blob: 885d58414302af0a0130768d392344326562cc1b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.sysds.runtime.util;
import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair;
import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomDataGenerator;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.ValueType;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.DMLRuntimeException;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.federated.FederatedData;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.federated.FederatedRange;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.federated.FederatedRequest;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.federated.FederatedResponse;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.meta.TensorCharacteristics;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
public class UtilFunctions
//for accurate cast of double values to int and long
//IEEE754: binary64 (double precision) eps = 2^(-53) = 1.11 * 10^(-16)
//(same epsilon as used for matrix index cast in R)
public static final double DOUBLE_EPS = Math.pow(2, -53);
//prime numbers for old hash function (divide prime close to max int,
//because it determines the max hash domain size
public static final long ADD_PRIME1 = 99991;
public static final int DIVIDE_PRIME = 1405695061;
public static int intHashCode(int key1, int key2) {
return 31 * (31 + key1) + key2;
public static int intHashCodeRobust(int key1, int key2) {
// handle overflows to avoid systematic hash code repetitions
// in long recursive hash computations w/ repeated structure
long tmp = 31L * (31L + key1) + key2;
return (tmp < Integer.MAX_VALUE) ?
(int) tmp : longHashCode(tmp);
public static int longHashCode(long key1) {
return (int)(key1^(key1>>>32));
* Returns the hash code for a long-long pair. This is the default
* hash function for the keys of a distributed matrix in MR/Spark.
* @param key1 first long key
* @param key2 second long key
* @return hash code
public static int longHashCode(long key1, long key2) {
//basic hash mixing of two longs hashes (similar to
//Arrays.hashCode(long[]) but w/o array creation/copy)
int h = 31 + (int)(key1 ^ (key1 >>> 32));
return h*31 + (int)(key2 ^ (key2 >>> 32));
* Returns the hash code for a long-long-long triple. This is the default
* hash function for the keys of a distributed matrix in MR/Spark.
* @param key1 first long key
* @param key2 second long key
* @param key3 third long key
* @return hash code
public static int longHashCode(long key1, long key2, long key3) {
//basic hash mixing of three longs hashes (similar to
//Arrays.hashCode(long[]) but w/o array creation/copy)
int h1 = 31 + (int)(key1 ^ (key1 >>> 32));
int h2 = h1*31 + (int)(key2 ^ (key2 >>> 32));
return h2*31 + (int)(key3 ^ (key3 >>> 32));
public static int nextIntPow2( int in ) {
int expon = (in==0) ? 0 : 32-Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(in-1);
long pow2 = pow(2, expon);
return (int)((pow2>Integer.MAX_VALUE)?Integer.MAX_VALUE : pow2);
public static long pow(int base, int exp) {
return (base==2 && 0 <= exp && exp < 63) ?
1L << exp : (long)Math.pow(base, exp);
* Computes the 1-based block index based on the global cell index and block size meta
* data. See computeCellIndex for the inverse operation.
* @param cellIndex global cell index
* @param blockSize block size
* @return 1-based block index
public static long computeBlockIndex(long cellIndex, int blockSize) {
return (cellIndex-1)/blockSize + 1;
* Computes the 0-based cell-in-block index based on the global cell index and block
* size meta data. See computeCellIndex for the inverse operation.
* @param cellIndex global cell index
* @param blockSize block size
* @return 0-based cell-in-block index
public static int computeCellInBlock(long cellIndex, int blockSize) {
return (int) ((cellIndex-1)%blockSize);
* Computes the global 1-based cell index based on the block index, block size meta data,
* and specific 0-based in-block cell index.
* NOTE: this is equivalent to cellIndexCalculation.
* @param blockIndex block index
* @param blockSize block size
* @param cellInBlock 0-based cell-in-block index
* @return global 1-based cell index
public static long computeCellIndex( long blockIndex, int blockSize, int cellInBlock ) {
return (blockIndex-1)*blockSize + 1 + cellInBlock;
* Computes the actual block size based on matrix dimension, block index, and block size
* meta data. For boundary blocks, the actual block size is less or equal than the block
* size meta data; otherwise they are identical.
* @param len matrix dimension
* @param blockIndex block index
* @param blockSize block size metadata
* @return actual block size
public static int computeBlockSize( long len, long blockIndex, long blockSize ) {
long remain = len - (blockIndex-1)*blockSize;
return (int)Math.min(blockSize, remain);
* Computes the next tensor indexes array.
