blob: 0c8ec1f262a5a9706f4cd3d91ed1e7d17c2dd2e0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.sysds.test.functions.federated.transform;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.ExecMode;
import org.apache.sysds.test.AutomatedTestBase;
import org.apache.sysds.test.TestConfiguration;
import org.apache.sysds.test.TestUtils;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
public class TransformFederatedEncodeDecodeTest extends AutomatedTestBase {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TransformFederatedEncodeDecodeTest.class.getName());
private static final String TEST_NAME_RECODE = "TransformRecodeFederatedEncodeDecode";
private static final String TEST_NAME_DUMMY = "TransformDummyFederatedEncodeDecode";
private static final String TEST_DIR = "functions/transform/";
private static final String TEST_CLASS_DIR = TEST_DIR+TransformFederatedEncodeDecodeTest.class.getSimpleName()+"/";
private static final String SPEC_RECODE = "TransformEncodeDecodeSpec.json";
private static final String SPEC_DUMMYCODE = "TransformEncodeDecodeDummySpec.json";
private static final int rows = 300;
private static final int cols = 2;
private static final double sparsity1 = 0.9;
private static final double sparsity2 = 0.1;
public void setUp() {
new TestConfiguration(TEST_CLASS_DIR, TEST_NAME_RECODE, new String[] {"FO1", "FO2"}));
// @Test
// public void runComplexRecodeTestCSVDenseCP() {
// runTransformEncodeDecodeTest(true, false, Types.FileFormat.CSV);
// }
// @Test
// public void runComplexRecodeTestCSVSparseCP() {
// runTransformEncodeDecodeTest(true, true, Types.FileFormat.CSV);
// }
// @Test
// public void runComplexRecodeTestTextcellDenseCP() {
// runTransformEncodeDecodeTest(true, false, Types.FileFormat.TEXT);
// }
// @Test
// public void runComplexRecodeTestTextcellSparseCP() {
// runTransformEncodeDecodeTest(true, true, Types.FileFormat.TEXT);
// }
// @Test
// public void runComplexRecodeTestBinaryDenseCP() {
// runTransformEncodeDecodeTest(true, false, Types.FileFormat.BINARY);
// }
public void runComplexRecodeTestBinarySparseCP() {
// This test is ignored because the behavior of encoding in federated is different that what this test tries to
// verify.
runTransformEncodeDecodeTest(true, true, Types.FileFormat.BINARY);
// @Test
// public void runSimpleDummycodeTestCSVDenseCP() {
// runTransformEncodeDecodeTest(false, false, Types.FileFormat.CSV);
// }
// @Test
// public void runSimpleDummycodeTestCSVSparseCP() {
// runTransformEncodeDecodeTest(false, true, Types.FileFormat.CSV);
// }
// @Test
// public void runSimpleDummycodeTestTextDenseCP() {
// runTransformEncodeDecodeTest(false, false, Types.FileFormat.TEXT);
// }
// @Test
// public void runSimpleDummycodeTestTextSparseCP() {
// runTransformEncodeDecodeTest(false, true, Types.FileFormat.TEXT);
// }
// @Test
// public void runSimpleDummycodeTestBinaryDenseCP() {
// runTransformEncodeDecodeTest(false, false, Types.FileFormat.BINARY);
// }
// @Test
// public void runSimpleDummycodeTestBinarySparseCP() {
// runTransformEncodeDecodeTest(false, true, Types.FileFormat.BINARY);
// }
private void runTransformEncodeDecodeTest(boolean recode, boolean sparse, Types.FileFormat format) {
ExecMode rtold = setExecMode(ExecMode.SINGLE_NODE);
Thread t1 = null, t2 = null, t3 = null, t4 = null;
try {
int port1 = getRandomAvailablePort();
t1 = startLocalFedWorkerThread(port1);
int port2 = getRandomAvailablePort();
