blob: 0b20876065f613867c0e26ea6812798cb728ed94 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
package org.apache.sysds.hops.codegen.opt;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.sysds.api.DMLScript;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.AggOp;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.Direction;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.ExecMode;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.OpOp2;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.OpOpDG;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.OpOpData;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.OpOpN;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.AggBinaryOp;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.AggUnaryOp;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.BinaryOp;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.DnnOp;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.Hop;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.IndexingOp;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.LiteralOp;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.NaryOp;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.OptimizerUtils;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.ParameterizedBuiltinOp;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.ReorgOp;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.TernaryOp;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.UnaryOp;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.codegen.opt.ReachabilityGraph.SubProblem;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.codegen.template.CPlanMemoTable;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.codegen.template.TemplateOuterProduct;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.codegen.template.TemplateRow;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.codegen.template.TemplateUtils;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.codegen.template.CPlanMemoTable.MemoTableEntry;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.codegen.template.TemplateBase.TemplateType;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.rewrite.HopRewriteUtils;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.codegen.LibSpoofPrimitives;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.caching.LazyWriteBuffer;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.stat.InfrastructureAnalyzer;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.util.IDSequence;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.UtilFunctions;
import org.apache.sysds.utils.Statistics;
* This cost-based plan selection algorithm chooses fused operators
* based on the DAG structure and resulting overall costs. This includes
* holistic decisions on
* <ul>
* <li>Materialization points per consumer</li>
* <li>Sparsity exploitation and operator ordering</li>
* <li>Decisions on overlapping template types</li>
* <li>Decisions on multi-aggregates with shared reads</li>
* <li>Constraints (e.g., memory budgets and block sizes)</li>
* </ul>
public class PlanSelectionFuseCostBasedV2 extends PlanSelection
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(PlanSelectionFuseCostBasedV2.class.getName());
//common bandwidth characteristics, with a conservative write bandwidth in order
//to cover result allocation, write into main memory, and potential evictions
private static final double WRITE_BANDWIDTH_IO = 512*1024*1024; //512MB/s
private static final double WRITE_BANDWIDTH_MEM = 2d*1024*1024*1024; //2GB/s
private static final double READ_BANDWIDTH_MEM = 32d*1024*1024*1024; //32GB/s
private static final double READ_BANDWIDTH_BROADCAST = WRITE_BANDWIDTH_IO/4;
private static final double COMPUTE_BANDWIDTH = 2d*1024*1024*1024 //1GFLOPs/core
* InfrastructureAnalyzer.getLocalParallelism();
//sparsity estimate for unknown sparsity to prefer sparse-safe fusion plans
private static final double SPARSE_SAFE_SPARSITY_EST = 0.1;
//after evaluating the costs of the opening heuristics fuse-all and fuse-no-redundancy,
//remaining candidate plans of large partitions (w/ >= COST_MIN_EPS_NUM_POINTS) are
//only evaluated if the current costs are > (1+COST_MIN_EPS) * static (i.e., minimal) costs.
public static final double COST_MIN_EPS = 0.01; //1%
public static final int COST_MIN_EPS_NUM_POINTS = 20; //2^20 = 1M plans
//In order to avoid unnecessary repeated reoptimization we use a plan cache for
//mapping partition signatures (including input sizes) to optimal plans. However,
//since hop ids change during dynamic recompilation, we use an approximate signature
//that is cheap to compute and therefore only use this for large partitions.
private static final int PLAN_CACHE_NUM_POINTS = 10; //2^10 = 1024
private static final int PLAN_CACHE_SIZE = 1024;
private static final LinkedHashMap<PartitionSignature, boolean[]> _planCache = new LinkedHashMap<>();
//optimizer configuration
public static boolean COST_PRUNING = true;
public static boolean STRUCTURAL_PRUNING = true;
public static boolean PLAN_CACHING = true;
private static final TemplateRow ROW_TPL = new TemplateRow();
//cost vector id generator, whose ids are only used for memoization per call to getPlanCost;
//hence, we use a sequence generator per optimizer instance to avoid thread contention in
//multi-threaded parfor scenarios with concurrent dynamic recompilation and thus optimization.
private final IDSequence COST_ID = new IDSequence();
public void selectPlans(CPlanMemoTable memo, ArrayList<Hop> roots)
//step 1: analyze connected partitions (nodes, roots, mat points)
Collection<PlanPartition> parts = PlanAnalyzer.analyzePlanPartitions(memo, roots, true);
//step 2: optimize individual plan partitions
int sumMatPoints = 0;
for( PlanPartition part : parts ) {
//create composite templates (within the partition)
createAndAddMultiAggPlans(memo, part.getPartition(), part.getRoots());
//plan enumeration and plan selection
selectPlans(memo, part);
sumMatPoints += part.getMatPointsExt().length;
//step 3: add composite templates (across partitions)
createAndAddMultiAggPlans(memo, roots);
//take all distinct best plans
for( Entry<Long, List<MemoTableEntry>> e : getBestPlans().entrySet() )
memo.setDistinct(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
//maintain statistics
if( DMLScript.STATISTICS ) {
if( sumMatPoints >= 63 )
LOG.warn("Long overflow on maintaining codegen statistics "
+ "for a DAG with "+sumMatPoints+" interesting points.");
Statistics.incrementCodegenEnumAll(UtilFunctions.pow(2, sumMatPoints));
private void selectPlans(CPlanMemoTable memo, PlanPartition part)
//prune special case patterns and invalid plans (e.g., blocksize)
pruneInvalidAndSpecialCasePlans(memo, part);
//if no materialization points, use basic fuse-all w/ partition awareness
if( part.getMatPointsExt() == null || part.getMatPointsExt().length==0 ) {
for( Long hopID : part.getRoots() )
memo.getHopRefs().get(hopID), null, part.getPartition());
else {
//obtain hop compute costs per cell once
HashMap<Long, Double> computeCosts = new HashMap<>();
for( Long hopID : part.getPartition() )
getComputeCosts(memo.getHopRefs().get(hopID), computeCosts);
//prepare pruning helpers and prune memo table w/ determined mat points
StaticCosts costs = new StaticCosts(computeCosts, sumComputeCost(computeCosts),
getReadCost(part, memo), getWriteCost(part.getRoots(), memo), minOuterSparsity(part, memo));
ReachabilityGraph rgraph = STRUCTURAL_PRUNING ? new ReachabilityGraph(part, memo) : null;
for( Long hopID : part.getPartition() )
memo.pruneRedundant(hopID, true, part.getMatPointsExt());
//enumerate and cost plans, returns optional plan
boolean[] bestPlan = enumPlans(memo, part,
costs, rgraph, part.getMatPointsExt(), 0);
//prune memo table wrt best plan and select plans
HashSet<Long> visited = new HashSet<>();
for( Long hopID : part.getRoots() )
rPruneSuboptimalPlans(memo, memo.getHopRefs().get(hopID),
visited, part, part.getMatPointsExt(), bestPlan);
HashSet<Long> visited2 = new HashSet<>();
for( Long hopID : part.getRoots() )
rPruneInvalidPlans(memo, memo.getHopRefs().get(hopID),
visited2, part, bestPlan);
for( Long hopID : part.getRoots() )
memo.getHopRefs().get(hopID), null, part.getPartition());
* Core plan enumeration algorithm, invoked recursively for conditionally independent
* subproblems. This algorithm fully explores the exponential search space of 2^m,
* where m is the number of interesting materialization points. We iterate over
* a linearized search space without every instantiating the search tree. Furthermore,
* in order to reduce the enumeration overhead, we apply two high-impact pruning
* techniques (1) pruning by evolving lower/upper cost bounds, and (2) pruning by
* conditional structural properties (so-called cutsets of interesting points).
