blob: 2ce3cb718c7ec1072dcef6f0dec9736182cc8fbd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.federated;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.DMLRuntimeException;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.caching.CacheBlock;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.caching.CacheableData;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.federated.FederatedRequest.RequestType;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.cp.ScalarObject;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.cp.VariableCPInstruction;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.CommonThreadPool;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.IndexRange;
public class FederationMap {
public enum FType {
ROW, // row partitioned, groups of rows
COL, // column partitioned, groups of columns
FULL, // Meaning both Row and Column indicating a single federated location and a full matrix
public boolean isRowPartitioned() {
return this == ROW || this == FULL;
public boolean isColPartitioned() {
return this == COL || this == FULL;
public boolean isType(FType t) {
switch(t) {
case ROW:
return isRowPartitioned();
case COL:
return isColPartitioned();
case FULL:
case OTHER:
return t == this;
private long _ID = -1;
private final Map<FederatedRange, FederatedData> _fedMap;
private FType _type;
public FederationMap(Map<FederatedRange, FederatedData> fedMap) {
this(-1, fedMap);
public FederationMap(long ID, Map<FederatedRange, FederatedData> fedMap) {
this(ID, fedMap, FType.OTHER);
public FederationMap(long ID, Map<FederatedRange, FederatedData> fedMap, FType type) {
_ID = ID;
_fedMap = fedMap;
_type = type;
public long getID() {
return _ID;
public FType getType() {
return _type;
public boolean isInitialized() {
return _ID >= 0;
public void setType(FType type) {
_type = type;
public int getSize() {
return _fedMap.size();
public FederatedRange[] getFederatedRanges() {
return _fedMap.keySet().toArray(new FederatedRange[0]);
public Map<FederatedRange, FederatedData> getFedMapping() {
return _fedMap;
public FederatedRequest broadcast(CacheableData<?> data) {
// prepare single request for all federated data
long id = FederationUtils.getNextFedDataID();
CacheBlock cb = data.acquireReadAndRelease();
return new FederatedRequest(RequestType.PUT_VAR, id, cb);
public FederatedRequest broadcast(ScalarObject scalar) {
// prepare single request for all federated data
long id = FederationUtils.getNextFedDataID();
return new FederatedRequest(RequestType.PUT_VAR, id, scalar);
* Creates separate slices of an input data object according to the index ranges of federated data. Theses slices
* are then wrapped in separate federated requests for broadcasting.
* @param data input data object (matrix, tensor, frame)
* @param transposed false: slice according to federated data, true: slice according to transposed federated data
* @return array of federated requests corresponding to federated data
public FederatedRequest[] broadcastSliced(CacheableData<?> data, boolean transposed) {
// prepare broadcast id and pin input
long id = FederationUtils.getNextFedDataID();
CacheBlock cb = data.acquireReadAndRelease();
// prepare indexing ranges
int[][] ix = new int[_fedMap.size()][];
int pos = 0;
for(Entry<FederatedRange, FederatedData> e : _fedMap.entrySet()) {
int rl, ru, cl, cu;
// TODO Handle different cases than ROW aligned Matrices.
