blob: faecc36f59f8e2b7a585c38022f6f5ec259e5619 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
m_lmCG = function(Matrix[Double] X, Matrix[Double] y, Integer icpt = 0, Double reg = 1e-7, Double tol = 1e-7, Integer maxi = 0, Boolean verbose = TRUE) return (Matrix[Double] B) {
intercept_status = icpt;
regularization = reg;
tolerance = tol;
max_iteration = maxi;
n = nrow (X);
m = ncol (X);
ones_n = matrix (1, rows = n, cols = 1);
zero_cell = matrix (0, rows = 1, cols = 1);
# Introduce the intercept, shift and rescale the columns of X if needed
m_ext = m;
if (intercept_status == 1 | intercept_status == 2) # add the intercept column
X = cbind (X, ones_n);
m_ext = ncol (X);
scale_lambda = matrix (1, rows = m_ext, cols = 1);
if (intercept_status == 1 | intercept_status == 2)
scale_lambda [m_ext, 1] = 0;
if (intercept_status == 2) # scale-&-shift X columns to mean 0, variance 1
{ # Important assumption: X [, m_ext] = ones_n
avg_X_cols = t(colSums(X)) / n;
var_X_cols = (t(colSums (X ^ 2)) - n * (avg_X_cols ^ 2)) / (n - 1);
is_unsafe = (var_X_cols <= 0);
scale_X = 1.0 / sqrt (var_X_cols * (1 - is_unsafe) + is_unsafe);
scale_X [m_ext, 1] = 1;
shift_X = - avg_X_cols * scale_X;
shift_X [m_ext, 1] = 0;
} else {
scale_X = matrix (1, rows = m_ext, cols = 1);
shift_X = matrix (0, rows = m_ext, cols = 1);
# Henceforth, if intercept_status == 2, we use "X %*% (SHIFT/SCALE TRANSFORM)"
# instead of "X". However, in order to preserve the sparsity of X,
# we apply the transform associatively to some other part of the expression
# in which it occurs. To avoid materializing a large matrix, we rewrite it:
# ssX_A = (SHIFT/SCALE TRANSFORM) %*% A --- is rewritten as:
# ssX_A = diag (scale_X) %*% A;
# ssX_A [m_ext, ] = ssX_A [m_ext, ] + t(shift_X) %*% A;
# tssX_A = t(SHIFT/SCALE TRANSFORM) %*% A --- is rewritten as:
# tssX_A = diag (scale_X) %*% A + shift_X %*% A [m_ext, ];
lambda = scale_lambda * regularization;
beta_unscaled = matrix (0, rows = m_ext, cols = 1);
if (max_iteration == 0) {
max_iteration = m_ext;
i = 0;
if (verbose) print ("Running the CG algorithm...");
r = - t(X) %*% y;
if (intercept_status == 2) {
r = scale_X * r + shift_X %*% r [m_ext, ];
p = - r;
norm_r2 = sum (r ^ 2);
norm_r2_initial = norm_r2;
norm_r2_target = norm_r2_initial * tolerance ^ 2;
if (verbose) print ("||r|| initial value = " + sqrt (norm_r2_initial) + ", target value = " + sqrt (norm_r2_target));
while (i < max_iteration & norm_r2 > norm_r2_target)
if (intercept_status == 2) {
ssX_p = scale_X * p;
ssX_p [m_ext, ] = ssX_p [m_ext, ] + t(shift_X) %*% p;
} else {
ssX_p = p;
q = t(X) %*% (X %*% ssX_p);
if (intercept_status == 2) {
q = scale_X * q + shift_X %*% q [m_ext, ];
q += lambda * p;
a = norm_r2 / sum (p * q);
beta_unscaled += a * p;
r += a * q;
old_norm_r2 = norm_r2;
norm_r2 = sum (r ^ 2);
p = -r + (norm_r2 / old_norm_r2) * p;
i = i + 1;
if (verbose) print ("Iteration " + i + ": ||r|| / ||r init|| = " + sqrt (norm_r2 / norm_r2_initial));
if (i >= max_iteration) {
if (verbose) print ("Warning: the maximum number of iterations has been reached.");
if (intercept_status == 2) {
beta = scale_X * beta_unscaled;
beta [m_ext, ] = beta [m_ext, ] + t(shift_X) %*% beta_unscaled;
} else {
beta = beta_unscaled;
if (verbose) {
print ("Computing the statistics...");
avg_tot = sum (y) / n;
ss_tot = sum (y ^ 2);
ss_avg_tot = ss_tot - n * avg_tot ^ 2;
var_tot = ss_avg_tot / (n - 1);
y_residual = y - X %*% beta;
avg_res = sum (y_residual) / n;
ss_res = sum (y_residual ^ 2);
ss_avg_res = ss_res - n * avg_res ^ 2;
R2 = 1 - ss_res / ss_avg_tot;
dispersion = ifelse(n > m_ext, ss_res / (n - m_ext), NaN);
adjusted_R2 = ifelse(n > m_ext, 1 - dispersion / (ss_avg_tot / (n - 1)), NaN);
R2_nobias = 1 - ss_avg_res / ss_avg_tot;
deg_freedom = n - m - 1;
if (deg_freedom > 0) {
var_res = ss_avg_res / deg_freedom;
adjusted_R2_nobias = 1 - var_res / (ss_avg_tot / (n - 1));
} else {
var_res = NaN;
adjusted_R2_nobias = NaN;
print ("Warning: zero or negative number of degrees of freedom.");
R2_vs_0 = 1 - ss_res / ss_tot;
adjusted_R2_vs_0 = ifelse(n > m, 1 - (ss_res / (n - m)) / (ss_tot / n), NaN);
print ("AVG_TOT_Y, " + avg_tot + # Average of the response value Y
"\nSTDEV_TOT_Y, " + sqrt (var_tot) + # Standard Deviation of the response value Y
"\nAVG_RES_Y, " + avg_res + # Average of the residual Y - pred(Y|X), i.e. residual bias
"\nSTDEV_RES_Y, " + sqrt (var_res) + # Standard Deviation of the residual Y - pred(Y|X)
"\nDISPERSION, " + dispersion + # GLM-style dispersion, i.e. residual sum of squares / # d.f.
"\nR2, " + R2 + # R^2 of residual with bias included vs. total average
"\nADJUSTED_R2, " + adjusted_R2 + # Adjusted R^2 of residual with bias included vs. total average
"\nR2_NOBIAS, " + R2_nobias + # R^2 of residual with bias subtracted vs. total average<Paste>
"\nADJUSTED_R2_NOBIAS, " + adjusted_R2_nobias); # Adjusted R^2 of residual with bias subtracted vs. total average
if (intercept_status == 0) {
print ("R2_VS_0, " + R2_vs_0 + # R^2 of residual with bias included vs. zero constant
"\nADJUSTED_R2_VS_0, " + adjusted_R2_vs_0); # Adjusted R^2 of residual with bias included vs. zero constant
B = beta;