* @param memo memoization table of partial fusion plans
* @param part connected component (partition) of partial fusion plans with all necessary meta data
* @param costs summary of static costs (e.g., partition reads, writes, and compute costs per operator)
* @param rgraph reachability graph of interesting materialization points
* @param matPoints sorted materialization points (defined the search space)
* @param off offset for recursive invocation, indicating the fixed plan part
* @return optimal assignment of materialization points
private boolean[] enumPlans(CPlanMemoTable memo, PlanPartition part, StaticCosts costs,
ReachabilityGraph rgraph, InterestingPoint[] matPoints, int off)
//scan linearized search space, w/ skips for branch and bound pruning
//and structural pruning (where we solve conditionally independent problems)
//bestC is monotonically non-increasing and serves as the upper bound
final int Mlen = matPoints.length-off;
final long len = UtilFunctions.pow(2, Mlen);
long numEvalPlans = 2, numEvalPartPlans = 0;
//evaluate heuristics fuse-all and fuse-no-redundancy to quickly obtain a good lower bound
final boolean[] plan0 = createAssignment(Mlen, off, 0); // fuse-all
final boolean[] planN = createAssignment(Mlen, off, len-1); //fuse-no-redundancy
final double C0 = getPlanCost(memo, part, matPoints, plan0, costs._computeCosts, Double.MAX_VALUE);
final double CN = getPlanCost(memo, part, matPoints, planN, costs._computeCosts, Double.MAX_VALUE);
boolean[] bestPlan = (C0 <= CN) ? plan0 : planN;
double bestC = Math.min(C0, CN);
final boolean evalRemain = (Mlen < COST_MIN_EPS_NUM_POINTS
|| !COST_PRUNING || bestC > (1+COST_MIN_EPS) * costs.getMinCosts());
if( LOG.isTraceEnabled() )
LOG.trace("Enum opening: " + Arrays.toString(bestPlan) + " -> " + bestC);
if( !evalRemain )
LOG.warn("Skip enum for |M|="+Mlen+", C="+bestC+", Cmin="+costs.getMinCosts());
//probe plan cache for existing optimized plan
PartitionSignature pKey = null;
if( probePlanCache(matPoints) ) {
pKey = new PartitionSignature(part, matPoints.length, costs, C0, CN);
boolean[] plan = getPlan(pKey);
if( plan != null ) {
return plan;
//evaluate remaining plans, except already evaluated heuristics
for( long i=1; i<len-1 & evalRemain; i++ ) {
//construct assignment
boolean[] plan = createAssignment(Mlen, off, i);
long pskip = 0; //skip after costing
//skip plans with structural pruning
if( STRUCTURAL_PRUNING && (rgraph!=null) && rgraph.isCutSet(plan) ) {
//compute skip (which also acts as boundary for subproblems)
pskip = rgraph.getNumSkipPlans(plan);
if( LOG.isTraceEnabled() )
LOG.trace("Enum: Structural pruning for cut set: "+rgraph.getCutSet(plan));
//start increment rgraph get subproblems
SubProblem[] prob = rgraph.getSubproblems(plan);
//solve subproblems independently and combine into best plan
for( int j=0; j<prob.length; j++ ) {
if( LOG.isTraceEnabled() )
LOG.trace("Enum: Subproblem "+(j+1)+"/"+prob.length+": "+prob[j]);
boolean[] bestTmp = enumPlans(memo, part,
costs, null, prob[j].freeMat, prob[j].offset);
LibSpoofPrimitives.vectWrite(bestTmp, plan, prob[j].freePos);
//note: the overall plan costs are evaluated in full, which reused
//the default code path; hence we postpone the skip after costing
//skip plans with branch and bound pruning (cost)
else if( COST_PRUNING ) {
double lbC = getLowerBoundCosts(part, matPoints, memo, costs, plan);
if( lbC >= bestC ) {
long skip = getNumSkipPlans(plan);
if( LOG.isTraceEnabled() )
LOG.trace("Enum: Skip "+skip+" plans (by cost).");
i += skip - 1;
//cost assignment on hops. Stop early if exceeds bestC.
