blob: 579af775051809552bd46b05451edb4582b0e1b4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.sysds.hops.ipa;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.DataType;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.ValueType;
import org.apache.sysds.conf.ConfigurationManager;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.DataOp;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.FunctionOp;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.FunctionOp.FunctionType;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.Hop;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.HopsException;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.LiteralOp;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.OptimizerUtils;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.recompile.Recompiler;
import org.apache.sysds.parser.DMLProgram;
import org.apache.sysds.parser.DMLTranslator;
import org.apache.sysds.parser.DataIdentifier;
import org.apache.sysds.parser.ForStatement;
import org.apache.sysds.parser.ForStatementBlock;
import org.apache.sysds.parser.FunctionStatement;
import org.apache.sysds.parser.FunctionStatementBlock;
import org.apache.sysds.parser.IfStatement;
import org.apache.sysds.parser.IfStatementBlock;
import org.apache.sysds.parser.StatementBlock;
import org.apache.sysds.parser.WhileStatement;
import org.apache.sysds.parser.WhileStatementBlock;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.LocalVariableMap;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.caching.MatrixObject;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.cp.Data;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.cp.ScalarObject;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.cp.ScalarObjectFactory;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.meta.DataCharacteristics;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.meta.MatrixCharacteristics;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.meta.MetaDataFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
* This Inter Procedural Analysis (IPA) serves two major purposes:
* 1) Inter-Procedure Analysis: propagate statistics from calling program into
* functions and back into main program. This is done recursively for nested
* function invocations.
* 2) Intra-Procedural Analysis: propagate statistics across hop dags of subsequent
* statement blocks in order to allow chained function calls and reasoning about
* changing sparsity etc (that requires the rewritten hops dag as input). This
* also includes control-flow aware propagation of size and sparsity. Furthermore,
* it also serves as a second constant propagation pass.
* Additionally, IPA also covers the removal of unused functions, the decision on
* recompile once functions, the removal of unnecessary checkpoints, and the
* global removal of constant binary operations such as X * ones.
public class InterProceduralAnalysis
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(InterProceduralAnalysis.class.getName());
//internal configuration parameters
protected static final boolean INTRA_PROCEDURAL_ANALYSIS = true; //propagate statistics across statement blocks (main/functions)
protected static final boolean PROPAGATE_KNOWN_UDF_STATISTICS = true; //propagate statistics for known external functions
protected static final boolean ALLOW_MULTIPLE_FUNCTION_CALLS = true; //propagate consistent statistics from multiple calls
protected static final boolean REMOVE_UNUSED_FUNCTIONS = true; //remove unused functions (inlined or never called)
protected static final boolean FLAG_FUNCTION_RECOMPILE_ONCE = true; //flag functions which require recompilation inside a loop for full function recompile
protected static final boolean REMOVE_UNNECESSARY_CHECKPOINTS = true; //remove unnecessary checkpoints (unconditionally overwritten intermediates)
protected static final boolean REMOVE_CONSTANT_BINARY_OPS = true; //remove constant binary operations (e.g., X*ones, where ones=matrix(1,...))
protected static final boolean PROPAGATE_SCALAR_VARS_INTO_FUN = true; //propagate scalar variables into functions that are called once
protected static final boolean PROPAGATE_SCALAR_LITERALS = true; //propagate and replace scalar literals into functions
protected static final boolean APPLY_STATIC_REWRITES = true; //apply static hop dag and statement block rewrites
protected static final boolean APPLY_DYNAMIC_REWRITES = true; //apply dynamic hop dag and statement block rewrites
protected static final int INLINING_MAX_NUM_OPS = 10; //inline single-statement functions w/ #ops <= threshold, other than dataops and literals
protected static final boolean ELIMINATE_DEAD_CODE = true; //remove dead code (e.g., assigments) not used later on
protected static final boolean FORWARD_SIMPLE_FUN_CALLS = true; //replace a call to a simple forwarding function with the function itself
protected static final boolean FLAG_NONDETERMINISM = true; //flag functions which directly or transitively contain non-deterministic calls
private final DMLProgram _prog;
private final StatementBlock _sb;
//function call graph for functions reachable from main
private FunctionCallGraph _fgraph;
//set IPA passes to apply in order
private final ArrayList<IPAPass> _passes;
* Creates a handle for performing inter-procedural analysis
* for a given DML program and its associated HOP DAGs. This
* call initializes various internal information such as the
* function call graph which can be reused across multiple IPA
* calls (e.g., for second chance analysis).
