blob: 48c1dce9f9c5bf4fe5046252844c40d7fb5be6c9 [file] [log] [blame]
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# Built-in function Implements Multiple Imputation using Chained Equations (MICE)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# X Double --- Data Matrix (Recoded Matrix for categorical features)
# cMask Double --- A 0/1 row vector for identifying numeric (0) and categorical features (1)
# iter Integer 3 Number of iteration for multiple imputations
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# output Double --- imputed dataset
# Assumption missing value are represented with empty string i.e ",," in CSV file
# variables with suffix n are storing continuos/numeric data and variables with suffix c are storing categorical data
m_mice= function(Matrix[Double] X, Matrix[Double] cMask, Integer iter = 3, Boolean verbose = FALSE)
return(Matrix[Double] output)
if(ncol(X) < 2)
stop("MICE can not be applied on single vectors.
expected number of columns > 1 found: "+ncol(X))
if(ncol(cMask) != ncol(X))
stop("Dimension mismatch: the columns in X != columns in mask")
lastIndex = ncol(X);
sumMax = sum(cMask);
# if all features are numeric add a categorical features
# if all features are categorical add a numeric features
if(sumMax == 0 | sumMax == ncol(cMask)) {
X = cbind(X, matrix(1, nrow(X), 1))
cMask = cbind(cMask, matrix(ifelse(sumMax==0, 1, 0), 1, 1))
# separate categorical and continuous features
nX = removeEmpty(target=X, margin="cols", select=(cMask==0))
cX = removeEmpty(target=X, margin="cols", select= cMask)
# store the mask of numeric missing values
Mask_n =;
nX = replace(target=nX, pattern=NaN, replacement=0);
# initial mean imputation
X_n = nX+(Mask_n*colMeans(nX))
# store the mask of categorical missing values
Mask_c =;
cX = replace(target=cX, pattern=NaN, replacement=0);
colMode = colMode(cX)
# initial mode imputation
X_c = cX+(Mask_c*colMode)
# reconstruct original matrix using sparse matrices p and q
p = table(seq(1, ncol(nX)), removeEmpty(target=seq(1, ncol(cMask)), margin="rows", select=t(cMask==0)), ncol(nX), ncol(X))
q = table(seq(1, ncol(cX)), removeEmpty(target=seq(1, ncol(cMask)), margin="rows", select=t(cMask)), ncol(cX), ncol(X))
X1 = (X_n %*% p) + (X_c %*% q)
Mask1 =
X = replace(target=X, pattern=NaN, replacement=0);
d = ncol(X1)
n = nrow(X1)
# compute index of categorical features
encodeIndex = removeEmpty(target=t(seq(1, ncol(X1))), margin="cols", select=cMask)
s = "";
for(i in 1:ncol(encodeIndex))
s = s + as.integer(as.scalar(encodeIndex[1, i])) + ",";
# specifications for one-hot encoding of categorical features
jspecDC = "{ids:true, dummycode:["+s+"]}";
for(k in 1:iter) # start iterative imputation
Mask_Filled = Mask1
inverseMask = Mask1 == 0
# OHE of categorical features
[dX, dM] = transformencode(target=as.frame(X1), spec=jspecDC);
dist = colDist(X1, cMask) # number of distinct items in categorical features
i=1; j=1; in_c=1;
while(i < ncol(dX))
j = (i + as.scalar(dist[1,in_c])) - 1 # index value for iterating OHE columns
if(sum(Mask1[, in_c]) > 0 & as.scalar(cMask[, in_c]) == 0) # impute numeric features
# construct column selector
selX = matrix(1,1,ncol(dX))
selX[1,i:j] = matrix(0,1,as.scalar(dist[1,in_c]))
selY = cbind(matrix(1,1,in_c-1), as.matrix(0), matrix(1,1,d-in_c));
# prepare train data set X and Y
slice1 = removeEmpty(target = dX, margin = "rows", select = inverseMask[,in_c])
