blob: 313258831aed4b119aa46a5eab28ebfd6f270f69 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.sysds.runtime.transform.encode;
import static org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.CollectionUtils.except;
import static org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.CollectionUtils.intersect;
import static org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.CollectionUtils.unionDistinct;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.sysds.api.DMLScript;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.ValueType;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.DMLRuntimeException;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.transform.TfUtils.TfMethod;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.transform.encode.ColumnEncoder.EncoderType;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.transform.meta.TfMetaUtils;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.UtilFunctions;
import org.apache.sysds.utils.stats.TransformStatistics;
import org.apache.wink.json4j.JSONArray;
import org.apache.wink.json4j.JSONObject;
public interface EncoderFactory {
final static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(EncoderFactory.class.getName());
public static MultiColumnEncoder createEncoder(String spec, String[] colnames, int clen, FrameBlock meta) {
return createEncoder(spec, colnames, UtilFunctions.nCopies(clen, ValueType.STRING), meta);
public static MultiColumnEncoder createEncoder(String spec, String[] colnames, int clen, FrameBlock meta,
int minCol, int maxCol) {
return createEncoder(spec, colnames, UtilFunctions.nCopies(clen, ValueType.STRING), meta, minCol, maxCol);
public static MultiColumnEncoder createEncoder(String spec, String[] colnames, ValueType[] schema, int clen,
FrameBlock meta) {
ValueType[] lschema = (schema == null) ? UtilFunctions.nCopies(clen, ValueType.STRING) : schema;
return createEncoder(spec, colnames, lschema, meta);
public static MultiColumnEncoder createEncoder(String spec, String[] colnames, ValueType[] schema,
FrameBlock meta) {
return createEncoder(spec, colnames, schema, meta, -1, -1);
public static MultiColumnEncoder createEncoder(String spec, String[] colnames, ValueType[] schema, FrameBlock meta,
int minCol, int maxCol){
return createEncoder(spec, colnames, schema, meta, null, minCol, maxCol);
public static MultiColumnEncoder createEncoder(String spec, String[] colnames, int clen, FrameBlock meta, MatrixBlock embeddings) {
return createEncoder(spec, colnames, UtilFunctions.nCopies(clen, ValueType.STRING), meta, embeddings);
public static MultiColumnEncoder createEncoder(String spec, String[] colnames, ValueType[] schema,
FrameBlock meta, MatrixBlock embeddings) {
return createEncoder(spec, colnames, schema, meta, embeddings, -1, -1);
public static MultiColumnEncoder createEncoder(String spec, String[] colnames, ValueType[] schema, FrameBlock meta,
MatrixBlock embeddings, int minCol, int maxCol) {
MultiColumnEncoder encoder;
int clen = schema.length;
try {
// parse transform specification
JSONObject jSpec = new JSONObject(spec);
List<ColumnEncoderComposite> lencoders = new ArrayList<>();
HashMap<Integer, List<ColumnEncoder>> colEncoders = new HashMap<>();
boolean ids = jSpec.containsKey("ids") && jSpec.getBoolean("ids");
// prepare basic id lists (recode, feature hash, dummycode, pass-through)
List<Integer> rcIDs = Arrays.asList(ArrayUtils
.toObject(TfMetaUtils.parseJsonIDList(jSpec, colnames, TfMethod.RECODE.toString(), minCol, maxCol)));
List<Integer> haIDs = Arrays.asList(ArrayUtils
.toObject(TfMetaUtils.parseJsonIDList(jSpec, colnames, TfMethod.HASH.toString(), minCol, maxCol)));
List<Integer> dcIDs = Arrays.asList(ArrayUtils
.toObject(TfMetaUtils.parseJsonIDList(jSpec, colnames, TfMethod.DUMMYCODE.toString(), minCol, maxCol)));
List<Integer> binIDs = TfMetaUtils.parseBinningColIDs(jSpec, colnames, minCol, maxCol);
List<Integer> weIDs = Arrays.asList(ArrayUtils
.toObject(TfMetaUtils.parseJsonIDList(jSpec, colnames, TfMethod.WORD_EMBEDDING.toString(), minCol, maxCol)));
//check if user passed an embeddings matrix
if(!weIDs.isEmpty() && embeddings == null)
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Missing argument Embeddings Matrix for transform [" + TfMethod.WORD_EMBEDDING + "]");
// NOTE: any dummycode column requires recode as preparation, unless the dummycode
// column follows binning or feature hashing
rcIDs = unionDistinct(rcIDs, except(except(dcIDs, binIDs), haIDs));
// NOTE: Word Embeddings requires recode as preparation
rcIDs = unionDistinct(rcIDs, weIDs);
// Error out if the first level encoders have overlaps
if (intersect(rcIDs, binIDs, haIDs))
throw new DMLRuntimeException("More than one encoders (recode, binning, hashing) on one column is not allowed");
List<Integer> ptIDs = except(except(UtilFunctions.getSeqList(1, clen, 1), unionDistinct(rcIDs, haIDs)),
