blob: c8eeb73924fc7cf9aa89fc6cf7fb7e1e3bbdef3b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Validate a configuration property or framework property
public class PropertyValidator {
private boolean liveValues = false;
* Are live values validated?
* @return {@code true} if live values are validated
* @since 1.4
public boolean isLiveValues() {
return liveValues;
* Set whether live values are validated.
* @param value Flag for validating live values
* @since 1.4
public void setLiveValues(final boolean value) {
this.liveValues = value;
* Validate the value against the property definition
* @param value The value to validate
* @param desc The property description
* @return A property validation result
public PropertyValidationResult validate(final Object value, final PropertyDescription desc) {
return this.validate(value, desc, Mode.STRICT);
* Validate the value against the property definition
* @param value The value to validate
* @param desc The property description
* @param mode Optional validation mode - this mode is used if the description does not define a mode. Defaults to {@link Mode#STRICT}.
* @return A property validation result
* @since 1.2.0
public PropertyValidationResult validate(final Object value, final PropertyDescription desc, final Mode mode) {
final Context context = new Context();
context.description = desc;
context.validationMode = desc.getMode() != null ? desc.getMode() : (mode != null ? mode : Mode.STRICT);
if ( value == null ) {
if ( desc.isRequired() ) {
setResult(context, desc, "No value provided");
} else {
final List<Object> values;
if ( value.getClass().isArray() ) {
// array
values = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i=0;i<Array.getLength(value);i++) {
values.add(Array.get(value, i));
} else if ( value instanceof Collection ) {
// collection
values = new ArrayList<>();
final Collection<?> c = (Collection<?>)value;
for(final Object o : c) {
} else {
// single value
values = null;
validateValue(context, desc, value);
if ( values != null ) {
// array or collection
for(final Object val : values) {
validateValue(context, desc, val);
validateList(context, desc, values);
if ( desc.getDeprecated() != null ) {
setResult(context.result, null, Mode.LENIENT, desc, desc.getDeprecated());
return context.result;
void setResult(final Context context, final DescribableEntity desc, final String msg) {
setResult(context.result, context.description.getDefaultValue(), context.validationMode, desc, msg);
static void setResult(final PropertyValidationResult result, final Object defaultValue, final Mode validationMode,
final DescribableEntity desc, final String msg) {
// set postfix to the message if since or enforce-on are set
String postfixMsg = "";
if ( desc != null && desc.getSince() != null ) {
postfixMsg = postfixMsg.concat(". Since : ").concat(desc.getSince());
if ( desc != null && desc.getEnforceOn() != null ) {
postfixMsg = postfixMsg.concat(". Enforced on : ").concat(desc.getEnforceOn());
String finalMsg = msg + postfixMsg;
if ( validationMode == Mode.STRICT ) {
} else if ( validationMode == Mode.LENIENT || validationMode == Mode.DEFINITIVE ) {
if ( validationMode == Mode.DEFINITIVE || validationMode == Mode.SILENT_DEFINITIVE ) {
* Validate a multi value
* @param context The current context
* @param desc describable entity
* @param values The values
void validateList(final Context context, final DescribableEntity desc, final List<Object> values) {
if ( context.description.getCardinality() > 0 && values.size() > context.description.getCardinality() ) {
setResult(context, desc, "Array/collection contains too many elements, only " + context.description.getCardinality() +
" allowed");
if ( context.description.getIncludes() != null ) {
for(final String inc : context.description.getIncludes()) {
boolean found = false;
for(final Object val : values) {
if ( inc.equals(val.toString())) {
found = true;
if ( !found ) {
setResult(context, desc, "Required included value " + inc + " not found");
if ( context.result.isUseDefaultValue() ) {
context.result.setUseIncludesAndExcludes(context.description.getIncludes(), context.description.getExcludes());
if ( context.description.getExcludes() != null ) {
for(final String exc : context.description.getExcludes()) {
boolean found = false;
for(final Object val : values) {
if ( exc.equals(val.toString())) {
found = true;
if ( found ) {
setResult(context, desc, "Not allowed excluded value " + exc + " found");
if ( context.result.isUseDefaultValue() ) {
context.result.setUseIncludesAndExcludes(context.description.getIncludes(), context.description.getExcludes());
private static final List<String> PLACEHOLDERS = Arrays.asList("$[env:", "$[secret:", "$[prop:");
void validateValue(final Context context, final PropertyDescription desc, final Object value) {
if ( value != null ) {
// check for placeholder
boolean hasPlaceholder = false;
if ( value instanceof String ) {
final String strVal = (String)value;
for(final String p : PLACEHOLDERS) {
if ( strVal.contains(p) ) {
hasPlaceholder = true;
if ( !hasPlaceholder ) {
switch ( context.description.getType() ) {
case BOOLEAN : validateBoolean(context, desc, value);
case BYTE : validateByte(context, desc, value);
case CHARACTER : validateCharacter(context, desc, value);
case DOUBLE : validateDouble(context, desc, value);
case FLOAT : validateFloat(context, desc, value);
case INTEGER : validateInteger(context, desc, value);
case LONG : validateLong(context, desc, value);
case SHORT : validateShort(context, desc, value);
case STRING : validateRequired(context, desc, value);
case EMAIL : validateEmail(context, desc, value);
case PASSWORD : validatePassword(context, desc, value, false);
case URL : validateURL(context, desc, value);
case PATH : validatePath(context, desc, value);
default : context.result.getErrors().add("Unable to validate value - unknown property type : " + context.description.getType());
validateRegex(context, desc, context.description.getRegexPattern(), value);
validateOptions(context, desc, value);
if ( context.description.getType() != PropertyType.PASSWORD ) {
validatePlaceholderPolicy(context, desc, value, false);
} else {
// placeholder is present
if ( context.description.getType() == PropertyType.PASSWORD ) {
validatePassword(context, desc, value, true);
} else if ( context.description.getType() == PropertyType.STRING ) {
validateRegex(context, desc, context.description.getPlaceholderRegexPattern(), value);
// we mark the result as skipped if a regex or options are set or if a value is marked as required.
