blob: bb0960d9982e767f25ffc99ea39b6bd705111fd4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.sysds.hops;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.sysds.api.DMLScript;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.DataType;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.ExecMode;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.FileFormat;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.OpOp1;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.OpOp2;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.OpOpData;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.ValueType;
import org.apache.sysds.conf.ConfigurationManager;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.recompile.Recompiler;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.recompile.Recompiler.ResetType;
import org.apache.sysds.lops.CSVReBlock;
import org.apache.sysds.lops.Checkpoint;
import org.apache.sysds.lops.Compression;
import org.apache.sysds.lops.Data;
import org.apache.sysds.lops.DeCompression;
import org.apache.sysds.lops.Lop;
import org.apache.sysds.lops.LopProperties.ExecType;
import org.apache.sysds.lops.LopsException;
import org.apache.sysds.lops.ReBlock;
import org.apache.sysds.lops.UnaryCP;
import org.apache.sysds.parser.ParseInfo;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.LocalVariableMap;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.caching.MatrixObject.UpdateType;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.context.SparkExecutionContext;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.util.IDSequence;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.gpu.context.GPUContextPool;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.meta.DataCharacteristics;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.meta.MatrixCharacteristics;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.privacy.PrivacyConstraint;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.UtilFunctions;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
public abstract class Hop implements ParseInfo {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(Hop.class.getName());
public static final long CPThreshold = 2000;
// static variable to assign an unique ID to every hop that is created
private static IDSequence _seqHopID = new IDSequence();
protected final long _ID;
protected String _name;
protected DataType _dataType;
protected ValueType _valueType;
protected boolean _visited = false;
protected DataCharacteristics _dc = new MatrixCharacteristics();
protected PrivacyConstraint _privacyConstraint = null;
protected UpdateType _updateType = UpdateType.COPY;
protected ArrayList<Hop> _parent = new ArrayList<>();
protected ArrayList<Hop> _input = new ArrayList<>();
protected ExecType _etype = null; //currently used exec type
protected ExecType _etypeForced = null; //exec type forced via platform or external optimizer
// Estimated size for the output produced from this Hop
protected double _outputMemEstimate = OptimizerUtils.INVALID_SIZE;
// Estimated size for the entire operation represented by this Hop
// It includes the memory required for all inputs as well as the output
protected double _memEstimate = OptimizerUtils.INVALID_SIZE;
protected double _processingMemEstimate = 0;
protected double _spBroadcastMemEstimate = 0;
// indicates if there are unknowns during compilation
// (in that case re-complication ensures robustness and efficiency)
protected boolean _requiresRecompile = false;
// indicates if the output of this hop needs to be reblocked
// (usually this happens on persistent reads dataops)
protected boolean _requiresReblock = false;
// indicates if the output of this hop needs to be compressed
// (this happens on persistent reads after reblock but before checkpoint)
protected boolean _requiresCompression = false;
/** Boolean specifying if decompression is required.*/
protected boolean _requiresDeCompression = false;
// indicates if the output of this hop needs to be checkpointed (cached)
// (the default storage level for caching is not yet exposed here)
protected boolean _requiresCheckpoint = false;
// indicates if the output of this hops needs to contain materialized empty blocks
// if those exists; otherwise only blocks w/ non-zero values are materialized
protected boolean _outputEmptyBlocks = true;
// indicates if the output of this hop needs to be saved in lineage cache
// this is a suggestion by compiler and can be ignored by runtime
protected boolean _requiresLineageCaching = true;
private Lop _lops = null;
protected Hop(){
//default constructor for clone
_ID = getNextHopID();
public Hop(String l, DataType dt, ValueType vt) {
private static long getNextHopID() {
return _seqHopID.getNextID();
public long getHopID() {
return _ID;
* Check whether this Hop has a correct number of inputs.
* (Some Hops can have a variable number of inputs, such as DataOp, DataGenOp, ParameterizedBuiltinOp,
* ReorgOp, TernaryOp, QuaternaryOp, MultipleOp, DnnOp, and SpoofFusedOp.)
* Parameterized Hops (such as DataOp) can check that the number of parameters matches the number of inputs.
public abstract void checkArity();
public ExecType getExecType()
return _etype;
public void resetExecType()
_etype = null;
public ExecType getForcedExecType()
return _etypeForced;
public void setForcedExecType(ExecType etype)
_etypeForced = etype;
public abstract boolean allowsAllExecTypes();
* Defines if this operation is transpose-safe, which means that
* the result of op(input) is equivalent to op(t(input)).
* Usually, this applies to aggregate operations with fixed output
* dimension. Finally, this information is very useful in order to
* safely optimize the plan for sparse vectors, which otherwise
* would be (currently) always represented dense.