slice1a = removeEmpty(target = X1, margin = "rows", select = inverseMask[,in_c])
train_X = removeEmpty(target = slice1, margin = "cols", select = selX);
train_Y = slice1a[,in_c]
# prepare score data set X and Y for imputing Y
slice2 = removeEmpty(target = dX, margin = "rows", select = Mask1[,in_c])
slice2a = removeEmpty(target = X1, margin = "rows", select = Mask1[,in_c])
test_X = removeEmpty(target = slice2, margin = "cols", select = selX);
test_Y = slice2a[,in_c]
# learn a regression line
beta = lm(X=train_X, y=train_Y, verbose=FALSE, icpt=1, reg = 1e-7, tol = 1e-7);
# predicting missing values
pred = lmpredict(X=test_X, w=beta, icpt=1)
# imputing missing column values (assumes Mask_Filled being 0/1-matrix)
R = removeEmpty(target=Mask_Filled[, in_c] * seq(1,nrow(X1)), margin="rows");
# TODO modify removeEmpty to return zero row and n columns
if(!(nrow(R) == 1 & as.scalar(R[1,1] == 0)))
Mask_Filled[,in_c] = table(R, 1, pred, nrow(X1), 1);
else if (sum(Mask1[, in_c]) > 0 & as.scalar(cMask[, in_c]) != 0) # impute categorical features
# construct column selector
selX = matrix(1,1,ncol(dX))
selX[1,i:j] = matrix(0,1,as.scalar(dist[1,in_c]))
selY = cbind(matrix(1,1,in_c-1), as.matrix(0), matrix(1,1,d-in_c));
# prepare train data set X and Y
slice1 = removeEmpty(target = dX, margin = "rows", select = inverseMask[,in_c])
slice1a = removeEmpty(target = X1, margin = "rows", select = inverseMask[,in_c])
train_X = removeEmpty(target = slice1, margin = "cols", select = selX);
train_Y = slice1a[,in_c]
# prepare score data set X and Y for imputing Y
slice2 = removeEmpty(target = dX, margin = "rows", select = Mask1[,in_c])
slice2a = removeEmpty(target = X1, margin = "rows", select = Mask1[,in_c])
test_X = removeEmpty(target = slice2, margin = "cols", select = selX);
test_Y = slice2a[,in_c]
# train classification model
if(min(train_Y) == max(train_Y))
pred = matrix(min(train_Y), nrow(test_Y), 1)
else {
beta = multiLogReg(X=train_X, Y=train_Y, icpt = 1, tol = 0.00001, reg = 0.00001, maxi = 50, maxii=50, verbose=FALSE)
# predicting missing values
[prob,pred,acc] = multiLogRegPredict(X=test_X, B=beta, Y = test_Y)
# beta = multiLogReg(X=train_X, Y=train_Y, icpt = 1, tol = 0.00001, reg = 0.00001, maxi = 50, maxii=50, verbose=FALSE)
# # predicting missing values
# [prob,pred,acc] = multiLogRegPredict(X=test_X, B=beta, Y = test_Y)
# imputing missing column values (assumes Mask_Filled being 0/1-matrix)
R = removeEmpty(target=Mask_Filled[,in_c] * seq(1,n), margin="rows");
#TODO modify removeEmpty to return zero row and n columns
if(!(nrow(R) == 1 & as.scalar(R[1,1] == 0)))
Mask_Filled[,in_c] = table(R, 1, pred, n, 1);
i = as.integer(j)+1
in_c = in_c + 1
X1 = X + Mask_Filled
output = X1[,1:lastIndex]
colMode = function (Matrix[Double] X) return (Matrix[Double] colMode) {
d = ncol(X)
n = nrow(X)
colMode = matrix(0, 1, ncol(X))
# compute column wise mode
for(i in 1: d) {
X_c = removeEmpty(target=X, margin = "rows", select=(rowSums(X != 0)==d))
cat_counts = table(X_c[, i], 1, n, 1); # counts for each category
colMode[1,i] = as.scalar(rowIndexMax(t(cat_counts))) # mode
colDist= function(Matrix[Double] X, Matrix[Double] mask)
return (Matrix[Double] dist){
dist = matrix(1, 1, ncol(X))
for(i in 1:ncol(X))
if(as.scalar(mask[,i]) == 1)
distT = table(X[, i], 1)
dist[1, i] = sum(distT != 0)