blob: 08111de093df41ca87ec6c526bbb4c11db0fc890 [file] [log] [blame]
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* Various tests, not including gradient checks.
source("scripts/nn/layers/batch_norm1d.dml") as batch_norm1d
source("scripts/nn/layers/batch_norm2d.dml") as batch_norm2d
source("scripts/nn/layers/conv2d.dml") as conv2d
source("scripts/nn/layers/conv2d_builtin.dml") as conv2d_builtin
source("scripts/nn/layers/conv2d_depthwise.dml") as conv2d_depthwise
source("scripts/nn/layers/conv2d_transpose.dml") as conv2d_transpose
source("scripts/nn/layers/conv2d_transpose_depthwise.dml") as conv2d_transpose_depthwise
source("scripts/nn/layers/cross_entropy_loss.dml") as cross_entropy_loss
source("scripts/nn/layers/cross_entropy_loss2d.dml") as cross_entropy_loss2d
source("scripts/nn/layers/max_pool2d.dml") as max_pool2d
source("scripts/nn/layers/max_pool2d_builtin.dml") as max_pool2d_builtin
source("scripts/nn/layers/tanh.dml") as tanh
source("scripts/nn/layers/softmax2d.dml") as softmax2d
source("scripts/nn/test/conv2d_simple.dml") as conv2d_simple
source("scripts/nn/test/max_pool2d_simple.dml") as max_pool2d_simple
source("scripts/nn/test/util.dml") as test_util
source("scripts/nn/util.dml") as util
source("scripts/nn/layers/sigmoid.dml") as sigmoid
source("scripts/nn/layers/elu.dml") as elu
batch_norm1d = function() {
* Test for the 1D batch normalization function.
print("Testing the 1D batch normalization function.")
# Generate data
N = 4 # Number of examples
D = 4 # Number of features
mode = 'train' # execution mode
mu = 0.9 # momentum of moving averages
eps = 1e-5 # smoothing term
X = matrix(seq(1,16), rows=N, cols=D)
# Create layer
[gamma, beta, ema_mean, ema_var] = batch_norm1d::init(D)
# Forward
[out, ema_mean_upd, ema_var_upd, cache_mean, cache_var, cache_norm] =
batch_norm1d::forward(X, gamma, beta, mode, ema_mean, ema_var, mu, eps)
# Equivalency check
target = matrix("-1.34160721 -1.34160721 -1.34160733 -1.34160709
-0.44720244 -0.44720244 -0.44720244 -0.44720232
0.44720244 0.44720232 0.44720244 0.44720244
1.34160733 1.34160721 1.34160733 1.34160733", rows=1, cols=N*D)
out = matrix(out, rows=1, cols=N*D)
for (i in 1:length(out)) {
rel_error = test_util::check_rel_error(as.scalar(out[1,i]),
as.scalar(target[1,i]), 1e-3, 1e-4)
batch_norm2d = function() {
* Test for the 2D (spatial) batch normalization function.
print("Testing the 2D (spatial) batch normalization function.")
# Generate data
N = 2 # Number of examples
C = 3 # num channels
Hin = 4 # input height
Win = 5 # input width
mode = 'train' # execution mode
mu = 0.9 # momentum of moving averages
eps = 1e-5 # smoothing term
X = matrix("70 29 23 55 72
42 98 68 48 39
34 73 44 6 40
74 18 18 53 53
63 85 72 61 72
32 36 23 29 63
9 43 43 49 43
31 43 89 94 50
62 12 32 41 87
25 48 99 52 61
12 83 60 55 34
30 42 68 88 51
67 59 62 67 84
8 76 24 19 57
10 89 63 72 2
59 56 16 15 70
32 69 55 39 93
84 36 4 30 40
70 100 36 76 59
69 15 40 24 34
51 67 11 13 32
66 85 55 85 38
32 35 17 83 34
55 58 52 0 99", rows=N, cols=C*Hin*Win)
# Create layer
[gamma, beta, ema_mean, ema_var] = batch_norm2d::init(C)
# Forward
[out, ema_mean_upd, ema_var_upd, cache_mean, cache_var] =
batch_norm2d::forward(X, gamma, beta, C, Hin, Win, mode, ema_mean, ema_var, mu, eps)
# Equivalency check
target = matrix("0.86215019 -0.76679718 -1.00517964 0.26619387 0.94161105
-0.25030172 1.97460198 0.78268933 -0.01191914 -0.36949289
-0.56814504 0.98134136 -0.17084086 -1.68059683 -0.32976246
1.02107191 -1.20383179 -1.20383179 0.18673301 0.18673301
0.50426388 1.41921711 0.87856293 0.42108631 0.87856293
-0.78498828 -0.61863315 -1.15928721 -0.90975463 0.50426388
-1.74153018 -0.32751167 -0.32751167 -0.07797909 -0.32751167
-0.82657707 -0.32751167 1.58557224 1.79351616 -0.0363903
0.4607178 -1.49978399 -0.71558321 -0.36269283 1.44096887
-0.99005347 -0.08822262 1.91148913 0.06861746 0.42150795
-1.49978399 1.28412855 0.38229787 0.18624771 -0.63716316
-0.79400325 -0.32348287 0.69597805 1.48017895 0.0294075
