blob: af7449878b8e8b2c3a832eb4b931a9858402bc46 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.cp;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.DataType;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.OpOpDG;
import org.apache.sysds.common.Types.ValueType;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.DataGenOp;
import org.apache.sysds.hops.OptimizerUtils;
import org.apache.sysds.lops.DataGen;
import org.apache.sysds.lops.Lop;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.DMLRuntimeException;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.context.ExecutionContext;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.InstructionUtils;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.lineage.LineageItem;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.matrix.operators.Operator;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.DataConverter;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.UtilFunctions;
public class DataGenCPInstruction extends UnaryCPInstruction {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DataGenCPInstruction.class.getName());
private OpOpDG method;
private final CPOperand rows, cols, dims;
private final int blocksize;
private boolean minMaxAreDoubles;
private final String minValueStr, maxValueStr;
private final double minValue, maxValue, sparsity;
private final String pdf, pdfParams;
private final long seed;
private Long runtimeSeed;
// sequence specific attributes
private final CPOperand seq_from, seq_to, seq_incr;
// sample specific attributes
private final boolean replace;
private final int numThreads;
// seed positions
private static final int SEED_POSITION_RAND = 8;
private static final int SEED_POSITION_SAMPLE = 4;
private DataGenCPInstruction(Operator op, OpOpDG mthd, CPOperand in, CPOperand out,
CPOperand rows, CPOperand cols, CPOperand dims, int blen, String minValue, String maxValue, double sparsity, long seed,
String probabilityDensityFunction, String pdfParams, int k,
CPOperand seqFrom, CPOperand seqTo, CPOperand seqIncr, boolean replace, String opcode, String istr) {
super(CPType.Rand, op, in, out, opcode, istr);
this.method = mthd;
this.rows = rows;
this.cols = cols;
this.dims = dims;
this.blocksize = blen;
this.minValueStr = minValue;
this.maxValueStr = maxValue;
double minDouble, maxDouble;
try {
minDouble = !minValue.contains(Lop.VARIABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) ?
Double.valueOf(minValue) : -1;
maxDouble = !maxValue.contains(Lop.VARIABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) ?
Double.valueOf(maxValue) : -1;
minMaxAreDoubles = true;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// Non double values
if (!minValueStr.equals(maxValueStr)) {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Rand instruction does not support " +
"non numeric Datatypes for range initializations.");
minDouble = -1;
maxDouble = -1;
minMaxAreDoubles = false;
this.minValue = minDouble;
this.maxValue = maxDouble;
this.sparsity = sparsity;
this.seed = seed;
this.pdf = probabilityDensityFunction;
this.pdfParams = pdfParams;
this.numThreads = k;
this.seq_from = seqFrom;
this.seq_to = seqTo;
this.seq_incr = seqIncr;
this.replace = replace;
private DataGenCPInstruction(Operator op, OpOpDG mthd, CPOperand in, CPOperand out, CPOperand rows, CPOperand cols,
CPOperand dims, int blen, String minValue, String maxValue, double sparsity, long seed,
String probabilityDensityFunction, String pdfParams, int k, String opcode, String istr) {
this(op, mthd, in, out, rows, cols, dims, blen, minValue, maxValue, sparsity, seed,