double pCBound = COST_PRUNING ? bestC : Double.MAX_VALUE;
double C = getPlanCost(memo, part, matPoints, plan, costs._computeCosts, pCBound);
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
LOG.trace("Enum: " + Arrays.toString(plan) + " -> " + C);
numEvalPartPlans += (C==Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) ? 1 : 0;
//cost comparisons
if( bestPlan == null || C < bestC ) {
bestC = C;
bestPlan = plan;
if( LOG.isTraceEnabled() )
LOG.trace("Enum: Found new best plan.");
//post skipping
i += pskip;
if( pskip !=0 && LOG.isTraceEnabled() )
LOG.trace("Enum: Skip "+pskip+" plans (by structure).");
if( DMLScript.STATISTICS ) {
if( LOG.isTraceEnabled() )
LOG.trace("Enum: Optimal plan: "+Arrays.toString(bestPlan));
//keep large plans
if( probePlanCache(matPoints) )
putPlan(pKey, bestPlan);
//copy best plan w/o fixed offset plan
return (bestPlan==null) ? new boolean[Mlen] :
Arrays.copyOfRange(bestPlan, off, bestPlan.length);
private static boolean[] createAssignment(int len, int off, long pos) {
boolean[] ret = new boolean[off+len];
Arrays.fill(ret, 0, off, true);
long tmp = pos;
for( int i=0; i<len; i++ ) {
long mask = UtilFunctions.pow(2, len-i-1);
ret[off+i] = tmp >= mask;
tmp %= mask;
return ret;
private static long getNumSkipPlans(boolean[] plan) {
int pos = ArrayUtils.lastIndexOf(plan, true);
return UtilFunctions.pow(2, plan.length-pos-1);
private static double getLowerBoundCosts(PlanPartition part, InterestingPoint[] M, CPlanMemoTable memo, StaticCosts costs, boolean[] plan) {
//compute the lower bound from static and plan-dependent costs
double lb = Math.max(costs._read, costs._compute) + costs._write
+ getMaterializationCost(part, M, memo, plan);
//if the partition contains outer templates, we need to correct the lower bound
if( part.hasOuter() )
lb *= costs._minSparsity;
return lb;
private static double getMaterializationCost(PlanPartition part, InterestingPoint[] M, CPlanMemoTable memo, boolean[] plan) {
double costs = 0;
//currently active materialization points
HashSet<Long> matTargets = new HashSet<>();
for( int i=0; i<plan.length; i++ ) {
long hopID = M[i].getToHopID();
if( plan[i] && !matTargets.contains(hopID) ) {
Hop hop = memo.getHopRefs().get(hopID);
long size = getSize(hop);
costs += size * 8 / WRITE_BANDWIDTH_MEM +
//points with non-partition consumers
for( Long hopID : part.getExtConsumed() )
if( !matTargets.contains(hopID) ) {
Hop hop = memo.getHopRefs().get(hopID);
costs += getSize(hop) * 8 / WRITE_BANDWIDTH_MEM;
return costs;
private static double getReadCost(PlanPartition part, CPlanMemoTable memo) {
double costs = 0;
//get partition input reads (at least read once)
for( Long hopID : part.getInputs() ) {
Hop hop = memo.getHopRefs().get(hopID);
costs += getSafeMemEst(hop) / READ_BANDWIDTH_MEM;
return costs;
private static double getWriteCost(Collection<Long> R, CPlanMemoTable memo) {
double costs = 0;
for( Long hopID : R ) {
Hop hop = memo.getHopRefs().get(hopID);
costs += getSize(hop) * 8 / WRITE_BANDWIDTH_MEM;
return costs;
private static double sumComputeCost(HashMap<Long, Double> computeCosts) {
return computeCosts.values().stream()
.mapToDouble(d -> d/COMPUTE_BANDWIDTH).sum();
private static double minOuterSparsity(PlanPartition part, CPlanMemoTable memo) {
return !part.hasOuter() ? 1.0 : part.getPartition().stream()
.map(k -> HopRewriteUtils.getLargestInput(memo.getHopRefs().get(k)))
.mapToDouble(h -> h.dimsKnown(true) ? h.getSparsity() : SPARSE_SAFE_SPARSITY_EST)
private static double sumTmpInputOutputSize(CPlanMemoTable memo, CostVector vect) {
//size of intermediate inputs and outputs, i.e., output and inputs other than treads
return vect.outSize + vect.inSizes.entrySet().stream()
.filter(e -> !HopRewriteUtils.isData(memo.getHopRefs().get(e.getKey()), OpOpData.TRANSIENTREAD))
.mapToDouble(e -> e.getValue()).sum();
private static double sumInputMemoryEstimates(CPlanMemoTable memo, CostVector vect) {
return vect.inSizes.keySet().stream()
.mapToDouble(e -> getSafeMemEst(memo.getHopRefs().get(e))).sum();
private static double getSafeMemEst(Hop hop) {
return !hop.dimsKnown() ? getSize(hop) * 8
: hop.getOutputMemEstimate();
private static long getSize(Hop hop) {
return Math.max(hop.getDim1(),1)
* Math.max(hop.getDim2(),1);
//within-partition multi-agg templates
private static void createAndAddMultiAggPlans(CPlanMemoTable memo, HashSet<Long> partition, HashSet<Long> R)
//create index of plans that reference full aggregates to avoid circular dependencies
HashSet<Long> refHops = new HashSet<>();
for( Entry<Long, List<MemoTableEntry>> e : memo.getPlans().entrySet() )
if( !e.getValue().isEmpty() ) {
Hop hop = memo.getHopRefs().get(e.getKey());
for( Hop c : hop.getInput() )
//find all full aggregations (the fact that they are in the same partition guarantees
//that they also have common subexpressions, also full aggregations are by def root nodes)
ArrayList<Long> fullAggs = new ArrayList<>();
for( Long hopID : R ) {
Hop root = memo.getHopRefs().get(hopID);
if( !refHops.contains(hopID) && isMultiAggregateRoot(root) )
if( LOG.isTraceEnabled() ) {
LOG.trace("Found within-partition ua(RC) aggregations: " +
Arrays.toString(fullAggs.toArray(new Long[0])));
//construct and add multiagg template plans (w/ max 3 aggregations)
for( int i=0; i<fullAggs.size(); i+=3 ) {
int ito = Math.min(i+3, fullAggs.size());
if( ito-i >= 2 ) {
MemoTableEntry me = new MemoTableEntry(TemplateType.MAGG,
fullAggs.get(i), fullAggs.get(i+1), ((ito-i)==3)?fullAggs.get(i+2):-1, ito-i);
if( isValidMultiAggregate(memo, me) ) {
for( int j=i; j<ito; j++ ) {
memo.add(memo.getHopRefs().get(fullAggs.get(j)), me);
if( LOG.isTraceEnabled() )
LOG.trace("Added multiagg plan: "+fullAggs.get(j)+" "+me);
else if( LOG.isTraceEnabled() ) {
LOG.trace("Removed invalid multiagg plan: "+me);
//across-partition multi-agg templates with shared reads
private void createAndAddMultiAggPlans(CPlanMemoTable memo, ArrayList<Hop> roots)
//collect full aggregations as initial set of candidates
HashSet<Long> fullAggs = new HashSet<>();
for( Hop hop : roots )
rCollectFullAggregates(hop, fullAggs);
//remove operators with assigned multi-agg plans
fullAggs.removeIf(p -> memo.contains(p, TemplateType.MAGG));
//check applicability for further analysis
if( fullAggs.size() <= 1 )
if( LOG.isTraceEnabled() ) {
LOG.trace("Found across-partition ua(RC) aggregations: " +
Arrays.toString(fullAggs.toArray(new Long[0])));
//collect information for all candidates
//(subsumed aggregations, and inputs to fused operators)
List<AggregateInfo> aggInfos = new ArrayList<>();
for( Long hopID : fullAggs ) {
Hop aggHop = memo.getHopRefs().get(hopID);
AggregateInfo tmp = new AggregateInfo(aggHop);
for( int i=0; i<aggHop.getInput().size(); i++ ) {
Hop c = HopRewriteUtils.isMatrixMultiply(aggHop) && i==0 ?