* @return always returns false
public boolean isTransposeSafe()
//by default: its conservatively define as unsafe
return false;
public void checkAndSetForcedPlatform()
_etypeForced = ExecType.GPU; // enabled with -gpu force option
else if ( DMLScript.getGlobalExecMode() == ExecMode.SINGLE_NODE ) {
if(OptimizerUtils.isMemoryBasedOptLevel() && DMLScript.USE_ACCELERATOR && isGPUEnabled()) {
// enabled with -exec singlenode -gpu option
_etypeForced = findExecTypeByMemEstimate();
if(_etypeForced != ExecType.CP && _etypeForced != ExecType.GPU)
_etypeForced = ExecType.CP;
else {
// enabled with -exec singlenode option
_etypeForced = ExecType.CP;
else if ( DMLScript.getGlobalExecMode() == ExecMode.SPARK )
_etypeForced = ExecType.SPARK; // enabled with -exec spark option
public void checkAndSetInvalidCPDimsAndSize()
if( _etype == ExecType.CP || _etype == ExecType.GPU ) {
//check dimensions of output and all inputs (INTEGER)
boolean invalid = !hasValidCPDimsAndSize();
//force exec type mr if necessary
if( invalid ) {
if( DMLScript.getGlobalExecMode() == ExecMode.HYBRID )
_etype = ExecType.SPARK;
public boolean hasValidCPDimsAndSize() {
boolean invalid = !OptimizerUtils.isValidCPDimensions(_dc.getRows(), _dc.getCols());
for( Hop in : getInput() )
invalid |= !OptimizerUtils.isValidCPDimensions(in._dc.getRows(), in._dc.getCols());
return !invalid;
public boolean hasMatrixInputWithDifferentBlocksizes() {
for( Hop c : getInput() ) {
if( c.getDataType()==DataType.MATRIX
&& getBlocksize() != c.getBlocksize() )
return true;
return false;
public void setRequiresReblock(boolean flag) {
_requiresReblock = flag;
public boolean requiresReblock() {
return _requiresReblock;
public void setRequiresCheckpoint(boolean flag) {
_requiresCheckpoint = flag;
public boolean requiresCheckpoint() {
return _requiresCheckpoint;
public void setRequiresCompression(boolean flag) {
_requiresCompression = flag;
public void setRequiresDeCompression(boolean flag){
_requiresDeCompression = flag;
public boolean requiresCompression() {
return _requiresCompression;
public void setRequiresLineageCaching(boolean flag) {
_requiresLineageCaching = flag;
public boolean requiresLineageCaching() {
return _requiresLineageCaching;
public void constructAndSetLopsDataFlowProperties() {
//Step 1: construct reblock lop if required (output of hop)
//Step 2: construct compression lop if required
//Step 3: construct checkpoint lop if required (output of hop or reblock)
private void constructAndSetReblockLopIfRequired()
//determine execution type
ExecType et = ExecType.CP;
if( DMLScript.getGlobalExecMode() != ExecMode.SINGLE_NODE
&& !(getDataType()==DataType.SCALAR) )
et = ExecType.SPARK;
//add reblock lop to output if required
if( _requiresReblock && et != ExecType.CP )
Lop input = getLops();
Lop reblock = null;
if( this instanceof DataOp // CSV
&& ((DataOp)this).getOp() == OpOpData.PERSISTENTREAD
&& ((DataOp)this).getInputFormatType() == FileFormat.CSV )
reblock = new CSVReBlock( input, getBlocksize(),
getDataType(), getValueType(), et);
else { //ALL OTHER
reblock = new ReBlock( input, getBlocksize(),
getDataType(), getValueType(), _outputEmptyBlocks, et);
catch( LopsException ex ) {
throw new HopsException(ex);
private void constructAndSetCheckpointLopIfRequired() {
//determine execution type
ExecType et = ExecType.CP;
if( OptimizerUtils.isSparkExecutionMode() && getDataType()!=DataType.SCALAR ) {
//conditional checkpoint based on memory estimate
et = ( Recompiler.checkCPCheckpoint(getDataCharacteristics() )
|| _etypeForced == ExecType.CP ) ? ExecType.CP : ExecType.SPARK;
//add checkpoint lop to output if required
if( _requiresCheckpoint && et != ExecType.CP )
//investigate need for serialized storage of large sparse matrices
//(compile- instead of runtime-level for better debugging)
boolean serializedStorage = false;
if( getDataType()==DataType.MATRIX && dimsKnown(true) ) {
double matrixPSize = OptimizerUtils.estimatePartitionedSizeExactSparsity(_dc);
double dataCache = SparkExecutionContext.getDataMemoryBudget(true, true);
serializedStorage = MatrixBlock.evalSparseFormatInMemory(_dc)
&& matrixPSize > dataCache //sparse in-memory does not fit in agg mem
&& (OptimizerUtils.getSparsity(_dc) < MatrixBlock.ULTRA_SPARSITY_TURN_POINT
