| # Mac |
| .DS_Store |
| |
| # KDE |
| .directory |
| |
| # Eclipse |
| .classpath |
| .project |
| .settings/ |
| .externalToolBuilders/ |
| maven-eclipse.xml |
| /src/main/cpp/kernels/.cproject |
| |
| # Intellij |
| .idea/ |
| .idea_modules/ |
| *.iml |
| *.iws |
| |
| # vscode |
| .vscode |
| |
| # checksum files |
| *.crc |
| |
| # Build artifacts |
| target/ |
| pom.xml.tag |
| pom.xml.releaseBackup |
| pom.xml.versionsBackup |
| pom.xml.next |
| release.properties |
| dependency-reduced-pom.xml |
| buildNumber.properties |
| .mvn/timing.properties |
| .metadata |
| .cache* |
| |
| # Documentation artifacts |
| .jekyll-cache/ |
| _site/ |
| |
| # Python artifacts |
| src/main/python/systemds/systemds-java/ |
| src/main/python/systemds.egg-info/ |
| src/main/python/build/ |
| src/main/python/LICENSE |
| src/main/python/NOTICE |
| src/main/python/dist |
| src/main/python/docs/build |
| src/main/python/docs/source/_build |
| src/main/python/tests/onnx_systemds/output_test |
| src/main/python/tests/onnx_systemds/dml_output |
| src/main/python/tests/onnx_systemds/test_models/*.onnx |
| |
| # Tutorial data mnist |
| src/main/python/systemds/examples/tutorials/mnist/ |
| |
| # User configuration files |
| conf/SystemDS-config.xml |
| |
| # Documentation artifacts |
| docs/_site |
| # TODO Make the API auto generate and relocate into this api folder for webpage |
| # docs/api |
| |
| # Test Artifacts |
| src/test/scripts/**/*.dmlt |
| src/test/scripts/functions/mlcontextin/ |
| .factorypath |
| |
| # Excluded sources |
| # (we're including the generated files to simply IDE setup w/o mvn build) |
| # Since the gitignore file does not ignore tracked files, the auto-generated |
| # parser files need to be ignored by the following command: |
| # git update-index --assume-unchanged [<file> ...] |
| # This can be undone by git update-index --no-assume-unchanged [<file> ...] |
| # Use the command above on these files: |
| # src/main/java/Dml.tokens |
| # src/main/java/DmlLexer.tokens |
| # src/main/java/org/apache/sysds/parser/dml/DmlBaseListener.java |
| # src/main/java/org/apache/sysds/parser/dml/DmlLexer.java |
| # src/main/java/org/apache/sysds/parser/dml/DmlListener.java |
| # src/main/java/org/apache/sysds/parser/dml/DmlParser.java |
| |
| src/test/scripts/**/in |
| src/test/scripts/**/out |
| src/test/scripts/**/expected |
| |
| # Working directory and scratch space |
| temp/* |
| scratch_space/ |
| |
| # Ruby |
| Gemfile.lock |
| |
| # Python |
| **/__pycache__ |
| *.pyc |
| |
| # Spark |
| **/metastore_db |
| derby.log |
| /systemds/ |
| |
| # native cpp code build artifacts |
| src/main/cpp/build |
| src/main/cpp/bin |
| |
| # legacy dml |
| *.dmlt |
| |
| # Performance Test artifacts |
| scripts/perftest/results |
| scripts/perftest/in |