blob: fbe8d1932637cc40b156e23014b5865980cb4a4d [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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from typing import Union, Optional, Iterable, Dict, Sequence, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING
from multiprocessing import Process
import numpy as np
from py4j.java_gateway import JVMView, JavaObject
from systemds.utils.helpers import create_params_string
from systemds.utils.converters import matrix_block_to_numpy
from systemds.script_building.script import DMLScript
from systemds.script_building.dag import OutputType, DAGNode
# to avoid cyclic dependencies during runtime
from systemds.context import SystemDSContext
class OperationNode(DAGNode):
"""A Node representing an operation in SystemDS"""
_result_var: Optional[Union[float, np.array]]
_lineage_trace: Optional[str]
_script: Optional[DMLScript]
def __init__(self, sds_context: 'SystemDSContext', operation: str,
unnamed_input_nodes: Iterable[VALID_INPUT_TYPES] = None,
named_input_nodes: Dict[str, VALID_INPUT_TYPES] = None,
output_type: OutputType = OutputType.MATRIX, is_python_local_data: bool = False):
Create general `OperationNode`
:param sds_context: The SystemDS context for performing the operations
:param operation: The name of the DML function to execute
:param unnamed_input_nodes: inputs identified by their position, not name
:param named_input_nodes: inputs with their respective parameter name
:param output_type: type of the output in DML (double, matrix etc.)
:param is_python_local_data: if the data is local in python e.g. numpy arrays
self.sds_context = sds_context
if unnamed_input_nodes is None:
unnamed_input_nodes = []
if named_input_nodes is None:
named_input_nodes = {}
self.operation = operation
self._unnamed_input_nodes = unnamed_input_nodes
self._named_input_nodes = named_input_nodes
self.output_type = output_type
self._is_python_local_data = is_python_local_data
self._result_var = None
self._lineage_trace = None
self._script = None
def compute(self, verbose: bool = False, lineage: bool = False) -> \
Union[float, np.array, Tuple[Union[float, np.array], str]]:
if self._result_var is None or self._lineage_trace is None:
self._script = DMLScript(self.sds_context)
if lineage:
result_variables, self._lineage_trace = self._script.execute(lineage)
result_variables = self._script.execute(lineage)
if verbose:
if self.output_type == OutputType.DOUBLE:
self._result_var = result_variables.getDouble(self._script.out_var_name)
elif self.output_type == OutputType.MATRIX:
self._result_var = matrix_block_to_numpy(self.sds_context.java_gateway.jvm,
if verbose:
for x in self.sds_context.get_stdout():
for y in self.sds_context.get_stderr():
if lineage:
return self._result_var, self._lineage_trace
return self._result_var
def get_lineage_trace(self) -> str:
"""Get the lineage trace for this node.
:return: Lineage trace
if self._lineage_trace is None:
self._script = DMLScript(self.sds_context)
self._lineage_trace = self._script.get_lineage()
return self._lineage_trace
def code_line(self, var_name: str, unnamed_input_vars: Sequence[str],
named_input_vars: Dict[str, str]) -> str:
if self.operation in BINARY_OPERATIONS:
assert len(named_input_vars) == 0, 'Named parameters can not be used with binary operations'
assert len(unnamed_input_vars) == 2, 'Binary Operations need exactly two input variables'
return f'{var_name}={unnamed_input_vars[0]}{self.operation}{unnamed_input_vars[1]}'
inputs_comma_sep = create_params_string(unnamed_input_vars, named_input_vars)
return f'{var_name}={self.operation}({inputs_comma_sep});'
def pass_python_data_to_prepared_script(self, jvm: JVMView, var_name: str, prepared_script: JavaObject) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError('Operation node has no python local data. Missing implementation in derived class?')