if ( context.description.getRegex() != null || context.description.getOptions() != null || context.description.isRequired() ) {
} else {
if ( context.description.getType() != PropertyType.PASSWORD ) {
validatePlaceholderPolicy(context, desc, value, true);
} else {
setResult(context, desc, "Null value provided for validation");
void validateRequired(final Context context, final DescribableEntity desc, final Object value) {
if ( context.description.isRequired() ) {
final String val = value.toString();
if ( val.isEmpty() ) {
setResult(context, desc, "Value is required");
void validateBoolean(final Context context, final DescribableEntity desc, final Object value) {
if ( ! (value instanceof Boolean) ) {
if ( value instanceof String ) {
final String v = (String)value;
if ( ! v.equalsIgnoreCase("true") && !v.equalsIgnoreCase("false") ) {
setResult(context, desc, "Boolean value must either be true or false, but not " + value);
} else {
setResult(context, desc, "Boolean value must either be of type Boolean or String : " + value);
void validateByte(final Context context, final DescribableEntity desc, final Object value) {
if ( ! (value instanceof Byte) ) {
if ( value instanceof String ) {
final String v = (String)value;
try {
validateRange(context, desc, Byte.valueOf(v));
} catch ( final NumberFormatException nfe ) {
setResult(context, desc,"Value is not a valid Byte : " + value);
} else if ( value instanceof Number ) {
validateRange(context, desc, ((Number)value).byteValue());
} else {
setResult(context, desc, "Byte value must either be of type Byte or String : " + value);
} else {
validateRange(context, desc, (Byte)value);
void validateShort(final Context context, final DescribableEntity desc, final Object value) {
if ( ! (value instanceof Short) ) {
if ( value instanceof String ) {
final String v = (String)value;
try {
validateRange(context, desc, Short.valueOf(v));
} catch ( final NumberFormatException nfe ) {
setResult(context, desc, "Value is not a valid Short : " + value);
} else if ( value instanceof Number ) {
validateRange(context, desc, ((Number)value).shortValue());
} else {
setResult(context, desc, "Short value must either be of type Short or String : " + value);
} else {
validateRange(context, desc, (Short)value);
void validateInteger(final Context context, final DescribableEntity desc, final Object value) {
if ( ! (value instanceof Integer) ) {
if ( value instanceof String ) {
final String v = (String)value;
try {
validateRange(context, desc, Integer.valueOf(v));
} catch ( final NumberFormatException nfe ) {
setResult(context, desc, "Value is not a valid Integer : " + value);
} else if ( value instanceof Number ) {
validateRange(context, desc, ((Number)value).intValue());
} else {
setResult(context, desc, "Integer value must either be of type Integer or String : " + value);
} else {
validateRange(context, desc, (Integer)value);
void validateLong(final Context context, final DescribableEntity desc, final Object value) {
if ( ! (value instanceof Long) ) {
if ( value instanceof String ) {
final String v = (String)value;
try {
validateRange(context, desc, Long.valueOf(v));
} catch ( final NumberFormatException nfe ) {
setResult(context, desc, "Value is not a valid Long : " + value);
} else if ( value instanceof Number ) {
validateRange(context, desc, ((Number)value).longValue());
} else {
setResult(context, desc, "Long value must either be of type Long or String : " + value);
} else {
validateRange(context, desc, (Long)value);
void validateFloat(final Context context, final DescribableEntity desc, final Object value) {
if ( ! (value instanceof Float) ) {
if ( value instanceof String ) {
final String v = (String)value;
try {
validateRange(context, desc, Float.valueOf(v));
} catch ( final NumberFormatException nfe ) {
setResult(context, desc, "Value is not a valid Float : " + value);
} else if ( value instanceof Number ) {
validateRange(context, desc, ((Number)value).floatValue());
} else {
setResult(context, desc, "Float value must either be of type Float or String : " + value);
} else {
validateRange(context, desc, (Float)value);
void validateDouble(final Context context, final DescribableEntity desc, final Object value) {
if ( ! (value instanceof Double) ) {
if ( value instanceof String ) {
final String v = (String)value;
try {
validateRange(context, desc, Double.valueOf(v));
} catch ( final NumberFormatException nfe ) {
setResult(context, desc, "Value is not a valid Double : " + value);
} else if ( value instanceof Number ) {
validateRange(context, desc, ((Number)value).doubleValue());
} else {
setResult(context, desc, "Double value must either be of type Double or String : " + value);