List<Integer> oIDs = Arrays.asList(ArrayUtils
.toObject(TfMetaUtils.parseJsonIDList(jSpec, colnames, TfMethod.OMIT.toString(), minCol, maxCol)));
List<Integer> mvIDs = Arrays.asList(ArrayUtils.toObject(
TfMetaUtils.parseJsonObjectIDList(jSpec, colnames, TfMethod.IMPUTE.toString(), minCol, maxCol)));
List<Integer> udfIDs = TfMetaUtils.parseUDFColIDs(jSpec, colnames, minCol, maxCol);
// create individual encoders
for(Integer id : rcIDs)
addEncoderToMap(new ColumnEncoderRecode(id), colEncoders);
for(Integer id : haIDs)
addEncoderToMap(new ColumnEncoderFeatureHash(id, TfMetaUtils.getK(jSpec)), colEncoders);
for(Integer id : ptIDs)
addEncoderToMap(new ColumnEncoderPassThrough(id), colEncoders);
for(Integer id : weIDs)
addEncoderToMap(new ColumnEncoderWordEmbedding(id), colEncoders);
for(Object o : (JSONArray) jSpec.get(TfMethod.BIN.toString())) {
JSONObject colspec = (JSONObject) o;
int numBins = colspec.containsKey("numbins") ? colspec.getInt("numbins") : 1;
int id = TfMetaUtils.parseJsonObjectID(colspec, colnames, minCol, maxCol, ids);
if(id <= 0)
String method = colspec.get("method").toString().toUpperCase();
ColumnEncoderBin.BinMethod binMethod;
if ("EQUI-WIDTH".equals(method))
binMethod = ColumnEncoderBin.BinMethod.EQUI_WIDTH;
else if ("EQUI-HEIGHT".equals(method))
binMethod = ColumnEncoderBin.BinMethod.EQUI_HEIGHT;
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unsupported binning method: " + method);
ColumnEncoderBin bin = new ColumnEncoderBin(id, numBins, binMethod);
addEncoderToMap(bin, colEncoders);
for(Integer id : dcIDs)
addEncoderToMap(new ColumnEncoderDummycode(id), colEncoders);
if(!udfIDs.isEmpty()) {
String name = jSpec.getJSONObject("udf").getString("name");
for(Integer id : udfIDs)
addEncoderToMap(new ColumnEncoderUDF(id, name), colEncoders);
// create composite decoder of all created encoders
for(Entry<Integer, List<ColumnEncoder>> listEntry : colEncoders.entrySet()) {
lencoders.add(new ColumnEncoderComposite(listEntry.getValue()));
encoder = new MultiColumnEncoder(lencoders);
if(!oIDs.isEmpty()) {
encoder.addReplaceLegacyEncoder(new EncoderOmit(jSpec, colnames, schema.length, minCol, maxCol));
if(!mvIDs.isEmpty()) {
EncoderMVImpute ma = new EncoderMVImpute(jSpec, colnames, schema.length, minCol, maxCol);
// initialize meta data w/ robustness for superset of cols
if(meta != null) {
String[] colnames2 = meta.getColumnNames();
if(!TfMetaUtils.isIDSpec(jSpec) && colnames != null && colnames2 != null &&
!ArrayUtils.isEquals(colnames, colnames2)) {
HashMap<String, Integer> colPos = getColumnPositions(colnames2);
// create temporary meta frame block w/ shallow column copy
FrameBlock meta2 = new FrameBlock(meta.getSchema(), colnames2);
for(int i = 0; i < colnames.length; i++) {
if(!colPos.containsKey(colnames[i])) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Column name not found in meta data: " + colnames[i]
+ " (meta: " + Arrays.toString(colnames2) + ")");
int pos = colPos.get(colnames[i]);
meta2.setColumn(i, meta.getColumn(pos));
meta2.setColumnMetadata(i, meta.getColumnMetadata(pos));
meta = meta2;
//initialize embeddings matrix block in the encoders in case word embedding transform is used
catch(Exception ex) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException(ex);
return encoder;
private static void addEncoderToMap(ColumnEncoder encoder, HashMap<Integer, List<ColumnEncoder>> map) {
if(!map.containsKey(encoder._colID)) {
map.put(encoder._colID, new ArrayList<>());
public static int getEncoderType(ColumnEncoder columnEncoder) {
//TODO replace with columnEncoder.getType().ordinal
//(which requires a cleanup of all type handling)
if(columnEncoder instanceof ColumnEncoderBin)
return EncoderType.Bin.ordinal();
else if(columnEncoder instanceof ColumnEncoderDummycode)
return EncoderType.Dummycode.ordinal();
else if(columnEncoder instanceof ColumnEncoderFeatureHash)
return EncoderType.FeatureHash.ordinal();
else if(columnEncoder instanceof ColumnEncoderPassThrough)
return EncoderType.PassThrough.ordinal();
else if(columnEncoder instanceof ColumnEncoderRecode)
return EncoderType.Recode.ordinal();
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unsupported encoder type: " + columnEncoder.getClass().getCanonicalName());
public static ColumnEncoder createInstance(int type) {
EncoderType etype = EncoderType.values()[type];
switch(etype) {
case Bin:
return new ColumnEncoderBin();
case Dummycode:
return new ColumnEncoderDummycode();
case FeatureHash:
return new ColumnEncoderFeatureHash();
case PassThrough:
return new ColumnEncoderPassThrough();
case Recode:
return new ColumnEncoderRecode();
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unsupported encoder type: " + etype);
private static HashMap<String, Integer> getColumnPositions(String[] colnames) {
HashMap<String, Integer> ret = new HashMap<>();
for(int i = 0; i < colnames.length; i++)
ret.put(colnames[i], i);
return ret;