blob: 00977ca2760b3db14558fdbdfc8193dd79769d1f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.Builtin;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.KahanFunction;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.functionobjects.ValueFunction;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.matrix.operators.ScalarOperator;
* This dictionary class aims to encapsulate the storage and operations over unique floating point values of a column
* group.
public abstract class ADictionary {
* Get all the values contained in the dictionary as a linearized double array.
* @return linearized double array
public abstract double[] getValues();
* Get Specific value contained in the dictionary at index.
* @param i The index to extract the value from
* @return The value contained at the index
public abstract double getValue(int i);
* Determines if the content has a zero tuple. meaning all values at a specific row are zero value. This is useful
* information to find out if the dictionary is used in a dense context. To improve some specific operations.
* @param ncol The number of columns in the dictionary.
* @return The index at which the zero tuple is located.
public abstract int hasZeroTuple(int ncol);
* Returns the memory usage of the dictionary.
* @return a long value in number of bytes for the dictionary.
public abstract long getInMemorySize();
* Aggregate all the contained values, useful in value only computations where the operation is iterating through
* all values contained in the dictionary.
* @param init The initial Value, in cases such as Max value, this could be -infinity
* @param fn The Function to apply to values
* @return The aggregated value as a double.
public abstract double aggregate(double init, Builtin fn);
* returns the count of values contained in the dictionary.
* @return an integer of count of values.
public abstract int size();
* Applies the scalar operation on the dictionary. Note that this operation modifies the underlying data, and
* normally require a copy of the original Dictionary to preserve old objects.
* @param op The operator to apply to the dictionary values.
* @return this dictionary with modified values.
public abstract ADictionary apply(ScalarOperator op);
* Applies the scalar operation on the dictionary. The returned dictionary should contain a new instance of the
* underlying data. Therefore it will not modify the previous object.
* @param op The operator to apply to the dictionary values.
* @param newVal The value to append to the dictionary.
* @param numCols The number of columns stored in the dictionary.
* @return Another dictionary with modified values.
public abstract ADictionary applyScalarOp(ScalarOperator op, double newVal, int numCols);
public abstract ADictionary applyBinaryRowOp(ValueFunction fn, double[] v, boolean sparseSafe, int[] colIndexes);
* Returns a deep clone of the dictionary.
public abstract ADictionary clone();
public abstract ADictionary cloneAndExtend(int len);
* Aggregates the columns into the target double array provided.
* @param c The target double array, this contains the full number of columns, therefore the colIndexes for
* this specific dictionary is needed.
* @param fn The function to apply to individual columns
* @param colIndexes The mapping to the target columns from the individual columns
public void aggregateCols(double[] c, Builtin fn, int[] colIndexes) {
int ncol = colIndexes.length;
int vlen = size() / ncol;
// double[] ret = init;
// System.out.println(c.length + " " + ncol);
for(int k = 0; k < vlen; k++)
for(int j = 0, valOff = k * ncol; j < ncol; j++)
c[colIndexes[j]] = fn.execute(c[colIndexes[j]], getValue(valOff + j));
// return c;
* The read function to instantiate the dictionary.
* @param in The data input source to read the stored dictionary from
* @param lossy Boolean specifying if the dictionary stored was lossy.
* @return The concrete dictionary.
* @throws IOException if the reading source throws it.
public static ADictionary read(DataInput in, boolean lossy) throws IOException {
return lossy ? :;
* Write the dictionary to a DataOutput.
* @param out the output sink to write the dictionary to.
* @throws IOException if the sink fails.
public abstract void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException;
* Calculate the space consumption if the dictionary is stored on disk.
* @return the long count of bytes to store the dictionary.
public abstract long getExactSizeOnDisk();
* Get the number of values given that the column group has n columns
* @param ncol The number of Columns in the ColumnGroup.
* @return the number of value tuples contained in the dictionary.
public abstract int getNumberOfValues(int ncol);
* Materializes a Zero tuple at the last index of the dictionary.
* @param numCols The number of columns in the dictionary
* @return the new Dictionary with materialized zero tuple.
// public abstract IDictionary materializeZeroValue(int numCols);
* Method used as a pre-aggregate of each tuple in the dictionary, to single double values.
* Note if the number of columns is one the actual dictionaries values are simply returned.
* @param kplus The function to apply to each value in the rows
* @param nrColumns The number of columns in the ColGroup to know how to get the values from the dictionary.
* @return a double array containing the row sums from this dictionary.
protected abstract double[] sumAllRowsToDouble(KahanFunction kplus, int nrColumns);
* Sum the values at a specific row.
* @param k The row index to sum
* @param kplus The operator to use
* @param nrColumns The number of columns
* @return The sum of the row.
protected abstract double sumRow(int k, KahanFunction kplus, int nrColumns);
protected abstract void colSum(double[] c, int[] counts, int[] colIndexes, KahanFunction kplus);
protected abstract double sum(int[] counts, int ncol, KahanFunction kplus);
public abstract StringBuilder getString(StringBuilder sb, int colIndexes);