blob: 153786f6afd8c1efb5a2c8d2a2e97b7a4b9e567e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.estim;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.CompressionSettings;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.DMLCompressionException;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.indexes.IColIndex;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.indexes.SingleIndex;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.controlprogram.parfor.stat.Timing;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.util.CommonThreadPool;
* Main abstract class for estimating size of compressions on columns.
public abstract class AComEst {
protected static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(AComEst.class.getName());
/** The Matrix Block to extract the compression estimates from */
final protected MatrixBlock _data;
/** The compression settings to use, for estimating the size, and compress the ColGroups. */
final protected CompressionSettings _cs;
/** NNZ count in each column of the input */
protected int[] nnzCols;
* Main Constructor for Compression Estimator.
* Protected because the factory should be used to construct the AComEst
* @param data The matrix block to extract information from
* @param cs The Compression settings used.
protected AComEst(MatrixBlock data, CompressionSettings cs) {
_data = data;
_cs = cs;
protected int getNumRows() {
return _cs.transposed ? _data.getNumColumns() : _data.getNumRows();
protected int getNumColumns() {
return _cs.transposed ? _data.getNumRows() : _data.getNumColumns();
* Multi threaded version of extracting compression size info
* @param k The concurrency degree.
* @return The Compression Size info of each Column compressed isolated.
public final CompressedSizeInfo computeCompressedSizeInfos(int k) {
final int _numCols = getNumColumns();
if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
Timing time = new Timing(true);
CompressedSizeInfo ret = new CompressedSizeInfo(CompressedSizeInfoColGroup(_numCols, k));
LOG.debug("CompressedSizeInfo for each column [ms]:" + time.stop());
return ret;
return new CompressedSizeInfo(CompressedSizeInfoColGroup(_numCols, k));
* Method for extracting Compressed Size Info of specified columns, together in a single ColGroup
* @param colIndexes The columns to group together inside a ColGroup
* @return The CompressedSizeInformation associated with the selected ColGroups.
public final CompressedSizeInfoColGroup getColGroupInfo(IColIndex colIndexes) {
return getColGroupInfo(colIndexes, 8, worstCaseUpperBound(colIndexes));
* A method to extract the Compressed Size Info for a given list of columns, This method further limits the estimated
* number of unique values, since in some cases the estimated number of uniques is estimated higher than the number
* estimated in sub groups of the given colIndexes.
* @param colIndexes The columns to extract compression information from
* @param estimate An estimate of number of unique elements in these columns
* @param nrUniqueUpperBound The upper bound of unique elements allowed in the estimate, can be calculated from the
* number of unique elements estimated in sub columns multiplied together. This is flexible
* in the sense that if the sample is small then this unique can be manually edited like in
* CoCodeCostMatrixMult.
* @return The CompressedSizeInfoColGroup for the given column indexes.
public abstract CompressedSizeInfoColGroup getColGroupInfo(IColIndex colIndexes, int estimate,
int nrUniqueUpperBound);
* Method for extracting info of specified columns as delta encodings (delta from previous rows values)
* @param colIndexes The columns to group together inside a ColGroup
* @return The CompressedSizeInformation assuming delta encoding of the column.
public final CompressedSizeInfoColGroup getDeltaColGroupInfo(IColIndex colIndexes) {
return getDeltaColGroupInfo(colIndexes, 8, worstCaseUpperBound(colIndexes));
* A method to extract the Compressed Size Info for a given list of columns, This method further limits the estimated
* number of unique values, since in some cases the estimated number of uniques is estimated higher than the number
* estimated in sub groups of the given colIndexes.
* The Difference for this method is that it extract the values as delta values from the matrix block input.
* @param colIndexes The columns to extract compression information from
* @param estimate An estimate of number of unique delta elements in these columns
* @param nrUniqueUpperBound The upper bound of unique elements allowed in the estimate, can be calculated from the
* number of unique elements estimated in sub columns multiplied together. This is flexible
* in the sense that if the sample is small then this unique can be manually edited like in
* CoCodeCostMatrixMult.
* @return The CompressedSizeInfoColGroup for the given column indexes.
public abstract CompressedSizeInfoColGroup getDeltaColGroupInfo(IColIndex colIndexes, int estimate,
int nrUniqueUpperBound);
* combine two analyzed column groups together. without materializing the dictionaries of either side.
* if the number of distinct elements in both sides multiplied is larger than Integer, return null.
* If either side was constructed without analysis then fall back to default materialization of double arrays. O
* @param g1 First group
* @param g2 Second group
* @return A combined compressed size estimation for the group.
public final CompressedSizeInfoColGroup combine(CompressedSizeInfoColGroup g1, CompressedSizeInfoColGroup g2) {
final IColIndex combinedColIndexes = g1.getColumns().combine(g2.getColumns());
return combine(combinedColIndexes, g1, g2);
* Combine two analyzed column groups together. without materializing the dictionaries of either side.
* if the number of distinct elements in both sides multiplied is larger than Integer, return null.