|| !Checkpoint.CHECKPOINT_SPARSE_CSR ); //ultra-sparse or sparse w/o csr
else if( !dimsKnown(true) ) {
//construct checkpoint w/ right storage level
Lop input = getLops();
Lop chkpoint = new Checkpoint(input, getDataType(), getValueType(),
serializedStorage ? Checkpoint.getSerializeStorageLevelString() :
Checkpoint.getDefaultStorageLevelString() );
setOutputDimensions( chkpoint );
setLineNumbers( chkpoint );
setLops( chkpoint );
catch( LopsException ex ) {
throw new HopsException(ex);
private void constructAndSetCompressionLopIfRequired()
//determine execution type
ExecType et = ExecType.CP;
if( OptimizerUtils.isSparkExecutionMode()
&& getDataType()!=DataType.SCALAR )
//conditional checkpoint based on memory estimate in order to avoid unnecessary
//persist and unpersist calls (4x the memory budget is conservative)
if( OptimizerUtils.isHybridExecutionMode()
&& 2*_outputMemEstimate < OptimizerUtils.getLocalMemBudget()
|| _etypeForced == ExecType.CP )
et = ExecType.CP;
else //default case
et = ExecType.SPARK;
//add reblock lop to output if required
if( _requiresCompression )
Lop compress = new Compression(getLops(), getDataType(), getValueType(), et);
setOutputDimensions( compress );
setLineNumbers( compress );
setLops( compress );
catch( LopsException ex ) {
throw new HopsException(ex);
if( _requiresDeCompression ){
Lop decompress = new DeCompression(getLops(), getDataType(), getValueType(), et);
catch(LopsException ex){
throw new HopsException(ex);
public static Lop createOffsetLop( Hop hop, boolean repCols ) {
Lop offset = null;
if( ConfigurationManager.isDynamicRecompilation() && hop.dimsKnown() ) {
// If dynamic recompilation is enabled and dims are known, we can replace the ncol with
// a literal in order to increase the piggybacking potential. This is safe because append
// is always marked for recompilation and hence, we have propagated the exact dimensions.
offset = Data.createLiteralLop(ValueType.INT64, String.valueOf(repCols ? hop.getDim2() : hop.getDim1()));
else {
offset = new UnaryCP(hop.constructLops(),
repCols ? OpOp1.NCOL : OpOp1.NROW, DataType.SCALAR, ValueType.INT64);
offset.getOutputParameters().setDimensions(0, 0, 0, -1);
offset.setAllPositions(hop.getFilename(), hop.getBeginLine(), hop.getBeginColumn(), hop.getEndLine(), hop.getEndColumn());
return offset;
public void setOutputEmptyBlocks(boolean flag) {
_outputEmptyBlocks = flag;
public boolean isOutputEmptyBlocks() {
return _outputEmptyBlocks;
protected double getInputOutputSize() {
return _outputMemEstimate
+ _processingMemEstimate
+ getInputSize();
public double getInputOutputSize(Collection<String> exclVars) {
return _outputMemEstimate
+ _processingMemEstimate
+ getInputSize(exclVars);
* Returns the memory estimate for the output produced from this Hop.
* It must be invoked only within Hops. From outside Hops, one must
* only use getMemEstimate(), which gives memory required to store
* all inputs and the output.
* @return output size memory estimate
protected double getOutputSize() {
return _outputMemEstimate;
protected double getInputSize() {
return getInputSize(null);
protected double getInputSize(Collection<String> exclVars) {
double sum = 0;
int len = _input.size();
for( int i=0; i<len; i++ ) { //for all inputs
Hop hi = _input.get(i);
if( exclVars != null && exclVars.contains(hi.getName()) )
double hmout = hi.getOutputMemEstimate();
if( hmout > 1024*1024 ) {//for relevant sizes
//check if already included in estimate (if an input is used
//multiple times it is still only required once in memory)
//(not that this check benefits from common subexpression elimination)
boolean flag = false;
for( int j=0; j<i; j++ )
flag |= (hi == _input.get(j));
hmout = flag ? 0 : hmout;
sum += hmout;
return sum;
protected double getInputSize( int pos ){
double ret = 0;
if( _input.size()>pos )
ret = _input.get(pos)._outputMemEstimate;
return ret;
protected double getIntermediateSize() {
return _processingMemEstimate;
* * Purpose: Whenever the output dimensions / sparsity of a hop are unknown, this hop
* should store its worst-case output statistics (if known) in that table. Subsequent
* hops can then
* * Invocation: Intended to be called for ALL root nodes of one Hops DAG with the same
* (initially empty) memo table.