aggHop.getInput().get(0).getInput().get(0) : aggHop.getInput().get(i);
rExtractAggregateInfo(memo, c, tmp, TemplateType.CELL);
if( tmp._fusedInputs.isEmpty() ) {
if( HopRewriteUtils.isMatrixMultiply(aggHop) ) {
if( LOG.isTraceEnabled() ) {
LOG.trace("Extracted across-partition ua(RC) aggregation info: ");
for( AggregateInfo info : aggInfos )
//sort aggregations by num dependencies to simplify merging
//clusters of aggregations with parallel dependencies
aggInfos =
.sorted(Comparator.comparing(a -> a._inputAggs.size()))
//greedy grouping of multi-agg candidates
boolean converged = false;
while( !converged ) {
AggregateInfo merged = null;
for( int i=0; i<aggInfos.size(); i++ ) {
AggregateInfo current = aggInfos.get(i);
for( int j=i+1; j<aggInfos.size(); j++ ) {
AggregateInfo that = aggInfos.get(j);
if( current.isMergable(that) ) {
merged = current.merge(that);
aggInfos.remove(j); j--;
converged = (merged == null);
if( LOG.isTraceEnabled() ) {
LOG.trace("Merged across-partition ua(RC) aggregation info: ");
for( AggregateInfo info : aggInfos )
//construct and add multiagg template plans (w/ max 3 aggregations)
for( AggregateInfo info : aggInfos ) {
if( info._aggregates.size()<=1 )
Long[] aggs = info._aggregates.keySet().toArray(new Long[0]);
MemoTableEntry me = new MemoTableEntry(TemplateType.MAGG,
aggs[0], aggs[1], (aggs.length>2)?aggs[2]:-1, aggs.length);
for( int i=0; i<aggs.length; i++ ) {
memo.add(memo.getHopRefs().get(aggs[i]), me);
addBestPlan(aggs[i], me);
if( LOG.isTraceEnabled() )
LOG.trace("Added multiagg* plan: "+aggs[i]+" "+me);
private static boolean isMultiAggregateRoot(Hop root) {
return (HopRewriteUtils.isAggUnaryOp(root, AggOp.SUM, AggOp.SUM_SQ, AggOp.MIN, AggOp.MAX)
&& ((AggUnaryOp)root).getDirection()==Direction.RowCol)
|| (root instanceof AggBinaryOp && root.getDim1()==1 && root.getDim2()==1
&& HopRewriteUtils.isTransposeOperation(root.getInput().get(0)));
private static boolean isValidMultiAggregate(CPlanMemoTable memo, MemoTableEntry me) {
//ensure input consistent sizes (otherwise potential for incorrect results)
boolean ret = true;
Hop refSize = memo.getHopRefs().get(me.input1).getInput().get(0);
for( int i=1; ret && i<3; i++ ) {
if( me.isPlanRef(i) )
ret &= HopRewriteUtils.isEqualSize(refSize,
//ensure that aggregates are independent of each other, i.e.,
//they to not have potentially transitive parent child references
for( int i=0; ret && i<3; i++ )
if( me.isPlanRef(i) ) {
HashSet<Long> probe = new HashSet<>();
for( int j=0; j<3; j++ )
if( i != j )
ret &= rCheckMultiAggregate(memo.getHopRefs().get(me.input(i)), probe);
return ret;
private static boolean rCheckMultiAggregate(Hop current, HashSet<Long> probe) {
boolean ret = true;
for( Hop c : current.getInput() )
ret &= rCheckMultiAggregate(c, probe);
ret &= !probe.contains(current.getHopID());
return ret;
private static void rCollectFullAggregates(Hop current, HashSet<Long> aggs) {
if( current.isVisited() )
//collect all applicable full aggregations per read
if( isMultiAggregateRoot(current) )
//recursively process children
for( Hop c : current.getInput() )
rCollectFullAggregates(c, aggs);
private static void rExtractAggregateInfo(CPlanMemoTable memo, Hop current, AggregateInfo aggInfo, TemplateType type) {
//collect input aggregates (dependents)
if( isMultiAggregateRoot(current) )
//recursively process children
MemoTableEntry me = (type!=null) ? memo.getBest(current.getHopID()) : null;
for( int i=0; i<current.getInput().size(); i++ ) {
Hop c = current.getInput().get(i);
if( me != null && me.isPlanRef(i) )
rExtractAggregateInfo(memo, c, aggInfo, type);
else {
if( type != null && c.getDataType().isMatrix() ) //add fused input
rExtractAggregateInfo(memo, c, aggInfo, null);
private static HashSet<Long> collectIrreplaceableRowOps(CPlanMemoTable memo, PlanPartition part) {
//get row entries that are (a) reachable from rowwise ops (top down) other than
//operator root nodes, or dependent upon row-wise ops (bottom up)
HashSet<Long> excludeList = new HashSet<>();
HashSet<Pair<Long, Integer>> visited = new HashSet<>();
for( Long hopID : part.getRoots() ) {
memo, part, excludeList, visited, null, false);
return excludeList;
private static void rCollectDependentRowOps(Hop hop, CPlanMemoTable memo, PlanPartition part,
HashSet<Long> excludeList, HashSet<Pair<Long, Integer>> visited, TemplateType type, boolean foundRowOp)
//avoid redundant evaluation of processed and non-partition nodes
