blob: b3356db9da00cad2f389e9f5aff6d02087231ebd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.indexes.IColIndex;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.indexes.IColIndex.SliceResult;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.colgroup.scheme.ICLAScheme;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.cost.ComputationCostEstimator;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.estim.CompressedSizeInfoColGroup;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.estim.encoding.IEncode;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.compress.lib.CLALibCombineGroups;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.instructions.cp.CM_COV_Object;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.matrix.operators.AggregateUnaryOperator;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.matrix.operators.BinaryOperator;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.matrix.operators.CMOperator;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.matrix.operators.ScalarOperator;
import org.apache.sysds.runtime.matrix.operators.UnaryOperator;
* Abstract Class that is the lowest class type for the Compression framework.
* AColGroup store information about a number of columns.
public abstract class AColGroup implements Serializable {
protected static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(AColGroup.class.getName());
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1318908671481L;
/** Public super types of compression ColGroups supported */
public static enum CompressionType {
public boolean isDense() {
return this == DDC || this == CONST || this == DDCFOR || this == DDCFOR;
public boolean isConst() {
return this == CONST || this == EMPTY;
public boolean isSDC() {
return this == SDC;
* Concrete ColGroupType
* Protected such that outside the ColGroup package it should be unknown which specific subtype is used.
protected static enum ColGroupType {
/** The ColGroup indexes contained in the ColGroup */
protected final IColIndex _colIndexes;
* Main constructor.
* @param colIndices offsets of the columns in the matrix block that make up the group
protected AColGroup(IColIndex colIndices) {
_colIndexes = colIndices;
* Obtain the offsets of the columns in the matrix block that make up the group
* @return offsets of the columns in the matrix block that make up the group
public final IColIndex getColIndices() {
return _colIndexes;
* Obtain the number of columns in this column group.
* @return number of columns in this column group
public final int getNumCols() {
return _colIndexes.size();
* Shift all column indexes contained by an offset.
* This is used for rbind to combine compressed matrices.
* Since column indexes are reused between operations, we allocate a new list here to be safe
* @param offset The offset to move all columns
* @return A new column group object with the shifted columns
public final AColGroup shiftColIndices(int offset) {
return copyAndSet(_colIndexes.shift(offset));
* Copy the content of the column group with pointers to the previous content but with new column given Note this
* method does not verify if the colIndexes specified are valid and correct dimensions for the underlying column
* groups.
* @param colIndexes the new indexes to use in the copy
* @return a new object with pointers to underlying data.
public abstract AColGroup copyAndSet(IColIndex colIndexes);
* Get the upper bound estimate of in memory allocation for the column group.
* @return an upper bound on the number of bytes used to store this ColGroup in memory.
public long estimateInMemorySize() {
long size = 16; // object header
size += _colIndexes.estimateInMemorySize();
return size;
* Decompress a range of rows into a sparse block
* Note that this is using append, so the sparse column indexes need to be sorted afterwards.
* @param sb Sparse Target block
* @param rl Row to start at
* @param ru Row to end at
public final void decompressToSparseBlock(SparseBlock sb, int rl, int ru) {
decompressToSparseBlock(sb, rl, ru, 0, 0);
* Decompress a range of rows into a dense block
* @param db Sparse Target block
* @param rl Row to start at
* @param ru Row to end at
public final void decompressToDenseBlock(DenseBlock db, int rl, int ru) {
decompressToDenseBlock(db, rl, ru, 0, 0);
* Serializes column group to data output.
* @param out data output
* @throws IOException if IOException occurs
protected void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
* Returns the exact serialized size of column group. This can be used for example for buffer preallocation.
* @return exact serialized size for column group
public long getExactSizeOnDisk() {
long ret = 0;
ret += 1; // type info (colGroup ordinal)
ret += _colIndexes.getExactSizeOnDisk();
return ret;
* Slice out the columns within the range of cl and cu to remove the dictionary values related to these columns. If
* the ColGroup slicing from does not contain any columns within the range null is returned.
* @param cl The lower bound of the columns to select
* @param cu The upper bound of the columns to select (not inclusive).
* @return A cloned Column Group, with a copied pointer to the old column groups index structure, but reduced
* dictionary and _columnIndexes correctly aligned with the expected sliced compressed matrix.
public final AColGroup sliceColumns(int cl, int cu) {
AColGroup ret = (cu - cl == 1) ? sliceColumn(cl) : sliceMultiColumns(cl, cu);
return ret;
* Slice out a single column from the column group.