* @return memory estimate
public double getMemEstimate() {
if ( OptimizerUtils.isMemoryBasedOptLevel() ) {
if ( ! isMemEstimated() ) {
//LOG.warn("Nonexisting memory estimate - reestimating w/o memo table.");
computeMemEstimate( new MemoTable() );
return _memEstimate;
else {
return OptimizerUtils.INVALID_SIZE;
* Sets memory estimate in bytes
* @param mem memory estimate
public void setMemEstimate( double mem ) {
_memEstimate = mem;
public void clearMemEstimate() {
_memEstimate = OptimizerUtils.INVALID_SIZE;
public boolean isMemEstimated() {
return (_memEstimate != OptimizerUtils.INVALID_SIZE);
//wrappers for meaningful public names to memory estimates.
public double getInputMemEstimate()
return getInputSize();
public double getOutputMemEstimate()
return getOutputSize();
public double getIntermediateMemEstimate()
return getIntermediateSize();
public double getSpBroadcastSize()
return _spBroadcastMemEstimate;
* Computes the estimate of memory required to store the input/output of this hop in memory.
* This is the default implementation (orchestration of hop-specific implementation)
* that should suffice for most hops. If a hop requires more control, this method should
* be overwritten with awareness of (1) output estimates, and (2) propagation of worst-case
* matrix characteristics (dimensions, sparsity).
* TODO remove memo table and, on constructor refresh, inference in refresh, single compute mem,
* maybe general computeMemEstimate, flags to indicate if estimate or not.
* @param memo memory table
public void computeMemEstimate(MemoTable memo)
DataCharacteristics wdc = null;
//Step 1) Compute hop output memory estimate (incl size inference)
switch( getDataType() )
case SCALAR: {
//memory estimate always known
if( getValueType()== ValueType.FP64) //default case
_outputMemEstimate = OptimizerUtils.DOUBLE_SIZE;
else //literalops, dataops
_outputMemEstimate = computeOutputMemEstimate( getDim1(), getDim2(), getNnz() );
case FRAME:
case MATRIX:
case TENSOR:
case LIST:
//1a) mem estimate based on exactly known dimensions and sparsity
if( dimsKnown(true) ) {
//nnz always exactly known (see dimsKnown(true))
_outputMemEstimate = computeOutputMemEstimate(getDim1(), getDim2(), getNnz());
//1b) infer output statistics and mem estimate based on worst-case statistics
else if( memo.hasInputStatistics(this) )
//infer the output stats
wdc = inferOutputCharacteristics(memo);
if( wdc != null && wdc.dimsKnown() ) {
//use worst case characteristics to estimate mem
long lnnz = wdc.nnzKnown() ? wdc.getNonZeros() : wdc.getLength();
_outputMemEstimate = computeOutputMemEstimate(wdc.getRows(), wdc.getCols(), lnnz );
//propagate worst-case estimate
memo.memoizeStatistics(getHopID(), wdc);
else if( dimsKnown() ) {
//nnz unknown, estimate mem as dense
long lnnz = getLength();
_outputMemEstimate = computeOutputMemEstimate(getDim1(), getDim2(), lnnz );
else {
//unknown output size
_outputMemEstimate = OptimizerUtils.DEFAULT_SIZE;
//1c) mem estimate based on exactly known dimensions and unknown sparsity
//(required e.g., for datagenops w/o any input statistics)
else if( dimsKnown() ) {
//nnz unknown, estimate mem as dense
long lnnz = getLength();
_outputMemEstimate = computeOutputMemEstimate(getDim1(), getDim2(), lnnz);
//1d) fallback: unknown output size
else {
_outputMemEstimate = OptimizerUtils.DEFAULT_SIZE;
case UNKNOWN: {
//memory estimate always unknown
_outputMemEstimate = OptimizerUtils.DEFAULT_SIZE;
//Step 2) Compute hop intermediate memory estimate
//note: ensure consistency w/ step 1 (for simplified debugging)
if( dimsKnown(true) ) { //incl scalar output
//nnz always exactly known (see dimsKnown(true))
_processingMemEstimate = computeIntermediateMemEstimate(getDim1(), getDim2(), getNnz());
else if( wdc != null ) {
//use worst case characteristics to estimate mem
long lnnz = wdc.nnzKnown() ? wdc.getNonZeros() : wdc.getLength();
_processingMemEstimate = computeIntermediateMemEstimate(wdc.getRows(), wdc.getCols(), lnnz );
else if( dimsKnown() ){
//nnz unknown, estimate mem as dense
long lnnz = getLength();
_processingMemEstimate = computeIntermediateMemEstimate(getDim1(), getDim2(), lnnz);
//Step 3) Compute final hop memory estimate
//final estimate (sum of inputs/intermediates/output)
_memEstimate = getInputOutputSize();
* Computes the output matrix characteristics (rows, cols, nnz) based on worst-case output
* and/or input estimates. Should return null if dimensions are unknown.
* @param memo memory table
* @return output characteristics
protected abstract DataCharacteristics inferOutputCharacteristics(MemoTable memo);
* Recursively computes memory estimates for all the Hops in the DAG rooted at the
* current hop pointed by <code>this</code>.