probabilityDensityFunction, pdfParams, k, null, null, null, false, opcode, istr);
private DataGenCPInstruction(Operator op, OpOpDG mthd, CPOperand in, CPOperand out, CPOperand rows, CPOperand cols,
CPOperand dims, int blen, String maxValue, boolean replace, long seed, String opcode, String istr) {
this(op, mthd, in, out, rows, cols, dims, blen, "0", maxValue, 1.0, seed,
null, null, 1, null, null, null, replace, opcode, istr);
private DataGenCPInstruction(Operator op, OpOpDG mthd, CPOperand in, CPOperand out, CPOperand rows, CPOperand cols,
CPOperand dims, int blen, CPOperand seqFrom, CPOperand seqTo, CPOperand seqIncr, String opcode, String istr) {
this(op, mthd, in, out, rows, cols, dims, blen, "0", "1", 1.0, -1,
null, null, 1, seqFrom, seqTo, seqIncr, false, opcode, istr);
private DataGenCPInstruction(Operator op, OpOpDG mthd, CPOperand out, String opcode, String istr) {
this(op, mthd, null, out, null, null, null, 0, "0", "0", 0, 0,
null, null, 1, null, null, null, false, opcode, istr);
public long getRows() {
return rows.isLiteral() ? UtilFunctions.parseToLong(rows.getName()) : -1;
public long getCols() {
return cols.isLiteral() ? UtilFunctions.parseToLong(cols.getName()) : -1;
public String getDims() {
return dims.getName();
public int getBlocksize() {
return blocksize;
public double getMinValue() {
return minValue;
public double getMaxValue() {
return maxValue;
public double getSparsity() {
return sparsity;
public String getPdf() {
return pdf;
public String getPdfParams() {
return pdfParams;
public long getSeed() {
return seed;
public boolean isOnesCol() {
return minValue == maxValue && minValue == 1 && sparsity == 1 && getCols() == 1;
public boolean isMatrixCall() {
return minValue == maxValue && sparsity == 1;
public long getFrom() {
return seq_from.isLiteral() ? UtilFunctions.parseToLong(seq_from.getName()) : -1;
public long getTo() {
return seq_to.isLiteral() ? UtilFunctions.parseToLong(seq_to.getName()) : -1;
public long getIncr() {
return seq_incr.isLiteral() ? UtilFunctions.parseToLong(seq_incr.getName()) : -1;
public static DataGenCPInstruction parseInstruction(String str)
OpOpDG method = null;
String[] s = InstructionUtils.getInstructionPartsWithValueType ( str );
String opcode = s[0];
if ( opcode.equalsIgnoreCase(DataGen.RAND_OPCODE) ) {
method = OpOpDG.RAND;
InstructionUtils.checkNumFields ( s, 10, 11 );
else if ( opcode.equalsIgnoreCase(DataGen.SEQ_OPCODE) ) {
method = OpOpDG.SEQ;
// 8 operands: rows, cols, blen, from, to, incr, outvar
InstructionUtils.checkNumFields ( s, 7 );
else if ( opcode.equalsIgnoreCase(DataGen.SAMPLE_OPCODE) ) {
method = OpOpDG.SAMPLE;
// 7 operands: range, size, replace, seed, blen, outvar
InstructionUtils.checkNumFields ( s, 6 );
else if ( opcode.equalsIgnoreCase(DataGen.TIME_OPCODE) ) {
method = OpOpDG.TIME;
// 1 operand: outvar
InstructionUtils.checkNumFields ( s, 1 );
CPOperand out = new CPOperand(s[s.length-1]);
Operator op = null;
if ( method == OpOpDG.RAND )
int missing; // number of missing params (row & cols or dims)
CPOperand rows = null, cols = null, dims = null;
if (s.length == 12) {
missing = 1;
rows = new CPOperand(s[1]);
cols = new CPOperand(s[2]);
else {
missing = 2;
dims = new CPOperand(s[1]);
int blen = Integer.parseInt(s[4 - missing]);
double sparsity = !s[7 - missing].contains(Lop.VARIABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) ?
Double.parseDouble(s[7 - missing]) : -1;
long seed = !s[SEED_POSITION_RAND - missing].contains(Lop.VARIABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) ?