} else {
validateRange(context, desc, (Double)value);
void validateCharacter(final Context context, final DescribableEntity desc, final Object value) {
if ( ! (value instanceof Character) ) {
if ( value instanceof String ) {
final String v = (String)value;
if ( v.length() > 1 ) {
setResult(context, desc, "Value is not a valid Character : " + value);
} else {
setResult(context, desc,"Character value must either be of type Character or String : " + value);
void validateURL(final Context context, final DescribableEntity desc, final Object value) {
final String val = value.toString();
try {
new URL(val);
} catch ( final MalformedURLException mue) {
setResult(context, desc, "Value is not a valid URL : " + val);
void validateEmail(final Context context, final DescribableEntity desc, final Object value) {
final String val = value.toString();
// poor man's validation (should probably use InternetAddress)
if ( !val.contains("@") ) {
setResult(context, desc, "Not a valid email address " + val);
void validatePassword(final Context context, final DescribableEntity desc, final Object value,
final boolean hasPlaceholder) {
if ( !this.isLiveValues() && !hasPlaceholder && context.description.getPlaceholderPolicy() != PlaceholderPolicy.DENY ) {
setResult(context, desc, "Value for a password must use a placeholder");
void validatePath(final Context context, final DescribableEntity desc, final Object value) {
final String val = value.toString();
// poor man's validation
if ( !val.startsWith("/") ) {
setResult(context, desc, "Not a valid path " + val);
void validateRange(final Context context, final DescribableEntity desc, final Number value) {
if ( context.description.getRange() != null ) {
if ( context.description.getRange().getMin() != null ) {
if ( value instanceof Float || value instanceof Double ) {
final double min = context.description.getRange().getMin().doubleValue();
if ( value.doubleValue() < min ) {
setResult(context, desc, "Value " + value + " is too low; should not be lower than " + context.description.getRange().getMin());
} else {
final long min = context.description.getRange().getMin().longValue();
if ( value.longValue() < min ) {
setResult(context, desc, "Value " + value + " is too low; should not be lower than " + context.description.getRange().getMin());
if ( context.description.getRange().getMax() != null ) {
if ( value instanceof Float || value instanceof Double ) {
final double max = context.description.getRange().getMax().doubleValue();
if ( value.doubleValue() > max ) {
setResult(context, desc, "Value " + value + " is too high; should not be higher than " + context.description.getRange().getMax());
} else {
final long max = context.description.getRange().getMax().longValue();
if ( value.longValue() > max ) {
setResult(context, desc, "Value " + value + " is too high; should not be higher than " + context.description.getRange().getMax());
void validateRegex(final Context context, final PropertyDescription desc, final Pattern pattern, final Object value) {
if ( pattern != null ) {
if ( !pattern.matcher(value.toString()).matches() ) {
if ( desc.getType() == PropertyType.PASSWORD ) {
setResult(context, desc, "Value does not match regex " + pattern.pattern());
} else {
setResult(context, desc, "Value " + value + " does not match regex " + pattern.pattern());
void validateOptions(final Context context, final PropertyDescription desc, final Object value) {
if ( context.description.getOptions() != null ) {
boolean found = false;
for(final Option opt : context.description.getOptions()) {
if ( opt.getValue().equals(value.toString() ) ) {
found = true;
if ( !found ) {
if ( desc.getType() == PropertyType.PASSWORD ) {
setResult(context, desc, "Value does not match provided options");
} else {
setResult(context, desc, "Value " + value + " does not match provided options");
void validatePlaceholderPolicy(final Context context, final DescribableEntity desc, final Object value,
final boolean hasPlaceholder) {
// only check policy if no live values
if ( !this.isLiveValues() ) {
// for policy default and allow nothing needs to be validated
if ( context.description.getPlaceholderPolicy() == PlaceholderPolicy.DENY && hasPlaceholder ) {
setResult(context, desc, "Placeholder in value is not allowed");
} else if ( context.description.getPlaceholderPolicy() == PlaceholderPolicy.REQUIRE && !hasPlaceholder ) {
setResult(context, desc, "Value must use a placeholder");
static final class Context {
public final PropertyValidationResult result = new PropertyValidationResult();
public PropertyDescription description;
public Mode validationMode;