blob: ba2f82d5ab1067fe28e760858f1fa3bae7edfb83 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Queue;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.utils.ABitmap;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.utils.Bitmap;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.utils.BitmapLossy;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.utils.DblArray;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.utils.DblArrayIntListHashMap;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.utils.DblArrayIntListHashMap.DArrayIListEntry;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.utils.DoubleIntListHashMap;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.utils.DoubleIntListHashMap.DIListEntry;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.utils.IntArrayList;
* Static functions for encoding bitmaps in various ways.
public class BitmapEncoder {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(BitmapEncoder.class.getName());
* Generate uncompressed bitmaps for a set of columns in an uncompressed matrix block.
* @param colIndices Indexes (within the block) of the columns to extract
* @param rawBlock An uncompressed matrix block; can be dense or sparse
* @param compSettings The compression settings used for the compression.
* @return uncompressed bitmap representation of the columns
public static ABitmap extractBitmap(int[] colIndices, MatrixBlock rawBlock, CompressionSettings compSettings) {
// note: no sparse column selection reader because low potential
// single column selection
Bitmap res = null;
if(colIndices.length == 1) {
res = extractBitmap(colIndices[0], rawBlock, compSettings);
// multiple column selection (general case)
else {
ReaderColumnSelection reader = null;
if(rawBlock.isInSparseFormat() && compSettings.transposeInput)
reader = new ReaderColumnSelectionSparse(rawBlock, colIndices, compSettings);
reader = new ReaderColumnSelectionDense(rawBlock, colIndices, compSettings);
res = extractBitmap(colIndices, reader);
if(compSettings.lossy) {
return makeBitmapLossy(res);
else {
return res;
public static ABitmap extractBitmap(int[] colIndices, int rows, BitSet rawBlock, CompressionSettings compSettings) {
ReaderColumnSelection reader = new ReaderColumnSelectionBitSet(rawBlock, rows, colIndices, compSettings);
Bitmap res = extractBitmap(colIndices, reader);
return res;
* Extract Bitmap from a single column.
* It counts the instances of zero, but skips storing the values.
* @param colIndex The index of the column
* @param rawBlock The Raw matrix block (that can be transposed)
* @param compSettings The Compression settings used, in this instance to know if the raw block is transposed.
* @return Bitmap containing the Information of the column.
private static Bitmap extractBitmap(int colIndex, MatrixBlock rawBlock, CompressionSettings compSettings) {
// probe map for distinct items (for value or value groups)
DoubleIntListHashMap distinctVals = new DoubleIntListHashMap();
// scan rows and probe/build distinct items
final int m = compSettings.transposeInput ? rawBlock.getNumColumns() : rawBlock.getNumRows();
int numZeros = 0;
if(rawBlock.isInSparseFormat() && compSettings.transposeInput) { // SPARSE and Transposed.
SparseBlock a = rawBlock.getSparseBlock();
if(a != null && !a.isEmpty(colIndex)) {
int apos = a.pos(colIndex);
int alen = a.size(colIndex);
numZeros = m - alen;
int[] aix = a.indexes(colIndex);
double[] avals = a.values(colIndex);
for(int j = apos; j < apos + alen; j++) {
IntArrayList lstPtr = distinctVals.get(avals[j]);
if(lstPtr == null) {
lstPtr = new IntArrayList();
distinctVals.appendValue(avals[j], lstPtr);
for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
double val = compSettings.transposeInput ? rawBlock.quickGetValue(colIndex, i) : rawBlock
.quickGetValue(i, colIndex);
if(val != 0) {
IntArrayList lstPtr = distinctVals.get(val);
if(lstPtr == null) {
lstPtr = new IntArrayList();
distinctVals.appendValue(val, lstPtr);
else {
return makeBitmap(distinctVals, numZeros);
* Extract Bitmap from multiple columns together.
* It counts the instances of rows containing only zero values, but other groups can contain a zero value.
