[DOC] Documentation for builtin gnmf function

  X = rand(rows = 5, cols = 3)
  [A, B] = gnmf(X = X, rnk = 2, eps = 10^-8, maxi = 10)

  Matrix A (Pattern matrix):
  0.066 -0.068
  0.003 -0.270
  0.113 -0.007
  0.087 -0.035
  0.077 -0.040

  Matrix B (Amplitude matrix):
  1.043 6.335 7.038
  -1.589 -0.115 -0.608

Closes #941.
diff --git a/dev/docs/builtins-reference.md b/dev/docs/builtins-reference.md
index cf55a15..51b67e8 100644
--- a/dev/docs/builtins-reference.md
+++ b/dev/docs/builtins-reference.md
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
     * [`steplm`-Function](#steplm-function)
     * [`slicefinder`-Function](#slicefinder-function)
     * [`normalize`-Function](#normalize-function)
+    * [`gnmf`-Function](#gnmf-function)
     * [`toOneHot`-Function](#toOneHOt-function)
@@ -438,9 +439,42 @@
 ### Example
 X = rand(rows = 50, cols = 10)
-y = X %*% rand(rows=ncol(X), cols=1)
+y = X %*% rand(rows = ncol(X), cols = 1)
 y = normalize(X = X)
+## `gnmf`-Function
+The `gnmf`-function does Gaussian Non-Negative Matrix Factorization.
+In this, a matrix X is factorized into two matrices W and H, such that all three matrices have no negative elements.
+This non-negativity makes the resulting matrices easier to inspect.
+### Usage
+gnmf(X, rnk, eps = 10^-8, maxi = 10)
+### Arguments
+| Name    | Type           | Default  | Description |
+| :------ | :------------- | -------- | :---------- |
+| X       | Matrix[Double] | required | Matrix of feature vectors. |
+| rnk     | Integer        | required | Number of components into which matrix X is to be factored. |
+| eps     | Double         | `10^-8`  | Tolerance |
+| maxi    | Integer        | `10`     | Maximum number of conjugate gradient iterations. |
+### Returns
+| Type           | Description |
+| :------------- | :---------- |
+| Matrix[Double] | List of pattern matrices, one for each repetition. |
+| Matrix[Double] | List of amplitude matrices, one for each repetition. |
+### Example
+X = rand(rows = 50, cols = 10)
+W = rand(rows = nrow(X), cols = 2, min = -0.05, max = 0.05);
+H = rand(rows = 2, cols = ncol(X), min = -0.05, max = 0.05);
+gnmf(X = X, rnk = 2, eps = 10^-8, maxi = 10)
 ## `toOneHot`-Function