blob: 3885720aa398ac85dcc447b99a9f28c46f5d4306 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.cp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.apache.sysml.api.DMLScript;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.Expression.DataType;
import org.apache.sysml.parser.Expression.ValueType;
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.DMLRuntimeException;
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.context.ExecutionContext;
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.functionobjects.SwapIndex;
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.InstructionUtils;
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.matrix.operators.ReorgOperator;
import org.apache.sysml.runtime.util.ConvolutionUtils;
import org.apache.sysml.utils.Statistics;
public class ConvolutionCPInstruction extends UnaryCPInstruction {
private CPOperand _in2; // used for pooling backward
private ArrayList<CPOperand> _input_shape;
private ArrayList<CPOperand> _filter_shape;
private ArrayList<CPOperand> _stride = new ArrayList<CPOperand>();
private ArrayList<CPOperand> _padding = new ArrayList<CPOperand>();
private boolean _reuseNonZeroedOutput = false;
private int _numThreads = -1;
public ConvolutionCPInstruction(CPOperand in, CPOperand out, String opcode,
String istr, ArrayList<CPOperand> stride,
ArrayList<CPOperand> padding, ArrayList<CPOperand> input_shape,
ArrayList<CPOperand> filter_shape, int numThreads) {
super(new ReorgOperator(SwapIndex.getSwapIndexFnObject()), in, out,
opcode, istr);
_cptype = CPINSTRUCTION_TYPE.Convolution;
_stride = stride;
_padding = padding;
_input_shape = input_shape;
_filter_shape = filter_shape;
_numThreads = numThreads;
public ConvolutionCPInstruction(CPOperand in, CPOperand in2, CPOperand out, String opcode,
String istr, ArrayList<CPOperand> stride,
ArrayList<CPOperand> padding, ArrayList<CPOperand> input_shape,
ArrayList<CPOperand> filter_shape, int numThreads) {
super(new ReorgOperator(SwapIndex.getSwapIndexFnObject()), in, out,
opcode, istr);
_in2 = in2;
_cptype = CPINSTRUCTION_TYPE.Convolution;
_stride = stride;
_padding = padding;
_input_shape = input_shape;
_filter_shape = filter_shape;
_numThreads = numThreads;
public static ConvolutionCPInstruction parseInstruction(String str)
throws DMLRuntimeException {
CPOperand in = new CPOperand("", ValueType.UNKNOWN, DataType.UNKNOWN);
CPOperand out = new CPOperand("", ValueType.UNKNOWN, DataType.UNKNOWN);
String[] parts = InstructionUtils.getInstructionPartsWithValueType(str);
String opcode = parts[0];
if (opcode.equalsIgnoreCase("maxpooling")) {
InstructionUtils.checkNumFields(parts, 15);
// stride1, stride2, padding1, padding2
// input_shape1, input_shape2, input_shape3, input_shape4,
// filter_shape1, filter_shape2, filter_shape3, filter_shape4, k
ArrayList<CPOperand> stride = new ArrayList<CPOperand>();
ArrayList<CPOperand> padding = new ArrayList<CPOperand>();
ArrayList<CPOperand> input_shape = new ArrayList<CPOperand>();
ArrayList<CPOperand> filter_shape = new ArrayList<CPOperand>();
stride.add(new CPOperand(parts[2]));
stride.add(new CPOperand(parts[3]));
padding.add(new CPOperand(parts[4]));
padding.add(new CPOperand(parts[5]));
input_shape.add(new CPOperand(parts[6]));
input_shape.add(new CPOperand(parts[7]));
input_shape.add(new CPOperand(parts[8]));
input_shape.add(new CPOperand(parts[9]));
filter_shape.add(new CPOperand(parts[10]));
filter_shape.add(new CPOperand(parts[11]));
filter_shape.add(new CPOperand(parts[12]));
filter_shape.add(new CPOperand(parts[13]));
int k = Integer.parseInt(parts[15]);
return new ConvolutionCPInstruction(in, out, opcode, str, stride,
padding, input_shape, filter_shape, k);
else if (opcode.equalsIgnoreCase("maxpooling_backward")
|| opcode.equalsIgnoreCase("conv2d")
|| opcode.equalsIgnoreCase("conv2d_backward_filter")
|| opcode.equalsIgnoreCase("conv2d_backward_data")) {
InstructionUtils.checkNumFields(parts, 16);
// dout, stride1, stride2, padding1, padding2
// input_shape1, input_shape2, input_shape3, input_shape4,
// filter_shape1, filter_shape2, filter_shape3, filter_shape4, k
CPOperand in2 = new CPOperand("", ValueType.UNKNOWN, DataType.UNKNOWN);
ArrayList<CPOperand> stride = new ArrayList<CPOperand>();
ArrayList<CPOperand> padding = new ArrayList<CPOperand>();
ArrayList<CPOperand> input_shape = new ArrayList<CPOperand>();
ArrayList<CPOperand> filter_shape = new ArrayList<CPOperand>();
stride.add(new CPOperand(parts[3]));
stride.add(new CPOperand(parts[4]));
padding.add(new CPOperand(parts[5]));