* @param colIndices The Column indexes to extract the multi-column bit map from.
* @param rowReader A Reader for the columns selected.
* @return The Bitmap
private static Bitmap extractBitmap(int[] colIndices, ReaderColumnSelection rowReader) {
// probe map for distinct items (for value or value groups)
DblArrayIntListHashMap distinctVals;
if(colIndices.length > 10) {
distinctVals = new DblArrayIntListHashMap(2048);
else {
distinctVals = new DblArrayIntListHashMap();
// scan rows and probe/build distinct items
DblArray cellVals = null;
int zero = 0;
while((cellVals = rowReader.nextRow()) != null) {
if(cellVals.getData() == null) {
zero += 1;
else {
IntArrayList lstPtr = distinctVals.get(cellVals);
if(lstPtr == null) {
// create new objects only on demand
lstPtr = new IntArrayList();
distinctVals.appendValue(new DblArray(cellVals), lstPtr);
return makeBitmap(distinctVals, colIndices.length, zero);
* Make the multi column Bitmap.
* @param distinctVals The distinct values fround in the columns selected.
* @param numColumns Number of columns
* @param numZeros Number of zero rows. aka rows only containing zero values.
* @return The Bitmap.
private static Bitmap makeBitmap(DblArrayIntListHashMap distinctVals, int numColumns, int numZeros) {
// added for one pass bitmap construction
// Convert inputs to arrays
int numVals = distinctVals.size();
int numCols = numColumns;
double[] values = new double[numVals * numCols];
IntArrayList[] offsetsLists = new IntArrayList[numVals];
int bitmapIx = 0;
for(DArrayIListEntry val : distinctVals.extractValues()) {
System.arraycopy(val.key.getData(), 0, values, bitmapIx * numCols, numCols);
offsetsLists[bitmapIx++] = val.value;
// HACK; we make sure that the first sparse unsafe operation assume
// that we have entries with zero values. This makes the first sparse
// unsafe operation slightly slower, if the input compressed matrix is
// fully dense, aka containing no zero values.
// This is required for multi-column colGroups.
numZeros = (numColumns > 1) ? numZeros + 1 : numZeros;
return new Bitmap(numCols, offsetsLists, numZeros, values);
* Make single column bitmap.
* @param distinctVals Distinct values contained in the bitmap, mapping to offsets for locations in the matrix.
* @param numZeros Number of zero values in the matrix
* @return The single column Bitmap.
private static Bitmap makeBitmap(DoubleIntListHashMap distinctVals, int numZeros) {
// added for one pass bitmap construction
// Convert inputs to arrays
int numVals = distinctVals.size();
double[] values = new double[numVals];
IntArrayList[] offsetsLists = new IntArrayList[numVals];
int bitmapIx = 0;
for(DIListEntry val : distinctVals.extractValues()) {
values[bitmapIx] = val.key;
offsetsLists[bitmapIx++] = val.value;
return new Bitmap(1, offsetsLists, numZeros, values);
* Given a Bitmap try to make a lossy version of the same bitmap.
* @param ubm The Uncompressed version of the bitmap.
* @return A bitmap.
private static ABitmap makeBitmapLossy(Bitmap ubm) {
final double[] fp = ubm.getValues();
if(fp.length == 0) {
return ubm;
Stats stats = new Stats(fp);
// TODO make better decisions than just a 8 Bit encoding.
if(Double.isInfinite(stats.max) || Double.isInfinite(stats.min)) {
LOG.warn("Defaulting to incompressable colGroup");
return ubm;
else {
return make8BitLossy(ubm, stats);
* Make the specific 8 bit encoding version of a bitmap.
* @param ubm The uncompressed Bitmap.
* @param stats The statistics associated with the bitmap.