0.74295878 0.42511559 0.54430676 0.74295878 1.41837597
-1.60113597 1.10053277 -0.96544927 -1.16410136 0.34565473
-1.52167511 1.61702824 0.5840373 0.94161105 -1.83951855
0.42511559 0.30592418 -1.28329265 -1.32302308 0.86215019
-0.78498828 0.75379658 0.17155361 -0.4938668 1.75192738
1.37762833 -0.61863315 -1.9494741 -0.86816585 -0.45227802
0.79538536 2.04304862 -0.61863315 1.04491806 0.33790874
0.75379658 -1.49199748 -0.45227802 -1.11769855 -0.70181072
0.0294075 0.65676796 -1.53899395 -1.46057391 -0.71558321
0.61755812 1.36254871 0.18624771 1.36254871 -0.48032296
-0.71558321 -0.59795308 -1.30373383 1.28412855 -0.63716316
0.18624771 0.30387771 0.06861746 -1.97030437 1.91148913",
rows=1, cols=N*C*Hin*Win)
out = matrix(out, rows=1, cols=N*C*Hin*Win)
for (i in 1:length(out)) {
rel_error = test_util::check_rel_error(as.scalar(out[1,i]),
as.scalar(target[1,i]), 1e-3, 1e-4)
conv2d = function() {
* Test for the 2D convolution functions.
print("Testing the 2D convolution functions.")
# Generate data
N = 2 # num examples
C = 3 # num channels
Hin = 5 # input height
Win = 5 # input width
F = 2 # num filters
Hf = 3 # filter height
Wf = 3 # filter width
stride = 1
pad = 1
X = rand(rows=N, cols=C*Hin*Win, pdf="normal")
# Create layer
[W, b] = conv2d::init(F, C, Hf, Wf)
# Forward
[out, Hout, Wout] = conv2d::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
[out_simple, Hout_simple, Wout_simple] = conv2d_simple::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
stride, stride, pad, pad)
[out_builtin, Hout_builtin, Wout_builtin] = conv2d_builtin::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
stride, stride, pad, pad)
# Equivalency check
out = matrix(out, rows=1, cols=N*F*Hout*Wout)
out_simple = matrix(out_simple, rows=1, cols=N*F*Hout*Wout)
out_builtin = matrix(out_builtin, rows=1, cols=N*F*Hout*Wout)
for (i in 1:length(out)) {
rel_error = test_util::check_rel_error(as.scalar(out[1,i]),
as.scalar(out_simple[1,i]), 1e-10, 1e-12)
rel_error = test_util::check_rel_error(as.scalar(out[1,i]),
as.scalar(out_builtin[1,i]), 1e-10, 1e-12)
conv2d_depthwise = function() {
* Test for the 2D depthwise convolution function.
print("Testing the 2D depthwise convolution function.")
# Generate data
N = 2 # num examples
C = 2 # num channels
Hin = 3 # input height
Win = 3 # input width
M = 2 # num filters per input channel (i.e. depth multiplier)
Hf = 3 # filter height
Wf = 3 # filter width
stride = 1
pad = 1
X = matrix(seq(1,N*C*Hin*Win), rows=N, cols=C*Hin*Win) / (N*C*Hin*Win) * 2 - 1 # normalized
# Create layer
W = matrix(seq(1,C*M*Hf*Wf), rows=C, cols=M*Hf*Wf) / (C*M*Hf*Wf) * 2 - 1 # normalized
b = matrix(seq(1,C*M), rows=C*M, cols=1) / (C*M)^2 # non-zero & non-one
# Forward
[out, Hout, Wout] = conv2d_depthwise::forward(X, W, b, Hin, Win, M, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
pad, pad)
# Equivalency check
target = matrix("2.13040113 3.20447516 2.16743827
3.30324078 4.94212961 3.30324078
2.16743827 3.20447516 2.13040113
0.52623457 0.85030866 0.67438275
1.11574078 1.75462961 1.2824074
0.89660496 1.35030866 0.97067899
-0.30015433 -0.42052469 -0.15200615
-0.15509261 -0.1828704 0.01157404
0.07021603 0.07947529 0.1442901
-0.90432101 -1.27469134 -0.64506173
-0.8425926 -1.12037039 -0.50925928
-0.20061731 -0.2746914 -0.01543214
-0.31404325 -0.62885809 -0.49922845
-0.86342597 -1.55787039 -1.19675934
-0.94367278 -1.62885797 -1.20293212
0.0817901 0.01697529 0.00771603
-0.05092596 -0.2453704 -0.21759261
-0.21450615 -0.48302469 -0.36265433
1.25540125 1.74614203 1.1813271
1.67824078 2.31712961 1.51157403
0.95910496 1.24614203 0.81095684
2.65123463 3.8919754 2.68827152
3.99074078 5.87962961 3.99074078
2.68827152 3.8919754 2.65123463", rows=N, cols=C*M*Hout*Wout)
for (i in 1:nrow(out)) {
for(j in 1:ncol(out)) {
rel_error = test_util::check_rel_error(as.scalar(out[i,j]),
as.scalar(target[i,j]), 1e-3, 1e-4)
conv2d_transpose = function() {
* Test for the 2D transpose convolution function.
print("Testing the 2D transpose convolution function.")