Pair<Long, Integer> key = Pair.of(hop.getHopID(),
(foundRowOp?Short.MAX_VALUE:0) + ((type!=null)?type.ordinal()+1:0));
if( visited.contains(key) || !part.getPartition().contains(hop.getHopID()) ) {
//process node itself (top-down)
MemoTableEntry me = (type == null) ? memo.getBest(hop.getHopID()) :
memo.getBest(hop.getHopID(), type);
boolean inRow = (me != null && me.type == TemplateType.ROW && type == TemplateType.ROW);
boolean diffPlans = part.getMatPointsExt().length > 0 //guard against plan differences
&& memo.contains(hop.getHopID(), TemplateType.ROW)
&& !memo.hasOnlyExactMatches(hop.getHopID(), TemplateType.ROW, TemplateType.CELL);
if( inRow && foundRowOp )
if( isRowAggOp(hop, inRow) || diffPlans ) {
foundRowOp = true;
//process children recursively
for( int i=0; i<hop.getInput().size(); i++ ) {
boolean lfoundRowOp = foundRowOp && me != null
&& (me.isPlanRef(i) || isImplicitlyFused(hop, i, me.type));
rCollectDependentRowOps(hop.getInput().get(i), memo,
part, excludeList, visited, me!=null?me.type:null, lfoundRowOp);
//process node itself (bottom-up)
if( !excludeList.contains(hop.getHopID()) ) {
for( int i=0; i<hop.getInput().size(); i++ )
if( me != null && me.type == TemplateType.ROW
&& (me.isPlanRef(i) || isImplicitlyFused(hop, i, me.type))
&& excludeList.contains(hop.getInput().get(i).getHopID()) ) {
private static boolean isRowAggOp(Hop hop, boolean inRow) {
return HopRewriteUtils.isBinary(hop, OpOp2.CBIND)
|| HopRewriteUtils.isNary(hop, OpOpN.CBIND)
|| (hop instanceof AggBinaryOp && (inRow || !hop.dimsKnown()
|| (hop.getDim1()!=1 && hop.getDim2()!=1)))
|| (HopRewriteUtils.isTransposeOperation(hop)
&& (hop.getDim1()!=1 && hop.getDim2()!=1)
&& !HopRewriteUtils.isDataGenOp(hop.getInput().get(0),OpOpDG.SEQ))
|| (hop instanceof AggUnaryOp && inRow);
private static boolean isValidRow2CellOp(Hop hop) {
return !(HopRewriteUtils.isBinary(hop, OpOp2.CBIND)
|| (hop instanceof AggBinaryOp && hop.getDim1()!=1 && hop.getDim2()!=1));
private static void pruneInvalidAndSpecialCasePlans(CPlanMemoTable memo, PlanPartition part)
//prune invalid row entries w/ violated blocksize constraint
if( OptimizerUtils.isSparkExecutionMode() ) {
for( Long hopID : part.getPartition() ) {
if( !memo.contains(hopID, TemplateType.ROW) )
Hop hop = memo.getHopRefs().get(hopID);
boolean isSpark = DMLScript.getGlobalExecMode() == ExecMode.SPARK
|| OptimizerUtils.getTotalMemEstimate(hop.getInput().toArray(new Hop[0]), hop, true)
> OptimizerUtils.getLocalMemBudget();
boolean validNcol = hop.getDataType().isScalar() || (HopRewriteUtils.isTransposeOperation(hop) ?
hop.getDim1() <= hop.getBlocksize() : hop.getDim2() <= hop.getBlocksize());
for( Hop in : hop.getInput() )
validNcol &= in.getDataType().isScalar()
|| (in.getDim2() <= in.getBlocksize())
|| (hop instanceof AggBinaryOp && in.getDim1() <= in.getBlocksize()
&& HopRewriteUtils.isTransposeOperation(in));
if( isSpark && !validNcol ) {
List<MemoTableEntry> excludeList = memo.get(hopID, TemplateType.ROW);
memo.remove(memo.getHopRefs().get(hopID), TemplateType.ROW);
memo.removeAllRefTo(hopID, TemplateType.ROW);
if( LOG.isTraceEnabled() ) {
LOG.trace("Removed row memo table entries w/ violated blocksize constraint ("+hopID+"): "
+ Arrays.toString(excludeList.toArray(new MemoTableEntry[0])));
//prune row aggregates with pure cellwise operations
//(we determine an excludeList of all operators in a partition that either
//depend upon row aggregates or on which row aggregates depend)
HashSet<Long> excludeList = collectIrreplaceableRowOps(memo, part);
for( Long hopID : part.getPartition() ) {
if( excludeList.contains(hopID) ) continue;
MemoTableEntry me = memo.getBest(hopID, TemplateType.ROW);
if( me != null && me.type == TemplateType.ROW
&& memo.hasOnlyExactMatches(hopID, TemplateType.ROW, TemplateType.CELL) ) {
List<MemoTableEntry> rmList = memo.get(hopID, TemplateType.ROW);
memo.remove(memo.getHopRefs().get(hopID), new HashSet<>(rmList));
if( LOG.isTraceEnabled() ) {
LOG.trace("Removed row memo table entries w/o aggregation: "
+ Arrays.toString(rmList.toArray(new MemoTableEntry[0])));
//prune suboptimal outer product plans that are dominated by outer product plans w/ same number of
//references but better fusion properties (e.g., for the patterns Y=X*(U%*%t(V)) and sum(Y*(U2%*%t(V2))),
//we'd prune sum(X*(U%*%t(V))*Z), Z=U2%*%t(V2) because this would unnecessarily destroy a fusion pattern.