* @param tc the tensor characteristics
* @param ix the tensor indexes array (will be changed)
* @return the tensor indexes array (changed)
public static long[] computeNextTensorIndexes(TensorCharacteristics tc, long[] ix) {
ix[tc.getNumDims() - 1]++;
for (int i = tc.getNumDims() - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if (ix[i] == tc.getNumBlocks(i) + 1) {
ix[i] = 1;
ix[i - 1]++;
else {
return ix;
* Computes the tensor indexes array given a blockIndex we ant to compute. Note that if a sequence of tensor indexes
* array will be computed, it is faster to use
* <code>UtilFunctions.computeNextTensorIndexes(TensorCharacteristics,long[])</code>.
* @param tc the tensor characteristics
* @param blockIndex the number of the block ([0-<code>tc.getNumBlocks()</code>[ valid)
* @return the tensor index array
public static long[] computeTensorIndexes(TensorCharacteristics tc, long blockIndex) {
long[] ix = new long[tc.getNumDims()];
for (int j = tc.getNumDims() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
ix[j] = 1 + (blockIndex % tc.getNumBlocks(j));
blockIndex /= tc.getNumBlocks(j);
return ix;
* Computes the slice dimensions and offsets for the block slice of another tensor with the size given by
* <code>TensorCharacteristics</code>.
* @param tc tensor characteristics of the block to slice
* @param blockIx the tensor block index
* @param outDims the slice dimension size
* @param offset the offset where the slice should start
public static void computeSliceInfo(TensorCharacteristics tc, long[] blockIx, int[] outDims,
int[] offset) {
for (int i = tc.getNumDims() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
outDims[i] = UtilFunctions.computeBlockSize(tc.getDim(i), blockIx[i], tc.getBlocksize());
offset[i] = (int) ((blockIx[i] - 1) * tc.getBlocksize());
* Calculates the number of the block this index refers to (basically a linearisation).
* @param ix the dimensional indexes
* @param dims length of dimensions
* @param blen length of blocks
* @return the number of the block
public static long computeBlockNumber(int[] ix, long[] dims, int blen) {
long pos = ix[ix.length - 1] - 1;
for (int i = ix.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
pos += (ix[i] - 1) * Math.ceil((double)dims[i + 1] / blen);
return pos;
public static ArrayList<Integer> getBalancedBlockSizesDefault(int len, int k, boolean constK) {
int nk = constK ? k : roundToNext(Math.min(8*k,len/32), k);
return getBalancedBlockSizes(len, nk);
public static ArrayList<Integer> getAlignedBlockSizes(int len, int k, int align) {
int blklen = (int)(Math.ceil((double)len/k));
blklen += ((blklen%align != 0) ? align-blklen%align : 0);
ArrayList<Integer> ret = new ArrayList<>(len/blklen);
for(int i=0; i<len; i+=blklen)
ret.add(Math.min(blklen, len-i));
return ret;
private static ArrayList<Integer> getBalancedBlockSizes(int len, int k) {
ArrayList<Integer> ret = new ArrayList<>(k);
int base = len / k;
int rest = len % k;
for( int i=0; i<k; i++ ) {
int val = base + (i<rest?1:0);
if( val > 0 )
return ret;
public static boolean isInBlockRange( MatrixIndexes ix, int blen, long rl, long ru, long cl, long cu )
long bRLowerIndex = (ix.getRowIndex()-1)*blen + 1;
long bRUpperIndex = ix.getRowIndex()*blen;
long bCLowerIndex = (ix.getColumnIndex()-1)*blen + 1;
long bCUpperIndex = ix.getColumnIndex()*blen;
if(rl > bRUpperIndex || ru < bRLowerIndex) {
return false;
else if(cl > bCUpperIndex || cu < bCLowerIndex) {
return false;
else {
return true;
public static boolean isInFrameBlockRange( Long ix, int blen, long rl, long ru )
if(rl > ix+blen-1 || ru < ix)
return false;
return true;
public static boolean isInBlockRange( MatrixIndexes ix, int blen, IndexRange ixrange ) {