* @param memo memory table
public void refreshMemEstimates(MemoTable memo) {
if( isVisited() )
for( Hop h : this.getInput() )
h.refreshMemEstimates( memo );
computeMemEstimate( memo );
* This method determines the execution type (CP, MR) based ONLY on the
* estimated memory footprint required for this operation, which includes
* memory for all inputs and the output represented by this Hop.
* It is used when <code>OptimizationType = MEMORY_BASED</code>.
* This optimization schedules an operation to CP whenever inputs+output
* fit in memory -- note that this decision MAY NOT be optimal in terms of
* execution time.
* @return execution type
protected ExecType findExecTypeByMemEstimate() {
ExecType et = null;
char c = ' ';
double memEst = getMemEstimate();
if ( memEst < OptimizerUtils.getLocalMemBudget() ) {
if (DMLScript.USE_ACCELERATOR && isGPUEnabled() && memEst < GPUContextPool.initialGPUMemBudget())
et = ExecType.GPU;
et = ExecType.CP;
else {
if( DMLScript.getGlobalExecMode() == ExecMode.HYBRID )
et = ExecType.SPARK;
c = '*';
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()){
String s = String.format(" %c %-5s %-8s (%s,%s) %s", c, getHopID(), getOpString(), OptimizerUtils.toMB(_outputMemEstimate), OptimizerUtils.toMB(_memEstimate), et);
return et;
public ArrayList<Hop> getParent() {
return _parent;
public ArrayList<Hop> getInput() {
return _input;
public Hop getInput(int ix) {
return _input.get(ix);
public void addInput( Hop h ) {
public void addAllInputs( ArrayList<Hop> list ) {
for( Hop h : list )
public int getBlocksize() {
return _dc.getBlocksize();
public void setBlocksize(int blen) {
public void setNnz(long nnz){
public long getNnz(){
return _dc.getNonZeros();
public void setPrivacy(PrivacyConstraint privacy){
_privacyConstraint = privacy;
public PrivacyConstraint getPrivacy(){
return _privacyConstraint;
public void setUpdateType(UpdateType update){
_updateType = update;
public UpdateType getUpdateType(){
return _updateType;
public abstract Lop constructLops();
protected abstract ExecType optFindExecType();
public abstract String getOpString();
// ========================================================================================
// Design doc: Memory estimation of GPU
// 1. Since not all operator are supported on GPU, isGPUEnabled indicates whether an operation
// is enabled for GPU. This method doesnot take into account any memory estimates.
// 2. To simplify memory estimation logic, the methods computeOutputMemEstimate and computeIntermediateMemEstimate
// should return maximum of memory required for GPU and CP operators.
// 3. Additionally, these methods are guarded so that when -gpu flag is not provided, additional memory overhead due to GPU
// are ignored. For example: sparse-to-dense conversion on GPU.
// 4. (WIP) Every GPU operators should respect the memory returned by computeIntermediateMemEstimate (and computeOutputMemEstimate - see below point).
// 5. (WIP) Every GPU operator should create output in the same format as the corresponding CP operator. That is, computeOutputMemEstimate
// are consistent across both CP and GPU in terms of worst-case.
// 6. The drawback of using maximum memory (mem = Math.max(mem_gpu, mem_gpu)) are:
// - GPU operator is not selected when mem_gpu < total memory available on GPU < mem
// - CP operator is not selected (i.e. distributed operator compiled) when mem_cpu < driver memory budget < mem
* In memory-based optimizer mode (see OptimizerUtils.isMemoryBasedOptLevel()),
* the exectype is determined by checking this method as well as memory budget of this Hop.
* Please see findExecTypeByMemEstimate for more detail.
* This method is necessary because not all operator are supported efficiently
* on GPU (for example: operations on frames and scalar as well as operations such as table).
* @return true if the Hop is eligible for GPU Exectype.
public abstract boolean isGPUEnabled();
* Computes the hop-specific output memory estimate in bytes. Should be 0 if not
* applicable.
* @param dim1 dimension 1
* @param dim2 dimension 2
* @param nnz number of non-zeros
* @return memory estimate
protected abstract double computeOutputMemEstimate( long dim1, long dim2, long nnz );
* Computes the hop-specific intermediate memory estimate in bytes. Should be 0 if not
* applicable.