rl = transposed ? 0 : e.getKey().getBeginDimsInt()[0];
ru = transposed ? cb.getNumRows() - 1 : e.getKey().getEndDimsInt()[0] - 1;
cl = transposed ? e.getKey().getBeginDimsInt()[0] : 0;
cu = transposed ? e.getKey().getEndDimsInt()[0] - 1 : cb.getNumColumns() - 1;
ix[pos++] = new int[] {rl, ru, cl, cu};
// multi-threaded block slicing and federation request creation
FederatedRequest[] ret = new FederatedRequest[ix.length];
i -> new FederatedRequest(RequestType.PUT_VAR, id,
cb.slice(ix[i][0], ix[i][1], ix[i][2], ix[i][3], new MatrixBlock())));
return ret;
public boolean isAligned(FederationMap that, boolean transposed) {
// determines if the two federated data are aligned row/column partitions
// at the same federated site (which allows for purely federated operation)
boolean ret = true;
for(Entry<FederatedRange, FederatedData> e : _fedMap.entrySet()) {
FederatedRange range = !transposed ? e.getKey() : new FederatedRange(e.getKey()).transpose();
FederatedData dat2 = that._fedMap.get(range);
ret &= e.getValue().equalAddress(dat2);
return ret;
public Future<FederatedResponse>[] execute(long tid, FederatedRequest... fr) {
return execute(tid, false, fr);
public Future<FederatedResponse>[] execute(long tid, boolean wait, FederatedRequest... fr) {
return execute(tid, wait, null, fr);
public Future<FederatedResponse>[] execute(long tid, FederatedRequest[] frSlices, FederatedRequest... fr) {
return execute(tid, false, frSlices, fr);
public Future<FederatedResponse>[] execute(long tid, boolean wait, FederatedRequest[] frSlices,
FederatedRequest... fr) {
// executes step1[] - step 2 - ... step4 (only first step federated-data-specific)
setThreadID(tid, frSlices, fr);
List<Future<FederatedResponse>> ret = new ArrayList<>();
int pos = 0;
for(Entry<FederatedRange, FederatedData> e : _fedMap.entrySet())
ret.add(e.getValue().executeFederatedOperation((frSlices != null) ? addAll(frSlices[pos++], fr) : fr));
// prepare results (future federated responses), with optional wait to ensure the
// order of requests without data dependencies (e.g., cleanup RPCs)
return ret.toArray(new Future[0]);
public List<Pair<FederatedRange, Future<FederatedResponse>>> requestFederatedData() {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Federated matrix read only supported on initialized FederatedData");
List<Pair<FederatedRange, Future<FederatedResponse>>> readResponses = new ArrayList<>();
FederatedRequest request = new FederatedRequest(RequestType.GET_VAR, _ID);
for(Map.Entry<FederatedRange, FederatedData> e : _fedMap.entrySet())
readResponses.add(new ImmutablePair<>(e.getKey(), e.getValue().executeFederatedOperation(request)));
return readResponses;
public FederatedRequest cleanup(long tid, long... id) {
FederatedRequest request = new FederatedRequest(RequestType.EXEC_INST, -1,
return request;
public void execCleanup(long tid, long... id) {
FederatedRequest request = new FederatedRequest(RequestType.EXEC_INST, -1,
List<Future<FederatedResponse>> tmp = new ArrayList<>();
for(FederatedData fd : _fedMap.values())
// wait to avoid interference w/ following requests
private static FederatedRequest[] addAll(FederatedRequest a, FederatedRequest[] b) {
FederatedRequest[] ret = new FederatedRequest[b.length + 1];
ret[0] = a;
System.arraycopy(b, 0, ret, 1, b.length);
return ret;
public FederationMap identCopy(long tid, long id) {
Future<FederatedResponse>[] copyInstr = execute(tid,
new FederatedRequest(RequestType.EXEC_INST, _ID,
VariableCPInstruction.prepareCopyInstruction(Long.toString(_ID), Long.toString(id)).toString()));
for(Future<FederatedResponse> future : copyInstr) {
try {
FederatedResponse response = future.get();
catch(Exception e) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException(e);
FederationMap copyFederationMap = copyWithNewID(id);
copyFederationMap._type = _type;
return copyFederationMap;
public FederationMap copyWithNewID() {
return copyWithNewID(FederationUtils.getNextFedDataID());
public FederationMap copyWithNewID(long id) {
Map<FederatedRange, FederatedData> map = new TreeMap<>();
// TODO handling of file path, but no danger as never written
for(Entry<FederatedRange, FederatedData> e : _fedMap.entrySet()) {
if(e.getKey().getSize() != 0)
map.put(new FederatedRange(e.getKey()), e.getValue().copyWithNewID(id));
return new FederationMap(id, map, _type);
public FederationMap copyWithNewID(long id, long clen) {
Map<FederatedRange, FederatedData> map = new TreeMap<>();
// TODO handling of file path, but no danger as never written
for(Entry<FederatedRange, FederatedData> e : _fedMap.entrySet())
map.put(new FederatedRange(e.getKey(), clen), e.getValue().copyWithNewID(id));
return new FederationMap(id, map, _type);
public FederationMap bind(long rOffset, long cOffset, FederationMap that) {
for(Entry<FederatedRange, FederatedData> e : that._fedMap.entrySet()) {
_fedMap.put(new FederatedRange(e.getKey()).shift(rOffset, cOffset), e.getValue().copyWithNewID(_ID));
return this;
public FederationMap transpose() {
Map<FederatedRange, FederatedData> tmp = new TreeMap<>(_fedMap);
for(Entry<FederatedRange, FederatedData> e : tmp.entrySet()) {
_fedMap.put(new FederatedRange(e.getKey()).transpose(), e.getValue().copyWithNewID(_ID));
// derive output type
switch(_type) {
case FULL:
_type = FType.FULL;
case ROW:
_type = FType.COL;
case COL:
_type = FType.ROW;
_type = FType.OTHER;
return this;
public long getMaxIndexInRange(int dim) {
return _fedMap.keySet().stream().mapToLong(range -> range.getEndDims()[dim]).max().orElse(-1L);
* Execute a function for each <code>FederatedRange</code> + <code>FederatedData</code> pair. The function should
* not change any data of the pair and instead use <code>mapParallel</code> if that is a necessity. Note that this
* operation is parallel and necessary synchronisation has to be performed.