for( Long hopID : part.getPartition() ) {
if( memo.countEntries(hopID, TemplateType.OUTER) == 2 ) {
List<MemoTableEntry> entries = memo.get(hopID, TemplateType.OUTER);
MemoTableEntry me1 = entries.get(0);
MemoTableEntry me2 = entries.get(1);
MemoTableEntry rmEntry = TemplateOuterProduct.dropAlternativePlan(memo, me1, me2);
if( rmEntry != null ) {
memo.remove(memo.getHopRefs().get(hopID), Collections.singleton(rmEntry));
if( LOG.isTraceEnabled() )
LOG.trace("Removed dominated outer product memo table entry: " + rmEntry);
private static void rPruneSuboptimalPlans(CPlanMemoTable memo, Hop current, HashSet<Long> visited,
PlanPartition part, InterestingPoint[] matPoints, boolean[] plan)
//memoization (not via hops because in middle of dag)
if( visited.contains(current.getHopID()) )
//remove memo table entries if necessary
long hopID = current.getHopID();
if( part.getPartition().contains(hopID) && memo.contains(hopID) ) {
Iterator<MemoTableEntry> iter = memo.get(hopID).iterator();
while( iter.hasNext() ) {
MemoTableEntry me =;
if( !hasNoRefToMatPoint(hopID, me, matPoints, plan) && me.type!=TemplateType.OUTER ) {
if( LOG.isTraceEnabled() )
LOG.trace("Removed memo table entry: "+me);
//process children recursively
for( Hop c : current.getInput() )
rPruneSuboptimalPlans(memo, c, visited, part, matPoints, plan);
private static void rPruneInvalidPlans(CPlanMemoTable memo, Hop current, HashSet<Long> visited, PlanPartition part, boolean[] plan) {
//memoization (not via hops because in middle of dag)
if( visited.contains(current.getHopID()) )
//process children recursively
for( Hop c : current.getInput() )
rPruneInvalidPlans(memo, c, visited, part, plan);
//find invalid row aggregate leaf nodes (see w/o matrix inputs,
//i.e., plans that become invalid after the previous pruning step
long hopID = current.getHopID();
if( part.getPartition().contains(hopID) && memo.contains(hopID, TemplateType.ROW) ) {
Iterator<MemoTableEntry> iter = memo.get(hopID, TemplateType.ROW).iterator();
while( iter.hasNext() ) {
MemoTableEntry me =;
//convert leaf node with pure vector inputs
boolean applyLeaf = (!me.hasPlanRef()
&& !TemplateUtils.hasMatrixInput(current));
//convert inner node without row template input
boolean applyInner = !applyLeaf && !;
for( int i=0; i<3 & applyInner; i++ )
if( me.isPlanRef(i) )
applyInner &= !memo.contains(me.input(i), TemplateType.ROW);
if( applyLeaf || applyInner ) {
String type = applyLeaf ? "leaf" : "inner";
if( isValidRow2CellOp(current) ) {
me.type = TemplateType.CELL;
if( LOG.isTraceEnabled() )
LOG.trace("Converted "+type+" memo table entry from row to cell: "+me);
else {
if( LOG.isTraceEnabled() )
LOG.trace("Removed "+type+" memo table entry row (unsupported cell): "+me);
// Cost model fused operators w/ materialization points
private double getPlanCost(CPlanMemoTable memo, PlanPartition part,
InterestingPoint[] matPoints,boolean[] plan, HashMap<Long, Double> computeCosts,
final double costBound)
//high level heuristic: every hop or fused operator has the following cost:
//WRITE + max(COMPUTE, READ), where WRITE costs are given by the output size,
//READ costs by the input sizes, and COMPUTE by operation specific FLOP
//counts times number of cells of main input, disregarding sparsity for now.
HashSet<VisitMarkCost> visited = new HashSet<>();
double costs = 0;
int rem = part.getRoots().size();
for( Long hopID : part.getRoots() ) {
costs += rGetPlanCosts(memo, memo.getHopRefs().get(hopID),
visited, part, matPoints, plan, computeCosts, null, null, costBound-costs);
if( costs >= costBound && --rem > 0 ) //stop early
return costs;
private double rGetPlanCosts(CPlanMemoTable memo, final Hop current, HashSet<VisitMarkCost> visited,
PlanPartition part, InterestingPoint[] matPoints, boolean[] plan, HashMap<Long, Double> computeCosts,
CostVector costsCurrent, TemplateType currentType, final double costBound)
final long currentHopId = current.getHopID();
//memoization per hop id and cost vector to account for redundant
//computation without double counting materialized results or compute
//costs of complex operation DAGs within a single fused operator
if( !visited.add(new VisitMarkCost(currentHopId,
(costsCurrent==null || currentType==TemplateType.MAGG)?-1:costsCurrent.ID)) )
return 0; //already existing
//open template if necessary, including memoization
//under awareness of current plan choice
MemoTableEntry best = null;
boolean opened = (currentType == null);
if( memo.contains(currentHopId) ) {
//note: this is the inner loop of plan enumeration and hence, we do not
//use streams, lambda expressions, etc to avoid unnecessary overhead
if( currentType == null ) {
for( MemoTableEntry me : memo.get(currentHopId) )
best = me.isValid()
&& hasNoRefToMatPoint(currentHopId, me, matPoints, plan)
&& BasicPlanComparator.icompare(me, best)<0 ? me : best;
opened = true;
else {
for( MemoTableEntry me : memo.get(currentHopId) )
best = (me.type == currentType || me.type==TemplateType.CELL)
&& hasNoRefToMatPoint(currentHopId, me, matPoints, plan)
&& TypedPlanComparator.icompare(me, best, currentType)<0 ? me : best;
//create new cost vector if opened, initialized with write costs
CostVector costVect = !opened ? costsCurrent : new CostVector(getSize(current));
double costs = 0;
//add other roots for multi-agg template to account for shared costs
if( opened && best != null && best.type == TemplateType.MAGG ) {
//account costs to first multi-agg root
if( best.input1 == currentHopId )
