blob: fe00ae07888b5b013f86aa548c2ddb506b511567 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.sysds.hops.rewrite;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.sysds.api.DMLScript;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.ExecMode;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.OpOp1;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.OpOp3;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.OpOpData;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.OpOpN;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.ParamBuiltinOp;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.ReOrgOp;
import org.apache.sysds.conf.ConfigurationManager;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.AggBinaryOp;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.DataOp;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.Hop;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.HopsException;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.LiteralOp;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.ParameterizedBuiltinOp;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.TernaryOp;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.recompile.Recompiler;
import org.apache.sysds.parser.DataIdentifier;
import org.apache.sysds.parser.StatementBlock;
import org.apache.sysds.parser.VariableSet;
* Rule: Split Hop DAG after specific data-dependent operators. This is
* important to create recompile hooks if output dimensions are usually
* significantly overestimated.
* This is a recursive statementblock rewrite rule.
* NOTE: Before we used AssignmentStatement.controlStatement() in order to force
* statementblock cuts. However, this (1) cuts not only after but before-and-after
* (which prevents certain rewrites because the input operators are unknown),
* and (2) is statement-centric which potentially prevents the cut right after
* the problematic operation.
* TODO: Cleanup runtime to never access individual statements of potentially
* split statements blocks again (for consistency). However, currently it is
* only used in places (e.g., parfor optimizer) that are not directly affected.
public class RewriteSplitDagDataDependentOperators extends StatementBlockRewriteRule
public boolean createsSplitDag() {
return true;
public List<StatementBlock> rewriteStatementBlock(StatementBlock sb, ProgramRewriteStatus state)
//DAG splits not required for forced single node
if( DMLScript.getGlobalExecMode() == ExecMode.SINGLE_NODE
|| !HopRewriteUtils.isLastLevelStatementBlock(sb) )
return Arrays.asList(sb);
ArrayList<StatementBlock> ret = new ArrayList<>();
//collect all unknown data dependent ops
ArrayList<Hop> cand = new ArrayList<>();
collectDataDependentOperators( sb.getHops(), cand );
//split hop dag on demand
if( !cand.isEmpty() )
//collect child operators of candidates (to prevent rewrite anomalies)
//For example, B = rmEmpty(A), C = rmEmpty(B), op(C, nrow(B)) needs to
//preserve the link rmEmpty(B) in the split-off DAG. Therefore, the
//candidates themselves need to be part of this anomaly filter as well.
HashSet<Hop> candChilds = new HashSet<>();
collectCandidateChildOperators( cand, candChilds );
//duplicate sb incl live variable sets
StatementBlock sb1 = new StatementBlock();
sb1.setLiveIn(new VariableSet());
sb1.setLiveOut(new VariableSet());
//move data-dependent ops incl transient writes to new statement block
//(and replace original hop with transient read)
ArrayList<Hop> sb1hops = new ArrayList<>();
for( Hop c : cand )
//if there are already transient writes use them and don't introduce artificial variables;
//unless there are transient reads w/ the same variable name in the current dag which can
//lead to invalid reordering if variable consumers are not feeding into the candidate op.
boolean hasTWrites = hasTransientWriteParents(c);
boolean moveTWrite = hasTWrites ? HopRewriteUtils.rHasSimpleReadChain(
c, getFirstTransientWriteParent(c).getName()) : false;
String varname = null;
long rlen = c.getDim1();
long clen = c.getDim2();
int blen = c.getBlocksize();
if( hasTWrites && moveTWrite) //reuse existing transient_write
Hop twrite = getFirstTransientWriteParent(c);
varname = twrite.getName();
//create new transient read
DataOp tread = HopRewriteUtils.createTransientRead(varname, c);
//replace data-dependent operator with transient read
ArrayList<Hop> parents = new ArrayList<>(c.getParent());
for( int i=0; i<parents.size(); i++ ) {