* @param col The column to slice, the column could potentially not be inside the column group
* @return A new column group that is a single column, if the column requested is not in this column group null is
* returned.
public final AColGroup sliceColumn(int col) {
int idx = _colIndexes.findIndex(col);
if(idx >= 0)
return sliceSingleColumn(idx);
return null;
* Slice out multiple columns within the interval between the given indexes.
* @param cl The lower column index to slice from
* @param cu The upper column index to slice to, (not included)
* @return A column group of this containing the columns specified, returns null if the columns specified is not
* contained in the column group
protected final AColGroup sliceMultiColumns(int cl, int cu) {
SliceResult sr = _colIndexes.slice(cl, cu);
if(sr.ret != null)
return sliceMultiColumns(sr.idStart, sr.idEnd, sr.ret);
return null;
* Compute the column sum of the given list of groups
* @param groups The Groups to sum
* @param res The result to put the values into
* @param nRows The number of rows in the groups
* @return The given res list, where the sum of the column groups is added
public static double[] colSum(Collection<AColGroup> groups, double[] res, int nRows) {
for(AColGroup g : groups)
g.computeColSums(res, nRows);
return res;
* Get the value at a global row/column position.
* In general this performs since a binary search of colIndexes is performed for each lookup.
* @param r row
* @param c column
* @return value at the row/column position
public double get(int r, int c) {
final int colIdx = _colIndexes.findIndex(c);
if(colIdx < 0)
return 0;
return getIdx(r, colIdx);
* Get the value at a colGroup specific row/column index position.
* @param r row
* @param colIdx column index in the _colIndexes.
* @return value at the row/column index position
public abstract double getIdx(int r, int colIdx);
* Obtain number of distinct tuples in contained sets of values associated with this column group.
* If the column group is uncompressed the number or rows is returned.
* @return the number of distinct sets of values associated with the bitmaps in this column group
public abstract int getNumValues();
* Obtain the compression type.
* @return How the elements of the column group are compressed.
public abstract CompressionType getCompType();
* Internally get the specific type of ColGroup, this could be extracted from the object but that does not allow for
* nice switches in the code.
* @return ColGroupType of the object.
protected abstract ColGroupType getColGroupType();
* Decompress into the DenseBlock. (no NNZ handling)
* @param db Target DenseBlock
* @param rl Row to start decompression from
* @param ru Row to end decompression at
* @param offR Row offset into the target to decompress
* @param offC Column offset into the target to decompress
public abstract void decompressToDenseBlock(DenseBlock db, int rl, int ru, int offR, int offC);
* Decompress into the SparseBlock. (no NNZ handling)
* Note this method is allowing to calls to append since it is assumed that the sparse column indexes are sorted
* afterwards
* @param sb Target SparseBlock
* @param rl Row to start decompression from
* @param ru Row to end decompression at
* @param offR Row offset into the target to decompress
* @param offC Column offset into the target to decompress
public abstract void decompressToSparseBlock(SparseBlock sb, int rl, int ru, int offR, int offC);
* Right matrix multiplication with this column group.
* This method can return null, meaning that the output overlapping group would have been empty.
* @param right The MatrixBlock on the right of this matrix multiplication
* @return The new Column Group or null that is the result of the matrix multiplication.
public final AColGroup rightMultByMatrix(MatrixBlock right) {
return rightMultByMatrix(right, null);
* Right matrix multiplication with this column group.
* This method can return null, meaning that the output overlapping group would have been empty.
* @param right The MatrixBlock on the right of this matrix multiplication
* @param allCols A pre-materialized list of all col indexes, that can be shared across all column groups if use
* full, can be set to null.
* @return The new Column Group or null that is the result of the matrix multiplication.
public abstract AColGroup rightMultByMatrix(MatrixBlock right, IColIndex allCols);
* Do a transposed self matrix multiplication on the left side t(x) %*% x. but only with this column group.
* This gives better performance since there is no need to iterate through all the rows of the matrix, but the
* execution can be limited to its number of distinct values.
