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# String generation using Hidden Markov Model
#Author: Afan Secic
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import random
from itertools import combinations
def add2dict(dictionary, key, value):
if key not in dictionary:
dictionary[key] = []
def list2probabilitydict(given_list):
probability_dict = {}
given_list_length = len(given_list)
for item in given_list:
probability_dict[item] = probability_dict.get(item, 0) + 1
for key, value in probability_dict.items():
probability_dict[key] = value / given_list_length
return probability_dict
def sample_word(dictionary):
p0 = np.random.random()
cumulative = 0
for key, value in dictionary.items():
cumulative += value
if p0 < cumulative:
return key
def generate_generic(sentence, no_of_words_to_generate = 1, previous_words = 3):
sentence = sentence.split()
if len(sentence) < previous_words:
previous_words = len(sentence)
if len(sentence) == 0:
no_of_words_to_generate = no_of_words_to_generate - 1
if len(sentence) == 1:
word0 = sentence[0]
if word0 in second_word.keys():
word1 = sample_word(second_word[word0])
word1 = np.random.choice(list(second_word[word0].keys()), 1, p = list(second_word[word0].values()))[0]
no_of_words_to_generate = no_of_words_to_generate - 1
while no_of_words_to_generate > 0:
existing_keys = []
previous_words_temp = previous_words
found_keys = False
while previous_words_temp != 0:
words = list(combinations(sentence, previous_words_temp))
previous_words_temp = previous_words_temp - 1
existing_keys = list(set(words).intersection(transitions))
if(len(existing_keys) != 0):
found_keys = True
if found_keys:
existing_keys = np.array(existing_keys)
chosen_key = tuple(existing_keys[np.random.choice(len(existing_keys),1)][0])
word = np.random.choice(list(transitions[chosen_key].keys()), 1, p = list(transitions[chosen_key].values()))[0]
no_of_words_to_generate = no_of_words_to_generate - 1
chosen_key = np.random.choice(list(transitions.keys()), 1)[0]
word = np.random.choice(list(transitions[chosen_key].keys()), 1, p = list(transitions[chosen_key].values()))[0]
no_of_words_to_generate = no_of_words_to_generate - 1
print(' '.join(sentence))
def train_markov_model_generic(data, no_of_words):
if no_of_words > 3:
no_of_words = 3
for line in data:
line_length = len(line)
first_token = line[0]
initial_word[first_token] = initial_word.get(first_token, 0) + 1
for i in range(1,line_length-1):
for j in range(len(line[:i+1]) if len(line[:i+1]) < no_of_words + 1 else no_of_words + 1):
word_combinations = combinations(line[:i+1], j)
for combination in list(word_combinations):
if len(combination) > 0:
if i == 1:
add2dict(second_word, combination if len(combination) > 1 else combination[0], line[i+1])
add2dict(transitions, combination if len(combination) > 1 else combination[0], line[i+1])
initial_word_total = sum(initial_word.values())
for key, value in initial_word.items():
initial_word[key] = value / initial_word_total
for prev_word, next_word_list in second_word.items():
second_word[prev_word] = list2probabilitydict(next_word_list)
for word_pair, next_word_list in transitions.items():
transitions[word_pair] = list2probabilitydict(next_word_list)
data = pd.read_csv('text_matrix.csv', dtype=type('string') ,header=None).values
data = np.array([row[~pd.isnull(row)] for row in data])
initial_word = {}
second_word = {}
transitions = {}
#Second parameter is to determine how many previous words algorithm takes when learning
train_markov_model_generic(data, 5)
sentence = 'drought smith say'