blob: 0cc27b4cd11a7d8ca30fffa0c21fe228bd2153bd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import static jcuda.runtime.JCuda.cudaMemset;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.DMLRuntimeException;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.caching.MatrixObject;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.gpu.context.CSRPointer;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.gpu.context.GPUContext;
import jcuda.Pointer;
* Performs a slice operation: out = in[(n+1):(n+1), 1:numColumns]
public class LibMatrixCuDNNInputRowFetcher extends LibMatrixCUDA implements java.lang.AutoCloseable {
GPUContext gCtx; String instName; int numColumns; boolean isInputInSparseFormat;
Object inPointer; // can be either CSRPointer or Pointer
Pointer outPointer;
* Initialize the input fetcher
* @param gCtx current gpu context
* @param instName name of the instruction
* @param image input matrix object.
public LibMatrixCuDNNInputRowFetcher(GPUContext gCtx, String instName, MatrixObject image) {
this.gCtx = gCtx; this.instName = instName;
numColumns = LibMatrixCUDA.toInt(image.getNumColumns());
isInputInSparseFormat = LibMatrixCUDA.isInSparseFormat(gCtx, image);
inPointer = isInputInSparseFormat ? LibMatrixCUDA.getSparsePointer(gCtx, image, instName) : LibMatrixCuDNN.getDensePointerForCuDNN(gCtx, image, instName);
outPointer = gCtx.allocate(instName, numColumns*sizeOfDataType);
* Copy the nth row and return the dense pointer
* @param n zero-based row index
* @return dense pointer containing the nth row. This row is reused in the next iteration
public Pointer getNthRow(int n) {
if(isInputInSparseFormat) {
cudaMemset(outPointer, 0, numColumns*sizeOfDataType);
LibMatrixCUDA.sliceSparseDense(gCtx, instName, (CSRPointer)inPointer, outPointer, n, n, 0, LibMatrixCUDA.toInt(numColumns-1), numColumns);
else {
LibMatrixCUDA.sliceDenseDense(gCtx, instName, (Pointer)inPointer, outPointer, n, n, 0, LibMatrixCUDA.toInt(numColumns-1), numColumns);
return outPointer;
* Deallocates temporary pointer
public void close() {
try {
gCtx.cudaFreeHelper(null, outPointer, true);
} catch (DMLRuntimeException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);