t2 = startLocalFedWorkerThread(port2);
int port3 = getRandomAvailablePort();
t3 = startLocalFedWorkerThread(port3);
int port4 = getRandomAvailablePort();
t4 = startLocalFedWorkerThread(port4);
// schema
Types.ValueType[] schema = new Types.ValueType[cols / 2];
Arrays.fill(schema, Types.ValueType.FP64);
// generate and write input data
// A is the data that will be aggregated and not recoded
double[][] A = TestUtils.round(getRandomMatrix(rows, cols / 2, 1, 15, sparse ? sparsity2 : sparsity1, 7));
double[][] AUpper = Arrays.copyOf(A, rows / 2);
double[][] ALower = Arrays.copyOfRange(A, rows / 2, rows);
writeInputFrameWithMTD("AU", AUpper, false, schema, format);
writeInputFrameWithMTD("AL", ALower, false, schema, format);
// B will be recoded and will be the column that will be grouped by
Arrays.fill(schema, Types.ValueType.STRING);
// we set sparsity to 1.0 to ensure all the string labels exist
double[][] B = TestUtils.round(getRandomMatrix(rows, cols / 2, 1, 15, 1.0, 8));
double[][] BUpper = Arrays.copyOf(B, rows / 2);
double[][] BLower = Arrays.copyOfRange(B, rows / 2, rows);
writeInputFrameWithMTD("BU", BUpper, false, schema, format);
writeInputFrameWithMTD("BL", BLower, false, schema, format);
fullDMLScriptName = SCRIPT_DIR + TEST_DIR + (recode ? TEST_NAME_RECODE : TEST_NAME_DUMMY) + ".dml";
String spec_file = recode ? SPEC_RECODE : SPEC_DUMMYCODE;
programArgs = new String[] {"-nvargs",
"in_AU=" + TestUtils.federatedAddress("localhost", port1, input("AU")),
"in_AL=" + TestUtils.federatedAddress("localhost", port2, input("AL")),
"in_BU=" + TestUtils.federatedAddress("localhost", port3, input("BU")),
"in_BL=" + TestUtils.federatedAddress("localhost", port4, input("BL")), "rows=" + rows, "cols=" + cols,
"spec_file=" + SCRIPT_DIR + TEST_DIR + spec_file, "out1=" + output("FO1"), "out2=" + output("FO2"),
"format=" + format.toString()};
// run test
// runTest(null);
LOG.error("\n" + runTest(null));
// compare frame before and after encode and decode
FrameReader reader = FrameReaderFactory.createFrameReader(format);
FrameBlock OUT = reader.readFrameFromHDFS(output("FO2"), rows, cols);
for(int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
for(int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
String expected = c < cols / 2 ? Double.toString(A[r][c]) : "Str" + B[r][c - cols / 2];
String val = (String) OUT.get(r, c);
Assert.assertEquals("Enc- and Decoded frame does not match the source frame: " + expected + " vs "
+ val, expected, val);
if(recode) {
// TODO federate the aggregated result so that the decode is applied in a federated environment
// compare matrices (values recoded to identical codes)
FrameBlock FO = reader.readFrameFromHDFS(output("FO1"), 15, 2);
HashMap<String, Long> cFA = getCounts(A, B);
Iterator<String[]> iterFO = FO.getStringRowIterator();
while(iterFO.hasNext()) {
String[] row =;
Double expected = (double) cFA.get(row[1]);
Double val = (row[0] != null) ? Double.parseDouble(row[0]) : 0;
Assert.assertEquals("Output aggregates don't match: " + expected + " vs " + val, expected, val);
catch(Exception ex) {
finally {
TestUtils.shutdownThreads(t1, t2, t3, t4);
private static HashMap<String, Long> getCounts(double[][] countFrame, double[][] groupFrame) {
HashMap<String, Long> ret = new HashMap<>();
for(int i = 0; i < countFrame.length; i++) {
String key = "Str" + groupFrame[i][0];
Long tmp = ret.get(key);
ret.put(key, (tmp != null) ? tmp + 1 : 1);
return ret;