* @return a lossy bitmap.
private static BitmapLossy make8BitLossy(Bitmap ubm, Stats stats) {
final double[] fp = ubm.getValues();
int numCols = ubm.getNumColumns();
double scale = Math.max(Math.abs(stats.min), stats.max) / (double) Byte.MAX_VALUE;
byte[] scaledValues = scaleValues(fp, scale);
if(numCols == 1) {
return makeBitmapLossySingleCol(ubm, scaledValues, scale);
else {
return makeBitmapLossyMultiCol(ubm, scaledValues, scale);
* Make Single column lossy bitmap.
* This method merges the previous offset lists together to reduce the size.
* @param ubm The original uncompressed bitmap.
* @param scaledValues The scaled values to map into.
* @param scale The scale in use.
* @return The Lossy bitmap.
private static BitmapLossy makeBitmapLossySingleCol(Bitmap ubm, byte[] scaledValues, double scale) {
// Using Linked Hashmap to preserve the sorted order.
Map<Byte, Queue<IntArrayList>> values = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<Byte, Integer> lengths = new HashMap<>();
IntArrayList[] fullSizeOffsetsLists = ubm.getOffsetList();
int numZeroGroups = ubm.getZeroCounts();
boolean somethingToMerge = false;
for(int idx = 0; idx < scaledValues.length; idx++) {
if(scaledValues[idx] != 0) { // Throw away zero values.
if(values.containsKey(scaledValues[idx])) {
lengths.put(scaledValues[idx], lengths.get(scaledValues[idx]) + fullSizeOffsetsLists[idx].size());
somethingToMerge = true;
else {
Queue<IntArrayList> offsets = new LinkedList<>();
values.put(scaledValues[idx], offsets);
lengths.put(scaledValues[idx], fullSizeOffsetsLists[idx].size());
else {
if(somethingToMerge) {
byte[] scaledValuesReduced = new byte[values.keySet().size()];
IntArrayList[] newOffsetsLists = new IntArrayList[values.keySet().size()];
Iterator<Entry<Byte, Queue<IntArrayList>>> x = values.entrySet().iterator();
int idx = 0;
while(x.hasNext()) {
Entry<Byte, Queue<IntArrayList>> ent =;
scaledValuesReduced[idx] = ent.getKey().byteValue();
Queue<IntArrayList> q = ent.getValue();
if(q.size() == 1) {
newOffsetsLists[idx] = q.remove();
else {
newOffsetsLists[idx] = mergeOffsets(q, new int[lengths.get(ent.getKey())]);
return new BitmapLossy(ubm.getNumColumns(), newOffsetsLists, numZeroGroups, scaledValuesReduced, scale);
else {
return new BitmapLossy(ubm.getNumColumns(), fullSizeOffsetsLists, numZeroGroups, scaledValues, scale);
* Multi column instance of makeBitmapLossySingleCol
* @param ubm The original uncompressed bitmap.
* @param scaledValues The scaled values to map into.
* @param scale The scale in use.
* @return The Lossy bitmap.
private static BitmapLossy makeBitmapLossyMultiCol(Bitmap ubm, byte[] scaledValues, double scale) {
int numColumns = ubm.getNumColumns();
Map<List<Byte>, Queue<IntArrayList>> values = new HashMap<>();
Map<List<Byte>, Integer> lengths = new HashMap<>();
IntArrayList[] fullSizeOffsetsLists = ubm.getOffsetList();
int numZeroGroups = ubm.getZeroCounts();
boolean allZero = true;
boolean somethingToMerge = false;
for(int idx = 0; idx < scaledValues.length; idx += numColumns) {
List<Byte> array = new ArrayList<>();
for(int off = 0; off < numColumns; off++) {
allZero = scaledValues[idx + off] == 0 && allZero;
array.add(scaledValues[idx + off]);
numZeroGroups += allZero ? 1 : 0;
if(!allZero) {
IntArrayList entry = fullSizeOffsetsLists[idx / numColumns];
if(values.containsKey(array)) {
lengths.put(array, lengths.get(array) + entry.size());
somethingToMerge = true;
else {
Queue<IntArrayList> offsets = new LinkedList<>();
values.put(array, offsets);
lengths.put(array, entry.size());
allZero = true;
// HACK; we make sure that the first sparse unsafe operation assume
// that we have entries with zero values. This makes the first sparse
// unsafe operation slightly slower, if the input compressed matrix is
// fully dense, aka containing no zero values.
