blob: 4f6b83a59985462435132143398732d2b876e00c [file] [log] [blame]
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# ------------------------------------------
# Mode finding for binary Laplace GPC
# ------------------------------------------
# Inputs
X = matrix(" 0.826062790211596 0.183227263001437 0.515246335524849 -0.532011376808821 -1.17421233145682 -1.06421341288933
1.52697668673337 -1.02976754356662 0.261406324055383 1.68210359466318 -0.192239517539275 1.60345729812004
0.466914435684700 0.949221831131023 -0.941485770955434 -0.875729346160017 -0.274070229932602 1.23467914689078
-0.209713338388737 0.307061919146703 -0.162337672803828 -0.483815050110121 1.53007251442410 -0.229626450963181
0.625190357087626 0.135174942099456 -0.146054634331526 -0.712004549027423 -0.249024742513714 -1.50615970397972 ", rows=5, cols=6)
y = matrix(" -1 1 1 -1 -1 ", rows=5, cols=1)
# covariance matrix
K = matrix(" 9.9090 4.3453 -2.0279 2.0109 4.3453
4.3453 9.6392 0.8006 4.6520 9.6392
-2.0279 0.8006 4.6162 0.7838 0.8006
2.0109 4.6520 0.7838 6.4825 4.6520
4.3453 9.6392 0.8006 4.6520 9.6392 ", rows=5, cols=5);
mode = function (matrix[double] K, matrix[double] y )
return (matrix[double] D, matrix[double] D2) {
* K : covariance matrix
* y : target vector
* f : mode
* llh : log likelihood, log p(y|f)
I = diag( matrix(1, rows=nrow(K), cols=1) )
# step 2. initialize f = 0
f = matrix(0, rows=nrow(K), cols=1)
# step 3. repeat.. for convergence
i = 1;
while( i < 10000) {
# compute the derivative
# D = ∇log p(y|f)
D = (y+1)/2 - 1 / (1 + exp(-f))
# step 4. W = - ∇∇log p(y|f)
cp = 1/(1+exp(-f)) # class probability
D2 = cp * (1-cp)
W = diag(cp * (1-cp))
# compute the square root of W
W_sr = W ^ 0.5
# step 5(b). B = I + W^0.5 K W^0.5
B = I + (W_sr) %*% K %*% (W_sr)
# step 5(a). L = cholesky( I + W^0.5 K W^0.5)
L = cholesky(B) # L is a lower triangular matrix
# step 6. b = W f + ∇log p(y|f)
b = W %*% f + D
# step 7. a = b - W^0.5 t(L) \ (L\(W^0.5 K b))
a = b - W_sr %*% solve( t(L), solve(L, W_sr %*% K %*% b) )
# step 8. f = K a
f = K %*% a
i = i + 1
yf = y * f
llh = -log( 1 + exp(-y * f) )
[tmp, yf] = mode(K, y)
for( i in 1:nrow(tmp) ) {
for( j in 1:ncol(tmp) ) {
print("("+ i +","+ j +") "+ as.scalar(tmp[i,j]))
for( i in 1:nrow(yf) ) {
for( j in 1:ncol(yf) ) {
print("("+ i +","+ j +") "+ as.scalar(yf[i,j]))