blob: 4762a148ebcfc047909c83a95d8ba655bb898963 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.sysds.parser;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.apache.sysds.conf.ConfigurationManager;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.Hop;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.recompile.Recompiler;
import org.apache.sysds.lops.Lop;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.DataType;
public class IfStatementBlock extends StatementBlock
private Hop _predicateHops;
private Lop _predicateLops = null;
private boolean _requiresPredicateRecompile = false;
public VariableSet validate(DMLProgram dmlProg, VariableSet ids, HashMap<String,ConstIdentifier> constVars, boolean conditional)
if (_statements.size() > 1){
raiseValidateError("IfStatementBlock should only have 1 statement (IfStatement)", conditional);
IfStatement ifstmt = (IfStatement) _statements.get(0);
//validate conditional predicate (incl constant propagation)
Expression pred = ifstmt.getConditionalPredicate().getPredicate();
pred.validateExpression(ids.getVariables(), constVars, conditional);
if( pred instanceof DataIdentifier && constVars.containsKey( ((DataIdentifier)pred).getName()) && !conditional ) {
HashMap<String,ConstIdentifier> constVarsIfCopy = new HashMap<>(constVars);
HashMap<String,ConstIdentifier> constVarsElseCopy = new HashMap<> (constVars);
VariableSet idsIfCopy = new VariableSet(ids);
VariableSet idsElseCopy = new VariableSet(ids);
VariableSet idsOrigCopy = new VariableSet(ids);
// handle if stmt body
_dmlProg = dmlProg;
ArrayList<StatementBlock> ifBody = ifstmt.getIfBody();
for(StatementBlock sb : ifBody){ //conditional exec
idsIfCopy = sb.validate(dmlProg, idsIfCopy, constVarsIfCopy, true);
constVarsIfCopy = sb.getConstOut();
// handle else stmt body
ArrayList<StatementBlock> elseBody = ifstmt.getElseBody();
for(StatementBlock sb : elseBody){ //conditional exec
idsElseCopy = sb.validate(dmlProg,idsElseCopy, constVarsElseCopy, true);
constVarsElseCopy = sb.getConstOut();
// check data type and value type are same for updated variables in both
// if statement and else statement
// (reject conditional data type change)
for (String updatedVar : this._updated.getVariableNames()){
DataIdentifier origVersion = idsOrigCopy.getVariable(updatedVar);
DataIdentifier ifVersion = idsIfCopy.getVariable(updatedVar);
DataIdentifier elseVersion = idsElseCopy.getVariable(updatedVar);
//data type handling: reject conditional data type change
if( ifVersion != null && elseVersion != null ) //both branches exist
if (!ifVersion.getOutput().getDataType().equals(elseVersion.getOutput().getDataType())){
raiseValidateError("IfStatementBlock has unsupported conditional data type change of variable '"+updatedVar+"' in if/else branch.", conditional);
else if( origVersion !=null ) //only if branch exists
if (!ifVersion.getOutput().getDataType().equals(origVersion.getOutput().getDataType())){
raiseValidateError("IfStatementBlock has unsupported conditional data type change of variable '"+updatedVar+"' in if branch.", conditional);
//value type handling
if (ifVersion != null && elseVersion != null && !ifVersion.getOutput().getValueType().equals(elseVersion.getOutput().getValueType())){
LOG.warn(elseVersion.printWarningLocation() + "Variable " + elseVersion.getName() + " defined with different value type in if and else clause.");
// handle constant variable propagation -- (IF UNION ELSE) MINUS updated vars
// handle constant variables
// 1) (IF UNION ELSE) MINUS updated const vars
// 2) reconcile updated const vars
// a) IF updated const variables have same value and datatype in both if / else branch, THEN set updated size to updated size
// b) ELSE leave out of reconciled set
HashMap<String,ConstIdentifier> recConstVars = new HashMap<>();
// STEP 1: (IF UNION ELSE) MINUS updated vars
for (Entry<String,ConstIdentifier> e : constVarsIfCopy.entrySet() ){
String varName = e.getKey();
if (!_updated.containsVariable(varName))