# Generate data
N = 2 # num examples
C = 3 # num channels
Hin = 2 # input height
Win = 2 # input width
F = 2 # num filters
Hf = 3 # filter height
Wf = 3 # filter width
stride = 1
pad = 0
out_pad = 0 # padding added to output
X = matrix(seq(1,N*C*Hin*Win), rows=N, cols=C*Hin*Win) / (N*C*Hin*Win) * 2 - 1 # normalized
# Create layer
W = matrix(seq(1,C*F*Hf*Wf), rows=C, cols=F*Hf*Wf) / (C*F*Hf*Wf) * 2 - 1 # normalized
b = matrix(seq(1,F), rows=F, cols=1) / F^2 # non-zero & non-one
# Forward
[out, Hout, Wout] = conv2d_transpose::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
pad, pad, out_pad, out_pad)
# Equivalency check
target = matrix("1.21296299 2.03703713 1.91666663 1.02777779
1.83333337 3.18518519 2.98148131 1.52777767
1.5 2.57407403 2.37037039 1.24999988
0.78703707 1.25925922 1.17592585 0.69444442
0.87962961 1.20370364 1.08333337 0.77777773
1.08333337 1.60185182 1.39814818 0.94444442
0.75 0.99074072 0.78703701 0.66666657
0.62037039 0.75925928 0.67592591 0.6111111
0.32407406 0.37037039 0.47222221 0.36111113
0.38888881 0.51851851 0.75925928 0.52777779
0.72222215 1.24074078 1.48148155 0.91666669
0.56481475 0.92592585 1.06481469 0.69444442
0.99074078 1.53703713 1.63888896 1.11111116
1.63888884 2.93518519 3.17592597 1.94444442
1.97222221 3.65740728 3.89814806 2.33333325
1.39814818 2.42592597 2.56481481 1.61111116", rows=N, cols=F*Hout*Wout)
for (i in 1:nrow(out)) {
for(j in 1:ncol(out)) {
rel_error = test_util::check_rel_error(as.scalar(out[i,j]),
as.scalar(target[i,j]), 1e-3, 1e-4)
conv2d_transpose_depthwise = function() {
* Test for the 2D depthwise transpose convolution function.
print("Testing the 2D depthwise transpose convolution function.")
# Generate data
N = 2 # num examples
C = 4 # num channels
Hin = 2 # input height
Win = 2 # input width
M = 2 # depth of each filter
Hf = 3 # filter height
Wf = 3 # filter width
stride = 1
pad = 0
out_pad = 0 # padding added to output
X = matrix(seq(1,N*C*Hin*Win), rows=N, cols=C*Hin*Win) / (N*C*Hin*Win) * 2 - 1 # normalized
# Create layer
W = matrix(seq(1,C/M*M*Hf*Wf), rows=C/M, cols=M*Hf*Wf) / (C/M*M*Hf*Wf) * 2 - 1 # normalized
b = matrix(seq(1,C/M), rows=C/M, cols=1) / (C/M)^2 # non-zero & non-one
# Forward
[out, Hout, Wout] = conv2d_transpose_depthwise::forward(X, W, b, C, Hin, Win, M, Hf, Wf,
stride, stride, pad, pad,
out_pad, out_pad)
# Equivalency check
target = matrix("1.44097221 2.45486116 2.28125 1.1875
2.1875 3.80555558 3.48611116 1.72916663
1.6875 2.84722233 2.52777767 1.27083325
0.80902779 1.24652779 1.10069442 0.625
0.37152776 0.24652773 0.18402778 0.35416669
0.21527778 -0.02777781 -0.12500003 0.22916666
0.04861115 -0.31944442 -0.41666669 0.10416666
0.32291669 0.20486113 0.1701389 0.375
0.05208334 -0.21180555 -0.16319445 0.02083334
-0.25694442 -0.8611111 -0.7361111 -0.27083331
-0.09027778 -0.4861111 -0.3611111 -0.0625
0.08680556 -0.08680557 -0.01041669 0.125
0.98263896 1.57986116 1.73958337 1.1875
1.77083337 3.30555558 3.65277791 2.22916675
2.27083325 4.34722233 4.69444466 2.77083349
1.60069442 2.87152767 3.05902767 1.875 ", rows=N, cols=C/M*Hout*Wout)
for (i in 1:nrow(out)) {
for(j in 1:ncol(out)) {
rel_error = test_util::check_rel_error(as.scalar(out[i,j]),
as.scalar(target[i,j]), 1e-3, 1e-4)
cross_entropy_loss = function() {
* Test for the cross-entropy loss function.
