blob: c7ed6fdc1b91bf341cb9fc64dcc5850c10c75266 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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arima_residuals = function(Matrix[Double] weights, Matrix[Double] X, Integer p, Integer P, Integer q, Integer Q, Integer s, String solver) return (Matrix[Double] errs, Matrix[Double] combined_weights){
combined_weights = weights
if (p>0 & P>0)
combined_weights = rbind(combined_weights, matrix(weights[1:p,] %*% t(weights[p+1:p+P,]), rows=p*P, cols=1))
b = X[,2:ncol(X)]%*%combined_weights
errs = X[,1] - b
X = matrix(1, 1000, 1)
p = 2
d = 0
q = 0
P = 0
D = 0
Q = 0
s = 0
totparamcols = p+P+Q+q+p*P
num_rows = nrow(X)
if(num_rows <= d)
print("non-seasonal differencing order should be smaller than length of the time-series")
if(num_rows <= s*D)
print("seasonal differencing order should be smaller than number of observations divided by length of season")
Z = cbind (X[1:nrow(X),], matrix(0, nrow(X), totparamcols))
weights = matrix("0.459982 0.673987", 2, 1)
f1 = arima_residuals(weights, Z, p, P, q, Q, s, "")
f2 = arima_residuals(weights, Z, p, P, q, Q, s, "")
print("out: " + sum(f1))