blob: 9037c0017c91cc4b1ab1e983f5f9ad10be8043bd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.utils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.DoubleSummaryStatistics;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Queue;
import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException;
* Uncompressed but Quantized representation of contained data.
public final class BitmapLossy extends AbstractBitmap {
* Distinct values that appear in the column. Linearized as value groups <v11 v12> <v21 v22>.
private final byte[] _values;
private final double _scale;
public BitmapLossy(int numCols, IntArrayList[] offsetsLists, int numZeroGroups, byte[] values, double scale) {
super(numCols, offsetsLists, numZeroGroups);
_values = values;
_scale = scale;
public static AbstractBitmap makeBitmapLossy(Bitmap ubm) {
int numCols = ubm.getNumColumns();
double[] fp = ubm.getValues();
double scale = getScale(fp);
if(Double.isNaN(scale)) {
LOG.warn("Defaulting to incompressable colGroup");
return ubm;
else {
byte[] scaledValues = scaleValues(fp, scale);
if(numCols == 1) {
return makeBitmapLossySingleCol(ubm, scaledValues, scale);
else {
return makeBitmapLossyMultiCol(ubm, scaledValues, scale);
private static AbstractBitmap makeBitmapLossySingleCol(Bitmap ubm, byte[] scaledValues, double scale) {
Map<Byte, Queue<IntArrayList>> values = new HashMap<>();
IntArrayList[] fullSizeOffsetsLists = ubm.getOffsetList();
int numZeroGroups = ubm.getZeroCounts();
for(int idx = 0; idx < scaledValues.length; idx++) {
if(scaledValues[idx] != 0) { // Throw away zero values.
if(values.containsKey(scaledValues[idx])) {
else {
Queue<IntArrayList> offsets = new LinkedList<IntArrayList>();
values.put(scaledValues[idx], offsets);
else {
byte[] scaledValuesReduced = new byte[values.keySet().size()];
IntArrayList[] newOffsetsLists = new IntArrayList[values.keySet().size()];
Iterator<Entry<Byte, Queue<IntArrayList>>> x = values.entrySet().iterator();
int idx = 0;
while(x.hasNext()) {
Entry<Byte, Queue<IntArrayList>> ent =;
scaledValuesReduced[idx] = ent.getKey().byteValue();
newOffsetsLists[idx] = mergeOffsets(ent.getValue());
return new BitmapLossy(ubm.getNumColumns(), newOffsetsLists, numZeroGroups, scaledValuesReduced, scale);
private static AbstractBitmap makeBitmapLossyMultiCol(Bitmap ubm, byte[] scaledValues, double scale) {
int numColumns = ubm.getNumColumns();
Map<List<Byte>, Queue<IntArrayList>> values = new HashMap<>();
IntArrayList[] fullSizeOffsetsLists = ubm.getOffsetList();
int numZeroGroups = ubm.getZeroCounts();
boolean allZero = true;
for(int idx = 0; idx < scaledValues.length; idx += numColumns) {
List<Byte> array = new ArrayList<>();
for(int off = 0; off < numColumns; off++) {
allZero = scaledValues[idx + off] == 0 && allZero;
array.add(scaledValues[idx + off]);
numZeroGroups += allZero ? 1 : 0;
if(!allZero) {
if(values.containsKey(array)) {
values.get(array).add(fullSizeOffsetsLists[idx / numColumns]);
else {
Queue<IntArrayList> offsets = new LinkedList<IntArrayList>();
offsets.add(fullSizeOffsetsLists[idx / numColumns]);
values.put(array, offsets);
// LOG.error(array);
allZero = true;
// LOG.error(array);
// LOG.error(values);
byte[] scaledValuesReduced = new byte[values.keySet().size() * numColumns];
IntArrayList[] newOffsetsLists = new IntArrayList[values.keySet().size()];
Iterator<Entry<List<Byte>, Queue<IntArrayList>>> x = values.entrySet().iterator();
int idx = 0;
while(x.hasNext()) {
Entry<List<Byte>, Queue<IntArrayList>> ent =;
List<Byte> key = ent.getKey();
int row = idx * numColumns;
for(int off = 0; off < numColumns; off++) {
scaledValuesReduced[row + off] = key.get(off);
newOffsetsLists[idx] = mergeOffsets(ent.getValue());
// LOG.error(Arrays.toString(scaledValuesReduced));
// try {
// Thread.sleep(1000);
// }
// catch(InterruptedException e) {
// // TODO Auto-generated catch block
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
return new BitmapLossy(ubm.getNumColumns(), newOffsetsLists, numZeroGroups, scaledValuesReduced, scale);
* Get the scale for the given double array.