def _check_matrix_op(self):
"""Perform checks to assure operation is allowed to be performed on data type of this `OperationNode`
:raise: AssertionError
assert self.output_type == OutputType.MATRIX, f'{self.operation} only supported for matrices'
def __add__(self, other: VALID_ARITHMETIC_TYPES):
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, '+', [self, other])
def __sub__(self, other: VALID_ARITHMETIC_TYPES):
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, '-', [self, other])
def __mul__(self, other: VALID_ARITHMETIC_TYPES):
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, '*', [self, other])
def __truediv__(self, other: VALID_ARITHMETIC_TYPES):
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, '/', [self, other])
def __floordiv__(self, other: VALID_ARITHMETIC_TYPES):
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, '//', [self, other])
def __lt__(self, other) -> 'OperationNode':
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, '<', [self, other])
def __le__(self, other):
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, '<=', [self, other])
def __gt__(self, other):
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, '>', [self, other])
def __ge__(self, other):
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, '>=', [self, other])
def __eq__(self, other):
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, '==', [self, other])
def __ne__(self, other):
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, '!=', [self, other])
def __matmul__(self, other: VALID_ARITHMETIC_TYPES):
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, '%*%', [self, other])
def sum(self, axis: int = None) -> 'OperationNode':
"""Calculate sum of matrix.
:param axis: can be 0 or 1 to do either row or column sums
:return: `OperationNode` representing operation
if axis == 0:
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, 'colSums', [self])
elif axis == 1:
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, 'rowSums', [self])
elif axis is None:
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, 'sum', [self], output_type=OutputType.DOUBLE)
raise ValueError(f"Axis has to be either 0, 1 or None, for column, row or complete {self.operation}")
def mean(self, axis: int = None) -> 'OperationNode':
"""Calculate mean of matrix.
:param axis: can be 0 or 1 to do either row or column means
:return: `OperationNode` representing operation
if axis == 0:
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, 'colMeans', [self])
elif axis == 1:
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, 'rowMeans', [self])
elif axis is None:
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, 'mean', [self], output_type=OutputType.DOUBLE)
raise ValueError(f"Axis has to be either 0, 1 or None, for column, row or complete {self.operation}")
def var(self, axis: int = None) -> 'OperationNode':
"""Calculate variance of matrix.
:param axis: can be 0 or 1 to do either row or column vars
:return: `OperationNode` representing operation
if axis == 0:
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, 'colVars', [self])
elif axis == 1:
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, 'rowVars', [self])
elif axis is None:
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, 'var', [self], output_type=OutputType.DOUBLE)
raise ValueError(f"Axis has to be either 0, 1 or None, for column, row or complete {self.operation}")
def abs(self) -> 'OperationNode':
"""Calculate absolute.
:return: `OperationNode` representing operation
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, 'abs', [self])
def sin(self) -> 'OperationNode':
"""Calculate sin.
:return: `OperationNode` representing operation
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, 'sin', [self])
def cos(self) -> 'OperationNode':
"""Calculate cos.
:return: `OperationNode` representing operation
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, 'cos', [self])
def tan(self) -> 'OperationNode':
"""Calculate tan.
:return: `OperationNode` representing operation
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, 'tan', [self])
def asin(self) -> 'OperationNode':
"""Calculate arcsin.
:return: `OperationNode` representing operation
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, 'asin', [self])
def acos(self) -> 'OperationNode':
"""Calculate arccos.
:return: `OperationNode` representing operation
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, 'acos', [self])
def atan(self) -> 'OperationNode':
"""Calculate arctan.
:return: `OperationNode` representing operation
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, 'atan', [self])
def sinh(self) -> 'OperationNode':
"""Calculate sin.
:return: `OperationNode` representing operation
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, 'sinh', [self])
def cosh(self) -> 'OperationNode':
"""Calculate cos.
:return: `OperationNode` representing operation
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, 'cosh', [self])
def tanh(self) -> 'OperationNode':
"""Calculate tan.
:return: `OperationNode` representing operation
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, 'tanh', [self])
def rev(self) -> 'OperationNode':
"""Calculate tan.
:return: `OperationNode` representing operation
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, 'rev', [self])
def moment(self, moment, weights: DAGNode = None) -> 'OperationNode':
# TODO write tests
unnamed_inputs = [self]
if weights is not None:
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, 'moment', unnamed_inputs, output_type=OutputType.DOUBLE)
def lm(self, y: DAGNode, **kwargs) -> 'OperationNode':
if self._np_array.size == 0:
raise ValueError("Found array with 0 feature(s) (shape={s}) while a minimum of 1 is required."
if y._np_array.size == 0:
raise ValueError("Found array with 0 feature(s) (shape={s}) while a minimum of 1 is required."
params_dict = {'X': self, 'y': y}
return OperationNode(self.sds_context, 'lm', named_input_nodes=params_dict)