return isInBlockRange(ix, blen,
ixrange.rowStart, ixrange.rowEnd, ixrange.colStart, ixrange.colEnd);
public static boolean isInFrameBlockRange( Long ix, int blen, IndexRange ixrange )
return isInFrameBlockRange(ix, blen, ixrange.rowStart, ixrange.rowEnd);
// Reused by both MR and Spark for performing zero out
public static IndexRange getSelectedRangeForZeroOut(IndexedMatrixValue in, int blen, IndexRange indexRange)
IndexRange tempRange = new IndexRange(-1, -1, -1, -1);
long topBlockRowIndex=UtilFunctions.computeBlockIndex(indexRange.rowStart, blen);
int topRowInTopBlock=UtilFunctions.computeCellInBlock(indexRange.rowStart, blen);
long bottomBlockRowIndex=UtilFunctions.computeBlockIndex(indexRange.rowEnd, blen);
int bottomRowInBottomBlock=UtilFunctions.computeCellInBlock(indexRange.rowEnd, blen);
long leftBlockColIndex=UtilFunctions.computeBlockIndex(indexRange.colStart, blen);
int leftColInLeftBlock=UtilFunctions.computeCellInBlock(indexRange.colStart, blen);
long rightBlockColIndex=UtilFunctions.computeBlockIndex(indexRange.colEnd, blen);
int rightColInRightBlock=UtilFunctions.computeCellInBlock(indexRange.colEnd, blen);
//no overlap
if(in.getIndexes().getRowIndex()<topBlockRowIndex || in.getIndexes().getRowIndex()>bottomBlockRowIndex
|| in.getIndexes().getColumnIndex()<leftBlockColIndex || in.getIndexes().getColumnIndex()>rightBlockColIndex)
return tempRange;
//get the index range inside the block
tempRange.set(0, in.getValue().getNumRows()-1, 0, in.getValue().getNumColumns()-1);
return tempRange;
// Reused by both MR and Spark for performing zero out
public static IndexRange getSelectedRangeForZeroOut(Pair<Long, FrameBlock> in, int blen, IndexRange indexRange, long lSrcRowIndex, long lDestRowIndex) {
int iRowStart = (indexRange.rowStart <= lDestRowIndex) ?
0 : (int) (indexRange.rowStart - in.getKey());
int iRowEnd = (int) Math.min(indexRange.rowEnd - lSrcRowIndex, blen)-1;
int iColStart = UtilFunctions.computeCellInBlock(indexRange.colStart, blen);
int iColEnd = UtilFunctions.computeCellInBlock(indexRange.colEnd, blen);
return new IndexRange(iRowStart, iRowEnd, iColStart, iColEnd);
* Safe double parsing including handling of NAs. Previously, we also
* used this wrapper for handling thread contention in multi-threaded
* environments because Double.parseDouble relied on a synchronized cache
* (which was replaced with thread-local caches in JDK8).
* @param str string to parse to double
* @return double value
public static double parseToDouble(String str) {
return "NA".equals(str) ?
Double.NaN :
public static int parseToInt( String str )
int ret = -1;
if( str.contains(".") )
ret = toInt( Double.parseDouble(str) );
ret = Integer.parseInt(str);
return ret;
public static long parseToLong( String str )
long ret = -1;
if( str.contains(".") )
ret = toLong( Double.parseDouble(str) );
ret = Long.parseLong(str);
return ret;
public static int toInt( double val ) {
return (int) (Math.signum(val)
* Math.floor(Math.abs(val) + DOUBLE_EPS));
public static long toLong( double val ) {
return (long) (Math.signum(val)
* Math.floor(Math.abs(val) + DOUBLE_EPS));
public static int toInt(Object obj) {
return (obj instanceof Long) ?
((Long)obj).intValue() : ((Integer)obj).intValue();
public static long getSeqLength(double from, double to, double incr) {
return getSeqLength(from, to, incr, true);
public static long getSeqLength(double from, double to, double incr, boolean check) {
//Computing the length of a sequence with 1 + floor((to-from)/incr)
//can lead to incorrect results due to round-off errors in case of
//a very small increment. Hence, we use a different formulation
//that exhibits better numerical stability by avoiding the subtraction
//of numbers of different magnitude.
