blob: 7f18843316fb33b367eb856c478a61cd423d24d5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.DMLCompressionException;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.dictionary.ADictionary;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.indexes.IColIndex;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.lib.CLALibLeftMultBy;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.lib.CLALibTSMM;
* Abstract class for column group types that do not perform matrix Multiplication, and decompression for performance
* reasons but instead transforms into another type of column group type to perform that operation.
public abstract class AMorphingMMColGroup extends AColGroupValue {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4265713396790607199L;
* A Abstract class for column groups that contain ADictionary for values.
* @param colIndices The Column indexes
* @param dict The dictionary to contain the distinct tuples
* @param cachedCounts The cached counts of the distinct tuples (can be null since it should be possible to
* reconstruct the counts on demand)
protected AMorphingMMColGroup(IColIndex colIndices, ADictionary dict, int[] cachedCounts) {
super(colIndices, dict, cachedCounts);
protected final void decompressToDenseBlockSparseDictionary(DenseBlock db, int rl, int ru, int offR, int offC,
SparseBlock sb) {
LOG.warn("Should never call decompress on morphing group instead extract common values and combine all commons");
double[] cv = new double[db.getDim(1)];
AColGroup b = extractCommon(cv);
b.decompressToDenseBlock(db, rl, ru, offR, offC);
decompressToDenseBlockCommonVector(db, rl, ru, offR, offC, cv);
protected final void decompressToDenseBlockDenseDictionary(DenseBlock db, int rl, int ru, int offR, int offC,
double[] values) {
LOG.warn("Should never call decompress on morphing group instead extract common values and combine all commons");
double[] cv = new double[db.getDim(1)];
AColGroup b = extractCommon(cv);
b.decompressToDenseBlock(db, rl, ru, offR, offC);
decompressToDenseBlockCommonVector(db, rl, ru, offR, offC, cv);
private final void decompressToDenseBlockCommonVector(DenseBlock db, int rl, int ru, int offR, int offC,
double[] common) {
for(int i = rl, offT = rl + offR; i < ru; i++, offT++) {
final double[] c = db.values(offT);
final int off = db.pos(offT) + offC;
for(int j = 0; j < _colIndexes.size(); j++)
c[off + _colIndexes.get(j)] += common[j];
protected final void decompressToSparseBlockSparseDictionary(SparseBlock ret, int rl, int ru, int offR, int offC,
SparseBlock sb) {
LOG.warn("Should never call decompress on morphing group instead extract common values and combine all commons");
double[] cv = new double[_colIndexes.get(_colIndexes.size() - 1) + 1];
AColGroup b = extractCommon(cv);
b.decompressToSparseBlock(ret, rl, ru, offR, offC);
decompressToSparseBlockCommonVector(ret, rl, ru, offR, offC, cv);
protected final void decompressToSparseBlockDenseDictionary(SparseBlock ret, int rl, int ru, int offR, int offC,
double[] values) {
LOG.warn("Should never call decompress on morphing group instead extract common values and combine all commons");
double[] cv = new double[_colIndexes.get(_colIndexes.size() - 1) + 1];
AColGroup b = extractCommon(cv);
b.decompressToSparseBlock(ret, rl, ru, offR, offC);
decompressToSparseBlockCommonVector(ret, rl, ru, offR, offC, cv);
private final void decompressToSparseBlockCommonVector(SparseBlock sb, int rl, int ru, int offR, int offC,
double[] common) {
final int nCol = _colIndexes.size();
for(int i = rl, offT = rl + offR; i < ru; i++, offT++) {
for(int j = 0; j < nCol; j++)
if(common[j] != 0)
sb.add(offT, _colIndexes.get(j) + offC, common[j]);
final SparseRow sr = sb.get(offT);
if(sr != null)
public final void leftMultByMatrixNoPreAgg(MatrixBlock matrix, MatrixBlock result, int rl, int ru, int cl, int cu) {
LOG.warn("Should never call leftMultByMatrixNoPreAgg on morphing group");
double[] cv = new double[result.getNumColumns()];
AColGroup b = extractCommon(cv);
b.leftMultByMatrixNoPreAgg(matrix, result, rl, ru, cl, cu);
final double[] rowSum = (cl != 0 || cu != matrix.getNumColumns()) ? // do partial row sum if range is requested
CLALibLeftMultBy.rowSum(matrix, rl, ru, cl, cu) : // partial row sum
matrix.rowSum().getDenseBlockValues(); // full row sum
ColGroupUtils.outerProduct(rowSum, cv, result.getDenseBlockValues(), rl, ru);
public final void leftMultByAColGroup(AColGroup lhs, MatrixBlock result, int nRows) {
LOG.warn("Should never call leftMultByMatrixNoPreAgg on morphing group");
double[] cv = new double[result.getNumColumns()];
AColGroup b = extractCommon(cv);
b.leftMultByAColGroup(lhs, result, nRows);
double[] rowSum = new double[result.getNumRows()];
lhs.computeColSums(rowSum, nRows);
ColGroupUtils.outerProduct(rowSum, cv, result.getDenseBlockValues(), 0, result.getNumRows());
public final void tsmmAColGroup(AColGroup other, MatrixBlock result) {
throw new DMLCompressionException("Should not be called tsmm on morphing");
protected final void tsmm(double[] result, int numColumns, int nRows) {
LOG.warn("tsmm should not be called directly on a morphing column group");
final double[] cv = new double[numColumns];
AColGroupCompressed b = (AColGroupCompressed) extractCommon(cv);
b.tsmm(result, numColumns, nRows);
final double[] colSum = new double[numColumns];
b.computeColSums(colSum, nRows);
CLALibTSMM.addCorrectionLayer(cv, colSum, nRows, result);
protected IColIndex rightMMGetColsDense(double[] b, int nCols, IColIndex allCols, long nnz) {
return allCols;
protected IColIndex rightMMGetColsSparse(SparseBlock b, int nCols, IColIndex allCols) {
return allCols;
protected AColGroup allocateRightMultiplication(MatrixBlock right, IColIndex colIndexes, ADictionary preAgg) {
LOG.warn("right mm should not be called directly on a morphing column group");
final double[] common = getCommon();
final int rc = right.getNumColumns();
final double[] commonMultiplied = new double[rc];
final int lc = _colIndexes.size();
if(right.isInSparseFormat()) {
SparseBlock sb = right.getSparseBlock();
for(int r = 0; r < lc; r++) {
final int of = _colIndexes.get(r);
final int apos = sb.pos(of);
final int alen = sb.size(of) + apos;
final int[] aix = sb.indexes(of);
final double[] avals = sb.values(of);
final double v = common[r];
for(int j = apos; j < alen; j++)
commonMultiplied[aix[apos]] += v * avals[j];
else {
final double[] rV = right.getDenseBlockValues();
for(int r = 0; r < lc; r++) {
final int rOff = rc * _colIndexes.get(r);
final double v = common[r];
for(int c = 0; c < rc; c++)
commonMultiplied[c] += v * rV[rOff + c];
return allocateRightMultiplicationCommon(commonMultiplied, colIndexes, preAgg);
protected abstract AColGroup allocateRightMultiplicationCommon(double[] common, IColIndex colIndexes,
ADictionary preAgg);
/** extract common value from group and return non morphing group */
* extract common value from group and return non morphing group
* @param constV a vector to contain all values, note length = nCols in total matrix.
* @return A non morphing column group with decompression instructions.
public abstract AColGroup extractCommon(double[] constV);
* Get common vector, note this should not materialize anything but simply point to things that are already
* allocated.
* @return the common double vector
public abstract double[] getCommon();