blob: 98d4714e0f06c12cb007b1a3fc3ede584273047a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
package org.apache.sysds.test.functions.codegenalg.partone;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.apache.sysds.api.DMLScript;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.ExecMode;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.OptimizerUtils;
import org.apache.sysds.lops.LopProperties.ExecType;
import org.apache.sysds.test.AutomatedTestBase;
import org.apache.sysds.test.TestConfiguration;
import org.apache.sysds.test.TestUtils;
public class AlgorithmMSVM extends AutomatedTestBase
private final static String TEST_NAME1 = "Algorithm_MSVM";
private final static String TEST_DIR = "functions/codegenalg/";
private final static String TEST_CLASS_DIR = TEST_DIR + AlgorithmMSVM.class.getSimpleName() + "/";
private final static double eps = 1e-5;
private final static int rows = 1468;
private final static int cols = 1007;
private final static double sparsity1 = 0.7; //dense
private final static double sparsity2 = 0.1; //sparse
private final static int intercept = 0;
private final static double epsilon = 0.000000001;
private final static double maxiter = 10;
private CodegenTestType currentTestType = CodegenTestType.DEFAULT;
public void setUp() {
addTestConfiguration(TEST_NAME1, new TestConfiguration(TEST_CLASS_DIR, TEST_NAME1, new String[] { "w" }));
public void testMSVMDenseBinRewritesCP() {
runMSVMTest(TEST_NAME1, true, false, 2, ExecType.CP, CodegenTestType.DEFAULT);
public void testMSVMSparseBinRewritesCP() {
runMSVMTest(TEST_NAME1, true, true, 2, ExecType.CP, CodegenTestType.DEFAULT);
public void testMSVMDenseBinCP() {
runMSVMTest(TEST_NAME1, false, false, 2, ExecType.CP, CodegenTestType.DEFAULT);
public void testMSVMSparseBinCP() {
runMSVMTest(TEST_NAME1, false, true, 2, ExecType.CP, CodegenTestType.DEFAULT);
public void testMSVMDenseMulRewritesCP() {
runMSVMTest(TEST_NAME1, true, false, 4, ExecType.CP, CodegenTestType.DEFAULT);
public void testMSVMSparseMulRewritesCP() {
runMSVMTest(TEST_NAME1, true, true, 4, ExecType.CP, CodegenTestType.DEFAULT);
public void testMSVMDenseMulCP() {
runMSVMTest(TEST_NAME1, false, false, 4, ExecType.CP, CodegenTestType.DEFAULT);
public void testMSVMSparseMulCP() {
runMSVMTest(TEST_NAME1, false, true, 4, ExecType.CP, CodegenTestType.DEFAULT);
public void testMSVMDenseBinRewritesCPFuseAll() {
runMSVMTest(TEST_NAME1, true, false, 2, ExecType.CP, CodegenTestType.FUSE_ALL);
public void testMSVMSparseBinRewritesCPFuseAll() {
runMSVMTest(TEST_NAME1, true, true, 2, ExecType.CP, CodegenTestType.FUSE_ALL);
public void testMSVMDenseMulRewritesCPFuseAll() {
runMSVMTest(TEST_NAME1, true, false, 4, ExecType.CP, CodegenTestType.FUSE_ALL);
public void testMSVMSparseMulRewritesCPFuseAll() {
runMSVMTest(TEST_NAME1, true, true, 4, ExecType.CP, CodegenTestType.FUSE_ALL);
public void testMSVMDenseBinRewritesCPFuseNoRedundancy() {
runMSVMTest(TEST_NAME1, true, false, 2, ExecType.CP, CodegenTestType.FUSE_NO_REDUNDANCY);
public void testMSVMSparseBinRewritesCPFuseNoRedundancy() {
runMSVMTest(TEST_NAME1, true, true, 2, ExecType.CP, CodegenTestType.FUSE_NO_REDUNDANCY);