* @param forEachFunction function to execute for each pair
public void forEachParallel(BiFunction<FederatedRange, FederatedData, Void> forEachFunction) {
ExecutorService pool = CommonThreadPool.get(_fedMap.size());
ArrayList<MappingTask> mappingTasks = new ArrayList<>();
for(Map.Entry<FederatedRange, FederatedData> fedMap : _fedMap.entrySet())
mappingTasks.add(new MappingTask(fedMap.getKey(), fedMap.getValue(), forEachFunction, _ID));
CommonThreadPool.invokeAndShutdown(pool, mappingTasks);
* Execute a function for each <code>FederatedRange</code> + <code>FederatedData</code> pair mapping the pairs to
* their new form by directly changing both <code>FederatedRange</code> and <code>FederatedData</code>. The varIDs
* don't have to be changed by the <code>mappingFunction</code> as that will be done by this method. Note that this
* operation is parallel and necessary synchronisation has to be performed.
* @param newVarID the new varID to be used by the new FederationMap
* @param mappingFunction the function directly changing ranges and data
* @return the new <code>FederationMap</code>
public FederationMap mapParallel(long newVarID, BiFunction<FederatedRange, FederatedData, Void> mappingFunction) {
ExecutorService pool = CommonThreadPool.get(_fedMap.size());
FederationMap fedMapCopy = copyWithNewID(_ID);
ArrayList<MappingTask> mappingTasks = new ArrayList<>();
for(Map.Entry<FederatedRange, FederatedData> fedMap : fedMapCopy._fedMap.entrySet())
mappingTasks.add(new MappingTask(fedMap.getKey(), fedMap.getValue(), mappingFunction, newVarID));
CommonThreadPool.invokeAndShutdown(pool, mappingTasks);
fedMapCopy._ID = newVarID;
return fedMapCopy;
public FederationMap filter(IndexRange ixrange) {
FederationMap ret = this.clone(); // same ID
Iterator<Entry<FederatedRange, FederatedData>> iter = ret._fedMap.entrySet().iterator();
while(iter.hasNext()) {
Entry<FederatedRange, FederatedData> e =;
FederatedRange range = e.getKey();
long rs = range.getBeginDims()[0], re = range.getEndDims()[0], cs = range.getBeginDims()[1],
ce = range.getEndDims()[1];
boolean overlap = ((ixrange.colStart <= ce) && (ixrange.colEnd >= cs) && (ixrange.rowStart <= re) &&
(ixrange.rowEnd >= rs));
return ret;
private static void setThreadID(long tid, FederatedRequest[]... frsets) {
for(FederatedRequest[] frset : frsets)
if(frset != null) -> fr.setTID(tid));
private static class MappingTask implements Callable<Void> {
private final FederatedRange _range;
private final FederatedData _data;
private final BiFunction<FederatedRange, FederatedData, Void> _mappingFunction;
private final long _varID;
public MappingTask(FederatedRange range, FederatedData data,
BiFunction<FederatedRange, FederatedData, Void> mappingFunction, long varID) {
_range = range;
_data = data;
_mappingFunction = mappingFunction;
_varID = varID;
public Void call() throws Exception {
_mappingFunction.apply(_range, _data);
return null;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Fed Map: " + _type);
sb.append("\t ID:" + _ID);
sb.append("\n" + _fedMap);
return sb.toString();
public FederationMap clone() {
return copyWithNewID(getID());