recConstVars.put(varName, e.getValue());
for (Entry<String,ConstIdentifier> e : constVarsElseCopy.entrySet() ){
String varName = e.getKey();
if (!_updated.containsVariable(varName))
recConstVars.put(varName, e.getValue());
// STEP 2: check that updated const values have in both if / else branches
// a) same data type,
// b) same value type (SCALAR),
// c) same value
for (String updatedVar : _updated.getVariableNames()){
DataIdentifier ifVersion = idsIfCopy.getVariable(updatedVar);
DataIdentifier elseVersion = idsElseCopy.getVariable(updatedVar);
if (ifVersion != null && elseVersion != null
&& ifVersion.getOutput().getDataType().equals(DataType.SCALAR)
&& elseVersion.getOutput().getDataType().equals(DataType.SCALAR)
&& ifVersion.getOutput().getValueType().equals(elseVersion.getOutput().getValueType()))
ConstIdentifier ifConstVersion = constVarsIfCopy.get(updatedVar);
ConstIdentifier elseConstVersion = constVarsElseCopy.get(updatedVar);
// IntIdentifier
if (ifConstVersion != null && elseConstVersion != null && ifConstVersion instanceof IntIdentifier && elseConstVersion instanceof IntIdentifier){
if ( ((IntIdentifier)ifConstVersion).getValue() == ((IntIdentifier) elseConstVersion).getValue() )
recConstVars.put(updatedVar, ifConstVersion);
// DoubleIdentifier
else if (ifConstVersion != null && elseConstVersion != null && ifConstVersion instanceof DoubleIdentifier && elseConstVersion instanceof DoubleIdentifier){
if ( ((DoubleIdentifier)ifConstVersion).getValue() == ((DoubleIdentifier) elseConstVersion).getValue() )
recConstVars.put(updatedVar, ifConstVersion);
// Boolean
else if (ifConstVersion != null && elseConstVersion != null && ifConstVersion instanceof BooleanIdentifier && elseConstVersion instanceof BooleanIdentifier){
if ( ((BooleanIdentifier)ifConstVersion).getValue() == ((BooleanIdentifier) elseConstVersion).getValue() )
recConstVars.put(updatedVar, ifConstVersion);
// String
else if (ifConstVersion != null && elseConstVersion != null && ifConstVersion instanceof StringIdentifier && elseConstVersion instanceof StringIdentifier){
if ( ((StringIdentifier)ifConstVersion).getValue().equals(((StringIdentifier) elseConstVersion).getValue()) )
recConstVars.put(updatedVar, ifConstVersion);
// handle DataIdentifier variables
// 1) (IF UNION ELSE) MINUS updated vars
// 2) reconcile size updated variables
// a) IF updated variables have same size in both if / else branch, THEN set updated size to updated size
// b) ELSE set size updated to (-1,-1)
// 3) add updated vars to reconciled set
// STEP 1: (IF UNION ELSE) MINUS updated vars
VariableSet recVars = new VariableSet();
for (String varName : idsIfCopy.getVariableNames()){
if (!_updated.containsVariable(varName))
for (String varName : idsElseCopy.getVariableNames()){
if (!_updated.containsVariable(varName))
// STEP 2: reconcile size of updated variables
for (String updatedVar : _updated.getVariableNames()){
DataIdentifier ifVersion = idsIfCopy.getVariable(updatedVar);
DataIdentifier elseVersion = idsElseCopy.getVariable(updatedVar);
DataIdentifier origVersion = idsOrigCopy.getVariable(updatedVar);
if (ifVersion != null && elseVersion != null) {
long updatedDim1 = -1, updatedDim2 = -1;
long updatedNnz = -1;
long ifVersionDim1 = (ifVersion instanceof IndexedIdentifier) ? ((IndexedIdentifier)ifVersion).getOrigDim1() : ifVersion.getDim1();
long elseVersionDim1 = (elseVersion instanceof IndexedIdentifier) ? ((IndexedIdentifier)elseVersion).getOrigDim1() : elseVersion.getDim1();
long ifVersionDim2 = (ifVersion instanceof IndexedIdentifier) ? ((IndexedIdentifier)ifVersion).getOrigDim2() : ifVersion.getDim2();
long elseVersionDim2 = (elseVersion instanceof IndexedIdentifier) ? ((IndexedIdentifier)elseVersion).getOrigDim2() : elseVersion.getDim2();
if( ifVersionDim1 == elseVersionDim1 ){
updatedDim1 = ifVersionDim1;
if( ifVersionDim2 == elseVersionDim2 ){
updatedDim2 = ifVersionDim2;
//NOTE: nnz not propagated via validate, and hence, we conservatively assume that nnz have been changed.