* Here we make sure that the cross-entropy loss function does
* not propagate `infinity` values in the case that a prediction is
` * exactly equal to 0.
print("Testing the cross-entropy loss function with zero-valued predictions.")
# Generate data
N = 3 # num examples
K = 10 # num targets
pred = matrix(0, rows=N, cols=K)
y = rand(rows=N, cols=K, min=0, max=1, pdf="uniform")
y = y / rowSums(y) # normalized probs
loss = cross_entropy_loss::forward(pred, y)
inf = 1/0
if (loss == inf) {
print("ERROR: The cross-entropy loss function ouptuts infinity for all-zero predictions.")
cross_entropy_loss2d = function() {
* Test for the 2D cross-entropy loss function.
print("Testing the 2D cross-entropy loss function.")
# Generate data
N = 2 # num examples
C = 3 # num targets
Hin = 3 # example height
Win = 3 # example width
loss_expected = 0.0770996
# pred data after the softmax
pred = matrix("9.99909163e-01 4.99988675e-01 4.53958055e-05
9.99909163e-01 4.53958055e-05 4.53958055e-05
9.99909163e-01 4.53958055e-05 4.53958055e-05
4.53958055e-05 4.99988675e-01 4.53958055e-05
4.53958055e-05 9.99909163e-01 4.53958055e-05
4.53958055e-05 9.99909163e-01 4.53958055e-05
4.53958055e-05 2.26994507e-05 9.99909163e-01
4.53958055e-05 4.53958055e-05 9.99909163e-01
4.53958055e-05 4.53958055e-05 9.99909163e-01
9.99909163e-01 4.99988675e-01 4.53958055e-05
9.99909163e-01 4.53958055e-05 4.53958055e-05
9.99909163e-01 4.53958055e-05 4.53958055e-05
4.53958055e-05 4.99988675e-01 4.53958055e-05
4.53958055e-05 9.99909163e-01 4.53958055e-05
4.53958055e-05 9.99909163e-01 4.53958055e-05
4.53958055e-05 2.26994507e-05 9.99909163e-01
4.53958055e-05 4.53958055e-05 9.99909163e-01
4.53958055e-05 4.53958055e-05 9.99909163e-01", rows=N, cols=C*Hin*Win)
y = matrix("1 0 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 1 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1
1 0 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 1 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
0 0 1
0 0 1", rows=N, cols=C*Hin*Win)
loss = cross_entropy_loss2d::forward(pred, y, C)
# Equivalency check
rel_error = test_util::check_rel_error(loss, loss_expected, 1e-3, 1e-4)
im2col = function() {
* Test for the `im2col` and `col2im` functions.
print("Testing the im2col and col2im functions.")
# Generate data
C = 3 # num channels
Hin = 5 # input height
Win = 5 # input width
Hf = 3 # filter height
Wf = 3 # filter width
stride = 2
pad = (Hin * stride - Hin + Hf - stride) / 2
Hout = as.integer(floor((Hin + 2*pad - Hf)/stride + 1))
Wout = as.integer(floor((Win + 2*pad - Wf)/stride + 1))
x = rand(rows=C, cols=Hin*Win)
# pad
x_pad = util::pad_image(x, Hin, Win, pad, pad, 0)
# im2col
x_cols = util::im2col(x_pad, Hin+2*pad, Win+2*pad, Hf, Wf, stride, stride)
if (ncol(x_cols) != Hout*Wout) {
print("ERROR: im2col does not yield the correct output size: "
+ ncol(x_cols)+" (actual) vs. "+Hout*Wout+" (correct).")
# col2im
x_pad2 = util::col2im(x_cols, C, Hin+2*pad, Win+2*pad, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, "none")
# Equivalency check
equivalent = test_util::all_equal(x_pad, x_pad2)
if (!equivalent) {
print("ERROR: im2col and then col2im does not yield the original image.")
padding = function() {
* Test for the `pad_image` and `unpad_image` functions.
print("Testing the padding and unpadding functions.")
# Generate data
C = 3 # num channels
Hin = 5 # input height
Win = 5 # input width
pad = 3 # padding
x = rand(rows=C, cols=Hin*Win)
# Pad image
x_pad = util::pad_image(x, Hin, Win, pad, pad, 0)
# Check for padded rows & columns
for (c in 1:C) {
x_pad_slice = matrix(x_pad[c,], rows=Hin+2*pad, cols=Win+2*pad)
for (i in 1:pad) {
rowsum = sum(x_pad_slice[i,])
colsum = sum(x_pad_slice[,i])
if (rowsum != 0)
print("ERROR: Padding was not applied to row " + i + ".")
if (colsum != 0)
print("ERROR: Padding was not applied to column " + i + ".")
