blob: a1f372c7df340c86a70fbbc70ea364c3f2d47e3c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.sysds.common;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.DataType;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.ReturnType;
* Enum to represent all builtin functions in the default name space.
* Each function is either native or implemented by a DML script. In
* case of DML script, these functions are loaded during parsing. As
* always, user-defined DML-bodied functions take precedence over all
* builtin functions.
* To add a new builtin script function, simply add the definition here
* as well as a dml file in scripts/builtin with a matching name. On
* building SystemDS, these scripts are packaged into the jar as well.
public enum Builtins {
//builtin functions
ARIMA("arima", true),
ABS("abs", false),
GET_ACCURACY("getAccuracy", true),
ABSTAIN("abstain", true),
ACOS("acos", false),
ALS("als", true),
ALS_CG("alsCG", true),
ALS_DS("alsDS", true),
ALS_PREDICT("alsPredict", true),
ALS_TOPK_PREDICT("alsTopkPredict", true),
ASIN("asin", false),
ATAN("atan", false),
AUTOENCODER2LAYER("autoencoder_2layer", true),
AVG_POOL("avg_pool", false),
AVG_POOL_BACKWARD("avg_pool_backward", false),
BATCH_NORM2D("batch_norm2d", false, ReturnType.MULTI_RETURN),
BATCH_NORM2D_BACKWARD("batch_norm2d_backward", false, ReturnType.MULTI_RETURN),
BANDIT("bandit", true),
BIASADD("bias_add", false),
BIASMULT("bias_multiply", false),
BITWAND("bitwAnd", false),
BITWOR("bitwOr", false),
BITWXOR("bitwXor", false),
BITWSHIFTL("bitwShiftL", false),
BITWSHIFTR("bitwShiftR", false),
BIVAR("bivar", true),
CAST_AS_SCALAR("as.scalar", "castAsScalar", false),
CAST_AS_MATRIX("as.matrix", false),
CAST_AS_FRAME("as.frame", false),
CAST_AS_DOUBLE("as.double", false),
CAST_AS_INT("as.integer", false),
CAST_AS_BOOLEAN("as.logical", "as.boolean", false),
CBIND("cbind", "append", false),
CEIL("ceil", "ceiling", false),
COLMAX("colMaxs", false),
COLMEAN("colMeans", false),
COLMIN("colMins", false),
COLNAMES("colnames", false),
COLPROD("colProds", false),
COLSD("colSds", false),
COLSUM("colSums", false),
COLVAR("colVars", false),
COMPONENTS("components", true),
COMPRESS("compress", false),
DECOMPRESS("decompress", false),
CONV2D("conv2d", false),
CONV2D_BACKWARD_FILTER("conv2d_backward_filter", false),
CONV2D_BACKWARD_DATA("conv2d_backward_data", false),
COS("cos", false),
COV("cov", false),
COSH("cosh", false),
CHOLESKY("cholesky", false),
CUMMAX("cummax", false),
CUMMIN("cummin", false),
CUMPROD("cumprod", false),
CUMSUM("cumsum", false),
CUMSUMPROD("cumsumprod", false),
CONFUSIONMATRIX("confusionMatrix", true),
COR("cor", true),
DBSCAN("dbscan", true),
DETECTSCHEMA("detectSchema", false),
DIAG("diag", false),
DISCOVER_FD("discoverFD", true),
DISCOVER_MD("mdedup", true),
DIST("dist", true),
DMV("dmv", true),
DROP_INVALID_TYPE("dropInvalidType", false),
DROP_INVALID_LENGTH("dropInvalidLength", false),
EIGEN("eigen", false, ReturnType.MULTI_RETURN),
EXISTS("exists", false),
EXECUTE_PIPELINE("executePipeline", true),
EXP("exp", false),
EVAL("eval", false),
FLOOR("floor", false),
FRAME_SORT("frameSort", true),
GET_PERMUTATIONS("getPermutations", true),
GLM("glm", true),
GMM("gmm", true),
GMM_PREDICT("gmmPredict", true),
GNMF("gnmf", true),