* @param dmlp The DML program to analyze
public InterProceduralAnalysis(DMLProgram dmlp) {
//analyzes the function call graph
_prog = dmlp;
_sb = null;
_fgraph = new FunctionCallGraph(dmlp);
//create order list of IPA passes
_passes = new ArrayList<>();
_passes.add(new IPAPassRemoveUnusedFunctions());
_passes.add(new IPAPassFlagFunctionsRecompileOnce());
_passes.add(new IPAPassRemoveUnnecessaryCheckpoints());
_passes.add(new IPAPassRemoveConstantBinaryOps());
_passes.add(new IPAPassPropagateReplaceLiterals());
_passes.add(new IPAPassInlineFunctions());
_passes.add(new IPAPassEliminateDeadCode());
_passes.add(new IPAPassFlagNonDeterminism());
//note: apply rewrites last because statement block rewrites
//might merge relevant statement blocks in special cases, which
//would require an update of the function call graph
_passes.add(new IPAPassForwardFunctionCalls());
_passes.add(new IPAPassApplyStaticAndDynamicHopRewrites());
public InterProceduralAnalysis(StatementBlock sb) {
//analyzes the function call graph
_prog = sb.getDMLProg();
_sb = sb;
_fgraph = new FunctionCallGraph(sb);
//create order list of IPA passes
_passes = new ArrayList<>();
* Main interface to perform IPA over a given DML program.
public void analyzeProgram() {
analyzeProgram(1); //single run
* Main interface to perform IPA over a given DML program.
* @param repetitions number of IPA rounds
public void analyzeProgram(int repetitions) {
//sanity check for valid number of repetitions
if( repetitions <= 0 )
throw new HopsException("Invalid number of IPA repetitions: " + repetitions);
//perform number of requested IPA iterations
FunctionCallSizeInfo lastSizes = null;
for( int i=0; i<repetitions; i++ ) {
if( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug("IPA: start IPA iteration " + (i+1) + "/" + repetitions +".");
//get function call size infos to obtain candidates for statistics propagation
FunctionCallSizeInfo fcallSizes = new FunctionCallSizeInfo(_fgraph);
if( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug("IPA: Initial FunctionCallSummary: \n" + fcallSizes);
//step 0: retain original unoptimized functions for eval()
if( _fgraph.containsSecondOrderCall() && i==0 ) //on first call
//step 1: intra- and inter-procedural
//get unary dimension-preserving non-candidate functions
//note: we have to guard against recursive functions because these might
//be seen at top-level as a unary size-preserving function but internally
//called with different sizes (e.g., common block-recursive cholesky)
for( String tmp : fcallSizes.getInvalidFunctions() ) {
if( !_fgraph.isRecursiveFunction(tmp)
&& isUnarySizePreservingFunction(_prog.getFunctionStatementBlock(tmp)))
if( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug("IPA: Extended FunctionCallSummary: \n" + fcallSizes);
//propagate statistics and scalars into functions and across DAGs
//(callVars used to chain outputs/inputs of multiple functions calls)
LocalVariableMap callVars = new LocalVariableMap();
for ( StatementBlock sb : _prog.getStatementBlocks() ) //propagate stats into candidates
propagateStatisticsAcrossBlock( sb, callVars, fcallSizes, new HashSet<String>(), true );
//step 2: apply additional IPA passes
boolean rebuildFGraph = false;
for( IPAPass pass : _passes )
if( pass.isApplicable(_fgraph) )
rebuildFGraph |= pass.rewriteProgram(_prog, _fgraph, fcallSizes);
//early abort without functions or on reached fixpoint
if( _fgraph.getReachableFunctions().isEmpty()
|| (lastSizes != null && lastSizes.equals(fcallSizes)) ) {
if( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug("IPA: Early abort after " + (i+1) + "/" + repetitions
+ " repetitions due to reached fixpoint.");
//step 3: rebuild function call graph if necessary
if( rebuildFGraph && i < repetitions-1 )
_fgraph = new FunctionCallGraph(_prog);
//cleanup pass: remove unused functions