# Unpad image
x1 = util::unpad_image(x_pad, Hin, Win, pad, pad)
# Equivalency check
equivalent = test_util::all_equal(x, x1)
if (!equivalent) {
print("ERROR: Padding and then unpadding does not yield the original image.")
transpose_NCHW_to_CNHW = function() {
* Test for `transpose_NCHW_to_CNHW` function.
print("Testing transpose_NCHW_to_CNHW function.")
# Generate data
N = 2
C = 3
H = 4
W = 5
X = matrix(seq(1, N*C*H*W), rows=N, cols=C*H*W)
out = util::transpose_NCHW_to_CNHW(X, C)
target =
matrix("1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120",
rows=C, cols=N*H*W)
# Equivalency check
for (i in 1:nrow(out)) {
for(j in 1:ncol(out)) {
rel_error = test_util::check_rel_error(as.scalar(out[i,j]),
as.scalar(target[i,j]), 1e-10, 1e-12)
max_pool2d = function() {
* Test for the 2D max pooling functions.
print("Testing the 2D max pooling functions.")
# Generate data
N = 2 # num examples
C = 3 # num channels
Hin = 8 # input height
Win = 8 # input width
Hf = 2 # filter height
Wf = 2 # filter width
stride = 2
X = rand(rows=N, cols=C*Hin*Win, pdf="normal")
for (padh in 0:3) {
for (padw in 0:3) {
print(" - Testing w/ padh="+padh+" & padw="+padw+".")
#while(FALSE){} # force correct printing
#print(" - Testing forward")
[out, Hout, Wout] = max_pool2d::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, padh, padw)
[out_simple, Hout_simple, Wout_simple] = max_pool2d_simple::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
stride, stride,
padh, padw)
[out_builtin, Hout_builtin, Wout_builtin] = max_pool2d_builtin::forward(X, C, Hin, Win,
Hf, Wf,
stride, stride,
padh, padw)
# Equivalency check
out = matrix(out, rows=1, cols=N*C*Hout*Wout)
out_simple = matrix(out_simple, rows=1, cols=N*C*Hout*Wout)
out_builtin = matrix(out_builtin, rows=1, cols=N*C*Hout*Wout)
for (i in 1:length(out)) {
rel_error = test_util::check_rel_error(as.scalar(out[1,i]),
as.scalar(out_simple[1,i]), 1e-10, 1e-12)
rel_error = test_util::check_rel_error(as.scalar(out[1,i]),
as.scalar(out_builtin[1,i]), 1e-10, 1e-12)
#print(" - Testing backward")
dout = rand(rows=N, cols=C*Hout*Wout, pdf="normal")
dX = max_pool2d::backward(dout, Hout, Wout, X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride,
padh, padw)
dX_simple = max_pool2d_simple::backward(dout, Hout_simple, Wout_simple, X, C, Hin, Win,
Hf, Wf, stride, stride, padh, padw)
dX_builtin = max_pool2d_builtin::backward(dout, Hout_builtin, Wout_builtin, X, C, Hin, Win,
Hf, Wf, stride, stride, padh, padw)
# Equivalency check
dX = matrix(dX, rows=1, cols=N*C*Hin*Win)
dX_simple = matrix(dX_simple, rows=1, cols=N*C*Hin*Win)
dX_builtin = matrix(dX_builtin, rows=1, cols=N*C*Hin*Win)
for (i in 1:length(dX)) {
rel_error = test_util::check_rel_error(as.scalar(dX[1,i]),
as.scalar(dX_simple[1,i]), 1e-10, 1e-12)
rel_error = test_util::check_rel_error(as.scalar(dX[1,i]),
as.scalar(dX_builtin[1,i]), 1e-10, 1e-12)
# ---
print(" - Testing for correct behavior against known answer w/ pad=0.")
# generate data
# -- channel 1
# 1 2 3 4
# 5 6 7 8
# 9 10 11 12
# 13 14 15 16
# -- channel 2
# 1 5 9 13
# 2 6 10 14
# 3 7 11 15
# 4 8 12 16
C = 2 # num channels
Hin = 4 # input height
Win = 4 # input width
X = matrix(seq(1,16,1), rows=Hin, cols=Win)
X = matrix(rbind(X, t(X)), rows=1, cols=C*Hin*Win) # C=2
X = rbind(X, X) # n=2
pad = 0
# forward
[out, Hout, Wout] = max_pool2d::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
[out_simple, Hout_simple, Wout_simple] = max_pool2d_simple::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
stride, stride, pad, pad)
[out_builtin, Hout_builtin, Wout_builtin] = max_pool2d_builtin::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
stride, stride, pad, pad)
# equivalency check
# -- channel 1
# 6 8
# 14 16
# -- channel 2
# 6 14
# 8 16
target = matrix("6 8 14 16 6 14 8 16", rows=1, cols=C*Hout*Wout)
target = rbind(target, target) # n=2
tmp = test_util::check_all_equal(out, target)
tmp = test_util::check_all_equal(out_simple, target)
tmp = test_util::check_all_equal(out_builtin, target)
print(" - Testing for correct behavior against known answer w/ pad=1.")
