blob: f332e626b7e07425be6b229de944ae65f594dce7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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# This script computes an approximate factorization of a low-rank matrix X into two matrices U and V
# using different implementations of the Alternating-Least-Squares (ALS) algorithm.
# Matrices U and V are computed by minimizing a loss function (with regularization).
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# X String --- Location to read the input matrix X to be factorized
# rank Int 10 Rank of the factorization
# reg String "L2" Regularization:
# "L2" = L2 regularization;
# f (U, V) = 0.5 * sum (W * (U %*% V - X) ^ 2)
# + 0.5 * lambda * (sum (U ^ 2) + sum (V ^ 2))
# "wL2" = weighted L2 regularization
# f (U, V) = 0.5 * sum (W * (U %*% V - X) ^ 2)
# + 0.5 * lambda * (sum (U ^ 2 * row_nonzeros)
# + sum (V ^ 2 * col_nonzeros))
# lambda Double 0.000001 Regularization parameter, no regularization if 0.0
# maxi Int 50 Maximum number of iterations
# check Boolean TRUE Check for convergence after every iteration, i.e., updating U and V once
# thr Double 0.0001 Assuming check is set to TRUE, the algorithm stops and convergence is declared
# if the decrease in loss in any two consecutive iterations falls below this threshold;
# if check is FALSE thr is ignored
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 1- An m x r matrix U, where r is the factorization rank
# 2- An r x n matrix V
m_als = function(Matrix[Double] X, Integer rank = 10, String reg = "L2", Double lambda = 0.000001,
Integer maxi = 50, Boolean check = TRUE, Double thr = 0.0001, Boolean verbose = TRUE)
return (Matrix[Double] U, Matrix[Double] V)
N = 10000; # for large problems, use scalable alsCG
if( reg != "L2" | nrow(X) > N | ncol(X) > N )
[U, V] = alsCG(X=X, rank=rank, reg=reg, lambda=lambda,
maxi=maxi, check=check, thr=thr, verbose=verbose);
[U, V] = alsDS(X=X, rank=rank, lambda=lambda, maxi=maxi,
check=check, thr=thr, verbose=verbose);