GRID_SEARCH("gridSearch", true),
HYPERBAND("hyperband", true),
IFELSE("ifelse", false),
IMG_MIRROR("img_mirror", true),
IMG_BRIGHTNESS("img_brightness", true),
IMPUTE_BY_MEAN("imputeByMean", true),
IMPUTE_BY_MEDIAN("imputeByMedian", true),
IMG_CROP("img_crop", true),
IMPUTE_FD("imputeByFD", true),
INTERQUANTILE("interQuantile", false),
INTERSECT("intersect", true),
INVERSE("inv", "inverse", false),
IQM("interQuartileMean", false),
ISNA("", false),
ISNAN("is.nan", false),
ISINF("is.infinite", false),
KMEANS("kmeans", true),
KMEANSPREDICT("kmeansPredict", true),
L2SVM("l2svm", true),
LASSO("lasso", true),
LENGTH("length", false),
LINEAGE("lineage", false),
LIST("list", false), //note: builtin and parbuiltin
LM("lm", true),
LMCG("lmCG", true),
LMDS("lmDS", true),
LMPREDICT("lmpredict", true),
LOG("log", false),
LOGSUMEXP("logSumExp", true),
LSTM("lstm", false, ReturnType.MULTI_RETURN),
LSTM_BACKWARD("lstm_backward", false, ReturnType.MULTI_RETURN),
LU("lu", false, ReturnType.MULTI_RETURN),
MAP("map", false),
MEAN("mean", "avg", false),
MICE("mice", true),
MIN("min", "pmin", false),
MAX("max", "pmax", false),
MAX_POOL("max_pool", false),
MAX_POOL_BACKWARD("max_pool_backward", false),
MEDIAN("median", false),
MOMENT("moment", "centralMoment", false),
MSVM("msvm", true),
MSVMPREDICT("msvmPredict", true),
MULTILOGREG("multiLogReg", true),
MULTILOGREGPREDICT("multiLogRegPredict", true),
NA_LOCF("na_locf", true),
NCOL("ncol", false),
NORMALIZE("normalize", true),
NROW("nrow", false),
NAIVEBAYES("naivebayes", true, false),
OUTER("outer", false),
OUTLIER("outlier", true, false), //TODO parameterize opposite
OUTLIER_SD("outlierBySd", true),
OUTLIER_IQR("outlierByIQR", true),
PCA("pca", true),
PCAINVERSE("pcaInverse", true),
PCATRANSFORM("pcaTransform", true),
PNMF("pnmf", true),
PPCA("ppca", true),
PPRED("ppred", false),
PROD("prod", false),
QR("qr", false, ReturnType.MULTI_RETURN),
QUANTILE("quantile", false),
RANGE("range", false),
RBIND("rbind", false),
REMOVE("remove", false, ReturnType.MULTI_RETURN),
REV("rev", false),
ROUND("round", false),
ROWINDEXMAX("rowIndexMax", false),
ROWINDEXMIN("rowIndexMin", false),
ROWMIN("rowMins", false),
ROWMAX("rowMaxs", false),
ROWMEAN("rowMeans", false),
ROWPROD("rowProds", false),
ROWSD("rowSds", false),
ROWSUM("rowSums", false),
ROWVAR("rowVars", false),
SAMPLE("sample", false),
SD("sd", false),
SEQ("seq", false),
SIGMOID("sigmoid", true), // 1 / (1 + exp(-X))
SIGN("sign", false),
SIN("sin", false),
SINH("sinh", false),
STEPLM("steplm",true, ReturnType.MULTI_RETURN),
SLICEFINDER("slicefinder", true),
SMOTE("smote", true),
SOLVE("solve", false),
SPLIT("split", true),
STATSNA("statsNA", true),
SQRT("sqrt", false),
SUM("sum", false),
SVD("svd", false, ReturnType.MULTI_RETURN),
TRANS("t", false),
TABLE("table", "ctable", false),
TAN("tan", false),
TANH("tanh", false),
TRACE("trace", false),
TO_ONE_HOT("toOneHot", true),
TYPEOF("typeof", false),
VAR("var", false),
VECTOR_TO_CSV("vectorToCsv", true),
XOR("xor", false),
UNIVAR("univar", true),
WINSORIZE("winsorize", true, false), //TODO parameterize w/ prob, min/max val
//parameterized builtin functions
CDF("cdf", false, true),
GROUPEDAGG("aggregate", "groupedAggregate", false, true),
INVCDF("icdf", false, true),
LISTNV("list", false, true), //note: builtin and parbuiltin