if( check && (Double.isNaN(from) || Double.isNaN(to) || Double.isNaN(incr)
|| (from > to && incr > 0) || (from < to && incr < 0)) ) {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid seq parameters: ("+from+", "+to+", "+incr+")");
return 1L + (long) Math.floor(to/incr - from/incr);
* Obtain sequence list
* @param low lower bound (inclusive)
* @param up upper bound (inclusive)
* @param incr increment
* @return list of integers
public static List<Integer> getSeqList(int low, int up, int incr) {
ArrayList<Integer> ret = new ArrayList<>();
for( int i=low; i<=up; i+=incr )
return ret;
* Obtain sequence array
* @param low lower bound (inclusive)
* @param up upper bound (inclusive)
* @param incr increment
* @return array of integers
public static int[] getSeqArray(int low, int up, int incr) {
int len = (int) getSeqLength(low, up, incr);
int[] ret = new int[len];
for( int i=0, val=low; i<len; i++, val+=incr )
ret[i] = val;
return ret;
public static int roundToNext(int val, int factor) {
//round up to next non-zero multiple of factor
int pval = Math.max(val, factor);
return ((pval + factor-1) / factor) * factor;
public static Object doubleToObject(ValueType vt, double in) {
return doubleToObject(vt, in, true);
public static Object doubleToObject(ValueType vt, double in, boolean sparse) {
if( in == 0 && sparse) return null;
switch( vt ) {
case STRING: return String.valueOf(in);
case BOOLEAN: return (in!=0);
case INT32: return UtilFunctions.toInt(in);
case INT64: return UtilFunctions.toLong(in);
case FP32: return ((float)in);
case FP64: return in;
default: throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported value type: "+vt);
public static Object stringToObject(ValueType vt, String in) {
if( in == null ) return null;
switch( vt ) {
case STRING: return in;
case BOOLEAN: return Boolean.parseBoolean(in);
case INT32: return Integer.parseInt(in);
case INT64: return Long.parseLong(in);
case FP64: return Double.parseDouble(in);
case FP32: return Float.parseFloat(in);
default: throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported value type: "+vt);
public static double objectToDouble(ValueType vt, Object in) {
if( in == null ) return 0;
switch( vt ) {
case FP64: return (Double)in;
case FP32: return (Float)in;
case INT64: return (Long)in;
case INT32: return (Integer)in;
case BOOLEAN: return ((Boolean)in) ? 1 : 0;
case STRING: return !((String)in).isEmpty() ? Double.parseDouble((String)in) : 0;
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unsupported value type: "+vt);
public static String objectToString( Object in ) {
return (in !=null) ? in.toString() : null;
* Convert object to string
* @param in object
* @param ignoreNull If this flag has set, it will ignore null. This flag is mainly used in merge functionality to override data with "null" data.
* @return string representation of object
public static String objectToString( Object in, boolean ignoreNull ) {
String strReturn = objectToString(in);
if( strReturn == null )
return strReturn;
else if (ignoreNull){
if(in instanceof Double && ((Double)in).doubleValue() == 0.0)
return null;
else if(in instanceof Long && ((Long)in).longValue() == 0)
return null;
else if(in instanceof Long && ((Integer)in).intValue() == 0)
return null;
else if(in instanceof Boolean && ((Boolean)in).booleanValue() == false)
return null;
else if(in instanceof String && ((String)in).trim().length() == 0)
return null;
return strReturn;
return strReturn;
public static Object objectToObject(ValueType vt, Object in) {
if( in instanceof Double && vt == ValueType.FP64
|| in instanceof Float && vt == ValueType.FP32
|| in instanceof Long && vt == ValueType.INT64
|| in instanceof Integer && vt == ValueType.INT32
|| in instanceof Boolean && vt == ValueType.BOOLEAN
|| in instanceof String && vt == ValueType.STRING )
return in; //quick path to avoid double parsing
return stringToObject(vt, objectToString(in) );
public static Object objectToObject(ValueType vt, Object in, boolean ignoreNull ) {
String str = objectToString(in, ignoreNull);
if (str==null || vt == ValueType.STRING)
return str;
return stringToObject(vt, str);
public static int compareTo(ValueType vt, Object in1, Object in2) {
if(in1 == null && in2 == null) return 0;
else if(in1 == null) return -1;
else if(in2 == null) return 1;
switch( vt ) {
case STRING: return ((String)in1).compareTo((String)in2);
case BOOLEAN: return ((Boolean)in1).compareTo((Boolean)in2);
case INT64: return ((Long)in1).compareTo((Long)in2);
case INT32: return ((Integer)in1).compareTo((Integer)in2);
case FP64: return ((Double)in1).compareTo((Double)in2);
default: throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported value type: "+vt);
* Compares two version strings of format x.y.z, where x is major,
* y is minor, and z is maintenance release.