//prevent concurrent modification by index access
Hop parent = parents.get(i);
if( !candChilds.contains(parent) ) { //anomaly filter
if( parent != twrite )
HopRewriteUtils.replaceChildReference(parent, c, tread);
//add data-dependent operator sub dag to first statement block
else //create transient write to artificial variables
varname = createCutVarName(false);
//create new transient read
DataOp tread = HopRewriteUtils.createTransientRead(varname, c);
//replace data-dependent operator with transient read
ArrayList<Hop> parents = new ArrayList<>(c.getParent());
for( int i=0; i<parents.size(); i++ ) {
//prevent concurrent modification by index access
Hop parent = parents.get(i);
if( !candChilds.contains(parent) ) { //anomaly filter
HopRewriteUtils.replaceChildReference(parent, c, tread);
//add data-dependent operator sub dag to first statement block
DataOp twrite = HopRewriteUtils.createTransientWrite(varname, c);
//update live in and out of new statement block (for piggybacking)
DataIdentifier diVar = new DataIdentifier(varname);
diVar.setDimensions(rlen, clen);
sb1.liveOut().addVariable(varname, new DataIdentifier(diVar));
sb.liveIn().addVariable(varname, new DataIdentifier(diVar));
sb.variablesRead().addVariable(varname, new DataIdentifier(diVar));
//ensure disjoint operators across DAGs (prevent replicated operations)
handleReplicatedOperators( sb1hops, sb.getHops(), sb1.liveOut(), sb.liveIn() );
//deep copy new dag (in order to prevent any dangling references)
sb1.setSplitDag(true); //avoid later merge by other rewrites
//recursive application of rewrite rule (in case of multiple data dependent operators
//with data dependencies in between each other)
List<StatementBlock> tmp = rewriteStatementBlock(sb1, state);
//add new statement blocks to output
ret.addAll(tmp); //statement block with data dependent hops
ret.add(sb); //statement block with remaining hops
sb.setSplitDag(true); //avoid later merge by other rewrites
catch(Exception ex) {
throw new HopsException("Failed to split hops dag for data dependent operators with unknown size.", ex);
LOG.debug("Applied splitDagDataDependentOperators (lines "+sb.getBeginLine()+"-"+sb.getEndLine()+").");
//keep original hop dag
else {
return ret;
private void collectDataDependentOperators( ArrayList<Hop> roots, ArrayList<Hop> cand ) {
if( roots == null )
for( Hop root : roots )
rCollectDataDependentOperators(root, cand);
private void rCollectDataDependentOperators( Hop hop, ArrayList<Hop> cand )
if( hop.isVisited() )
//prevent unnecessary dag split (dims known or no consumer operations)
boolean noSplitRequired = ( hop.dimsKnown() || HopRewriteUtils.hasOnlyWriteParents(hop, true, true) );
boolean investigateChilds = true;
//collect data dependent operations (to be extended as necessary)
//#1 removeEmpty
if( hop instanceof ParameterizedBuiltinOp
&& ((ParameterizedBuiltinOp) hop).getOp()==ParamBuiltinOp.RMEMPTY
&& !noSplitRequired
&& !(hop.getParent().size()==1 && hop.getParent().get(0) instanceof TernaryOp
&& ((TernaryOp)hop.getParent().get(0)).isMatrixIgnoreZeroRewriteApplicable()))
ParameterizedBuiltinOp pbhop = (ParameterizedBuiltinOp)hop;
investigateChilds = false;
//keep interesting consumer information, flag hops accordingly
boolean noEmptyBlocks = true;
boolean onlyPMM = true;
boolean diagInput = pbhop.isTargetDiagInput();
for( Hop p : hop.getParent() ) {
//list of operators without need for empty blocks to be extended as needed
noEmptyBlocks &= ( p instanceof AggBinaryOp && hop == p.getInput().get(0)
|| HopRewriteUtils.isUnary(p, OpOp1.NROW) );
onlyPMM &= (p instanceof AggBinaryOp && hop == p.getInput().get(0));
if( onlyPMM && diagInput ){
//configure rmEmpty to directly output selection vector
//(only applied if dynamic recompilation enabled)
if( ConfigurationManager.isDynamicRecompilation() )
for( Hop p : hop.getParent() )
//#2 ctable with unknown dims
if( HopRewriteUtils.isTernary(hop, OpOp3.CTABLE)
&& hop.getInput().size() < 4 //dims not provided
&& !noSplitRequired )
investigateChilds = false;
//keep interesting consumer information, flag hops accordingly
boolean onlyPMM = true;
for( Hop p : hop.getParent() ) {
onlyPMM &= (p instanceof AggBinaryOp && hop == p.getInput().get(0));
if( onlyPMM && HopRewriteUtils.isBasic1NSequence(hop.getInput().get(0)) )
//#3 orderby childs computed in same DAG
if( HopRewriteUtils.isReorg(hop, ReOrgOp.SORT) ){
//params 'decreasing' / 'indexreturn'
for( int i=2; i<=3; i++ ) {