* Note it only calculate the upper triangle
* @param ret The return matrix block [numColumns x numColumns]
* @param nRows The number of rows in the column group
public abstract void tsmm(MatrixBlock ret, int nRows);
* Left multiply with this column group.
* @param matrix The matrix to multiply with on the left
* @param result The result to output the values into, always dense for the purpose of the column groups
* parallelizing
* @param rl The row to begin the multiplication from on the lhs matrix
* @param ru The row to end the multiplication at on the lhs matrix
* @param cl The column to begin the multiplication from on the lhs matrix
* @param cu The column to end the multiplication at on the lhs matrix
public abstract void leftMultByMatrixNoPreAgg(MatrixBlock matrix, MatrixBlock result, int rl, int ru, int cl,
int cu);
* Left side matrix multiplication with a column group that is transposed.
* @param lhs The left hand side Column group to multiply with, the left hand side should be considered
* transposed. Also it should be guaranteed that this column group is not empty.
* @param result The result matrix to insert the result of the multiplication into
* @param nRows Number of rows in the lhs colGroup
public abstract void leftMultByAColGroup(AColGroup lhs, MatrixBlock result, int nRows);
* Matrix multiply with this other column group, but:
* 1. Only output upper triangle values.
* 2. Multiply both ways with "this" being on the left and on the right.
* It should be guaranteed that the input is not the same as the caller of the method.
* The second step is achievable by treating the initial multiplied matrix, and adding its values to the correct
* locations in the output.
* @param other The other Column group to multiply with
* @param result The result matrix to put the results into
public abstract void tsmmAColGroup(AColGroup other, MatrixBlock result);
* Perform the specified scalar operation directly on the compressed column group, without decompressing individual
* cells if possible.
* @param op operation to perform
* @return version of this column group with the operation applied
public abstract AColGroup scalarOperation(ScalarOperator op);
* Perform a binary row operation.
* @param op The operation to execute
* @param v The vector of values to apply, should be same length as dictionary length.
* @param isRowSafe True if the binary op is applied to an entire zero row and all results are zero
* @return A updated column group with the new values.
public abstract AColGroup binaryRowOpLeft(BinaryOperator op, double[] v, boolean isRowSafe);
* Perform a binary row operation.
* @param op The operation to execute
* @param v The vector of values to apply, should be same length as dictionary length.
* @param isRowSafe True if the binary op is applied to an entire zero row and all results are zero
* @return A updated column group with the new values.
public abstract AColGroup binaryRowOpRight(BinaryOperator op, double[] v, boolean isRowSafe);
* Unary Aggregate operator, since aggregate operators require new object output, the output becomes an uncompressed
* matrix.
* The range of rl to ru only applies to row aggregates. (ReduceCol)
* @param op The operator used
* @param c The output matrix block
* @param nRows The total number of rows in the Column Group
* @param rl The starting row to do aggregation from
* @param ru The last row to do aggregation to (not included)
public abstract void unaryAggregateOperations(AggregateUnaryOperator op, double[] c, int nRows, int rl, int ru);
* Slice out column at specific index of this column group.
* It is guaranteed that the column to slice is contained in this columnGroup.
* @param idx The column index to slice out.
* @return A new column group containing the columns inside. (never null)
protected abstract AColGroup sliceSingleColumn(int idx);
* Slice range of columns inside this column group.
* It is guaranteed that the columns to slice is contained in this columnGroup.
* @param idStart The column index to start at
* @param idEnd The column index to end at (not included)
* @param outputCols The output columns to extract materialized for ease of implementation
* @return The sliced ColGroup from this. (never null)
protected abstract AColGroup sliceMultiColumns(int idStart, int idEnd, IColIndex outputCols);
* Slice range of rows out of the column group and return a new column group only containing the row segment.
* Note that this slice should maintain pointers back to the original dictionaries and only modify index structures.
* @param rl The row to start at
* @param ru The row to end at (not included)
* @return A new column group containing the specified row range.
public abstract AColGroup sliceRows(int rl, int ru);
* Short hand method for getting minimum value contained in this column group.
* @return The minimum value contained in this ColumnGroup
public abstract double getMin();
* Short hand method for getting maximum value contained in this column group.
* @return The maximum value contained in this ColumnGroup
public abstract double getMax();
* Short hand method for getting the sum of this column group
* @param nRows The number of rows in the column group
* @return The sum of this column group
public abstract double getSum(int nRows);
* Detect if the column group contains a specific value.