//if( ifVersion.getNnz() == elseVersion.getNnz() ){
// updatedNnz = ifVersion.getNnz();
// add reconsiled version (deep copy of ifVersion, cast as DataIdentifier)
DataIdentifier recVersion = new DataIdentifier(ifVersion);
recVersion.setDimensions(updatedDim1, updatedDim2);
recVars.addVariable(updatedVar, recVersion);
else {
// CASE: defined only if branch
DataIdentifier recVersion = null;
if (ifVersion != null){
// add reconciled version (deep copy of ifVersion, cast as DataIdentifier)
recVersion = new DataIdentifier(ifVersion);
recVars.addVariable(updatedVar, recVersion);
// CASE: defined only else branch
else if (elseVersion != null){
// add reconciled version (deep copy of elseVersion, cast as DataIdentifier)
recVersion = new DataIdentifier(elseVersion);
recVars.addVariable(updatedVar, recVersion);
// CASE: updated, but not in either if or else branch
else {
// add reconciled version (deep copy of elseVersion, cast as DataIdentifier)
recVersion = new DataIdentifier(_updated.getVariable(updatedVar));
recVars.addVariable(updatedVar, recVersion);
long updatedDim1 = -1, updatedDim2 = -1;
long updatedNnz = -1;
if( origVersion != null ) {
long origVersionDim1 = (origVersion instanceof IndexedIdentifier) ? ((IndexedIdentifier)origVersion).getOrigDim1() : origVersion.getDim1();
long recVersionDim1 = recVersion.getDim1(); //always DataIdentifier (see above)
long origVersionDim2 = (origVersion instanceof IndexedIdentifier) ? ((IndexedIdentifier)origVersion).getOrigDim2() : origVersion.getDim2();
long recVersionDim2 = recVersion.getDim2(); //always DataIdentifier (see above)
if( origVersionDim1 == recVersionDim1 ){
updatedDim1 = origVersionDim1;
if( origVersionDim2 == recVersionDim2 ){
updatedDim2 = origVersionDim2;
//NOTE: nnz not propagated via validate, and hence, we conservatively assume that nnz have been changed.
//if( origVersion.getNnz() == recVersion.getNnz() ){
// updatedNnz = recVersion.getNnz();
recVersion.setDimensions(updatedDim1, updatedDim2);
// propagate updated variables
VariableSet allIdVars = new VariableSet(recVars);
return allIdVars;
public VariableSet initializeforwardLV(VariableSet activeInPassed)
IfStatement ifstmt = (IfStatement)_statements.get(0);
if (_statements.size() > 1){
throw new LanguageException(ifstmt.printErrorLocation() + "IfStatementBlock should have only 1 statement (if statement)");
_read = new VariableSet();
_gen = new VariableSet();
_kill = new VariableSet();
_warnSet = new VariableSet();
// initialize forward for each statement block in if body
VariableSet ifCurrent = new VariableSet(activeInPassed);
VariableSet genIfBody = new VariableSet();
VariableSet killIfBody = new VariableSet();
VariableSet updatedIfBody = new VariableSet();
VariableSet readIfBody = new VariableSet();
for (StatementBlock sb : ifstmt.getIfBody())
ifCurrent = sb.initializeforwardLV(ifCurrent);
// for each generated variable in this block, check variable not killed
// (assigned value) in prior statement block in ifstmt blody
for (String varName : sb._gen.getVariableNames()){
// IF the variable is NOT set in the while loop PRIOR to this stmt block,
// THEN needs to be generated
if (!killIfBody.getVariableNames().contains(varName)){
genIfBody.addVariable(varName, sb._gen.getVariable(varName));
// only add kill variables for statement blocks guaranteed to execute
if (!(sb instanceof WhileStatementBlock) && !(sb instanceof ForStatementBlock) ){
// initialize forward for each statement block in if body
VariableSet elseCurrent = new VariableSet(activeInPassed);
VariableSet genElseBody = new VariableSet();
VariableSet killElseBody = new VariableSet();
VariableSet updatedElseBody = new VariableSet();
VariableSet readElseBody = new VariableSet();
// initialize forward for each statement block in else body
for (StatementBlock sb : ifstmt.getElseBody())
elseCurrent = sb.initializeforwardLV(elseCurrent);
// for each generated variable in this block, check variable not killed
