blob: 7e162a349757479a083db709e991beb8e406c712 [file] [log] [blame]
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* 1D Scale & Shift layer.
forward = function(matrix[double] X, matrix[double] gamma, matrix[double] beta)
return (matrix[double] out) {
* Computes the forward pass for a 1D scale & shift layer. The input
* data has N examples, each with D features.
* A 1D scale & shift layer introduces learnable parameters
* (gamma, beta) to scale and shift the input on a per-feature basis.
* `y = x*gamma + beta`
* Inputs:
* - X: Inputs, of shape (N, D).
* - gamma: Scale parameters, of shape (1, D).
* - beta: Shift parameters, of shape (1, D).
* Outputs:
* - out: Outputs, of shape (N, D).
# Scale and shift
out = X*gamma + beta # shape (N, D)
backward = function(matrix[double] dout, matrix[double] out,
matrix[double] X, matrix[double] gamma, matrix[double] beta)
return (matrix[double] dX, matrix[double] dgamma, matrix[double] dbeta) {
* Computes the backward pass for a 1D scale & shift layer.
* Inputs:
* - dout: Gradient wrt `out` from upstream, of shape (N, D).
* - out: Outputs from the forward pass, of shape (N, D).
* - X: Inputs, of shape (N, D).
* - gamma: Scale parameters, of shape (1, D).
* - beta: Shift parameters, of shape (1, D).
* Outputs:
* - dX: Gradient wrt `X`, of shape (N, D).
* - dgamma: Gradient wrt `W`, of shape (1, D).
* - dbeta: Gradient wrt `b`, of shape (1, D).
# Compute gradients during training
dgamma = colSums(dout*X) # shape (1, D)
dbeta = colSums(dout) # shape (1, D)
dX = dout * gamma # shape (N, D)
init = function(int D)
return (matrix[double] gamma, matrix[double] beta) {
* Initialize the parameters of this layer.
* By default, we initialize to an identity function, with a scale
* filler of `1`, and a shift filler of `0`.
* Note: This is just a convenience function, and parameters
* may be initialized manually if needed.
* Inputs:
* - D: Dimensionality of the input features (number of features).
* Outputs:
* - gamma: Scale parameters, of shape (1, D).
* - beta: Shift parameters, of shape (1, D).
gamma = matrix(1, rows=1, cols=D)
beta = matrix(0, rows=1, cols=D)