* @param pattern The value to look for.
* @return boolean saying true if the value is contained.
public abstract boolean containsValue(double pattern);
* Get the number of nonZeros contained in this column group.
* @param nRows The number of rows in the column group, this is used for groups that does not contain information
* about how many rows they have.
* @return The nnz.
public abstract long getNumberNonZeros(int nRows);
* Make a copy of the column group values, and replace all values that match pattern with replacement value.
* @param pattern The value to look for
* @param replace The value to replace the other value with
* @return A new Column Group, reusing the index structure but with new values.
public abstract AColGroup replace(double pattern, double replace);
* Compute the column sum
* @param c The array to add the column sum to.
* @param nRows The number of rows in the column group.
public abstract void computeColSums(double[] c, int nRows);
* Central Moment instruction executed on a column group.
* @param op The Operator to use.
* @param nRows The number of rows contained in the ColumnGroup.
* @return A Central Moment object.
public abstract CM_COV_Object centralMoment(CMOperator op, int nRows);
* Expand the column group to multiple columns. (one hot encode the column group)
* @param max The number of columns to expand to and cutoff values at.
* @param ignore If zero and negative values should be ignored.
* @param cast If the double values contained should be cast to whole numbers.
* @param nRows The number of rows in the column group.
* @return A new column group containing max number of columns.
public abstract AColGroup rexpandCols(int max, boolean ignore, boolean cast, int nRows);
* Get the computation cost associated with this column group.
* @param e The computation cost estimator
* @param nRows the number of rows in the column group
* @return The cost of this column group
public abstract double getCost(ComputationCostEstimator e, int nRows);
* Perform unary operation on the column group and return a new column group
* @param op The operation to perform
* @return The new column group
public abstract AColGroup unaryOperation(UnaryOperator op);
* Get if the group is only containing zero
* @return true if empty
public abstract boolean isEmpty();
* Append the other column group to this column group. This method tries to combine them to return a new column group
* containing both. In some cases it is possible in reasonable time, in others it is not.
* The result is first this column group followed by the other column group in higher row values.
* If it is not possible or very inefficient null is returned.
* @param g The other column group
* @return A combined column group or null
public abstract AColGroup append(AColGroup g);
* Append all column groups in the list provided together in one go allocating the output once.
* If it is not possible or very inefficient null is returned.
* @param groups The groups to combine.
* @return A combined column group or null
public static AColGroup appendN(AColGroup[] groups) {
return groups[0].appendNInternal(groups);
* Append all column groups in the list provided together with this.
* A Important detail is the first entry in the group == this, and should not be appended twice.
* If it is not possible or very inefficient null is returned.
* @param groups The groups to combine.
* @return A combined column group or null
protected abstract AColGroup appendNInternal(AColGroup[] groups);
* Get the compression scheme for this column group to enable compression of other data.
* @return The compression scheme of this column group
public abstract ICLAScheme getCompressionScheme();
* Clear variables that can be recomputed from the allocation of this column group.
public void clear() {
// do nothing
* Recompress this column group into a new column group.
* @return A new or the same column group depending on optimization goal.
public abstract AColGroup recompress();
* Recompress this column group into a new column group of the given type.
* @param ct The compressionType that the column group should morph into
* @return A new column group
public AColGroup morph(CompressionType ct) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
* Get the compression info for this column group.
* @param nRow The number of rows in this column group.
* @return The compression info for this group.
public abstract CompressedSizeInfoColGroup getCompressionInfo(int nRow);
* Combine this column group with another
* @param other The other column group to combine with.
* @return A combined representation as a column group.
public AColGroup combine(AColGroup other) {
return CLALibCombineGroups.combine(this, other);
* Get encoding of this column group.
* @return The encoding of the index structure.
public IEncode getEncoding() {
throw new NotImplementedException();
public AColGroup sortColumnIndexes() {
return this;
else {
int[] reorderingIndex = _colIndexes.getReorderingIndex();
IColIndex ni = _colIndexes.sort();
return fixColIndexes(ni, reorderingIndex);
protected abstract AColGroup fixColIndexes(IColIndex newColIndex, int[] reordering);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(String.format("%15s", "Type: "));
sb.append(String.format("\n%15s", "Columns: "));
return sb.toString();