* If either side was constructed without analysis then fall back to default materialization of double arrays.
* @param combinedColumns The combined column indexes.
* @param g1 First group
* @param g2 Second group
* @return A combined compressed size estimation for the columns specified using the combining algorithm
public final CompressedSizeInfoColGroup combine(IColIndex combinedColumns, CompressedSizeInfoColGroup g1,
CompressedSizeInfoColGroup g2) {
final int nRows = g1.getNumRows();
// num vals + 1 if the offsets does not contain all this indicate that the columns contains default tuples.
final int g1V = g1.getNumVals() + (g1.getNumOffs() < nRows ? 1 : 0);
final int g2V = g2.getNumVals() + (g2.getNumOffs() < nRows ? 1 : 0);
// Get worst case upper bound on unique tuples
// typically this is the number of rows in dense or the sum of nnz in the columns sparse
final int worstCase = worstCaseUpperBound(combinedColumns);
// Get max number of tuples based on the above.
final long max = Math.min((long) g1V * g2V, worstCase);
if(max > 1000000) // set the max combination to a million distinct
return null; // This combination is clearly not a good idea return null to indicate that.
else if(g1.getMap() == null || g2.getMap() == null)
// the previous information did not contain maps, therefore fall back to extract from sample
return getColGroupInfo(combinedColumns, Math.max(g1V, g2V), (int) max);
else // Default combine the previous subject to max value calculated.
return combine(combinedColumns, g1, g2, (int) max);
/** Clear the pointer to the materialized list of nnz in columns */
public void clearNNZ() {
nnzCols = null;
* Extract the worst case upper bound of unique tuples in specified columns.
* Note we rely on this method being very cheep, therefore don't give perfect results, but cheep easy extracted
* approximations that should be guaranteed to be above or equal to the true value.
* @param columns The columns to look at
* @return The worst case upper bound.
protected abstract int worstCaseUpperBound(IColIndex columns);
* Combine two estimated column groups
* @param combinedColumns The combined column indexes
* @param g1 The left side estimate
* @param g2 The right side estimate
* @param maxDistinct The maximum distinct tuples possible to get with the two groups
* @return The combined column group estimate
protected abstract CompressedSizeInfoColGroup combine(IColIndex combinedColumns, CompressedSizeInfoColGroup g1,
CompressedSizeInfoColGroup g2, int maxDistinct);
private List<CompressedSizeInfoColGroup> CompressedSizeInfoColGroup(int clen, int k) {
if(k <= 1)
return CompressedSizeInfoColGroupSingleThread(clen);
return CompressedSizeInfoColGroupParallel(clen, k);
private List<CompressedSizeInfoColGroup> CompressedSizeInfoColGroupSingleThread(int clen) {
List<CompressedSizeInfoColGroup> ret = new ArrayList<>(clen);
if(!_cs.transposed && !_data.isEmpty() && _data.isInSparseFormat())
nnzCols = LibMatrixReorg.countNnzPerColumn(_data);
for(int col = 0; col < clen; col++)
ret.add(getColGroupInfo(new SingleIndex(col)));
return ret;
private List<CompressedSizeInfoColGroup> CompressedSizeInfoColGroupParallel(int clen, int k) {
try {
final ExecutorService pool = CommonThreadPool.get(k);
if(!_cs.transposed && !_data.isEmpty() && _data.isInSparseFormat()) {
LOG.debug("Extracting number of nonzeros in each column");
List<Future<int[]>> nnzFutures = LibMatrixReorg.countNNZColumnsFuture(_data, k, pool);
for(Future<int[]> t : nnzFutures)
nnzCols = LibMatrixReorg.mergeNnzCounts(nnzCols, t.get());
CompressedSizeInfoColGroup[] res = new CompressedSizeInfoColGroup[clen];
final int blkz = Math.max(1, clen / (k * 10));
final ArrayList<SizeEstimationTask> tasks = new ArrayList<>(clen / blkz + 1);
if(blkz != 1)
LOG.debug("Extracting column samples in blocks of " + blkz);
for(int col = 0; col < clen; col += blkz)
tasks.add(new SizeEstimationTask(res, col, Math.min(clen, col + blkz)));
for(Future<Object> f : pool.invokeAll(tasks))
return Arrays.asList(res);
catch(Exception e) {
throw new DMLCompressionException("Multithreaded first extraction failed", e);
private class SizeEstimationTask implements Callable<Object> {
final CompressedSizeInfoColGroup[] _res;
final int _cs;
final int _ce;
private SizeEstimationTask(CompressedSizeInfoColGroup[] res, int cs, int ce) {
_res = res;
_cs = cs;
_ce = ce;
public Object call() {
try {
for(int c = _cs; c < _ce; c++)
_res[c] = getColGroupInfo(new SingleIndex(c));
return null;
catch(Exception e) {
throw new DMLCompressionException("ColGroup extraction failed", e);
public String toString() {
return this.getClass().getSimpleName();