Long.parseLong(s[SEED_POSITION_RAND - missing]) : -1;
String pdf = s[9 - missing];
String pdfParams = !s[10 - missing].contains( Lop.VARIABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) ?
s[10 - missing] : null;
int k = Integer.parseInt(s[11 - missing]);
return new DataGenCPInstruction(op, method, null, out, rows, cols, dims, blen,
s[5 - missing], s[6 - missing], sparsity, seed, pdf, pdfParams, k, opcode, str);
else if ( method == OpOpDG.SEQ)
int blen = Integer.parseInt(s[3]);
CPOperand from = new CPOperand(s[4]);
CPOperand to = new CPOperand(s[5]);
CPOperand incr = new CPOperand(s[6]);
return new DataGenCPInstruction(op, method, null, out, null, null, null, blen, from, to, incr, opcode, str);
else if ( method == OpOpDG.SAMPLE)
CPOperand rows = new CPOperand(s[2]);
CPOperand cols = new CPOperand("1", ValueType.INT64, DataType.SCALAR);
boolean replace = (!s[3].contains(Lop.VARIABLE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER)
&& Boolean.valueOf(s[3]));
long seed = Long.parseLong(s[SEED_POSITION_SAMPLE]);
int blen = Integer.parseInt(s[5]);
return new DataGenCPInstruction(op, method, null, out, rows, cols, null, blen, s[1], replace, seed, opcode, str);
else if ( method == OpOpDG.TIME)
return new DataGenCPInstruction(op, method, out, opcode, str);
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unrecognized data generation method: " + method);
public void processInstruction( ExecutionContext ec )
MatrixBlock soresBlock = null;
TensorBlock tensorBlock = null;
ScalarObject soresScalar = null;
//process specific datagen operator
if ( method == OpOpDG.RAND ) {
long lrows = -1, lcols = -1;
if (dims == null) {
lrows = ec.getScalarInput(rows).getLongValue();
lcols = ec.getScalarInput(cols).getLongValue();
checkValidDimensions(lrows, lcols);
//generate pseudo-random seed (because not specified)
long lSeed = seed; //seed per invocation
if( lSeed == DataGenOp.UNSPECIFIED_SEED ) {
if (runtimeSeed == null)
runtimeSeed = DataGenOp.generateRandomSeed();
lSeed = runtimeSeed;
if( LOG.isTraceEnabled() )
LOG.trace("Process DataGenCPInstruction rand with seed = "+lSeed+".");
if (output.isTensor()) {
// TODO data tensor
int[] tDims = DataConverter.getTensorDimensions(ec, dims);
tensorBlock = new TensorBlock(output.getValueType(), tDims).allocateBlock();
if (minValueStr.equals(maxValueStr)) {
if (minMaxAreDoubles)
else if (output.getValueType() == ValueType.STRING || output.getValueType() == ValueType.BOOLEAN)
else {
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Rand instruction cannot fill numeric "
+ "tensor with non numeric elements.");
else {
// TODO random fill tensor
lrows = tensorBlock.getDim(0);
lcols = 1;
for (int d = 1; d < tensorBlock.getNumDims(); d++) {
lcols *= tensorBlock.getDim(d);
RandomMatrixGenerator rgen = LibMatrixDatagen.createRandomMatrixGenerator(
pdf, (int) lrows, (int) lcols, blocksize, sparsity, minValue, maxValue, pdfParams);
soresBlock = MatrixBlock.randOperations(rgen, lSeed, numThreads);
} else {
RandomMatrixGenerator rgen = LibMatrixDatagen.createRandomMatrixGenerator(
pdf, (int) lrows, (int) lcols, blocksize, sparsity, minValue, maxValue, pdfParams);
soresBlock = MatrixBlock.randOperations(rgen, lSeed, numThreads);
//reset runtime seed (e.g., when executed in loop)
runtimeSeed = null;
else if ( method == OpOpDG.SEQ )
double lfrom = ec.getScalarInput(seq_from).getDoubleValue();
double lto = ec.getScalarInput(seq_to).getDoubleValue();
double lincr = ec.getScalarInput(seq_incr).getDoubleValue();