* @param fp A array of double values
* @return a scale to scale to range [-127, 127]
public static double getScale(double[] fp) {
DoubleSummaryStatistics stat =;
double max = Math.abs(Math.max(stat.getMax(), Math.abs(stat.getMin())));
double scale;
if(Double.isInfinite(max)) {
LOG.warn("Invalid Column, can't quantize Infinite value.");
return Double.NaN;
else if(max == 0) { // The column group is filled with 0.
scale = 1;
else {
scale = max / (double) (Byte.MAX_VALUE);
return scale;
* Get all values without unnecessary allocations and copies.
* @return dictionary of value tuples
public byte[] getValues() {
return _values;
* Obtain tuple of column values associated with index.
* @param ix index of a particular distinct value
* @return the tuple of column values associated with the specified index
public byte[] getValues(int ix) {
return Arrays.copyOfRange(_values, ix * _numCols, (ix + 1) * _numCols);
public double getScale() {
return _scale;
* Obtain number of distinct values in the column.
* @return number of distinct values in the column; this number is also the number of bitmaps, since there is one
* bitmap per value
public int getNumValues() {
return _values.length / _numCols;
public IntArrayList getOffsetsList(int ix) {
return _offsetsLists[ix];
public long getNumOffsets() {
long ret = 0;
for(IntArrayList offlist : _offsetsLists)
ret += offlist.size();
return ret;
public int getNumOffsets(int ix) {
return _offsetsLists[ix].size();
public void sortValuesByFrequency() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
throw new NotImplementedException("Not Implemented Sorting of Lossy Bit Map");
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("\nValues: " + Arrays.toString(_values));
sb.append("\ncolumns:" + _numCols);
sb.append("\nScale: " + _scale);
sb.append("\nOffsets:" + Arrays.toString(_offsetsLists));
return sb.toString();
private static IntArrayList mergeOffsets(Queue<IntArrayList> offsets) {
if(offsets.size() == 1) {
return offsets.remove();
else {
IntArrayList h = offsets.remove();
IntArrayList t = offsets.remove();
IntArrayList n = mergeOffsets(h, t);
return mergeOffsets(offsets);
private static IntArrayList mergeOffsets(IntArrayList h, IntArrayList t) {
int lhsSize = h.size(); // Size left
int rhsSize = t.size(); // Size right
int[] res = new int[lhsSize + rhsSize]; // Result array.
int[] lhs = h.extractValues(); // Left hand side values
int[] rhs = t.extractValues(); // Right hand side values
int lhsP = 0; // Left hand side pointer
int rhsP = 0; // Right hand side pointer
int p = 0; // Pointer in array.
while(lhsP < lhsSize || rhsP < rhsSize) {
if(lhsP < lhsSize && (rhsP == rhsSize || lhs[lhsP] < rhs[rhsP])) {
res[p++] = lhs[lhsP++];
else {
res[p++] = rhs[rhsP++];
return new IntArrayList(res);
public BitmapType getType() {
return BitmapType.Lossy;
* Utility method to scale all the values in the array to byte range
* TODO make scaling parallel since each scaling is independent.
* @param fp doulbe array to scale
* @param scale the scale to apply
* @return the scaled values in byte
public static byte[] scaleValues(double[] fp, double scale) {
byte[] res = new byte[fp.length];
for(int idx = 0; idx < fp.length; idx++) {
res[idx] = (byte) (fp[idx] / scale);
return res;