// (assigned value) in prior statement block in ifstmt blody
for (String varName : sb._gen.getVariableNames()){
// IF the variable is NOT set in the while loop PRIOR to this stmt block,
// THEN needs to be generated
if (!killElseBody.getVariableNames().contains(varName)){
genElseBody.addVariable(varName, sb._gen.getVariable(varName));
// only add kill variables for statement blocks guaranteed to execute
if (!(sb instanceof WhileStatementBlock) && !(sb instanceof ForStatementBlock) ){
// "conservative" read -- union of read sets for if and else path
// "conservative" update -- union of updated
// "conservative" gen -- union of gen
// "conservative" kill -- kill set is intersection of if-kill and else-kill
for ( String varName : killIfBody.getVariableNames()){
if (killElseBody.containsVariable(varName)){
_kill.addVariable(varName, killIfBody.getVariable(varName));
// set preliminary "warn" set -- variables that if used later may cause runtime error
// if the loop is not executed
// warnSet = (updated MINUS (updatedIfBody INTERSECT updatedElseBody)) MINUS current
for (String varName : _updated.getVariableNames()){
if (!((updatedIfBody.containsVariable(varName) && updatedElseBody.containsVariable(varName))
|| activeInPassed.containsVariable(varName))) {
_warnSet.addVariable(varName, _updated.getVariable(varName));
// set activeOut to (if body current UNION else body current) UNION updated
_liveOut = new VariableSet();
return _liveOut;
public VariableSet initializebackwardLV(VariableSet loPassed)
IfStatement ifstmt = (IfStatement)_statements.get(0);
if (_statements.size() > 1){
throw new LanguageException(ifstmt.printErrorLocation() + "IfStatementBlock should have only 1 statement (if statement)");
VariableSet currentLiveOutIf = new VariableSet(loPassed);
VariableSet currentLiveOutElse = new VariableSet(loPassed);
int numBlocks = ifstmt.getIfBody().size();
for (int i = numBlocks - 1; i >= 0; i--){
currentLiveOutIf = ifstmt.getIfBody().get(i).analyze(currentLiveOutIf);
numBlocks = ifstmt.getElseBody().size();
for (int i = numBlocks - 1; i >= 0; i--){
currentLiveOutElse = ifstmt.getElseBody().get(i).analyze(currentLiveOutElse);
// Any variable defined in either if-body or else-body is available for later use
VariableSet bothPathsLiveOut = new VariableSet();
return bothPathsLiveOut;
public void setPredicateHops(Hop hops) {
_predicateHops = hops;
public Hop getPredicateHops(){
return _predicateHops;
public Lop getPredicateLops() {
return _predicateLops;
public void setPredicateLops(Lop predicateLops) {
_predicateLops = predicateLops;
public VariableSet analyze(VariableSet loPassed) {
VariableSet predVars = ((IfStatement)_statements.get(0)).getConditionalPredicate().variablesRead();
VariableSet candidateLO = new VariableSet(loPassed);
VariableSet origLiveOut = new VariableSet(_liveOut);
_liveOut = new VariableSet();
for (String name : candidateLO.getVariableNames()){
if (origLiveOut.containsVariable(name)){
_liveOut.addVariable(name, candidateLO.getVariable(name));
// set final warnSet: remove variables NOT in live out
VariableSet finalWarnSet = new VariableSet();
for (String varName : _warnSet.getVariableNames()){
if (_liveOut.containsVariable(varName)){
_warnSet = finalWarnSet;
// for now just print the warn set
for (String varName : _warnSet.getVariableNames()){
LOG.warn(_warnSet.getVariable(varName).printWarningLocation() + "Initialization of " + varName + " depends on if-else execution");
//data flow equation: liveout = gen \cup (liveout - kill)
_liveIn = new VariableSet();
VariableSet liveInReturn = new VariableSet();
return liveInReturn;
// materialized hops recompilation flags
public boolean updatePredicateRecompilationFlag() {
return (_requiresPredicateRecompile =
&& Recompiler.requiresRecompilation(getPredicateHops()));
public boolean requiresPredicateRecompilation() {
return _requiresPredicateRecompile;