blob: 33e85acf9c9f369d10c0938e96bd1fc981ce3189 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.sysds.utils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder;
* Measures performance numbers when GPU mode is enabled
* Printed as part of {@link Statistics}.
public class GPUStatistics {
private static int iNoOfExecutedGPUInst = 0;
public static long cudaInitTime = 0;
public static long cudaLibrariesInitTime = 0;
public static LongAdder cudaSparseToDenseTime = new LongAdder(); // time spent in converting sparse matrix block to dense
public static LongAdder cudaDenseToSparseTime = new LongAdder(); // time spent in converting dense matrix block to sparse
public static LongAdder cudaSparseConversionTime = new LongAdder(); // time spent in converting between sparse block types
public static LongAdder cudaSparseToDenseCount = new LongAdder();
public static LongAdder cudaDenseToSparseCount = new LongAdder();
public static LongAdder cudaSparseConversionCount = new LongAdder();
public static LongAdder cudaAllocTime = new LongAdder(); // time spent in allocating memory on the GPU
public static LongAdder cudaAllocSuccessTime = new LongAdder(); // time spent in successful allocation
public static LongAdder cudaAllocFailedTime = new LongAdder(); // time spent in unsuccessful allocation
public static LongAdder cudaDeAllocTime = new LongAdder(); // time spent in deallocating memory on the GPU
public static LongAdder cudaMemSet0Time = new LongAdder(); // time spent in setting memory to 0 on the GPU (part of reusing and for new allocates)
public static LongAdder cudaToDevTime = new LongAdder(); // time spent in copying data from host (CPU) to device (GPU) memory
public static LongAdder cudaFromDevTime = new LongAdder(); // time spent in copying data from device to host
public static LongAdder cudaFromShadowToHostTime = new LongAdder(); // time spent in copying data from shadow to host
public static LongAdder cudaFromShadowToDevTime = new LongAdder(); // time spent in copying data from shadow to host
public static LongAdder cudaFromDevToShadowTime = new LongAdder(); // time spent in copying data from device to shadow
public static LongAdder cudaEvictTime = new LongAdder(); // time spent in eviction
public static LongAdder cudaEvictSizeTime = new LongAdder(); // time spent in eviction
public static LongAdder cudaFloat2DoubleTime = new LongAdder(); // time spent in converting float to double during eviction
public static LongAdder cudaDouble2FloatTime = new LongAdder(); // time spent in converting double to float during eviction
public static LongAdder cudaEvictMemcpyTime = new LongAdder(); // time spent in cudaMemcpy kernel during eviction
public static LongAdder cudaForcedClearLazyFreedEvictTime = new LongAdder(); // time spent in forced lazy eviction
public static LongAdder cudaForcedClearUnpinnedEvictTime = new LongAdder(); // time spent in forced unpinned eviction
public static LongAdder cudaAllocCount = new LongAdder();
public static LongAdder cudaDeAllocCount = new LongAdder();
public static LongAdder cudaMemSet0Count = new LongAdder();
public static LongAdder cudaToDevCount = new LongAdder();
public static LongAdder cudaFromDevCount = new LongAdder();
public static LongAdder cudaFromShadowToHostCount = new LongAdder();
public static LongAdder cudaFromShadowToDevCount = new LongAdder();
public static LongAdder cudaFromDevToShadowCount = new LongAdder();
public static LongAdder cudaEvictCount = new LongAdder();
public static LongAdder cudaEvictSizeCount = new LongAdder();
public static LongAdder cudaFloat2DoubleCount = new LongAdder();
public static LongAdder cudaDouble2FloatCount = new LongAdder();
public static LongAdder cudaAllocSuccessCount = new LongAdder();
public static LongAdder cudaAllocFailedCount = new LongAdder();
public static LongAdder cudaAllocReuseCount = new LongAdder();
// Per instruction miscellaneous timers.