LOWER_TRI("lower.tri", false, true),
ORDER("order", false, true),
PARAMSERV("paramserv", false, true),
PCHISQ("pchisq", false, true),
PEXP("pexp", false, true),
PF("pf", false, true),
PNORM("pnorm", false, true),
PT("pt", false, true),
QCHISQ("qchisq", false, true),
QF("qf", false, true),
QNORM("qnorm", false, true),
QT("qt", false, true),
QEXP("qexp", false, true),
REPLACE("replace", false, true),
RMEMPTY("removeEmpty", false, true),
SCALE("scale", true, false), //TODO parameterize center & scale
TIME("time", false),
CVLM("cvlm", true, false),
TOSTRING("toString", false, true),
TRANSFORMAPPLY("transformapply", false, true),
TRANSFORMCOLMAP("transformcolmap", false, true),
TRANSFORMDECODE("transformdecode", false, true),
TRANSFORMENCODE("transformencode", false, true),
TRANSFORMMETA("transformmeta", false, true),
UPPER_TRI("upper.tri", false, true),
XDUMMY1("xdummy1", true), //error handling test
XDUMMY2("xdummy2", true); //error handling test
Builtins(String name, boolean script) {
this(name, null, script, false, ReturnType.SINGLE_RETURN);
Builtins(String name, boolean script, ReturnType retType) {
this(name, null, script, false, retType);
Builtins(String name, boolean script, boolean parameterized) {
this(name, null, script, parameterized, ReturnType.SINGLE_RETURN);
Builtins(String name, String alias, boolean script) {
this(name, alias, script, false, ReturnType.SINGLE_RETURN);
Builtins(String name, String alias, boolean script, boolean parameterized) {
this(name, alias, script, parameterized, ReturnType.SINGLE_RETURN);
Builtins(String name, String alias, boolean script, boolean parameterized, ReturnType retType) {
_name = name;
_alias = alias;
_script = script;
_parameterized = parameterized;
_retType = retType;
private final static String BUILTIN_DIR = "scripts/builtin/";
private final static HashMap<String, Builtins> _map = new HashMap<>();
static {
//materialize lookup map for all builtin names
for( Builtins b : EnumSet.allOf(Builtins.class) ) {
_map.put(b.getName(), b);
if( b.getAlias() != null )
_map.put(b.getAlias(), b);
private final String _name;
private final String _alias;
private final boolean _script;
private final boolean _parameterized;
private final ReturnType _retType;
public String getName() {
return _name;
public String getAlias() {
return _alias;
public boolean isScript() {
return _script;
public boolean isParameterized() {
return _parameterized;
public boolean isMultiReturn() {
return _retType == ReturnType.MULTI_RETURN;
public static boolean contains(String name, boolean script, boolean parameterized) {
Builtins tmp = get(name);
return tmp != null && script == tmp.isScript()
&& parameterized == tmp.isParameterized();
public static Builtins get(String name) {
if( name.equals("list") )
return LIST; //unparameterized
return _map.get(name);
public static Builtins get(String name, boolean params) {
if( name.equals("list") )
return params ? LISTNV : LIST;
Builtins tmp = get(name);
return tmp != null && (params == tmp.isParameterized()) ? tmp : null;
public static String getFilePath(String name) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
return sb.toString();
public static String getInternalFName(String name, DataType dt) {
return (dt.isMatrix() ? "m_" : "s_") + name;