* @param version1 first version string
* @param version2 second version string
* @return 1 if version1 greater, -1 if version2 greater, 0 if equal
public static int compareVersion( String version1, String version2 ) {
String[] partsv1 = version1.split("\\.");
String[] partsv2 = version2.split("\\.");
int len = Math.min(partsv1.length, partsv2.length);
for( int i=0; i<partsv1.length && i<len; i++ ) {
Integer iv1 = Integer.parseInt(partsv1[i]);
Integer iv2 = Integer.parseInt(partsv2[i]);
if( iv1.compareTo(iv2) != 0 )
return iv1.compareTo(iv2);
return 0; //equal
public static boolean isIntegerNumber( String str ) {
byte[] c = str.getBytes();
for( int i=0; i<c.length; i++ )
if( c[i] < 48 || c[i] > 57 )
return false;
return true;
public static int[] getSortedSampleIndexes(int range, int sampleSize) {
return getSortedSampleIndexes(range, sampleSize, -1);
public static int[] getSortedSampleIndexes(int range, int sampleSize, long seed) {
RandomDataGenerator rng = new RandomDataGenerator();
if (seed != -1){
int[] sample = rng.nextPermutation(range, sampleSize);
return sample;
public static byte max( byte[] array ) {
byte ret = Byte.MIN_VALUE;
for( int i=0; i<array.length; i++ )
ret = (array[i]>ret)?array[i]:ret;
return ret;
public static String unquote(String s) {
if (s != null && s.length() >=2
&& ((s.startsWith("\"") && s.endsWith("\""))
|| (s.startsWith("'") && s.endsWith("'")))) {
s = s.substring(1, s.length() - 1);
return s;
public static String quote(String s) {
return "\"" + s + "\"";
* Parses a memory size with optional g/m/k quantifiers into its
* number representation.
* @param arg memory size as readable string
* @return byte count of memory size
public static long parseMemorySize(String arg) {
if ( arg.endsWith("g") || arg.endsWith("G") )
return Long.parseLong(arg.substring(0,arg.length()-1)) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
else if ( arg.endsWith("m") || arg.endsWith("M") )
return Long.parseLong(arg.substring(0,arg.length()-1)) * 1024 * 1024;
else if( arg.endsWith("k") || arg.endsWith("K") )
return Long.parseLong(arg.substring(0,arg.length()-1)) * 1024;
return Long.parseLong(arg.substring(0,arg.length()));
* Format a memory size with g/m/k quantifiers into its
* number representation.
* @param arg byte count of memory size
* @return memory size as readable string
public static String formatMemorySize(long arg) {
if (arg >= 1024 * 1024 * 1024)
return String.format("%d GB", arg/(1024*1024*1024));
else if (arg >= 1024 * 1024)
return String.format("%d MB", arg/(1024*1024));
else if (arg >= 1024)
return String.format("%d KB", arg/(1024));
return String.format("%d", arg);
public static double getDouble(Object obj) {
return (obj instanceof Double) ? (Double)obj :
public static boolean isNonZero(Object obj) {
if( obj instanceof Double )
return ((Double) obj) != 0;
else {
//avoid expensive double parsing
String sobj = obj.toString();
return (!sobj.equals("0") && !sobj.equals("0.0"));
public static int computeNnz(double[] a, int ai, int len) {
int lnnz = 0;
for( int i=ai; i<ai+len; i++ )
lnnz += (a[i] != 0) ? 1 : 0;
return lnnz;
public static int computeNnz(float[] a, int ai, int len) {
int lnnz = 0;
for( int i=ai; i<ai+len; i++ )
lnnz += (a[i] != 0) ? 1 : 0;
return lnnz;
public static int computeNnz(long[] a, int ai, int len) {
int lnnz = 0;
for( int i=ai; i<ai+len; i++ )
lnnz += (a[i] != 0) ? 1 : 0;
return lnnz;
public static int computeNnz(int[] a, int ai, int len) {
int lnnz = 0;
for( int i=ai; i<ai+len; i++ )
lnnz += (a[i] != 0) ? 1 : 0;
return lnnz;
public static int computeNnz(BitSet a, int ai, int len) {