* @param dim1 dimension 1
* @param dim2 dimension 2
* @param nnz number of non-zeros
* @return memory estimate
protected abstract double computeIntermediateMemEstimate( long dim1, long dim2, long nnz );
// ========================================================================================
protected boolean isVector() {
return (dimsKnown() && (_dc.getRows() == 1 || _dc.getCols() == 1) );
protected boolean areDimsBelowThreshold() {
return (dimsKnown() && _dc.getRows() <= Hop.CPThreshold && _dc.getCols() <= Hop.CPThreshold );
public boolean dimsKnown() {
return ( _dataType == DataType.SCALAR
|| ((_dataType==DataType.MATRIX || _dataType==DataType.FRAME)
&& _dc.rowsKnown() && _dc.colsKnown()) );
public boolean dimsKnown(boolean includeNnz) {
return rowsKnown() && colsKnown()
&& (_dataType.isScalar() || ((includeNnz) ? _dc.nnzKnown() : true));
public boolean dimsKnownAny() {
return rowsKnown() || colsKnown();
public boolean rowsKnown() {
return _dataType.isScalar() || _dc.rowsKnown();
public boolean colsKnown() {
return _dataType.isScalar() || _dc.colsKnown();
public static void resetVisitStatus( ArrayList<Hop> hops ) {
if( hops != null )
for( Hop hopRoot : hops )
public static void resetVisitStatus( ArrayList<Hop> hops, boolean force ) {
if( !force )
else {
HashSet<Long> memo = new HashSet<>();
if( hops != null )
for( Hop hopRoot : hops )
public Hop resetVisitStatus() {
if( !isVisited() )
return this;
for( Hop h : getInput() )
return this;
public void resetVisitStatusForced(HashSet<Long> memo) {
if( memo.contains(getHopID()) )
for( Hop h : getInput() )
public static void resetRecompilationFlag( ArrayList<Hop> hops, ExecType et, ResetType reset )
resetVisitStatus( hops );
for( Hop hopRoot : hops )
hopRoot.resetRecompilationFlag( et, reset );
public static void resetRecompilationFlag( Hop hops, ExecType et, ResetType reset )
hops.resetRecompilationFlag( et, reset );
private void resetRecompilationFlag( ExecType et, ResetType reset )
if( isVisited() )
//process child hops
for (Hop h : getInput())
h.resetRecompilationFlag( et, reset );
//reset recompile flag
if( (et == null || getExecType() == et || getExecType() == null)
&& (reset==ResetType.RESET || (reset==ResetType.RESET_KNOWN_DIMS && dimsKnown()))
&& !(_requiresCheckpoint && getLops() instanceof Checkpoint && !dimsKnown(true)) ) {
_requiresRecompile = false;
public long getDim1() {
return _dc.getRows();
public void setDim1(long dim1) {
public long getDim2() {
return _dc.getCols();
public void setDim2(long dim2) {
public long getDim(int i) {
return _dc.getDim(i);
public void setDim(int i, long dim) {
_dc.setDim(i, dim);
public long getLength() {
return _dc.getLength();
public double getSparsity() {
return OptimizerUtils.getSparsity(_dc);
public DataCharacteristics getDataCharacteristics() {
return _dc;
protected void setOutputDimensions(Lop lop) {
getDim1(), getDim2(), getBlocksize(), getNnz(), getUpdateType());
public Lop getLops() {
return _lops;
public void setLops(Lop lops) {
_lops = lops;
public boolean isVisited() {
return _visited;
public DataType getDataType() {
return _dataType;
public void setDataType( DataType dt ) {
_dataType = dt;
public boolean isScalar() {
return _dataType.isScalar();
public boolean isMatrix() {
return _dataType.isMatrix();
public void setVisited() {
public void setVisited(boolean flag) {
_visited = flag;
public void setName(String _name) {
this._name = _name;
public String getName() {
return _name;
public ValueType getValueType() {
return _valueType;
public void setValueType(ValueType vt) {
_valueType = vt;
// methods for dynamic re-compilation
* Indicates if dynamic recompilation is required for this hop.
* @return true if dynamic recompilation required
public boolean requiresRecompile() {
return _requiresRecompile;
* Marks the hop for dynamic recompilation.
public void setRequiresRecompile() {
_requiresRecompile = true;
* Marks the hop for dynamic recompilation, if dynamic recompilation is
* enabled and one of the three basic scenarios apply:
* <ul>
* <li> The hop has unknown dimensions or sparsity and is scheduled for
* remote execution, in which case the latency for distributed jobs easily
* covers any recompilation overheads. </li>
* <li> The hop has unknown dimensions and is scheduled for local execution
* due to forced single node execution type. </li>
* <li> The hop has unknown dimensions and is scheduled for local execution
* due to good worst-case memory estimates but codegen is enabled, which
* requires (mostly) known sizes to validity conditions and cost estimation. </li>
* </ul>
protected void setRequiresRecompileIfNecessary() {
//NOTE: when changing these conditions, remember to update the code for
//function recompilation in FunctionProgramBlock accordingly
boolean caseRemote = (!dimsKnown(true) && _etype == ExecType.SPARK);
boolean caseLocal = (!dimsKnown() && _etypeForced == ExecType.CP);
boolean caseCodegen = (!dimsKnown() && ConfigurationManager.isCodegenEnabled());
if( ConfigurationManager.isDynamicRecompilation()
&& (caseRemote || caseLocal || caseCodegen) )
* Update the output size information for this hop.
public abstract void refreshSizeInformation();
* Util function for refreshing scalar rows input parameter.
