blob: 7ab8353c564c678cf058cf16ca5ce2e28d81c968 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# P String --- Location (on HDFS) to read the proposer's preference matrix P.
# P is assumed to store preferences row-wise (i.e. row j stores proposer j's preferences).
# It must be a square matrix with no zeros.
# A String --- Location (on HDFS) to read the acceptor's preference matrix A.
# A is assumed to store preferences row-wise (i.e. row j stores acceptor j's preferences).
# It must be a square matrix with no zeros.
# O String --- Location to store the stable marriage solution matrix. If omitted, no output file is written.
# If cell [i,j] is non-zero, it means that acceptor i has matched with proposer j.
# Further, if cell [i,j] is non-zero, it holds the preference value that led to the match.
# ordered Boolean TRUE If true, P and A are assumed to be ordered,
# i.e. the leftmost value in a row is the most preferred partner's index.
# If false, P and A are assumed to be unordered,
# i.e. the leftmost value in a row in P is the preference value for the acceptor with index 1 and vice-versa (higher is better).
# Example:
# spark-submit SystemDS.jar -f StableMarriage.dml -nvargs P=Proposers.mtx A=Acceptors.mtx O=Output.mtx ordered=TRUE
# Proposers.mtx:
# 2.0,1.0,3.0
# 1.0,2.0,3.0
# 1.0,3.0,2.0
# Since ordered=TRUE, this means that proposer 1 (row 1) likes acceptor 2 the most, followed by acceptor 1 and acceptor 3.
# If ordered=FALSE, this would mean that proposer 1 (row 1) likes acceptor 3 the most (since the value at [1,3] is the row max),
# followed by acceptor 1 (2.0 preference value) and acceptor 2 (1.0 preference value).
# Acceptors.mtx:
# 3.0,1.0,2.0
# 2.0,1.0,3.0
# 3.0,2.0,1.0
# Since ordered=TRUE, this means that acceptor 1 (row 1) likes proposer 3 the most, followed by proposer 1 and proposer 2.
# If ordered=FALSE, this would mean that acceptor 1 (row 1) likes proposer 1 the most (since the value at [1,1] is the row max),
# followed by proposer 3 (2.0 preference value) and proposer 2 (1.0 preference value).
# Output.mtx (assuming ordered=TRUE):
# 0.0,0.0,3.0
# 0.0,3.0,0.0
# 1.0,0.0,0.0
# Acceptor 1 has matched with proposer 3 (since [1,3] is non-zero) at a preference level of 3.0.
# Acceptor 2 has matched with proposer 2 (since [2,2] is non-zero) at a preference level of 3.0.
# Acceptor 3 has matched with proposer 1 (since [3,1] is non-zero) at a preference level of 1.0.
#TODO set a finite number of maximum iterations so that the execution termiates after maximum iterations.
fileP = ifdef ($P, "");
fileA = ifdef ($A, "");
fileOutput = ifdef ($O, "");
ordered = ifdef ($ordered, TRUE);
print("READING P AND A...");
# P : Proposers Preference Matrix
# A : Acceptors Preference Matrix
if(fileP == "" | fileA == "") {
print("ERROR: Both P and A must be supplied.")
P = read (fileP);
A = read (fileA);
if(nrow(P) != ncol(P) | nrow(A) != ncol(A)) {
print("ERROR: Wrong Input! Both P and A must be square.")
else if(nrow(P) != nrow(P)) {
print("ERROR: Wrong Input! Both P and A must have the same number of rows and columns.")
n = nrow(P)
# Let S be the identity matrix
S = diag(matrix(1.0, rows=n, cols=1))
Result_matrix = matrix(0.0, rows=n, cols=n)
# Pre-processing
# If unordered, we need to order P
Ordered_P = matrix(0.0, rows=n, cols=n)
Transposed_P = t(P)
parfor(i in 1:n)
Ordered_P[,i] = order(target=Transposed_P, by=i, decreasing=TRUE, index.return=TRUE)
P = t(Ordered_P)
else {
# If ordered, we need to unorder A
Unordered_A = matrix(0.0, rows=n, cols=n)
# Since cells can be converted to unordered indices independently, we can nest parfor loops.
parfor(i in 1:n) {
parfor(j in 1:n, check=0) {
Unordered_A[i, as.scalar(A[i, j])] = n - j + 1
A = Unordered_A
proposer_pointers = matrix(1.0, rows=n, cols=1)
while(sum(S) > 0) {
Stripped_preferences = S %*% P
Mask_matrix = matrix(0.0, rows=n, cols=n)
parfor(i in 1:n) {
max_proposal = as.scalar(Stripped_preferences[i, as.scalar(proposer_pointers[i])])
if(max_proposal != 0) {
proposer_pointers[i] = as.scalar(proposer_pointers[i]) + 1
Mask_matrix[max_proposal, i] = 1
# Hadamard Product
Propose_round_results = Mask_matrix * A
best_proposers_vector = rowIndexMax(Propose_round_results)
prev_best_proposers = rowIndexMax(Result_matrix)
parfor(i in 1:n, check=0) {
new_best_proposer_index = as.scalar(best_proposers_vector[i])
new_best = as.scalar(Propose_round_results[i, new_best_proposer_index])
if(new_best > 0) {
prev_best_proposer_index = as.scalar(prev_best_proposers[i])
prev_best = as.scalar(Result_matrix[i, prev_best_proposer_index])
if (new_best > prev_best)
# Proposal is better than current fiance
Result_matrix[i, prev_best_proposer_index] = 0
Result_matrix[i, new_best_proposer_index] = new_best
#Disable freshly married man to search for a new woman in the next round
S[new_best_proposer_index, new_best_proposer_index] = 0
# If a fiance existed, dump him/her
if(prev_best > 0)
S[prev_best_proposer_index, prev_best_proposer_index] = 1
print("Result: ")
if(fileOutput != "")
write(Result_matrix, fileOutput)