for( int i=1; i<3; i++ ) {
if( !best.isPlanRef(i) ) continue;
costs += rGetPlanCosts(memo, memo.getHopRefs().get(best.input(i)), visited,
part, matPoints, plan, computeCosts, costVect, TemplateType.MAGG, costBound-costs);
if( costs >= costBound )
//skip other multi-agg roots
return 0;
//add compute costs of current operator to costs vector
if( computeCosts.containsKey(currentHopId) )
costVect.computeCosts += computeCosts.get(currentHopId);
//process children recursively
for( int i=0; i< current.getInput().size(); i++ ) {
Hop c = current.getInput().get(i);
if( best!=null && best.isPlanRef(i) )
costs += rGetPlanCosts(memo, c, visited, part, matPoints,
plan, computeCosts, costVect, best.type, costBound-costs);
else if( best!=null && isImplicitlyFused(current, i, best.type) )
costVect.addInputSize(c.getInput().get(0).getHopID(), getSize(c));
else { //include children and I/O costs
if( part.getPartition().contains(c.getHopID()) )
costs += rGetPlanCosts(memo, c, visited, part, matPoints,
plan, computeCosts, null, null, costBound-costs);
if( costVect != null && c.getDataType().isMatrix() )
costVect.addInputSize(c.getHopID(), getSize(c));
if( costs >= costBound )
//add costs for opened fused operator
if( opened ) {
double memInputs = sumInputMemoryEstimates(memo, costVect);
double tmpCosts = costVect.outSize * 8 / WRITE_BANDWIDTH_MEM
+ Math.max(memInputs / READ_BANDWIDTH_MEM,
costVect.computeCosts/ COMPUTE_BANDWIDTH);
//read correction for distributed computation
if( memInputs > OptimizerUtils.getLocalMemBudget() )
tmpCosts += costVect.getSideInputSize() * 8 / READ_BANDWIDTH_BROADCAST;
//sparsity correction for outer-product template (and sparse-safe cell)
Hop driver = memo.getHopRefs().get(costVect.getMaxInputSizeHopID());
if( best != null && best.type == TemplateType.OUTER )
tmpCosts *= driver.dimsKnown(true) ? driver.getSparsity() : SPARSE_SAFE_SPARSITY_EST;
//write correction for known evictions in CP
else if( memInputs <= OptimizerUtils.getLocalMemBudget()
&& sumTmpInputOutputSize(memo, costVect)*8 > LazyWriteBuffer.getWriteBufferLimit() )
tmpCosts += costVect.outSize * 8 / WRITE_BANDWIDTH_IO;
costs += tmpCosts;
if( LOG.isTraceEnabled() ) {
String type = (best !=null) ? : "HOP";
LOG.trace("Cost vector ("+type+" "+currentHopId+"): "+costVect+" -> "+tmpCosts);
//add costs for non-partition read in the middle of fused operator
else if( part.getExtConsumed().contains(current.getHopID()) ) {
costs += rGetPlanCosts(memo, current, visited, part, matPoints, plan,
computeCosts, null, null, costBound - costs);
if( costs >= costBound )
//sanity check non-negative costs
if( costs < 0 || Double.isNaN(costs) || Double.isInfinite(costs) )
throw new RuntimeException("Wrong cost estimate: "+costs);
return costs;
private static void getComputeCosts(Hop current, HashMap<Long, Double> computeCosts)
//get costs for given hop
double costs = 1;
if( current instanceof UnaryOp ) {
switch( ((UnaryOp)current).getOp() ) {
case ABS:
case ROUND:
case CEIL:
case FLOOR:
case SIGN: costs = 1; break;
case SPROP:
case SQRT: costs = 2; break;
case EXP: costs = 18; break;
case SIGMOID: costs = 21; break;
case LOG:
case LOG_NZ: costs = 32; break;
case NCOL:
case NROW:
case PRINT:
case ASSERT:
case CAST_AS_SCALAR: costs = 1; break;
case SIN: costs = 18; break;
case COS: costs = 22; break;
case TAN: costs = 42; break;
case ASIN: costs = 93; break;
case ACOS: costs = 103; break;
case ATAN: costs = 40; break;
case SINH: costs = 93; break; // TODO:
case COSH: costs = 103; break;
case TANH: costs = 40; break;
case CUMSUM:
case CUMMIN:
case CUMMAX:
case CUMPROD: costs = 1; break;
case CUMSUMPROD: costs = 2; break;
LOG.warn("Cost model not "
+ "implemented yet for: "+((UnaryOp)current).getOp());
else if( current instanceof BinaryOp ) {
switch( ((BinaryOp)current).getOp() ) {
case MULT:
case PLUS:
case MINUS:
case MIN:
case MAX:
case AND:
case OR:
case EQUAL:
case LESS:
case CBIND:
case RBIND: costs = 1; break;
case INTDIV: costs = 6; break;
case MODULUS: costs = 8; break;
case DIV: costs = 22; break;
case LOG:
case LOG_NZ: costs = 32; break;
case POW: costs = (HopRewriteUtils.isLiteralOfValue(
current.getInput().get(1), 2) ? 1 : 16); break;
case MINUS_NZ:
case MINUS1_MULT: costs = 2; break;
case MOMENT:
int type = (int) (current.getInput().get(1) instanceof LiteralOp ?
HopRewriteUtils.getIntValueSafe((LiteralOp)current.getInput().get(1)) : 2);
switch( type ) {
case 0: costs = 1; break; //count
case 1: costs = 8; break; //mean
case 2: costs = 16; break; //cm2
case 3: costs = 31; break; //cm3
case 4: costs = 51; break; //cm4
case 5: costs = 16; break; //variance
case COV: costs = 23; break;
LOG.warn("Cost model not "
+ "implemented yet for: "+((BinaryOp)current).getOp());
else if( current instanceof TernaryOp ) {
switch( ((TernaryOp)current).getOp() ) {
case IFELSE:
case MINUS_MULT: costs = 2; break;
case CTABLE: costs = 3; break;
case MOMENT:
int type = (int) (current.getInput().get(1) instanceof LiteralOp ?
HopRewriteUtils.getIntValueSafe((LiteralOp)current.getInput().get(1)) : 2);
switch( type ) {
case 0: costs = 2; break; //count
case 1: costs = 9; break; //mean
case 2: costs = 17; break; //cm2
case 3: costs = 32; break; //cm3
case 4: costs = 52; break; //cm4
case 5: costs = 17; break; //variance
case COV: costs = 23; break;
LOG.warn("Cost model not "
+ "implemented yet for: "+((TernaryOp)current).getOp());
else if( current instanceof NaryOp ) {
costs = HopRewriteUtils.isNary(current, OpOpN.MIN, OpOpN.MAX, OpOpN.PLUS) ?