int lnnz = 0;
for( int i=ai; i<ai+len; i++ )
lnnz += a.get(i) ? 1 : 0;
return lnnz;
public static int computeNnz(String[] a, int ai, int len) {
int lnnz = 0;
for( int k=ai; k<ai+len; k++ )
lnnz += (a[k] != null && !a[k].isEmpty() && Double.parseDouble(a[k]) != 0) ? 1 : 0;
return lnnz;
public static long computeNnz(SparseBlock a, int[] aix, int ai, int alen) {
long lnnz = 0;
for( int k=ai; k<ai+alen; k++ )
lnnz += a.size(aix[k]);
return lnnz;
public static ValueType[] nCopies(int n, ValueType vt) {
ValueType[] ret = new ValueType[n];
Arrays.fill(ret, vt);
return ret;
public static int frequency(ValueType[] schema, ValueType vt) {
int count = 0;
for( ValueType tmp : schema )
count += tmp.equals(vt) ? 1 : 0;
return count;
public static ValueType[] copyOf(ValueType[] schema1, ValueType[] schema2) {
return (ValueType[]) ArrayUtils.addAll(schema1, schema2);
public static int countNonZeros(double[] data, int pos, int len) {
int ret = 0;
for( int i=pos; i<pos+len; i++ )
ret += (data[i] != 0) ? 1 : 0;
return ret;
public static boolean containsZero(double[] data, int pos, int len) {
for( int i=pos; i<pos+len; i++ )
if( data[i] == 0 )
return true;
return false;
public static <T> List<T> asList(List<T>... inputs) {
List<T> ret = new ArrayList<>();
for( List<T> list : inputs )
return ret;
public static <T> ArrayList<T> asArrayList(T... inputs) {
ArrayList<T> ret = new ArrayList<>();
for( T list : inputs )
return ret;
public static <T> Set<T> asSet(List<T>... inputs) {
Set<T> ret = new HashSet<>();
for( List<T> list : inputs )
return ret;
public static <T> Set<T> asSet(T[]... inputs) {
Set<T> ret = new HashSet<>();
for( T[] input : inputs )
for( T element : input )
return ret;
public static <T> Set<T> asSet(T... inputs) {
Set<T> ret = new HashSet<>();
for( T element : inputs )
return ret;
public static <T> Stream<T> getStream(Iterator<T> iter) {
Iterable<T> iterable = () -> iter;
return, false);
public static long prod(long[] arr) {
long ret = 1;
for(int i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
ret *= arr[i];
return ret;
public static long prod(int[] arr) {
long ret = 1;
for(int i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
ret *= arr[i];
return ret;
public static long prod(int[] arr, int off) {
long ret = 1;
for(int i=off; i<arr.length; i++)
ret *= arr[i];
return ret;
public static void getBlockBounds(TensorIndexes ix, long[] dims, int blen, int[] lower, int[] upper) {
for (int i = 0; i < dims.length; i++) {
lower[i] = (int) (ix.getIndex(i) - 1) * blen;
upper[i] = (int) (lower[i] + dims[i] - 1);
upper[upper.length - 1]++;
for (int i = upper.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if (upper[i] == dims[i]) {
upper[i] = 0;
upper[i - 1]++;
public static List<org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair<FederatedRange, Future<FederatedResponse>>> requestFederatedData(
Map<FederatedRange, FederatedData> fedMapping) {
List<org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair<FederatedRange, Future<FederatedResponse>>> readResponses = new ArrayList<>();
for(Map.Entry<FederatedRange, FederatedData> entry : fedMapping.entrySet()) {
FederatedRange range = entry.getKey();
FederatedData fd = entry.getValue();
if(fd.isInitialized()) {
FederatedRequest request = new FederatedRequest(FederatedRequest.FedMethod.TRANSFER);
Future<FederatedResponse> readResponse = fd.executeFederatedOperation(request, true);
readResponses.add(new ImmutablePair<>(range, readResponse));
else {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Federated matrix read only supported on initialized FederatedData");
return readResponses;