blob: f870cc40f02bd0b7de7f9320752d95f0c40d2f37 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.cp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Builtins;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.DataType;
import org.apache.sysds.conf.ConfigurationManager;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.rewrite.HopRewriteUtils;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.rewrite.ProgramRewriter;
import org.apache.sysds.lops.compile.Dag;
import org.apache.sysds.parser.DMLProgram;
import org.apache.sysds.parser.DMLTranslator;
import org.apache.sysds.parser.FunctionStatementBlock;
import org.apache.sysds.parser.dml.DmlSyntacticValidator;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.DMLRuntimeException;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.FunctionProgramBlock;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.Program;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.caching.FrameObject;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.caching.MatrixObject;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.context.ExecutionContext;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.matrix.operators.Operator;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.DataConverter;
* Eval built-in function instruction
* Note: it supports only single matrix[double] output
public class EvalNaryCPInstruction extends BuiltinNaryCPInstruction {
public EvalNaryCPInstruction(Operator op, String opcode, String istr, CPOperand output, CPOperand... inputs) {
super(op, opcode, istr, output, inputs);
public void processInstruction(ExecutionContext ec) {
//1. get the namespace and func
String funcName = ec.getScalarInput(inputs[0]).getStringValue();
if( funcName.contains(Program.KEY_DELIM) )
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Eval calls to '"+funcName+"', i.e., a function outside "
+ "the default "+ "namespace, are not supported yet. Please call the function directly.");
// bound the inputs to avoiding being deleted after the function call
CPOperand[] boundInputs = Arrays.copyOfRange(inputs, 1, inputs.length);
List<String> boundOutputNames = new ArrayList<>();
//2. copy the created output matrix
MatrixObject outputMO = new MatrixObject(ec.getMatrixObject(output.getName()));
//3. lazy loading of dml-bodied builtin functions (incl. rename
// of function name to dml-bodied builtin scheme (data-type-specific)
DataType dt1 = boundInputs[0].getDataType().isList() ?
DataType.MATRIX : boundInputs[0].getDataType();
String funcName2 = Builtins.getInternalFName(funcName, dt1);
if( !ec.getProgram().containsFunctionProgramBlock(null, funcName)) {
if( !ec.getProgram().containsFunctionProgramBlock(null,funcName2) )
compileFunctionProgramBlock(funcName, dt1, ec.getProgram());
funcName = funcName2;
//obtain function block (but unoptimized version of existing functions for correctness)
FunctionProgramBlock fpb = ec.getProgram().getFunctionProgramBlock(null, funcName, false);
//4. expand list arguments if needed
CPOperand[] boundInputs2 = null;
if( boundInputs.length == 1 && boundInputs[0].getDataType().isList()
&& fpb.getInputParams().size() > 1 && !fpb.getInputParams().get(0).getDataType().isList())
ListObject lo = ec.getListObject(boundInputs[0]);
checkValidArguments(lo.getData(), lo.getNames(), fpb.getInputParamNames());
if( lo.isNamedList() )
lo = reorderNamedListForFunctionCall(lo, fpb.getInputParamNames());
boundInputs2 = new CPOperand[lo.getLength()];
for( int i=0; i<lo.getLength(); i++ ) {
Data in = lo.getData(i);
String varName = Dag.getNextUniqueVarname(in.getDataType());
ec.getVariables().put(varName, in);
boundInputs2[i] = new CPOperand(varName, in);
boundInputs = boundInputs2;
//5. call the function
FunctionCallCPInstruction fcpi = new FunctionCallCPInstruction(null, funcName,
false, boundInputs, fpb.getInputParamNames(), boundOutputNames, "eval func");
//6. convert the result to matrix
Data newOutput = ec.getVariable(output);
if (!(newOutput instanceof MatrixObject)) {
MatrixBlock mb = null;
if (newOutput instanceof ScalarObject) {
//convert scalar to matrix
mb = new MatrixBlock(((ScalarObject) newOutput).getDoubleValue());
} else if (newOutput instanceof FrameObject) {
//convert frame to matrix
mb = DataConverter.convertToMatrixBlock(((FrameObject) newOutput).acquireRead());
ec.cleanupCacheableData((FrameObject) newOutput);
ec.setVariable(output.getName(), outputMO);
//7. cleanup of variable expanded from list
if( boundInputs2 != null ) {
for( CPOperand op : boundInputs2 )
VariableCPInstruction.processRmvarInstruction(ec, op.getName());
private static void compileFunctionProgramBlock(String name, DataType dt, Program prog) {
//load builtin file and parse function statement block
Map<String,FunctionStatementBlock> fsbs = DmlSyntacticValidator
.loadAndParseBuiltinFunction(name, DMLProgram.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE);
if( fsbs.isEmpty() )
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Failed to compile function '"+name+"'.");
// prepare common data structures, including a consolidated dml program
// to facilitate function validation which tries to inline lazily loaded
// and existing functions.
DMLProgram dmlp = (prog.getDMLProg() != null) ? prog.getDMLProg() :
fsbs.get(Builtins.getInternalFName(name, dt)).getDMLProg();
for( Entry<String,FunctionStatementBlock> fsb : fsbs.entrySet() ) {
if( !dmlp.getDefaultFunctionDictionary().containsFunction(fsb.getKey()) ) {
dmlp.addFunctionStatementBlock(fsb.getKey(), fsb.getValue());
DMLTranslator dmlt = new DMLTranslator(dmlp);
ProgramRewriter rewriter = new ProgramRewriter(true, false);
ProgramRewriter rewriter2 = new ProgramRewriter(false, true);
// validate functions, in two passes for cross references
for( FunctionStatementBlock fsb : fsbs.values() ) {
dmlt.liveVariableAnalysisFunction(dmlp, fsb);
dmlt.validateFunction(dmlp, fsb);
// compile hop dags, rewrite hop dags and compile lop dags
// incl change of function calls to unoptimized functions calls
for( FunctionStatementBlock fsb : fsbs.values() ) {
rewriter.rewriteHopDAGsFunction(fsb, false); //rewrite and merge
rewriter.rewriteHopDAGsFunction(fsb, true); //rewrite and split
rewriter2.rewriteHopDAGsFunction(fsb, true);
// compile runtime program
for( Entry<String,FunctionStatementBlock> fsb : fsbs.entrySet() ) {
if( !prog.containsFunctionProgramBlock(null, fsb.getKey(), false) ) {
FunctionProgramBlock fpb = (FunctionProgramBlock) dmlt
.createRuntimeProgramBlock(prog, fsb.getValue(), ConfigurationManager.getDMLConfig());
//prog.addFunctionProgramBlock(null, fsb.getKey(), fpb, true); // optimized
prog.addFunctionProgramBlock(null, fsb.getKey(), fpb, false); // unoptimized -> eval
private static void checkValidArguments(List<Data> loData, List<String> loNames, List<String> fArgNames) {
//check number of parameters
int listSize = (loNames != null) ? loNames.size() : loData.size();
if( listSize != fArgNames.size() )
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Failed to expand list for function call "
+ "(mismatching number of arguments: "+listSize+" vs. "+fArgNames.size()+").");
//check individual parameters
if( loNames != null ) {
HashSet<String> probe = new HashSet<>();
for( String var : fArgNames )
for( String var : loNames )
if( !probe.contains(var) )
throw new DMLRuntimeException("List argument named '"+var+"' not in function signature.");
private static ListObject reorderNamedListForFunctionCall(ListObject in, List<String> fArgNames) {
List<Data> sortedData = new ArrayList<>();
for( String name : fArgNames )
return new ListObject(sortedData, new ArrayList<>(fArgNames));