# generate data
# -- channel 1
# 0 0 0 0 0 0
# 0 1 2 3 4 0
# 0 5 6 7 8 0
# 0 9 10 11 12 0
# 0 13 14 15 16 0
# 0 0 0 0 0 0
# -- channel 2
# 0 0 0 0 0 0
# 0 1 5 9 13 0
# 0 2 6 10 14 0
# 0 3 7 11 15 0
# 0 4 8 12 16 0
# 0 0 0 0 0 0
pad = 1
# forward
[out, Hout, Wout] = max_pool2d::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
[out_simple, Hout_simple, Wout_simple] = max_pool2d_simple::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
stride, stride, pad, pad)
[out_builtin, Hout_builtin, Wout_builtin] = max_pool2d_builtin::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
stride, stride, pad, pad)
# equivalency check
# -- channel 1
# 1 3 4
# 9 11 12
# 13 15 16
# -- channel 2
# 1 9 13
# 3 11 15
# 4 12 16
target = matrix("1 3 4 9 11 12 13 15 16 1 9 13 3 11 15 4 12 16", rows=1, cols=C*Hout*Wout)
target = rbind(target, target) # n=2
tmp = test_util::check_all_equal(out, target)
tmp = test_util::check_all_equal(out_simple, target)
tmp = test_util::check_all_equal(out_builtin, target)
print(" - Testing for correct behavior against known answer w/ all negative matrix w/ pad=0.")
# generate data
# -- channel 1
# -1 -2 -3 -4
# -5 -6 -7 -8
# -9 -10 -11 -12
# -13 -14 -15 -16
# -- channel 2
# -1 -5 -9 -13
# -2 -6 -10 -14
# -3 -7 -11 -15
# -4 -8 -12 -16
X = X * -1
pad = 0
# forward
[out, Hout, Wout] = max_pool2d::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
[out_simple, Hout_simple, Wout_simple] = max_pool2d_simple::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
stride, stride, pad, pad)
[out_builtin, Hout_builtin, Wout_builtin] = max_pool2d_builtin::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
stride, stride, pad, pad)
# equivalency check
# -- channel 1
# -1 -3
# -9 -11
# -- channel 2
# -1 -9
# -3 -11
target = matrix("-1 -3 -9 -11 -1 -9 -3 -11", rows=1, cols=C*Hout*Wout)
target = rbind(target, target) # n=2
tmp = test_util::check_all_equal(out, target)
tmp = test_util::check_all_equal(out_simple, target)
tmp = test_util::check_all_equal(out_builtin, target)
print(" - Testing for correct behavior against known answer w/ all negative matrix w/ pad=1.")
# generate data
# -- channel 1
# 0 0 0 0 0 0
# 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 0
# 0 -5 -6 -7 -8 0
# 0 -9 -10 -11 -12 0
# 0 -13 -14 -15 -16 0
# 0 0 0 0 0 0
# -- channel 2
# 0 0 0 0 0 0
# 0 -1 -5 -9 -13 0
# 0 -2 -6 -10 -14 0
# 0 -3 -7 -11 -15 0
# 0 -4 -8 -12 -16 0
# 0 0 0 0 0 0
pad = 1
# forward
[out, Hout, Wout] = max_pool2d::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf, stride, stride, pad, pad)
[out_simple, Hout_simple, Wout_simple] = max_pool2d_simple::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
stride, stride, pad, pad)
[out_builtin, Hout_builtin, Wout_builtin] = max_pool2d_builtin::forward(X, C, Hin, Win, Hf, Wf,
stride, stride, pad, pad)
# equivalency check
# -- channel 1
# 0 0 0
# 0 -6 0
# 0 0 0
# -- channel 2
# 0 0 0
# 0 -6 0
# 0 0 0
target = matrix("-1 -2 -4 -5 -6 -8 -13 -14 -16 -1 -5 -13 -2 -6 -14 -4 -8 -16",
rows=1, cols=C*Hout*Wout)
target = rbind(target, target) # n=2
tmp = test_util::check_all_equal(out, target)
tmp = test_util::check_all_equal(out_simple, target)
tmp = test_util::check_all_equal(out_builtin, target)
tanh = function() {
* Test for the `tanh` forward function.
print("Testing the tanh forward function.")