// This is required for multi-column colGroups.
numZeroGroups = numZeroGroups + 1;
if(somethingToMerge) {
byte[] scaledValuesReduced = new byte[values.keySet().size() * numColumns];
IntArrayList[] newOffsetsLists = new IntArrayList[values.keySet().size()];
Iterator<Entry<List<Byte>, Queue<IntArrayList>>> x = values.entrySet().iterator();
int idx = 0;
while(x.hasNext()) {
Entry<List<Byte>, Queue<IntArrayList>> ent =;
List<Byte> key = ent.getKey();
int row = idx * numColumns;
for(int off = 0; off < numColumns; off++) {
scaledValuesReduced[row + off] = key.get(off);
Queue<IntArrayList> q = ent.getValue();
if(q.size() == 1) {
newOffsetsLists[idx] = q.remove();
else {
newOffsetsLists[idx] = mergeOffsets(q, new int[lengths.get(key)]);
return new BitmapLossy(ubm.getNumColumns(), newOffsetsLists, numZeroGroups, scaledValuesReduced, scale);
else {
return new BitmapLossy(ubm.getNumColumns(), fullSizeOffsetsLists, numZeroGroups, scaledValues, scale);
* Merge method to join together offset lists.
* @param offsets The offsets to join
* @param res The result int array to put the values into. This has to be allocated to the joined size of all
* the input offsetLists
* @return The merged offsetList.
private static IntArrayList mergeOffsets(Queue<IntArrayList> offsets, int[] res) {
int indexStart = 0;
while(!offsets.isEmpty()) {
IntArrayList h = offsets.remove();
int[] v = h.extractValues();
for(int i = 0; i < h.size(); i++) {
res[indexStart++] = v[i];
return new IntArrayList(res);
* Utility method to scale all the values in the array to byte range
* @param fp double array to scale
* @param scale the scale to apply
* @return the scaled values in byte
private static byte[] scaleValues(double[] fp, double scale) {
byte[] res = new byte[fp.length];
for(int idx = 0; idx < fp.length; idx++) {
res[idx] = (byte) (Math.round(fp[idx] / scale));
return res;
* Statistics class to analyse what compression plan to use.
private static class Stats {
protected double max;
protected double min;
protected double minDelta;
protected double maxDelta;
protected boolean sameDelta;
public Stats(double[] fp) {
maxDelta = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
minDelta = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
sameDelta = true;
if(fp.length > 1) {
double delta = fp[0] - fp[1];
for(int i = 0; i < fp.length - 1; i++) {
if(fp[i] > max)
max = fp[i];
if(fp[i] < min)
min = fp[i];
double ndelta = fp[i] - fp[i + 1];
if(delta < minDelta) {
minDelta = delta;
if(delta > maxDelta) {
maxDelta = delta;
if(sameDelta && Math.abs(delta - ndelta) <= delta * 0.00000001) {
sameDelta = false;
delta = ndelta;
if(fp[fp.length - 1] > max)
max = fp[fp.length - 1];
if(fp[fp.length - 1] < min)
min = fp[fp.length - 1];
else {
max = fp[0];
min = fp[0];
maxDelta = 0;
minDelta = 0;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Stats{" + this.hashCode() + "}");
sb.append(" max: " + max);
sb.append(" min: " + min);
sb.append(" minΔ: " + minDelta);
sb.append(" maxΔ: " + maxDelta);
sb.append(" sameΔ: " + maxDelta);
return sb.toString();