public void testMSVMDenseMulRewritesCPFuseNoRedundancy() {
runMSVMTest(TEST_NAME1, true, false, 4, ExecType.CP, CodegenTestType.FUSE_NO_REDUNDANCY);
public void testMSVMSparseMulRewritesCPFuseNoRedundancy() {
runMSVMTest(TEST_NAME1, true, true, 4, ExecType.CP, CodegenTestType.FUSE_NO_REDUNDANCY);
private void runMSVMTest( String testname, boolean rewrites, boolean sparse, int numClasses, ExecType instType, CodegenTestType CodegenTestType) {
runMSVMTest(testname, rewrites, sparse, false, numClasses, instType, CodegenTestType);
public void testMSVMDenseMulRewritesCPLineage() {
runMSVMTest(TEST_NAME1, true, false, true, 4, ExecType.CP, CodegenTestType.DEFAULT);
public void testMSVMSparseMulRewritesCPLineage() {
runMSVMTest(TEST_NAME1, true, true, true, 4, ExecType.CP, CodegenTestType.DEFAULT);
public void testMSVMDenseMulCPLineage() {
runMSVMTest(TEST_NAME1, false, false, true, 4, ExecType.CP, CodegenTestType.DEFAULT);
public void testMSVMSparseMulCPLineage() {
runMSVMTest(TEST_NAME1, false, true, true, 4, ExecType.CP, CodegenTestType.DEFAULT);
private void runMSVMTest( String testname, boolean rewrites, boolean sparse, boolean lineage, int numClasses, ExecType instType, CodegenTestType CodegenTestType)
boolean oldFlag = OptimizerUtils.ALLOW_ALGEBRAIC_SIMPLIFICATION;
ExecMode platformOld = rtplatform;
switch( instType ){
case SPARK: rtplatform = ExecMode.SPARK; break;
default: rtplatform = ExecMode.HYBRID; break;
currentTestType = CodegenTestType;
boolean sparkConfigOld = DMLScript.USE_LOCAL_SPARK_CONFIG;
if( rtplatform == ExecMode.SPARK || rtplatform == ExecMode.HYBRID )
String TEST_NAME = testname;
TestConfiguration config = getTestConfiguration(TEST_NAME);
fullDMLScriptName = "scripts/algorithms/m-svm.dml";
programArgs = new String[]{ "-stats", "-nvargs", "X="+input("X"), "Y="+input("Y"),
"icpt="+String.valueOf(intercept), "tol="+String.valueOf(epsilon), "reg=0.001",
"maxiter="+String.valueOf(maxiter), "model="+output("w"), "Log= "};
if( lineage )
programArgs = (String[])ArrayUtils.addAll(new String[]{"-lineage"}, programArgs);
rCmd = getRCmd(inputDir(), String.valueOf(intercept),String.valueOf(epsilon),
String.valueOf(maxiter), expectedDir());
//generate actual datasets
double[][] X = getRandomMatrix(rows, cols, 0, 1, sparse?sparsity2:sparsity1, 714);
writeInputMatrixWithMTD("X", X, true);
double[][] y = TestUtils.round(getRandomMatrix(rows, 1, 1, numClasses, 1.0, 136));
writeInputMatrixWithMTD("Y", y, true);
runTest(true, false, null, -1);
//compare matrices
HashMap<CellIndex, Double> dmlfile = readDMLMatrixFromOutputDir("w");
HashMap<CellIndex, Double> rfile = readRMatrixFromExpectedDir("w");
TestUtils.compareMatrices(dmlfile, rfile, eps, "Stat-DML", "Stat-R");
Assert.assertTrue(heavyHittersContainsSubString("spoof") || heavyHittersContainsSubString("sp_spoof"));
finally {
rtplatform = platformOld;
DMLScript.USE_LOCAL_SPARK_CONFIG = sparkConfigOld;
OptimizerUtils.ALLOW_OPERATOR_FUSION = true;
* Override default configuration with custom test configuration to ensure
* scratch space and local temporary directory locations are also updated.
protected File getConfigTemplateFile() {
return getCodegenConfigFile(SCRIPT_DIR + TEST_DIR, currentTestType);