* @param input high-level operator
protected void refreshRowsParameterInformation( Hop input )
long size = computeSizeInformation(input);
//always set the computed size not just if known (positive) in order to allow
//recompile with unknowns to reset sizes (otherwise potential for incorrect results)
setDim1( size );
* Util function for refreshing scalar cols input parameter.
* @param input high-level operator
protected void refreshColsParameterInformation( Hop input )
long size = computeSizeInformation(input);
//always set the computed size not just if known (positive) in order to allow
//recompile with unknowns to reset sizes (otherwise potential for incorrect results)
setDim2( size );
public static long computeSizeInformation( Hop input )
long ret = -1;
long tmp = OptimizerUtils.rEvalSimpleLongExpression(input, new HashMap<Long,Long>());
if( tmp!=Long.MAX_VALUE )
ret = tmp;
catch(Exception ex)
LOG.error("Failed to compute size information.", ex);
ret = -1;
return ret;
//always set the computed size not just if known (positive) in order to allow
//recompile with unknowns to reset sizes (otherwise potential for incorrect results)
public void refreshRowsParameterInformation( Hop input, LocalVariableMap vars ) {
setDim1(computeSizeInformation(input, vars));
public void refreshRowsParameterInformation( Hop input, LocalVariableMap vars, HashMap<Long,Long> memo ) {
setDim1(computeSizeInformation(input, vars, memo));
public void refreshColsParameterInformation( Hop input, LocalVariableMap vars ) {
setDim2(computeSizeInformation(input, vars));
public void refreshColsParameterInformation( Hop input, LocalVariableMap vars, HashMap<Long,Long> memo ) {
setDim2(computeSizeInformation(input, vars, memo));
public long computeSizeInformation( Hop input, LocalVariableMap vars ) {
return computeSizeInformation(input, vars, new HashMap<Long,Long>());
public long computeSizeInformation( Hop input, LocalVariableMap vars, HashMap<Long,Long> memo )
long ret = -1;
try {
long tmp = OptimizerUtils.rEvalSimpleLongExpression(input, memo, vars);
if( tmp!=Long.MAX_VALUE )
ret = tmp;
catch(Exception ex) {
LOG.error("Failed to compute size information.", ex);
ret = -1;
return ret;
public double computeBoundsInformation( Hop input ) {
double ret = Double.MAX_VALUE;
try {
ret = OptimizerUtils.rEvalSimpleDoubleExpression(input, new HashMap<Long, Double>());
catch(Exception ex) {
LOG.error("Failed to compute bounds information.", ex);
ret = Double.MAX_VALUE;
return ret;
public static double computeBoundsInformation( Hop input, LocalVariableMap vars ) {
return computeBoundsInformation(input, vars, new HashMap<Long, Double>());
public static double computeBoundsInformation( Hop input, LocalVariableMap vars, HashMap<Long, Double> memo ) {
double ret = Double.MAX_VALUE;
try {
ret = OptimizerUtils.rEvalSimpleDoubleExpression(input, memo, vars);
catch(Exception ex) {
LOG.error("Failed to compute bounds information.", ex);
ret = Double.MAX_VALUE;
return ret;
* Compute worst case estimate for size expression based on worst-case
* statistics of inputs. Limited set of supported operations in comparison
* to refresh rows/cols.