FunctionCallGraph graph2 = new FunctionCallGraph(_prog);
IPAPass rmFuns = new IPAPassRemoveUnusedFunctions();
if( rmFuns.isApplicable(graph2) )
rmFuns.rewriteProgram(_prog, graph2, null);
public Set<String> analyzeSubProgram() {
//get function call size infos to obtain candidates for statistics propagation
FunctionCallSizeInfo fcallSizes = new FunctionCallSizeInfo(_fgraph);
//propagate statistics and scalars into functions and across DAGs
//(callVars used to chain outputs/inputs of multiple functions calls)
if( !fcallSizes.getValidFunctions().isEmpty() ) {
LocalVariableMap callVars = new LocalVariableMap();
propagateStatisticsAcrossBlock(_sb, callVars, fcallSizes, new HashSet<String>(), true);
return fcallSizes.getValidFunctions();
private boolean isUnarySizePreservingFunction(FunctionStatementBlock fsb) {
FunctionStatement fstmt = (FunctionStatement) fsb.getStatement(0);
//check unary functions over matrices
boolean ret = (fstmt.getInputParams().size() == 1
&& fstmt.getInputParams().get(0).getDataType()==DataType.MATRIX
&& fstmt.getOutputParams().size() == 1
&& fstmt.getOutputParams().get(0).getDataType()==DataType.MATRIX);
//check size-preserving characteristic
if( ret ) {
FunctionCallSizeInfo fcallSizes = new FunctionCallSizeInfo(_fgraph, false);
HashSet<String> fnStack = new HashSet<>();
LocalVariableMap callVars = new LocalVariableMap();
//populate input (recognizable numbers, later reset)
MatrixObject mo = createOutputMatrix(7777, 3333, -1);
callVars.put(fstmt.getInputParams().get(0).getName(), mo);
//propagate statistics
for (StatementBlock sbi : fstmt.getBody())
propagateStatisticsAcrossBlock(sbi, callVars, fcallSizes, fnStack, false);
//compare output
MatrixObject mo2 = (MatrixObject)callVars.get(fstmt.getOutputParams().get(0).getName());
ret &= mo.getNumRows() == mo2.getNumRows() && mo.getNumColumns() == mo2.getNumColumns();
//reset function (note: mo might have been replaced)
mo.getDataCharacteristics().setDimension(-1, -1);
callVars.put(fstmt.getInputParams().get(0).getName(), mo);
for (StatementBlock sbi : fstmt.getBody())
propagateStatisticsAcrossBlock(sbi, callVars, fcallSizes, fnStack, false);
return ret;
private void propagateStatisticsAcrossBlock( StatementBlock sb, LocalVariableMap callVars, FunctionCallSizeInfo fcallSizes, Set<String> fnStack, boolean replaceScalars )
if (sb instanceof FunctionStatementBlock)
FunctionStatementBlock fsb = (FunctionStatementBlock)sb;
FunctionStatement fstmt = (FunctionStatement)fsb.getStatement(0);
for (StatementBlock sbi : fstmt.getBody())
propagateStatisticsAcrossBlock(sbi, callVars, fcallSizes, fnStack, replaceScalars);
else if (sb instanceof WhileStatementBlock)
WhileStatementBlock wsb = (WhileStatementBlock) sb;
WhileStatement wstmt = (WhileStatement)wsb.getStatement(0);
//old stats into predicate
propagateStatisticsAcrossPredicateDAG(wsb.getPredicateHops(), callVars);
//remove updated constant scalars
Recompiler.removeUpdatedScalars(callVars, wsb);
//check and propagate stats into body
LocalVariableMap oldCallVars = (LocalVariableMap) callVars.clone();
for (StatementBlock sbi : wstmt.getBody())
propagateStatisticsAcrossBlock(sbi, callVars, fcallSizes, fnStack, replaceScalars);
if( Recompiler.reconcileUpdatedCallVarsLoops(oldCallVars, callVars, wsb) ){ //second pass if required
propagateStatisticsAcrossPredicateDAG(wsb.getPredicateHops(), callVars);
for (StatementBlock sbi : wstmt.getBody())
propagateStatisticsAcrossBlock(sbi, callVars, fcallSizes, fnStack, replaceScalars);
//remove updated constant scalars
Recompiler.removeUpdatedScalars(callVars, sb);
else if (sb instanceof IfStatementBlock)
IfStatementBlock isb = (IfStatementBlock) sb;
IfStatement istmt = (IfStatement)isb.getStatement(0);
//old stats into predicate
propagateStatisticsAcrossPredicateDAG(isb.getPredicateHops(), callVars);
//check and propagate stats into body