padding.add(new CPOperand(parts[6]));
input_shape.add(new CPOperand(parts[7]));
input_shape.add(new CPOperand(parts[8]));
input_shape.add(new CPOperand(parts[9]));
input_shape.add(new CPOperand(parts[10]));
filter_shape.add(new CPOperand(parts[11]));
filter_shape.add(new CPOperand(parts[12]));
filter_shape.add(new CPOperand(parts[13]));
filter_shape.add(new CPOperand(parts[14]));
int k = Integer.parseInt(parts[16]);
return new ConvolutionCPInstruction(in, in2, out, opcode, str, stride,
padding, input_shape, filter_shape, k);
else {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unknown opcode while parsing a ConvolutionCPInstruction: " + str);
private int getScalarInput(ExecutionContext ec, ArrayList<CPOperand> aL,
int index) throws DMLRuntimeException {
return (int) ec.getScalarInput(aL.get(index).getName(),
aL.get(index).getValueType(), aL.get(index).isLiteral())
public void processInstruction(ExecutionContext ec)
throws DMLRuntimeException {
// acquire inputs
MatrixBlock outputBlock = null;
MatrixBlock matBlock = ec.getMatrixInput(input1.getName());
int pad_h = getScalarInput(ec, _padding, 0);
int pad_w = getScalarInput(ec, _padding, 1);
int stride_h = getScalarInput(ec, _stride, 0);
int stride_w = getScalarInput(ec, _stride, 1);
int N = getScalarInput(ec, _input_shape, 0);
int C = getScalarInput(ec, _input_shape, 1);
int H = getScalarInput(ec, _input_shape, 2);
int W = getScalarInput(ec, _input_shape, 3);
int K = getScalarInput(ec, _filter_shape, 0);
int R = getScalarInput(ec, _filter_shape, 2);
int S = getScalarInput(ec, _filter_shape, 3);
int P = (int) ConvolutionUtils.getP(H, R, stride_h, pad_h);
int Q = (int) ConvolutionUtils.getQ(W, S, stride_w, pad_w);
ConvolutionParameters params = new ConvolutionParameters(N, C, H, W, K, R, S, stride_h, stride_w, pad_h, pad_w, _numThreads);
if (instOpcode.equalsIgnoreCase("maxpooling")) {
if(matBlock.isEmptyBlock()) {
outputBlock = new MatrixBlock(N, C*P*Q, true, 0);
else {
// Is eligible for REUSE_NONZEROED_OUTPUT but cannot guarantee that previous output has been rmvar-ed
// without somewhat expensive HashMap checks
outputBlock = getDenseOutputBlock(ec, N, C*P*Q, true);
LibMatrixDNN.maxpooling(matBlock, outputBlock, params);
else if (instOpcode.equalsIgnoreCase("maxpooling_backward")) {
MatrixBlock dout = ec.getMatrixInput(_in2.getName());
if(matBlock.isEmptyBlock() || dout.isEmptyBlock()) {
outputBlock = new MatrixBlock(N, C*H*W, true, 0);
else {
// Is eligible for REUSE_NONZEROED_OUTPUT but cannot guarantee that previous output has been rmvar-ed
// without somewhat expensive HashMap checks
outputBlock = getDenseOutputBlock(ec, N, C*H*W, false);
LibMatrixDNN.maxpooling_backward(matBlock, dout, outputBlock, params);
else if (instOpcode.equalsIgnoreCase("conv2d")) {
MatrixBlock filter = ec.getMatrixInput(_in2.getName());
if(filter.isEmptyBlock() || matBlock.isEmptyBlock()) {
outputBlock = new MatrixBlock(N, K*P*Q, true, 0);
else {
outputBlock = getDenseOutputBlock(ec, N, K*P*Q, false);
LibMatrixDNN.conv2d(matBlock, filter, outputBlock, params);
else if (instOpcode.equalsIgnoreCase("conv2d_backward_filter")) {
MatrixBlock dout = ec.getMatrixInput(_in2.getName());
if(dout.isEmptyBlock() || matBlock.isEmptyBlock()) {
outputBlock = new MatrixBlock(K, C*R*S, true, 0);
else {
outputBlock = getDenseOutputBlock(ec, K, C*R*S, false);
LibMatrixDNN.conv2d_backward_filter(matBlock, dout, outputBlock, params);
else if (instOpcode.equalsIgnoreCase("conv2d_backward_data")) {
MatrixBlock dout = ec.getMatrixInput(_in2.getName());
if(dout.isEmptyBlock() || matBlock.isEmptyBlock()) {
outputBlock = new MatrixBlock(N, C * H * W, true, 0);
else {
outputBlock = getDenseOutputBlock(ec, N, C * H * W, false);
LibMatrixDNN.conv2d_backward_data(matBlock, dout, outputBlock, params);
else {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unsupported op code " + instOpcode);
// release inputs/outputs
ec.setMatrixOutput(getOutputVariableName(), outputBlock);
private MatrixBlock getDenseOutputBlock(ExecutionContext ec, int numRows, int numCols, boolean reuseNonZeroedOutput1) throws DMLRuntimeException {
long start = -1;
start = System.nanoTime();
MatrixBlock outputBlock = new MatrixBlock(numRows, numCols, false, numRows * numCols);
_reuseNonZeroedOutput = false;
if(reuseNonZeroedOutput1 && DMLScript.REUSE_NONZEROED_OUTPUT) {
_reuseNonZeroedOutput = true;
outputBlock.allocateDenseBlock(true, !_reuseNonZeroedOutput);
else {
Statistics.incrementAllocationTime(System.nanoTime()-start, false);
return outputBlock;