blob: 77c59a5a508ea75a2d7d00a89874373141bbe9d4 [file] [log] [blame]
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from typing import Dict
from systemds.operator import OperationNode
from systemds.script_building.dag import DAGNode
from systemds.utils.consts import VALID_INPUT_TYPES
__all__ = ['l2svm', 'lm', 'kmeans', 'pca']
def l2svm(x: DAGNode, y: DAGNode, **kwargs: Dict[str, VALID_INPUT_TYPES]) -> OperationNode:
Perform L2SVM on matrix with labels given.
:param x: Input dataset
:param y: Input labels in shape of one column
:param kwargs: Dictionary of extra arguments
:return: `OperationNode` containing the model fit.
params_dict = {'X': x, 'Y': y}
return OperationNode(x.sds_context, 'l2svm', named_input_nodes=params_dict)
def lm(x: DAGNode, y: DAGNode, **kwargs: Dict[str, VALID_INPUT_TYPES]) -> OperationNode:
Performs LM on matrix with labels given.
:param x: Input dataset
:param y: Input labels in shape of one column
:param kwargs: Dictionary of extra arguments
:return: `OperationNode` containing the model fit.
if x._np_array.size == 0:
raise ValueError("Found array with 0 feature(s) (shape={s}) while a minimum of 1 is required."
if y._np_array.size == 0:
raise ValueError("Found array with 0 feature(s) (shape={s}) while a minimum of 1 is required."
params_dict = {'X': x, 'y': y}
return OperationNode(x.sds_context, 'lm', named_input_nodes=params_dict)
def kmeans(x: DAGNode, **kwargs: Dict[str, VALID_INPUT_TYPES]) -> OperationNode:
Performs KMeans on matrix input.
:param x: Input dataset to perform K-Means on.
:param k: The number of centroids to use for the algorithm.
:param runs: The number of concurrent instances of K-Means to run (with different initial centroids).
:param max_iter: The maximum number of iterations to run the K-Means algorithm for.
:param eps: Tolerance for the algorithm to declare convergence using WCSS change ratio.
:param is_verbose: Boolean flag if the algorithm should be run in a verbose manner.
:param avg_sample_size_per_centroid: The average number of records per centroid in the data samples.
if x._np_array.size == 0:
raise ValueError("Found array with 0 feature(s) (shape={s}) while a minimum of 1 is required."
if 'k' in kwargs.keys() and kwargs.get('k') < 1:
raise ValueError("Invalid number of clusters in K means, number must be integer above 0")
params_dict = {'X': x}
return OperationNode(x.sds_context, 'kmeans', named_input_nodes=params_dict)
def pca(x: DAGNode, **kwargs: Dict[str, VALID_INPUT_TYPES]) -> OperationNode:
Performs PCA on the matrix input
:param x: Input dataset to perform K-Means on.
:param K: The number of reduced dimensions.
:param center: Boolean specifying if the input values should be centered.
:param scale: Boolean specifying if the input values should be scaled.
if x._np_array.size == 0:
raise ValueError("Found array with 0 feature(s) (shape={s}) while a minimum of 1 is required."
if 'K' in kwargs.keys() and kwargs.get('K') < 1:
raise ValueError("Invalid number of clusters in K means, number must be integer above 0")
if 'scale'in kwargs.keys():
if kwargs.get('scale') == True:
kwargs.set('scale', "TRUE")
elif kwargs.get('scale' == False):
kwargs.set('scale', "FALSE")
if 'center' in kwargs.keys():
if kwargs.get('center') == True:
kwargs.set('center', "TRUE")
elif kwargs.get('center' == False):
kwargs.set('center', "FALSE")
params_dict = {'X': x}
return OperationNode(x.sds_context, 'pca', named_input_nodes=params_dict)