LocalVariableMap oldCallVars = (LocalVariableMap) callVars.clone();
LocalVariableMap callVarsElse = (LocalVariableMap) callVars.clone();
for (StatementBlock sbi : istmt.getIfBody())
propagateStatisticsAcrossBlock(sbi, callVars, fcallSizes, fnStack, replaceScalars);
for (StatementBlock sbi : istmt.getElseBody())
propagateStatisticsAcrossBlock(sbi, callVarsElse, fcallSizes, fnStack, replaceScalars);
callVars = Recompiler.reconcileUpdatedCallVarsIf(oldCallVars, callVars, callVarsElse, isb);
//remove updated constant scalars
Recompiler.removeUpdatedScalars(callVars, sb);
else if (sb instanceof ForStatementBlock) //incl parfor
ForStatementBlock fsb = (ForStatementBlock) sb;
ForStatement fstmt = (ForStatement)fsb.getStatement(0);
//old stats into predicate
propagateStatisticsAcrossPredicateDAG(fsb.getFromHops(), callVars);
propagateStatisticsAcrossPredicateDAG(fsb.getToHops(), callVars);
propagateStatisticsAcrossPredicateDAG(fsb.getIncrementHops(), callVars);
//remove updated constant scalars
Recompiler.removeUpdatedScalars(callVars, fsb);
//check and propagate stats into body
LocalVariableMap oldCallVars = (LocalVariableMap) callVars.clone();
for (StatementBlock sbi : fstmt.getBody())
propagateStatisticsAcrossBlock(sbi, callVars, fcallSizes, fnStack, replaceScalars);
if( Recompiler.reconcileUpdatedCallVarsLoops(oldCallVars, callVars, fsb) )
for (StatementBlock sbi : fstmt.getBody())
propagateStatisticsAcrossBlock(sbi, callVars, fcallSizes, fnStack, replaceScalars);
//remove updated constant scalars
Recompiler.removeUpdatedScalars(callVars, sb);
else //generic (last-level)
//remove updated constant scalars
Recompiler.removeUpdatedScalars(callVars, sb);
//old stats in, new stats out if updated
ArrayList<Hop> roots = sb.getHops();
DMLProgram prog = sb.getDMLProg();
//replace scalar reads with literals
if( replaceScalars ) {
propagateScalarsAcrossDAG(roots, callVars);
//refresh stats across dag
propagateStatisticsAcrossDAG(roots, callVars);
//propagate stats into function calls
propagateStatisticsIntoFunctions(prog, roots, callVars, fcallSizes, fnStack, replaceScalars);
* Propagate scalar values across DAGs.
* This replaces scalar reads and typecasts thereof with literals.
* Ultimately, this leads to improvements because the size
* expression evaluation over DAGs with scalar symbol table entries
* (which is also applied during IPA) is limited to supported
* operations, whereas literal replacement is a brute force method
* that applies to all (including future) operations.
* @param roots List of HOPs.
* @param vars Map of variables eligible for propagation.
private static void propagateScalarsAcrossDAG(ArrayList<Hop> roots, LocalVariableMap vars) {
for (Hop hop : roots) {
try {
Recompiler.rReplaceLiterals(hop, vars, true);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new HopsException("Failed to perform scalar literal replacement.", ex);
private static void propagateStatisticsAcrossPredicateDAG( Hop root, LocalVariableMap vars ) {
if( root == null )
//reset visit status because potentially called multiple times
try {
//note: for predicates no output statistics
Recompiler.rUpdateStatistics( root, vars );
catch(Exception ex) {
throw new HopsException("Failed to update Hop DAG statistics.", ex);
* Propagate matrix sizes across DAGs.
* @param roots List of HOP DAG root nodes.
* @param vars Map of variables eligible for propagation.
private static void propagateStatisticsAcrossDAG( ArrayList<Hop> roots, LocalVariableMap vars ) {
if( roots == null )
try {
//update DAG statistics from leafs to roots
for( Hop hop : roots )
Recompiler.rUpdateStatistics( hop, vars );
//extract statistics from roots
Recompiler.extractDAGOutputStatistics(roots, vars, true);
catch( Exception ex ) {
throw new HopsException("Failed to update Hop DAG statistics.", ex);
* Propagate statistics from the calling program into a function
* block.
