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.LocalVariableMap;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.caching.CacheableData;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.cp.Data;
import java.util.Set;
import scala.Tuple2;
import scala.Tuple3;
import scala.collection.JavaConversions;
* A Script object encapsulates a DML or PYDML script.
public class Script {
* The script content.
private String scriptString;
* The optional name of the script.
private String name;
* All inputs (input parameters ($) and input variables).
private Map<String, Object> inputs = new LinkedHashMap<>();
* The input parameters ($).
private Map<String, Object> inputParameters = new LinkedHashMap<>();
* The input variables.
private Set<String> inputVariables = new LinkedHashSet<>();
* The input matrix or frame metadata if present.
private Map<String, Metadata> inputMetadata = new LinkedHashMap<>();
* The output variables.
private Set<String> outputVariables = new LinkedHashSet<>();
* The symbol table containing the data associated with variables.
private LocalVariableMap symbolTable = new LocalVariableMap();
* The ScriptExecutor which is used to define the execution of the script.
private ScriptExecutor scriptExecutor;
* The results of the execution of the script.
private MLResults results;
* Script constructor, which by default creates a DML script.
public Script() {
* Script constructor, specifying the script content. By default, the script
* type is DML.
* @param scriptString
* the script content as a string
public Script(String scriptString) {
this.scriptString = scriptString;
* Obtain the script string.
* @return the script string
public String getScriptString() {
return scriptString;
* Set the script string.
* @param scriptString
* the script string
* @return {@code this} Script object to allow chaining of methods
public Script setScriptString(String scriptString) {
this.scriptString = scriptString;
return this;
* Obtain the input variable names as an unmodifiable set of strings.
* @return the input variable names
public Set<String> getInputVariables() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(inputVariables);
* Obtain the output variable names as an unmodifiable set of strings.
* @return the output variable names
public Set<String> getOutputVariables() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(outputVariables);
* Obtain the symbol table, which is essentially a
* {@code HashMap<String, Data>} representing variables and their values.
* @return the symbol table
public LocalVariableMap getSymbolTable() {
return symbolTable;
* Obtain an unmodifiable map of all inputs (parameters ($) and variables).
* @return all inputs to the script
public Map<String, Object> getInputs() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(inputs);
* Obtain an unmodifiable map of input matrix/frame metadata.
* @return input matrix/frame metadata
public Map<String, Metadata> getInputMetadata() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(inputMetadata);
* Pass a map of inputs to the script.
* @param inputs
* map of inputs (parameters ($) and variables).
* @return {@code this} Script object to allow chaining of methods
public Script in(Map<String, Object> inputs) {
for (Entry<String, Object> input : inputs.entrySet()) {
in(input.getKey(), input.getValue());
return this;
* Pass a Scala Map of inputs to the script.
* <p>
* Note that the {@code Map} value type is not explicitly specified on this
* method because {@code [String, Any]} can't be recognized on the Java side
* since {@code Any} doesn't have an equivalent in the Java class hierarchy
* ({@code scala.Any} is a superclass of {@code scala.AnyRef}, which is
* equivalent to {@code java.lang.Object}). Therefore, specifying
* {@code scala.collection.Map<String, Object>} as an input parameter to
* this Java method is not encompassing enough and would require types such
* as a {@code scala.Double} to be cast using {@code asInstanceOf[AnyRef]}.
* @param inputs
* Scala Map of inputs (parameters ($) and variables).
* @return {@code this} Script object to allow chaining of methods
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public Script in(scala.collection.Map<String, ?> inputs) {
Map javaMap = JavaConversions.mapAsJavaMap(inputs);
return this;
* Pass a Scala Seq of inputs to the script. The inputs are either two-value
* or three-value tuples, where the first value is the variable name, the
* second value is the variable value, and the third optional value is the
* metadata.
* @param inputs
* Scala Seq of inputs (parameters ($) and variables).
* @return {@code this} Script object to allow chaining of methods
public Script in(scala.collection.Seq<Object> inputs) {
List<Object> list = JavaConversions.seqAsJavaList(inputs);
for (Object obj : list) {
if (obj instanceof Tuple3) {
Tuple3<String, Object, MatrixMetadata> t3 = (Tuple3<String, Object, MatrixMetadata>) obj;
in(t3._1(), t3._2(), t3._3());
} else if (obj instanceof Tuple2) {
Tuple2<String, Object> t2 = (Tuple2<String, Object>) obj;
in(t2._1(), t2._2());
} else {
throw new MLContextException("Only Tuples of 2 or 3 values are permitted");
return this;
* Obtain an unmodifiable map of all input parameters ($).
* @return input parameters ($)
public Map<String, Object> getInputParameters() {
return inputParameters;
* Register an input (parameter ($) or variable).
* @param name
* name of the input
* @param value
* value of the input
* @return {@code this} Script object to allow chaining of methods
public Script in(String name, Object value) {
return in(name, value, null);
* Register an input (parameter ($) or variable) with optional matrix
* metadata.
* @param name
* name of the input
* @param value
* value of the input
* @param metadata
* optional matrix/frame metadata
* @return {@code this} Script object to allow chaining of methods
public Script in(String name, Object value, Metadata metadata) {
if ((value != null) && (value instanceof Long)) {
// convert Long to Integer since Long not a supported value type
Long lng = (Long) value;
value = lng.intValue();
} else if ((value != null) && (value instanceof Float)) {
// convert Float to Double since Float not a supported value type
Float flt = (Float) value;
value = flt.doubleValue();
MLContextUtil.checkInputValueType(name, value);
if (inputs == null) {
inputs = new LinkedHashMap<>();
inputs.put(name, value);
if (name.startsWith("$")) {
MLContextUtil.checkInputParameterType(name, value);
if (inputParameters == null) {
inputParameters = new LinkedHashMap<>();
inputParameters.put(name, value);
} else {
Data data = MLContextUtil.convertInputType(name, value, metadata);
if (data != null) {
// store input variable name and data
symbolTable.put(name, data);
// store matrix/frame meta data and disable variable cleanup
if (data instanceof CacheableData) {
if (metadata != null)
inputMetadata.put(name, metadata);
((CacheableData<?>) data).enableCleanup(false);
return this;
* Register an output variable.