current.getInput().size() : 1;
else if( current instanceof ParameterizedBuiltinOp ) {
costs = 1;
else if( current instanceof IndexingOp ) {
costs = 1;
else if( current instanceof ReorgOp ) {
costs = 1;
else if( current instanceof DnnOp ) {
switch( ((DnnOp)current).getOp() ) {
costs = 2;
LOG.warn("Cost model not "
+ "implemented yet for: "+((DnnOp)current).getOp());
else if( current instanceof AggBinaryOp ) {
//outer product template w/ matrix-matrix
//or row template w/ matrix-vector or matrix-matrix
costs = 2 * current.getInput().get(0).getDim2();
if( current.getInput().get(0).dimsKnown(true) )
costs *= current.getInput().get(0).getSparsity();
else if( current instanceof AggUnaryOp) {
switch(((AggUnaryOp)current).getOp()) {
case SUM: costs = 4; break;
case SUM_SQ: costs = 5; break;
case MIN:
case MAX: costs = 1; break;
LOG.warn("Cost model not "
+ "implemented yet for: "+((AggUnaryOp)current).getOp());
switch(((AggUnaryOp)current).getDirection()) {
case Col: costs *= Math.max(current.getInput().get(0).getDim1(),1); break;
case Row: costs *= Math.max(current.getInput().get(0).getDim2(),1); break;
case RowCol: costs *= getSize(current.getInput().get(0)); break;
//scale by current output size in order to correctly reflect
//a mix of row and cell operations in the same fused operator
//(e.g., row template with fused column vector operations)
costs *= getSize(current);
computeCosts.put(current.getHopID(), costs);
private static boolean hasNoRefToMatPoint(long hopID,
MemoTableEntry me, InterestingPoint[] M, boolean[] plan) {
return !InterestingPoint.isMatPoint(M, hopID, me, plan);
private static boolean isImplicitlyFused(Hop hop, int index, TemplateType type) {
return type == TemplateType.ROW
&& HopRewriteUtils.isMatrixMultiply(hop) && index==0
&& HopRewriteUtils.isTransposeOperation(hop.getInput().get(index));
private static boolean probePlanCache(InterestingPoint[] matPoints) {
return matPoints.length >= PLAN_CACHE_NUM_POINTS;
private static boolean[] getPlan(PartitionSignature pKey) {
boolean[] plan = null;
synchronized( _planCache ) {
plan = _planCache.get(pKey);
if( DMLScript.STATISTICS ) {
if( plan != null )
return plan;
private static void putPlan(PartitionSignature pKey, boolean[] plan) {
synchronized( _planCache ) {
//maintain size of plan cache (remove first)
if( _planCache.size() >= PLAN_CACHE_SIZE ) {
Iterator<Entry<PartitionSignature, boolean[]>> iter =
//add last entry
_planCache.put(pKey, plan);
private class CostVector {
public final long ID;
public final double outSize;
public double computeCosts = 0;
public final HashMap<Long, Double> inSizes = new HashMap<>();
public CostVector(double outputSize) {
ID = COST_ID.getNextID();
outSize = outputSize;
public void addInputSize(long hopID, double inputSize) {
//ensures that input sizes are not double counted
inSizes.put(hopID, inputSize);
public double getInputSize() {
return inSizes.values().stream()
.mapToDouble(d -> d.doubleValue()).sum();
public double getSideInputSize() {
double max = getMaxInputSize();
return inSizes.values().stream()
.filter(d -> d < max)
.mapToDouble(d -> d.doubleValue()).sum();
public double getMaxInputSize() {
return inSizes.values().stream()
.mapToDouble(d -> d.doubleValue()).max().orElse(0);
public long getMaxInputSizeHopID() {
long id = -1; double max = 0;
for( Entry<Long,Double> e : inSizes.entrySet() )
if( max < e.getValue() ) {
id = e.getKey();
max = e.getValue();
return id;
public String toString() {
return "["+outSize+", "+computeCosts+", {"
+Arrays.toString(inSizes.keySet().toArray(new Long[0]))+", "
+Arrays.toString(inSizes.values().toArray(new Double[0]))+"}]";
private static class StaticCosts {
public final HashMap<Long, Double> _computeCosts;
public final double _compute;
public final double _read;
public final double _write;
public final double _minSparsity;
public StaticCosts(HashMap<Long,Double> allComputeCosts, double computeCost, double readCost, double writeCost, double minSparsity) {
_computeCosts = allComputeCosts;
_compute = computeCost;
_read = readCost;
_write = writeCost;
_minSparsity = minSparsity;
public double getMinCosts() {
return Math.max(_read, _compute) + _write;
private static class AggregateInfo {
public final HashMap<Long,Hop> _aggregates;
public final HashSet<Long> _inputAggs = new HashSet<>();
public final HashSet<Long> _fusedInputs = new HashSet<>();
public AggregateInfo(Hop aggregate) {
_aggregates = new HashMap<>();
_aggregates.put(aggregate.getHopID(), aggregate);
public void addInputAggregate(long hopID) {
public void addFusedInput(long hopID) {
public boolean isMergable(AggregateInfo that) {
//check independence
boolean ret = _aggregates.size()<3
&& _aggregates.size()+that._aggregates.size()<=3;
for( Long hopID : that._aggregates.keySet() )
ret &= !_inputAggs.contains(hopID);
for( Long hopID : _aggregates.keySet() )
ret &= !that._inputAggs.contains(hopID);
//check partial shared reads
ret &= CollectionUtils.containsAny(_fusedInputs, that._fusedInputs);
//check consistent sizes (result correctness)
Hop in1 = _aggregates.values().iterator().next();
Hop in2 = that._aggregates.values().iterator().next();
return ret && HopRewriteUtils.isEqualSize(
public AggregateInfo merge(AggregateInfo that) {
return this;
public String toString() {
return "["+Arrays.toString(_aggregates.keySet().toArray(new Long[0]))+": "
+"{"+Arrays.toString(_inputAggs.toArray(new Long[0]))+"},"
+"{"+Arrays.toString(_fusedInputs.toArray(new Long[0]))+"}]";
private static class PartitionSignature {
private final int partNodes, inputNodes, rootNodes, matPoints;
private final double cCompute, cRead, cWrite, cPlan0, cPlanN;
public PartitionSignature(PlanPartition part, int M, StaticCosts costs, double cP0, double cPN) {
partNodes = part.getPartition().size();
inputNodes = part.getInputs().size();
rootNodes = part.getRoots().size();
matPoints = M;
cCompute = costs._compute;
cRead = costs._read;
cWrite = costs._write;
cPlan0 = cP0;
cPlanN = cPN;
public int hashCode() {
return UtilFunctions.intHashCode(
Arrays.hashCode(new int[]{partNodes, inputNodes, rootNodes, matPoints}),
Arrays.hashCode(new double[]{cCompute, cRead, cWrite, cPlan0, cPlanN}));
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if( !(o instanceof PartitionSignature) )
return false;
PartitionSignature that = (PartitionSignature) o;
return partNodes == that.partNodes
&& inputNodes == that.inputNodes
&& rootNodes == that.rootNodes
&& matPoints == that.matPoints
&& cCompute == that.cCompute
&& cRead == that.cRead
&& cWrite == that.cWrite
&& cPlan0 == that.cPlan0
&& cPlanN == that.cPlanN;