* @param input high-level operator
* @param memo memory table
* @return worst case estimate for size expression
protected long computeDimParameterInformation( Hop input, MemoTable memo )
long ret = -1;
if( input instanceof UnaryOp )
if( ((UnaryOp)input).getOp() == OpOp1.NROW ) {
DataCharacteristics mc = memo.getAllInputStats(input.getInput().get(0));
if( mc.rowsKnown() )
ret = mc.getRows();
else if ( ((UnaryOp)input).getOp() == OpOp1.NCOL ) {
DataCharacteristics mc = memo.getAllInputStats(input.getInput().get(0));
if( mc.colsKnown() )
ret = mc.getCols();
else if ( input instanceof LiteralOp )
ret = UtilFunctions.parseToLong(input.getName());
else if ( input instanceof BinaryOp )
long dim = rEvalSimpleBinaryLongExpression(input, new HashMap<Long, Long>(), memo);
if( dim != Long.MAX_VALUE ) //if known
ret = dim ;
return ret;
protected long rEvalSimpleBinaryLongExpression( Hop root, HashMap<Long, Long> valMemo, MemoTable memo )
//memoization (prevent redundant computation of common subexpr)
if( valMemo.containsKey(root.getHopID()) )
return valMemo.get(root.getHopID());
long ret = Long.MAX_VALUE;
if( root instanceof LiteralOp )
long dim = UtilFunctions.parseToLong(root.getName());
if( dim != -1 ) //if known
ret = dim;
else if( root instanceof UnaryOp )
UnaryOp uroot = (UnaryOp) root;
long dim = -1;
if(uroot.getOp() == OpOp1.NROW)
DataCharacteristics mc = memo.getAllInputStats(uroot.getInput().get(0));
dim = mc.getRows();
else if( uroot.getOp() == OpOp1.NCOL )
DataCharacteristics mc = memo.getAllInputStats(uroot.getInput().get(0));
dim = mc.getCols();
if( dim != -1 ) //if known
ret = dim;
else if( root instanceof BinaryOp )
BinaryOp broot = (BinaryOp) root;
long lret = rEvalSimpleBinaryLongExpression(broot.getInput().get(0), valMemo, memo);
long rret = rEvalSimpleBinaryLongExpression(broot.getInput().get(1), valMemo, memo);
//note: positive and negative values might be valid subexpressions
if( lret!=Long.MAX_VALUE && rret!=Long.MAX_VALUE ) //if known
switch( broot.getOp() )
case PLUS: ret = lret + rret; break;
case MULT: ret = lret * rret; break;
case MIN: ret = Math.min(lret, rret); break;
case MAX: ret = Math.max(lret, rret); break;
default: ret = Long.MAX_VALUE;
//exploit min constraint to propagate
else if( broot.getOp()==OpOp2.MIN && (lret!=Double.MAX_VALUE || rret!=Double.MAX_VALUE) )
ret = Math.min(lret, rret);
valMemo.put(root.getHopID(), ret);
return ret;
* Clones the attributes of that and copies it over to this.
* @param that high-level operator
* @param withRefs true if with references
* @throws CloneNotSupportedException if CloneNotSupportedException occurs
protected void clone( Hop that, boolean withRefs )
throws CloneNotSupportedException
if( withRefs )
throw new CloneNotSupportedException( "Hops deep copy w/ lops/inputs/parents not supported." );
_name = that._name;
_dataType = that._dataType;
_valueType = that._valueType;
_visited = that._visited;
_updateType = that._updateType;
//no copy of lops (regenerated)
_parent = new ArrayList<>(_parent.size());
_input = new ArrayList<>(_input.size());
_lops = null;
_etype = that._etype;
_etypeForced = that._etypeForced;
_outputMemEstimate = that._outputMemEstimate;
_memEstimate = that._memEstimate;
_processingMemEstimate = that._processingMemEstimate;
_requiresRecompile = that._requiresRecompile;
_requiresReblock = that._requiresReblock;
_requiresCheckpoint = that._requiresCheckpoint;
_requiresCompression = that._requiresCompression;
_requiresLineageCaching = that._requiresLineageCaching;
_outputEmptyBlocks = that._outputEmptyBlocks;
_beginLine = that._beginLine;
_beginColumn = that._beginColumn;
_endLine = that._endLine;
_endColumn = that._endColumn;
public abstract Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException;
public abstract boolean compare( Hop that );
// store position information for Hops
public int _beginLine, _beginColumn;
public int _endLine, _endColumn;
public String _filename;
public String _text;
public void setBeginLine(int passed) { _beginLine = passed; }
public void setBeginColumn(int passed) { _beginColumn = passed; }
public void setEndLine(int passed) { _endLine = passed; }
public void setEndColumn(int passed) { _endColumn = passed; }
public void setFilename(String passed) { _filename = passed; }
public void setText(String text) { _text = text; }
public int getBeginLine() { return _beginLine; }
public int getBeginColumn() { return _beginColumn; }
public int getEndLine() { return _endLine; }
public int getEndColumn() { return _endColumn; }
public String getFilename() { return _filename; }
public String getText() { return _text; }
public String printErrorLocation(){
if(_filename != null)
return "ERROR: " + _filename + " line " + _beginLine + ", column " + _beginColumn + " -- ";
return "ERROR: line " + _beginLine + ", column " + _beginColumn + " -- ";
* Sets the linenumbers of this hop to a given lop.
* @param lop low-level operator
protected void setLineNumbers(Lop lop) {
lop.setAllPositions(getFilename(), getBeginLine(), getBeginColumn(), getEndLine(), getEndColumn());
protected void setPrivacy(Lop lop) {
* Set parse information.
* @param parseInfo
* parse information, such as beginning line position, beginning
* column position, ending line position, ending column position,
* text, and filename
public void setParseInfo(ParseInfo parseInfo) {
_beginLine = parseInfo.getBeginLine();
_beginColumn = parseInfo.getBeginColumn();
_endLine = parseInfo.getEndLine();
_endColumn = parseInfo.getEndColumn();
_text = parseInfo.getText();
_filename = parseInfo.getFilename();
} // end class