blob: e40ea1b0886c613cd4c07409199bd41f06a40fcc [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# JUnit test class:
# command line invocation assuming $L2SVM_HOME is set to the home of the R script
# Rscript $L2SVM_HOME/L2SVM.R $L2SVM_HOME/in/ 0.00000001 1 100 $L2SVM_HOME/expected/
args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
X = readMM(paste(args[1], "X.mtx", sep=""));
Y = readMM(paste(args[1], "Y.mtx", sep=""));
check_min = min(Y)
check_max = max(Y)
num_min = sum(Y == check_min)
num_max = sum(Y == check_max)
if(num_min + num_max != nrow(Y)){
print("please check Y, it should contain only 2 labels")
if(check_min != -1 | check_max != +1)
Y = 2/(check_max - check_min)*Y - (check_min + check_max)/(check_max - check_min)
intercept = as.logical(args[2]);
epsilon = as.double(args[3]);
lambda = as.double(args[4]);
maxiterations = as.integer(args[5]);
N = nrow(X)
D = ncol(X)
if (intercept) {
ones = matrix(1,N,1)
X = cbind(X, ones);
num_rows_in_w = D
num_rows_in_w = num_rows_in_w + 1
w = matrix(0, num_rows_in_w, 1)
g_old = t(X) %*% Y
s = g_old
Xw = matrix(0,nrow(X),1)
iter = 0
continue = TRUE
while(continue && iter < maxiterations){
t = 0
Xd = X %*% s
wd = lambda * sum(w * s)
dd = lambda * sum(s * s)
continue1 = TRUE
tmp_Xw = Xw + t*Xd
out = 1 - Y * (tmp_Xw)
sv = which(out > 0)
g = wd + t*dd - sum(out[sv] * Y[sv] * Xd[sv])
h = dd + sum(Xd[sv] * Xd[sv])
t = t - g/h
continue1 = (g*g/h >= epsilon)
w = w + t*s
Xw = Xw + t*Xd
out = 1 - Y * (X %*% w)
sv = which(out > 0)
obj = 0.5 * sum(out[sv] * out[sv]) + lambda/2 * sum(w * w)
g_new = t(X[sv,]) %*% (out[sv] * Y[sv]) - lambda * w
#print(paste("OBJ : ", obj))
continue = (t*sum(s * g_old) >= epsilon*obj)
be = sum(g_new * g_new)/sum(g_old * g_old)
s = be * s + g_new
g_old = g_new
iter = iter + 1
writeMM(as(w,"CsparseMatrix"), paste(args[6], "model", sep=""));