* @param prog The DML program.
* @param roots List of HOP DAG root notes for propagation.
* @param callVars Calling program's map of variables eligible for propagation.
* @param fcallSizes function call summary
* @param fnStack Function stack to determine current scope.
private void propagateStatisticsIntoFunctions(DMLProgram prog, ArrayList<Hop> roots, LocalVariableMap callVars, FunctionCallSizeInfo fcallSizes, Set<String> fnStack, boolean replaceScalars) {
for( Hop root : roots )
propagateStatisticsIntoFunctions(prog, root, callVars, fcallSizes, fnStack, replaceScalars);
* Propagate statistics from the calling program into a function
* block.
* @param prog The DML program.
* @param hop HOP to propagate statistics into.
* @param callVars Calling program's map of variables eligible for propagation.
* @param fcallSizes function call summary
* @param fnStack Function stack to determine current scope.
private void propagateStatisticsIntoFunctions(DMLProgram prog, Hop hop, LocalVariableMap callVars, FunctionCallSizeInfo fcallSizes, Set<String> fnStack, boolean replaceScalars )
if( hop.isVisited() )
for( Hop c : hop.getInput() )
propagateStatisticsIntoFunctions(prog, c, callVars, fcallSizes, fnStack, replaceScalars);
if( hop instanceof FunctionOp )
//maintain counters and investigate functions if not seen so far
FunctionOp fop = (FunctionOp) hop;
String fkey = fop.getFunctionKey();
if( fop.getFunctionType() == FunctionType.DML )
FunctionStatementBlock fsb = prog.getFunctionStatementBlock(fop.getFunctionNamespace(), fop.getFunctionName());
FunctionStatement fstmt = (FunctionStatement)fsb.getStatement(0);
if( fcallSizes.isValidFunction(fkey) &&
!fnStack.contains(fkey) ) //prevent recursion
//maintain function call stack
//create mapping and populate symbol table for refresh
LocalVariableMap tmpVars = new LocalVariableMap();
populateLocalVariableMapForFunctionCall( fstmt, fop, callVars, tmpVars, fcallSizes);
//recursively propagate statistics
propagateStatisticsAcrossBlock(fsb, tmpVars, fcallSizes, fnStack, replaceScalars);
//extract vars from symbol table, re-map and refresh main program
extractFunctionCallReturnStatistics(fstmt, fop, tmpVars, callVars, true);
//maintain function call stack
else if( fcallSizes.isDimsPreservingFunction(fkey) ) {
extractFunctionCallEquivalentReturnStatistics(fstmt, fop, callVars);
else {
extractFunctionCallUnknownReturnStatistics(fstmt, fop, callVars);
private static void populateLocalVariableMapForFunctionCall( FunctionStatement fstmt, FunctionOp fop, LocalVariableMap callvars, LocalVariableMap vars, FunctionCallSizeInfo fcallSizes )
//note: due to arbitrary binding sequences of named function arguments,
//we cannot use the sequence as defined in the function signature
String[] funArgNames = fop.getInputVariableNames();
ArrayList<Hop> inputOps = fop.getInput();
String fkey = fop.getFunctionKey();
for( int i=0; i<funArgNames.length; i++ )
//create mapping between input hops and vars
DataIdentifier dat = fstmt.getInputParam(funArgNames[i]);
Hop input = inputOps.get(i);
if( input.getDataType()==DataType.MATRIX )
//propagate matrix characteristics
MatrixObject mo = new MatrixObject(ValueType.FP64, null);
DataCharacteristics mc = new MatrixCharacteristics( input.getDim1(), input.getDim2(),
fcallSizes.isSafeNnz(fkey, i)?input.getNnz():-1 );
MetaDataFormat meta = new MetaDataFormat(mc,null);
vars.put(dat.getName(), mo);
else if( input.getDataType()==DataType.SCALAR )
//always propagate scalar literals into functions
//(for multiple calls, literal equivalence already checked)
if( input instanceof LiteralOp ) {
vars.put(dat.getName(), ScalarObjectFactory
.createScalarObject(input.getValueType(), (LiteralOp)input));
//propagate scalar variables into functions if called once
//and input scalar is existing variable in symbol table
&& fcallSizes.getFunctionCallCount(fkey) == 1
&& input instanceof DataOp )
Data scalar = callvars.get(input.getName());
if( scalar != null && scalar instanceof ScalarObject ) {
vars.put(dat.getName(), scalar);
* Extract return variable statistics from this function into the
* calling program.