Hop c = hop.getInput().get(i);
if( !(c instanceof LiteralOp || c instanceof DataOp) ){
investigateChilds = false;
//#4 second-order eval function
if( HopRewriteUtils.isNary(hop, OpOpN.EVAL) && !noSplitRequired ) {
investigateChilds = false;
//#5 sql
if( hop instanceof DataOp && ((DataOp) hop).getOp() == OpOpData.SQLREAD && !noSplitRequired) {
investigateChilds = false;
//process children (if not already found a special operators;
//otherwise, processed by recursive rule application)
if( investigateChilds && hop.getInput()!=null )
for( Hop c : hop.getInput() )
rCollectDataDependentOperators(c, cand);
private static boolean hasTransientWriteParents( Hop hop ) {
for( Hop p : hop.getParent() )
if( p instanceof DataOp && ((DataOp)p).getOp()==OpOpData.TRANSIENTWRITE )
return true;
return false;
private static Hop getFirstTransientWriteParent( Hop hop ) {
for( Hop p : hop.getParent() )
if( p instanceof DataOp && ((DataOp)p).getOp()==OpOpData.TRANSIENTWRITE )
return p;
return null;
private void handleReplicatedOperators( ArrayList<Hop> rootsSB1, ArrayList<Hop> rootsSB2, VariableSet sb1out, VariableSet sb2in )
//step 1: create probe set SB1
HashSet<Hop> probeSet = new HashSet<>();
for( Hop h : rootsSB1 )
rAddHopsToProbeSet( h, probeSet );
//step 2: probe SB2 operators top-down (collect cut candidates)
HashSet<Pair<Hop,Hop>> candSet = new HashSet<>();
for( Hop h : rootsSB2 )
rProbeAndAddHopsToCandidateSet(h, probeSet, candSet);
//step 3: create additional cuts with reuse for common references
HashMap<Long, DataOp> reuseTRead = new HashMap<>();
for( Pair<Hop,Hop> p : candSet ) {
Hop hop = p.getKey();
Hop c = p.getValue();
DataOp tread = reuseTRead.get(c.getHopID());
if( tread == null ) {
String varname = createCutVarName(false);
tread = HopRewriteUtils.createTransientRead(varname, c);
reuseTRead.put(c.getHopID(), tread);
DataOp twrite = HopRewriteUtils.createTransientWrite(varname, c);
//update live in and out of new statement block (for piggybacking)
DataIdentifier diVar = new DataIdentifier(varname);
diVar.setDimensions(c.getDim1(), c.getDim2());
sb1out.addVariable(varname, new DataIdentifier(diVar));
sb2in.addVariable(varname, new DataIdentifier(diVar));
//create additional cut by rewriting both hop dags
int pos = HopRewriteUtils.getChildReferencePos(hop, c);
HopRewriteUtils.removeChildReferenceByPos(hop, c, pos);
HopRewriteUtils.addChildReference(hop, tread, pos);
private void rAddHopsToProbeSet( Hop hop, HashSet<Hop> probeSet )
if( hop.isVisited() )
//prevent cuts for no-ops
if( !( (hop instanceof DataOp && !((DataOp)hop).isPersistentReadWrite() )
|| hop instanceof LiteralOp) )
if( hop.getInput() != null )
for( Hop c : hop.getInput() )
rAddHopsToProbeSet(c, probeSet);
* NOTE: candset is a set of parent-child pairs because a parent might have
* multiple references to replicated hops.
* @param hop high-level operator
* @param probeSet probe set?
* @param candSet candidate set?
private void rProbeAndAddHopsToCandidateSet( Hop hop, HashSet<Hop> probeSet, HashSet<Pair<Hop,Hop>> candSet )
if( hop.isVisited() )
if( hop.getInput() != null )
for( Hop c : hop.getInput() ) {
//probe for replicated operator, if any child is replicated, keep parent
//for cut between parent-child; otherwise recursively descend.
if( !probeSet.contains(c) )
rProbeAndAddHopsToCandidateSet(c, probeSet, candSet);
candSet.add(new Pair<>(hop,c));
private void collectCandidateChildOperators( ArrayList<Hop> cand, HashSet<Hop> candChilds )
if( cand != null )
for( Hop root : cand )
rCollectCandidateChildOperators(root, cand, candChilds, false);
// Immediately reset the visit status because candidates might be inner nodes in the DAG.
// Subsequent resets on the root nodes of the DAG would otherwise not necessarily reach
// these nodes which could lead to missing checks on subsequent passes (e.g., when checking
// for replicated operators).
private void rCollectCandidateChildOperators( Hop hop, ArrayList<Hop> cand, HashSet<Hop> candChilds, boolean collect )
if( hop.isVisited() )
//collect operator if necessary
if( collect ) {
//activate collection if we passed a candidate
boolean passedFlag = collect;
if( cand.contains(hop) ) {
passedFlag = true;
//process childs recursively
if( hop.getInput()!=null ) {
for( Hop c : hop.getInput() )
rCollectCandidateChildOperators(c, cand, candChilds, passedFlag);
public List<StatementBlock> rewriteStatementBlocks(List<StatementBlock> sbs, ProgramRewriteStatus sate) {
return sbs;