# Generate data
N = 2 # num examples
C = 3 # num channels
X = rand(rows=N, cols=C, pdf="normal")
out = tanh::forward(X)
out_ref = (exp(X) - exp(-X)) / (exp(X) + exp(-X))
# Equivalency check
for (i in 1:nrow(out)) {
for (j in 1:ncol(out)) {
rel_error = test_util::check_rel_error(as.scalar(out[i,j]), as.scalar(out_ref[i,j]),
1e-10, 1e-12)
compare_tanh_builtin_forward_with_old = function() {
* Test for the `tanh` forward function.
print("Testing the tanh forward function.")
# Generate data
N = 2 # num examples
C = 3 # num channels
X = rand(rows=N, cols=C, pdf="normal")
out = tanh::forward(X)
sigma2X = sigmoid::forward(2*X)
out_ref = 2*sigma2X - 1
# Equivalency check
for (i in 1:nrow(out)) {
for (j in 1:ncol(out)) {
rel_error = test_util::check_rel_error(as.scalar(out[i,j]), as.scalar(out_ref[i,j]),
1e-10, 1e-12)
compare_tanh_builtin_backward_with_old = function() {
* Test for the `tanh` backward function.
print("Testing the tanh backward function.")
# Generate data
N = 2 # num examples
C = 3 # num channels
X = rand(rows=N, cols=C, pdf="normal")
dout = rand(rows=N, cols=C, pdf="normal")
sigma2X = sigmoid::forward(2*X)
out = 2*sigma2X - 1
out_ref = (1-out^2) * dout
out = tanh::backward(dout, X)
# Equivalency check
for (i in 1:nrow(out)) {
for (j in 1:ncol(out)) {
rel_error = test_util::check_rel_error(as.scalar(out[i,j]), as.scalar(out_ref[i,j]),
1e-10, 1e-12)
threshold = function() {
* Test for the threshold function.
print("Testing the threshold function.")
# Generate data
X = matrix("0.31 0.24 0.87
0.45 0.66 0.65
0.24 0.91 0.13", rows=3, cols=3)
thresh = 0.5
target_matrix = matrix("0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 1.0 1.0
0.0 1.0 0.0", rows=3, cols=3)
# Get the indicator matrix
indicator_matrix = util::threshold(X, thresh)
# Equivalency check
out = test_util::check_all_equal(indicator_matrix, target_matrix)
top_k_row = function() {
* Test for the top_k_row function.
print("Testing the top_k_row function.")
#Generate data
X = matrix("2 3 2 1 19 20 31 12 3 4 5 60 9 2
3 6 15 18 6 12 1 17 3 0 4 19 1 6", rows=2, cols=14)
r = 2
k = 3
expected_values = matrix("19
17", rows=1, cols=3)
expected_indices = matrix("12
8", rows=1, cols=3)
# Test the top 3 for the second row.
[values, indices] = util::top_k_row(X, 2, 3)
check_values = test_util::check_all_equal(values, expected_values)
check_indices = test_util::check_all_equal(indices, expected_indices)
top_k = function() {
* Test for the top_k function.
print("Testing the top_k function.")
# Generate data
X = matrix("0.1 0.3 0.2 0.4
0.1 0.3 0.3 0.2", rows=2, cols=4)
expected_values_top1 = matrix("0.4
0.3", rows=2, cols=1)
expected_indices_top1 = matrix("4
2", rows=2, cols=1)
expected_values_top2 = matrix("0.4 0.3
0.3 0.3", rows=2, cols=2)
expected_indices_top2 = matrix("4 2
2 3", rows=2, cols=2)
expected_values_topAll = matrix("0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1
0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1", rows=2, cols=4)
expected_indices_topAll = matrix("4 2 3 1
2 3 4 1", rows=2, cols=4)
# test top_1
print(" - Testing top_1.")
[values_top1, indices_top1] = util::top_k(X, 1)
check_values_top1 = test_util::check_all_equal(values_top1, expected_values_top1)
check_indices_top1 = test_util::check_all_equal(indices_top1, expected_indices_top1)
# test top_2
print(" - Testing top_2.")
[values_top2, indices_top2] = util::top_k(X, 2)
check_values_top2 = test_util::check_all_equal(values_top2, expected_values_top2)
check_indices_top2 = test_util::check_all_equal(indices_top2, expected_indices_top2)
# test top_All
print(" - Testing top_All.")
[values_topAll, indices_topAll] = util::top_k(X, 4)
check_values_topAll = test_util::check_all_equal(values_topAll, expected_values_topAll)
check_indices_topAll = test_util::check_all_equal(indices_topAll, expected_indices_topAll)
top_k2d = function() {
* Test for the top_k2d function.
print("Testing the top_k2d function.")