* @param fstmt The function statement.
* @param fop The function op.
* @param tmpVars Function's map of variables eligible for
* extraction.
* @param callVars Calling program's map of variables.
* @param overwrite Whether or not to overwrite variables in the
* calling program's variable map.
private static void extractFunctionCallReturnStatistics( FunctionStatement fstmt, FunctionOp fop, LocalVariableMap tmpVars, LocalVariableMap callVars, boolean overwrite ) {
ArrayList<DataIdentifier> foutputOps = fstmt.getOutputParams();
String[] outputVars = fop.getOutputVariableNames();
String fkey = fop.getFunctionKey();
for( int i=0; i<foutputOps.size(); i++ ) {
//robustness for unbound outputs
if( outputVars.length <= i )
DataIdentifier di = foutputOps.get(i);
String fvarname = di.getName(); //name in function signature
String pvarname = outputVars[i]; //name in calling program
// If the calling program is reassigning a variable with the output of this
// function, and the datatype differs between that variable and this function
// output, remove that variable from the calling program's variable map.
if( callVars.keySet().contains(pvarname) ) {
DataType fdataType = di.getDataType();
DataType pdataType = callVars.get(pvarname).getDataType();
if( fdataType != pdataType ) {
// datatype has changed, and the calling program is reassigning the
// the variable, so remove it from the calling variable map
// Update or add to the calling program's variable map.
if( di.getDataType()==DataType.MATRIX && tmpVars.keySet().contains(fvarname) ) {
MatrixObject moIn = (MatrixObject) tmpVars.get(fvarname);
if( !callVars.keySet().contains(pvarname) || overwrite ) { //not existing so far
MatrixObject moOut = createOutputMatrix(moIn.getNumRows(), moIn.getNumColumns(), moIn.getNnz());
callVars.put(pvarname, moOut);
else { //already existing: take largest
Data dat = callVars.get(pvarname);
if( !(dat instanceof MatrixObject) )
MatrixObject moOut = (MatrixObject)dat;
DataCharacteristics dc = moOut.getDataCharacteristics();
if( OptimizerUtils.estimateSizeExactSparsity(dc.getRows(), dc.getCols(), (dc.getNonZeros()>0)?
< OptimizerUtils.estimateSize(moIn.getNumRows(), moIn.getNumColumns()) )
//update statistics if necessary
dc.setDimension(moIn.getNumRows(), moIn.getNumColumns());
catch( Exception ex ) {
throw new HopsException( "Failed to extract output statistics of function "+fkey+".", ex);
private static void extractFunctionCallUnknownReturnStatistics(FunctionStatement fstmt, FunctionOp fop, LocalVariableMap callVars) {
ArrayList<DataIdentifier> foutputOps = fstmt.getOutputParams();
String[] outputVars = fop.getOutputVariableNames();
String fkey = fop.getFunctionKey();
try {
//robustness for subset of bound output variables
int olen = Math.min(foutputOps.size(), outputVars.length);
for( int i=0; i<olen; i++ ) {
DataIdentifier di = foutputOps.get(i);
String pvarname = outputVars[i]; //name in calling program
if( di.getDataType()==DataType.MATRIX )
callVars.put(pvarname, createOutputMatrix(-1, -1, -1));
catch( Exception ex ) {
throw new HopsException( "Failed to extract output statistics of function "+fkey+".", ex);
private static void extractFunctionCallEquivalentReturnStatistics( FunctionStatement fstmt, FunctionOp fop, LocalVariableMap callVars )
try {
Hop input = fop.getInput().get(0);
MatrixObject moOut = createOutputMatrix(input.getDim1(), input.getDim2(), -1);
callVars.put(fop.getOutputVariableNames()[0], moOut);
catch( Exception ex ) {
throw new HopsException( "Failed to extract output statistics "
+ "for unary function "+fop.getFunctionKey()+".", ex);
private static MatrixObject createOutputMatrix( long dim1, long dim2, long nnz ) {
MatrixObject moOut = new MatrixObject(ValueType.FP64, null);
DataCharacteristics mc = new MatrixCharacteristics(
dim1, dim2, ConfigurationManager.getBlocksize(), nnz);
MetaDataFormat meta = new MetaDataFormat(mc,null);
return moOut;