blob: 13a47fe2e09dfde6f4011da4db6279ab4c0b9669 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.CompressionSettings;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.utils.ABitmap;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.utils.LinearAlgebraUtils;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.matrix.operators.BinaryOperator;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.matrix.operators.ScalarOperator;
* Class to encapsulate information about a column group that is encoded with dense dictionary encoding (DDC) using 1
* byte codes.
public class ColGroupDDC1 extends ColGroupDDC {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5204955589230760157L;
private byte[] _data;
protected ColGroupDDC1() {
protected ColGroupDDC1(int[] colIndices, int numRows, ABitmap ubm, CompressionSettings cs) {
super(colIndices, numRows, ubm, cs);
int numVals = ubm.getNumValues();
int numCols = ubm.getNumColumns();
_data = new byte[numRows];
// materialize zero values, if necessary
if(ubm.getNumOffsets() < (long) numRows * numCols) {
int zeroIx = containsAllZeroValue();
if(zeroIx < 0) {
// Utilize the index of the length as a zero index, Makes lookups slower, but removes
// the need to allocate a new Dictionary
zeroIx = numVals;
Arrays.fill(_data, (byte) zeroIx);
_zeros = true;
// iterate over values and write dictionary codes
for(int i = 0; i < numVals; i++) {
int[] tmpList = ubm.getOffsetsList(i).extractValues();
int tmpListSize = ubm.getNumOffsets(i);
for(int k = 0; k < tmpListSize; k++)
_data[tmpList[k]] = (byte) i;
protected ColGroupDDC1(int[] colIndices, int numRows, ADictionary dict, byte[] data, boolean zeros,
int[] cachedCounts) {
super(colIndices, numRows, dict, cachedCounts);
_data = data;
_zeros = zeros;
protected ColGroupType getColGroupType() {
return ColGroupType.DDC1;
* Getter method to get the data, contained in The DDC ColGroup.
* @return The contained data
public byte[] getData() {
return _data;
public void rightMultByVector(double[] b, double[] c, int rl, int ru, double[] dictVals) {
final int numVals = getNumValues();
double[] vals = preaggValues(numVals, b, dictVals);
LinearAlgebraUtils.vectListAdd(vals, c, _data, rl, ru);
public void rightMultByMatrix(double[] preAggregatedB, double[] c, int thatNrColumns, int rl, int ru, int cl,
int cu) {
LinearAlgebraUtils.vectListAddDDC(preAggregatedB, c, _data, rl, ru, cl, cu, thatNrColumns, getNumValues());
public void rightMultBySparseMatrix(SparseRow[] rows, double[] c, int numVals, double[] dictVals, int nrColumns,
int rl, int ru) {
if(rows.length > 1) {
throw new NotImplementedException("Not Implemented CoCoded right Sparse Multiply");
for(int i = 0; i < rows[0].size(); i++) {
double[] vals = sparsePreaggValues(numVals, rows[0].values()[i], false, dictVals);
LinearAlgebraUtils.vectListAdd(vals, c, _data, rl, ru, rows[0].indexes()[i] * _numRows);
protected int getIndex(int r) {
return _data[r] & 0xFF;
protected int getIndex(int r, int colIx) {
return _data[r] & 0xFF * getNumCols() + colIx;
protected double getData(int r, double[] values) {
int index = (_data[r] & 0xFF);
return (index < values.length) ? values[index] : 0.0;
protected double getData(int r, int colIx, double[] values) {
int index = (_data[r] & 0xFF) * getNumCols() + colIx;
return (index < values.length) ? values[index] : 0.0;
protected void setData(int r, int code) {
_data[r] = (byte) code;
public void recodeData(HashMap<Double, Integer> map) {
// prepare translation table
final int numVals = getNumValues();
final double[] values = getValues();
byte[] lookup = new byte[numVals];
for(int k = 0; k < numVals; k++)
lookup[k] = map.get(values[k]).byteValue();
// recode the data
for(int i = 0; i < _numRows; i++)
_data[i] = lookup[_data[i] & 0xFF];
public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
// write data
for(int i = 0; i < _numRows; i++)
public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {
// read data
_data = new byte[_numRows];
for(int i = 0; i < _numRows; i++)
_data[i] = in.readByte();
public long getExactSizeOnDisk() {
long ret = super.getExactSizeOnDisk();
ret += _data.length;
return ret;
public long estimateInMemorySize() {
return ColGroupSizes.estimateInMemorySizeDDC1(getNumCols(), getNumValues(), _data.length, isLossy());
public ColGroup scalarOperation(ScalarOperator op) {
double val0 = op.executeScalar(0);
if(op.sparseSafe || val0 == 0 || !_zeros) {
return new ColGroupDDC1(_colIndexes, _numRows, applyScalarOp(op), _data, _zeros, getCachedCounts());
else {
return new ColGroupDDC1(_colIndexes, _numRows, applyScalarOp(op, val0, _colIndexes.length), _data, false,
public ColGroup binaryRowOp(BinaryOperator op, double[] v, boolean sparseSafe) {
sparseSafe = sparseSafe || !_zeros;
return new ColGroupDDC1(_colIndexes, _numRows, applyBinaryRowOp(op.fn, v, sparseSafe), _data, !sparseSafe,
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("\nDataLength: " + this._data.length);
return sb.toString();