//handle default 1 to -1 for special case of from>to
lincr = LibMatrixDatagen.updateSeqIncr(lfrom, lto, lincr);
if( LOG.isTraceEnabled() )
LOG.trace("Process DataGenCPInstruction seq with seqFrom="+lfrom+", seqTo="+lto+", seqIncr"+lincr);
soresBlock = MatrixBlock.seqOperations(lfrom, lto, lincr);
else if ( method == OpOpDG.SAMPLE )
long lrows = ec.getScalarInput(rows).getLongValue();
long range = UtilFunctions.toLong(maxValue);
checkValidDimensions(lrows, 1);
if( LOG.isTraceEnabled() )
LOG.trace("Process DataGenCPInstruction sample with range="+range+", size="+lrows+", replace"+replace + ", seed=" + seed);
if ( range < lrows && !replace )
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Sample (size=" + lrows + ") larger than population (size=" + range + ") can only be generated with replacement.");
//TODO handle runtime seed
soresBlock = MatrixBlock.sampleOperations(range, (int)lrows, replace, seed);
else if ( method == OpOpDG.TIME ) {
soresScalar = new IntObject(System.nanoTime());
if( output.isMatrix() ) {
//guarded sparse block representation change
if( soresBlock.getInMemorySize() < OptimizerUtils.SAFE_REP_CHANGE_THRES )
//release created output
ec.setMatrixOutput(output.getName(), soresBlock);
} else if(output.isTensor()) {
// TODO memory optimization
ec.setTensorOutput(output.getName(), tensorBlock);
} else if( output.isScalar() )
ec.setScalarOutput(output.getName(), soresScalar);
private static void checkValidDimensions(long rows, long cols) {
//check valid for integer dimensions (we cannot even represent empty blocks with larger dimensions)
if( rows > Integer.MAX_VALUE || cols > Integer.MAX_VALUE )
throw new DMLRuntimeException("DataGenCPInstruction does not "
+ "support dimensions larger than integer: rows="+rows+", cols="+cols+".");
public Pair<String, LineageItem> getLineageItem(ExecutionContext ec) {
String tmpInstStr = instString;
switch(method) {
case RAND:
case SAMPLE: {
if (getSeed() == DataGenOp.UNSPECIFIED_SEED) {
//generate pseudo-random seed (because not specified)
if (runtimeSeed == null)
runtimeSeed = (minValue == maxValue && sparsity == 1) ?
DataGenOp.UNSPECIFIED_SEED : DataGenOp.generateRandomSeed();
int position = (method == OpOpDG.RAND) ? SEED_POSITION_RAND :
tmpInstStr = position != 0 ? InstructionUtils.replaceOperand(
tmpInstStr, position, String.valueOf(runtimeSeed)) : tmpInstStr;
//replace output variable name with a placeholder
tmpInstStr = InstructionUtils.replaceOperandName(tmpInstStr);
tmpInstStr ="rand") ?
replaceNonLiteral(tmpInstStr, rows, 2, ec) :
replaceNonLiteral(tmpInstStr, rows, 3, ec);
tmpInstStr ="rand") ?
replaceNonLiteral(tmpInstStr, cols, 3, ec) : tmpInstStr;
case SEQ: {
//replace output variable name with a placeholder
tmpInstStr = InstructionUtils.replaceOperandName(tmpInstStr);
tmpInstStr = replaceNonLiteral(tmpInstStr, seq_from, 5, ec);
tmpInstStr = replaceNonLiteral(tmpInstStr, seq_to, 6, ec);
tmpInstStr = replaceNonLiteral(tmpInstStr, seq_incr, 7, ec);
case TIME:
//only opcode (time) is sufficient to compute from lineage.
throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unsupported datagen op: "+method);
return Pair.of(output.getName(), new LineageItem(tmpInstStr, getOpcode()));
private static String replaceNonLiteral(String inst, CPOperand op, int pos, ExecutionContext ec) {
if( !op.isLiteral() )
inst = InstructionUtils.replaceOperand(inst, pos,
new CPOperand(ec.getScalarInput(op)).getLineageLiteral());
return inst;