* @param outputName
* name of the output variable
* @return {@code this} Script object to allow chaining of methods
public Script out(String outputName) {
return this;
* Register output variables.
* @param outputNames
* names of the output variables
* @return {@code this} Script object to allow chaining of methods
public Script out(String... outputNames) {
return this;
* Register output variables.
* @param outputNames
* names of the output variables
* @return {@code this} Script object to allow chaining of methods
public Script out(scala.collection.Seq<String> outputNames) {
List<String> list = JavaConversions.seqAsJavaList(outputNames);
return this;
* Register output variables.
* @param outputNames
* names of the output variables
* @return {@code this} Script object to allow chaining of methods
public Script out(List<String> outputNames) {
return this;
* Clear the inputs, outputs, and symbol table.
public void clearIOS() {
* Clear the inputs and outputs, but not the symbol table.
public void clearIO() {
* Clear the script string, inputs, outputs, and symbol table.
public void clearAll() {
scriptString = null;
* Clear the inputs.
public void clearInputs() {
* Clear the outputs.
public void clearOutputs() {
* Clear the symbol table.
public void clearSymbolTable() {
* Obtain the results of the script execution.
* @return the results of the script execution.
public MLResults results() {
return results;
* Obtain the results of the script execution.
* @return the results of the script execution.
public MLResults getResults() {
return results;
* Set the results of the script execution.
* @param results
* the results of the script execution.
public void setResults(MLResults results) {
this.results = results;
* Obtain the script executor used by this Script.
* @return the ScriptExecutor used by this Script.
public ScriptExecutor getScriptExecutor() {
return scriptExecutor;
* Set the ScriptExecutor used by this Script.
* @param scriptExecutor
* the script executor
public void setScriptExecutor(ScriptExecutor scriptExecutor) {
this.scriptExecutor = scriptExecutor;
* Generate the script execution string, which adds read/load/write/save
* statements to the beginning and end of the script to execute.
* @return the script execution string
public String getScriptExecutionString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Set<String> ins = getInputVariables();
for (String in : ins) {
Object inValue = getInputs().get(in);
if (inValue instanceof String) {
String quotedString = MLContextUtil.quotedString((String) inValue);
sb.append(" = " + quotedString + ";\n");
} else if (MLContextUtil.isBasicType(inValue)) {
sb.append(" = read('', data_type='scalar', value_type='" + MLContextUtil.getBasicTypeString(inValue)
+ "');\n");
} else if (MLContextUtil.doesSymbolTableContainFrameObject(symbolTable, in)) {
sb.append(" = read('', data_type='frame');\n");
} else {
sb.append(" = read('');\n");
if (!getScriptString().endsWith("\n")) {
Set<String> outs = getOutputVariables();
for (String out : outs) {
sb.append(", '');\n");
return sb.toString();
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(MLContextUtil.displayInputs("Inputs", inputs, symbolTable));
sb.append(MLContextUtil.displayOutputs("Outputs", outputVariables, symbolTable));
return sb.toString();
* Display information about the script as a String. This consists of the
* script type, inputs, outputs, input parameters, input variables, output
* variables, the symbol table, the script string, and the script execution
* string.
* @return information about this script as a String
public String info() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(MLContextUtil.displayInputs("Inputs", inputs, symbolTable));
sb.append(MLContextUtil.displayOutputs("Outputs", outputVariables, symbolTable));
sb.append(MLContextUtil.displayMap("Input Parameters", inputParameters));
sb.append(MLContextUtil.displaySet("Input Variables", inputVariables));
sb.append(MLContextUtil.displaySet("Output Variables", outputVariables));
sb.append(MLContextUtil.displaySymbolTable("Symbol Table", symbolTable));
sb.append("\nScript String:\n");
sb.append("\nScript Execution String:\n");
return sb.toString();
* Display the script inputs.
* @return the script inputs
public String displayInputs() {
return MLContextUtil.displayInputs("Inputs", inputs, symbolTable);
* Display the script outputs.
* @return the script outputs as a String
public String displayOutputs() {
return MLContextUtil.displayOutputs("Outputs", outputVariables, symbolTable);
* Display the script input parameters.
* @return the script input parameters as a String
public String displayInputParameters() {
return MLContextUtil.displayMap("Input Parameters", inputParameters);
* Display the script input variables.
* @return the script input variables as a String
public String displayInputVariables() {
return MLContextUtil.displaySet("Input Variables", inputVariables);
* Display the script output variables.
* @return the script output variables as a String
public String displayOutputVariables() {
return MLContextUtil.displaySet("Output Variables", outputVariables);
* Display the script symbol table.
* @return the script symbol table as a String
public String displaySymbolTable() {
return MLContextUtil.displaySymbolTable("Symbol Table", symbolTable);
* Obtain the script name.
* @return the script name
public String getName() {
return name;
* Set the script name.
* @param name
* the script name
* @return {@code this} Script object to allow chaining of methods
public Script setName(String name) { = name;
return this;
* Execute the script and return the results as an MLResults object.
* @return results as an MLResults object
public MLResults execute() {
MLContext ml = MLContext.getActiveMLContext();
if (ml == null) {
throw new MLContextException("No MLContext object exists. Please create one.");
return ml.execute(this);