# Generate data, of shape (2, 3, 3, 4)
k = 2
X = matrix("0.1 0.4 0.4 0.5
0.4 0.1 0.6 0.1
0.7 0.7 0.3 0.2
0.2 0.5 0.4 0.5
0.4 0.1 0.6 0.1
0.7 0.8 0.3 0.2
0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5
0.4 0.1 0.6 0.1
0.7 0.2 0.3 0.2
0.1 0.4 0.4 0.5
0.4 0.1 0.6 0.1
0.7 0.7 0.3 0.2
0.2 0.5 0.4 0.5
0.4 0.1 0.6 0.1
0.7 0.8 0.3 0.2
0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5
0.4 0.1 0.6 0.1
0.7 0.2 0.3 0.2", rows=2, cols=3*3*4)
expected_values = matrix("0.3 0.5 0.4 0.5
0.4 0.1 0.6 0.1
0.7 0.8 0.3 0.2
0.2 0.4 0.4 0.5
0.4 0.1 0.6 0.1
0.7 0.7 0.3 0.2
0.3 0.5 0.4 0.5
0.4 0.1 0.6 0.1
0.7 0.8 0.3 0.2
0.2 0.4 0.4 0.5
0.4 0.1 0.6 0.1
0.7 0.7 0.3 0.2", rows=2, cols=2*3*4)
expected_indices = matrix("3 2 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 2 1 1
2 1 2 2
2 2 2 2
2 1 2 2
3 2 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 2 1 1
2 1 2 2
2 2 2 2
2 1 2 2", rows=2, cols=24)
[values, indices] = util::top_k2d(X, k, 3, 3, 4)
# Equivalency check
check_values = test_util::check_all_equal(values, expected_values)
check_indices = test_util::check_all_equal(indices, expected_indices)
softmax2d = function() {
* Test for 2D softmax function.
print("Testing the 2D softmax function.")
N = 2 # num example
C = 3 # num class
Hin = 3 # example height
Win = 3 # example width
X = matrix("10.0 10.0 0.0
10.0 0.0 0.0
10.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 10.0 0.0
0.0 10.0 0.0
0.0 10.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 10.0
0.0 0.0 10.0
0.0 0.0 10.0
10.0 10.0 0.0
10.0 0.0 0.0
10.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 10.0 0.0
0.0 10.0 0.0
0.0 10.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 10.0
0.0 0.0 10.0
0.0 0.0 10.0", rows=N, cols=C*Hin*Win)
probs_expected = matrix("9.99909163e-01 4.99988675e-01 4.53958055e-05
9.99909163e-01 4.53958055e-05 4.53958055e-05
9.99909163e-01 4.53958055e-05 4.53958055e-05
4.53958055e-05 4.99988675e-01 4.53958055e-05
4.53958055e-05 9.99909163e-01 4.53958055e-05
4.53958055e-05 9.99909163e-01 4.53958055e-05
4.53958055e-05 2.26994507e-05 9.99909163e-01
4.53958055e-05 4.53958055e-05 9.99909163e-01
4.53958055e-05 4.53958055e-05 9.99909163e-01
9.99909163e-01 4.99988675e-01 4.53958055e-05
9.99909163e-01 4.53958055e-05 4.53958055e-05
9.99909163e-01 4.53958055e-05 4.53958055e-05
4.53958055e-05 4.99988675e-01 4.53958055e-05
4.53958055e-05 9.99909163e-01 4.53958055e-05
4.53958055e-05 9.99909163e-01 4.53958055e-05
4.53958055e-05 2.26994507e-05 9.99909163e-01
4.53958055e-05 4.53958055e-05 9.99909163e-01
4.53958055e-05 4.53958055e-05 9.99909163e-01", rows=N, cols=C*Hin*Win)
probs = softmax2d::forward(X, C)
# Equivalency check
for (i in 1:nrow(probs)) {
for (j in 1:ncol(probs)) {
rel_error = test_util::check_rel_error(as.scalar(probs[i,j]), as.scalar(probs_expected[i,j]),
1e-5, 1e-6)
elu = function() {
* Test for ELU function.
print("Testing ELU function.")
X = matrix("0.3923 -0.2236 -0.3195 -1.2050 1.0445 -0.6332 0.5731 0.5409 -0.3919 -1.0427", rows = 10, cols = 1)
print(" - Testing forward")
out = elu::forward(X, 1)
out_ref = matrix("0.3923 -0.2003 -0.2735 -0.7003 1.0445 -0.4691 0.5731 0.5409 -0.3242 -0.6475", rows = 10, cols = 1)
for (i in 1:nrow(out)) {
for(j in 1:ncol(out)) {
rel_error = test_util::check_rel_error(as.scalar(out[i,j]),
as.scalar(out_ref[i,j]), 1e-3, 1e-3)
print(" - Testing backward")
out = elu::backward(X, X, 1)
out_ref = matrix("0.3923 -0.1788 -0.2321 -0.3611 1.0445 -0.3362 0.5731 0.5409 -0.2648 -0.3676", rows = 10, cols = 1)
for (i in 1:nrow(out)) {
for(j in 1:ncol(out)) {
rel_error = test_util::check_rel_error(as.scalar(out[i,j]),
as.scalar(out_ref[i,j]), 1e-3, 1e-3)