// Used to record events in a CP Heavy Hitter instruction and
// provide a breakdown of how time was spent in that instruction
private static HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Long>> _cpInstMiscTime = new HashMap<> ();
private static HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Long>> _cpInstMiscCount = new HashMap<> ();
* Resets the miscellaneous timers {@literal &} counters
public static void resetMiscTimers(){
* Resets all the cuda counters and timers, including the misc timers {@literal &} counters
public static void reset(){
cudaInitTime = 0;
cudaLibrariesInitTime = 0;
public static synchronized void setNoOfExecutedGPUInst(int numJobs) {
iNoOfExecutedGPUInst = numJobs;
public static synchronized void incrementNoOfExecutedGPUInst() {
iNoOfExecutedGPUInst ++;
public static synchronized int getNoOfExecutedGPUInst() {
return iNoOfExecutedGPUInst;
* Used to print misc timers (and their counts) for a given instruction/op
* @param instructionName name of the instruction/op
* @return a formatted string of misc timers for a given instruction/op
public static String getStringForCPMiscTimesPerInstruction(String instructionName) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
HashMap<String, Long> miscTimerMap = _cpInstMiscTime.get(instructionName);
if (miscTimerMap != null) {
List<Map.Entry<String, Long>> sortedList = new ArrayList<>(miscTimerMap.entrySet());
// Sort the times to display by the most expensive first
Collections.sort(sortedList, new Comparator<Map.Entry<String, Long>>() {
public int compare(Map.Entry<String, Long> o1, Map.Entry<String, Long> o2) {
return (int) (o1.getValue() - o2.getValue());
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Long>> miscTimeIter = sortedList.iterator();
HashMap<String, Long> miscCountMap = _cpInstMiscCount.get(instructionName);
while (miscTimeIter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<String, Long> e =;
String miscTimerName = e.getKey();
Long miscTimerTime = e.getValue();
Long miscCount = miscCountMap.get(miscTimerName);
sb.append(miscTimerName + "[" + String.format("%.3f", (double) miscTimerTime / 1000000000.0) + "s," + miscCount + "]");
if (miscTimeIter.hasNext())
sb.append(", ");
return sb.toString();
* Used to print out cuda timers {@literal &} counters
* @return a formatted string of cuda timers {@literal &} counters
public static String getStringForCudaTimers() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append("CUDA/CuLibraries init time:\t" + String.format("%.3f", cudaInitTime*1e-9) + "/"
+ String.format("%.3f", cudaLibrariesInitTime*1e-9) + " sec.\n");
sb.append("Number of executed GPU inst:\t" + getNoOfExecutedGPUInst() + ".\n");
// cudaSparseConversionCount
sb.append("GPU mem alloc time (alloc(success/fail) / dealloc / set0):\t"
+ String.format("%.3f", cudaAllocTime.longValue()*1e-9) + "("
+ String.format("%.3f", cudaAllocSuccessTime.longValue()*1e-9) + "/"
+ String.format("%.3f", cudaAllocFailedTime.longValue()*1e-9) + ") / "
+ String.format("%.3f", cudaDeAllocTime.longValue()*1e-9) + " / "
+ String.format("%.3f", cudaMemSet0Time.longValue()*1e-9) + " sec.\n");
sb.append("GPU mem alloc count (alloc(success/fail/reuse) / dealloc / set0):\t"
+ cudaAllocCount.longValue() + "("
+ cudaAllocSuccessCount.longValue() + "/"
+ cudaAllocFailedCount.longValue() + "/" +
+ cudaAllocReuseCount.longValue() +") / "
+ cudaDeAllocCount.longValue() + " / "
+ cudaMemSet0Count.longValue() + ".\n");
sb.append("GPU mem tx time (toDev(d2f/s2d) / fromDev(f2d/s2h) / evict(d2s/size)):\t"
+ String.format("%.3f", cudaToDevTime.longValue()*1e-9) + "("
+ String.format("%.3f", cudaDouble2FloatTime.longValue()*1e-9)+ "/"
+ String.format("%.3f", cudaFromShadowToDevTime.longValue()*1e-9) + ") / "
+ String.format("%.3f", cudaFromDevTime.longValue()*1e-9) + "("
+ String.format("%.3f", cudaFloat2DoubleTime.longValue()*1e-9) + "/"
+ String.format("%.3f", cudaFromShadowToHostTime.longValue()*1e-9) + ") / "
+ String.format("%.3f", cudaEvictTime.longValue()*1e-9) + "("
+ String.format("%.3f", cudaFromDevToShadowTime.longValue()*1e-9) + "/"
+ String.format("%.3f", cudaEvictSizeTime.longValue()*1e-9) + ") sec.\n");
sb.append("GPU mem tx count (toDev(d2f/s2d) / fromDev(f2d/s2h) / evict(d2s/size)):\t"
+ cudaToDevCount.longValue() + "("
+ cudaDouble2FloatCount.longValue() + "/"
+ cudaFromShadowToDevCount.longValue() + ") / "
+ cudaFromDevCount.longValue() + "("
+ cudaFloat2DoubleCount.longValue() + "/"
+ cudaFromShadowToHostCount.longValue() + ") / "
+ cudaEvictCount.longValue() + "("
+ cudaFromDevToShadowCount.longValue() + "/" +
+ cudaEvictSizeCount.longValue() + ").\n");
sb.append("GPU conversion time (sparseConv / sp2dense / dense2sp):\t"
+ String.format("%.3f", cudaSparseConversionTime.longValue()*1e-9) + " / "
+ String.format("%.3f", cudaSparseToDenseTime.longValue()*1e-9) + " / "
+ String.format("%.3f", cudaDenseToSparseTime.longValue()*1e-9) + " sec.\n");
sb.append("GPU conversion count (sparseConv / sp2dense / dense2sp):\t"
+ cudaSparseConversionCount.longValue() + " / "
+ cudaSparseToDenseCount.longValue() + " / "
+ cudaDenseToSparseCount.longValue() + ".\n");
return sb.toString();